2021.12.08 The Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance Created by James on 12/31/2021 12:02:50 PM What follows is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and that, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day.
2021.12.08 The Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
What follows is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and that, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day.
All the steps and the measures that follows are steps and measures that I have personally actively applied in my life over nearly 29 years and which I testify DO work:
- Deal with ALL sin
In this context note that a non-negotiable requirement for successfully serving the Almighty is to deal with ALL SIN in your life and energetically work to come to a point of living a life that is FREE of sin – that is the ONLY way you can serve the Almighty and walk in victory.The other option is to continue with your sin at such a level that the forces of darkness regard you as an ally and prosper you to let you think that you are going in the right direction.Problem then is what happens when you stand before the Throne of the Almighty Creator on the day of your death!
Note that IF you have just accepted Father for the first time you should immediately pray “Father, I ask you to fill me with your Spirit to assist me to serve you more effectively”, raise your hands to heaven and expect to receive, you should pray this daily and should sing worship songs that speak of being filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.See the collection of worship songs at https://www.ETIMin.org/some-powerful-worship-songs see also the detailed notes at https://www.ETIMin.org/recommended-worship-songs
- Rehearse the Covenant {Communion}
Once you have believed for the first time OR have now repented of your sin and error and taken a quality decision to serve the Almighty it is advisable to take note of the Covenant between Believers and the Almighty and to rehearse the terms of that Covenant.The most powerful covenant available, there are many, is the Covenant made by Yahooshua {you may know him as Jesus but you insult him grievously by using this pagan name} and, accordingly, I advise you to pray to be grafted into this covenant.
At the first possible opportunity obtain some red grape juice or red wine, preferably NOT carbonated.Also obtain some bread, preferably unleavened, some shops sell Jewish Matzos or you can purchase on Amazon, or a plain wheat biscuit or, failing that ordinary leavened bread.
Find yourself a quiet place and pray along the lines of:
“Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I recall that on the night that he was betrayed Yahooshua took the bread and broke it and gave it to his followers and said, ‘this is my body given for you, do this as often as you eat it in remembrance of me’. I ask that as I partake of this bread that I partake of ALL that it represents to you and that you will teach me what this means and what the Covenant entails” – take the bread, break it and eat it soberly and thoughtfully considering all your sins and wrong doing.
Then take a cup of the grape juice or wine and pray “Father, I recall that after supper Yahooshua took the cup and gave it to those who followed him and said ‘this is my blood shed for you and for many for forgiveness of sin, do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me’. I ask that as I partake of this cup that I partake of ALL that it represents to you and, in particular I ask that you forgive me ALL my sins -- all that I have done that I ought NOT to have done and all that I have NOT done that I ought to have done. I ask that where there is sin that I need to deal with specifically that you will bring it to my attention and guide me in dealing with it, I also ask that you will cover me with the blood of the covenant from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and also cover my dwelling and all that I own and have beneficial use of the with the blood of the covenant, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua, Amen”.
If as you are praying you become conscious of sin, immediately confess it and repent “Father I recall that I …, I now recognize that I have sinned, I deeply repent and ask you to forgive me” – if this is your first experience of this you could spend several hours repenting.Have a pen and notebook to hand so that you can make notes, you may find that you need to contact people to repent and ask forgiveness, restore things you have stolen, etc.When you have finished praying drink the grape juice or wine, dip your forefinger in the cup and apply a small amount to the back of your neck, your forehead, your tongue, your eyelids, the lobe of your right ear, the thumb of your right hand and the big toe of your right foot praying as you do so, “Father I ask you to seal my brain with the blood of the covenant, seal my tongue and all that I say, seal my eyes and all that I see, seal my ears and all that I hear, seal my right hand and all that I write and covenant and seal my right foot and guide me everywhere I walk”.
- Fasting
Fasting is an important way of drawing closer to Father Yah.It is also a discipline that many people discount or at least seriously under estimate.Fasting is a way of disciplining your worldly / fleshly self and opening yourself up to hearing more clearly from Father.Regular fasting is NON-NEGOTIABLE IF you truly desire to draw close to Father.
There are a diversity of fasts that are possible and, again, NO recipe – remember, each of us are unique and Father will meet each one of us where He deems most appropriate – so the fact that certain fasts work well for me does NOT mean that you have to use my model, allow Father to guide you to the form of fast that HE wants YOU to undertake right now.
I strongly recommend that IF you have just made a decision to serve Father you immediately embark on one or more significant fasts in order to get aligned with Him as quickly as possible.
Fasts can take various forms:
- Full day no food or water
- Three days no food, water only
- Seven days no food, water only
- 21 days no food, water only
- 40 days no food, water only
Note that under NO circumstances should you fast water for more than 24 hours and even then exercise caution.
In all cases as an option you can take bread and grape juice morning and evenings, necessary if you need to take medication – when doing this rehearse the covenant as above and pray your goals for the fast, you can do this even if you do NOT have to take medication.You can eat soup once or twice a day, you can eat fruit or vegetables only, no meat – with any of the above durations or any other duration that Father leads you to.I personally consider a three day water only fast as the minimum fast of any value.
Three days with a small amount of bread and grape juice morning and evening to rehears the covenant IS relatively easy for most people, beyond that seven days and more becomes challenging and can affect your health.ONLY undertake such a fast WHEN you are absolutely certain that Father is leading you to do this.
There are some that say it is NOT possible to enter into full time power ministry where one performs miracles and is deeply led by the Spirit of the Almighty without undergoing at least one forty day water only fast.I have NEVER done such a fast and I do NOT have such a ministry.Fact is that if one embarks on a forty day water only fast one is likely to spend the last two to four weeks in bed.
I have found a series of seven to nine three day fasts at weekly to ten day intervals highly beneficial and every time I have undertaken such a program of fasts I have received considerable new understanding and revelation and drawn significantly closer to Father.Such a program is easy to follow, has little impact on one’s health and allows one to keep working full days while on the program.I generally have an early supper on Thursday evening and fast through Friday, Saturday and Sunday breaking the fast with a late supper on Sunday night.I repeat this regime at weekly intervals for seven to nine weeks with minor adjustments.For example you might as a minimum fast for three days over Halloween see http://www.ETIMin.org/SatanicFeasts/Halloween.aspx, the most evil day of the year and Satan’s high feast.Also fast for three days over Christmas see https://www.ETIMin.org/evil-of-christmas, Satan’s most effective counterfeit holy day and over Easter see http://www.ETIMin.org/SatanicFeasts/Easter.aspx – both of these are pagan, that is Satanic, feasts which should NOT be observed in any shape or form by a truly committed Believer.A three day fast over New Year is also appropriate.
A stronger regime is three day water only fasts at seven day intervals commencing the 30th of October and ending the 1st of January so you address Halloween, Christmas and New Year.
There is more information on fasting at https://www.ETIMin.org/anointed-life/anointed-life-part-1/fasting
In the absence of clear guidance and assuming that you have just taken a solid decision to draw close to Father I advise you to embark on seven three day water only fasts with limited amounts of bread and grape juice morning and evenings coupled to rehearsing the covenant as set out above for seven weeks starting immediately.
- Cleansing
It is a harsh reality that the day a person chooses to serve the Almighty Creator they are grossly contaminated by the Satanic and Demonic Realm in which we operate by default.Contaminated by false beliefs, wrong life practices, spiritual defilement and, above all Demons.
Symbolism and metaphor
In considering what follows it is important to be aware that the spirit realm is highly influenced by symbolism and metaphor and therefore some of the procedures outlined below do NOT make sense from a physical world perspective but they DO work effectively in dealing with the Satanic and Demonic realm.
Be aware that there are all sorts of Demonic signs and marks in the spiritual realm that are NOT visible to us in the physical realm but which are seen by Demons and Satanic Messengers and some senior Satan Servants and some servants of Yah who have the gift of Discerning of Spirits.So, in a large measure the physical rites recommended below are directed at removing these marks and removing Demons and the legal rights for Demons to attach themselves.
Cleansing is in large measure about removing the legal rights for Demons to attach to you and influence you AND removing blockages to you hearing Father clearly.
Getting help with this
In years past there were anointed ministers who could assist with the casting out of Demons, the vast majority of these have been trapped by false doctrines and either neutralized totally or are in so much error that it is dangerous to associate with them because they may unintentionally leave you with stronger Demons than you started with.Accordingly you are probably going to have to undertake what is presented here largely on your own with the caveat that you should find someone who is reasonably strong to cover your back if you can.
To start pray “Father, if there is anyone who I can make contact with who can help me to get rid of Demons please lead me to them”, in this case it is particularly important that you pray this in your heart and be alert to meet such a person IF they are brought into your life. Do NOT pray this out loud and do NOT discuss it with anyone, the Satanic Realm will be quick to provide you with a counterfeit to trap you further. It may take some time before you come into contact with the person who is brought as an answer to your prayer IF there is indeed a suitable person available.
If you are unable to make contact with an experienced servant to help you and you do NOT have anyone to cover your back pray “Father, I intend to get rid of the Demons that are in my home / on my body (as applicable) and I have no one to cover my back, I ask you to cover my back”.
Note that IF you are a single woman you can turn to Father as your husband and ask Him to cover your back “Father I ask you to be my husband and to cover me, protect me and help provide for me” – this can be a life time prayer – you will still have to work to earn your living.
It is vital to understand that IF / ONCE you are FREE of sin then Demons cannot touch you.You can be carrying a pack of Demons but they cannot touch you and it is easy to get rid of them.Conversely, if you are NOT free of sin then getting rid of Demons is futile, they will come back at the first opportunity.
Demons are the spirits of dead unbelievers
Demons are the spirits of human beings who died without believing in the Almighty Creator.On death they are taken to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and told that this will be their destination in the event that Satan loses the Contest and they are then taken to Heaven and shown where they would have ended up if they had believed.They are also taken for an initial induction course in which the Rules of Engagement are explained and any initial assignments given to them including mustering them into a particular Satanic Principality which provides their overall chain of command.
In particular it is explained to them that IF they are obedient and diligent in their work as Demons they may progress through the hierarchy.Conversely IF they step out of line they will be subject to harsh discipline and torture.They are then returned to their corpse and, depending on circumstances, may remain with their mortal remains as they decay in a remote location, at the bottom of the sea, on the body of a predator or collected by a Witch or Satanist in a hospital, Funeral Parlour, Crematorium, etc.In the latter cases the Satan servant who collects them will assign them to a new host, such as to a believer under anesthetic in a hospital and, with this may come an assignment to specific duties.
All human beings who have NOT undergone a rigorous process of cleansing ARE carrying Demons.There are over 100 billion Demons on earth – that is over 100 billion human beings who have died without knowing the Almighty Creator and more are being added every second, that gives around 14 Demons to every human being.However, the number of Demons on human beings in communities where there is NO service of the Almighty is relatively fewer than occur where there IS service to the Almighty.
The majority of Believers and the children of Believers generally carry a much greater numbers of Demons than unbelievers in communities where there is little likelihood of exposure to the Almighty.The primary goal of Demons is to prevent people believing in the Almighty so that they also end up as Ancestor Spirits (Demons) and, when they DO believe, to keep them in such bondage to sin that they are ineffective in serving the Almighty.
Much of this activity relates to leading Believers into the multiplicity of lies that pervade the Christian Church, the Moslem community and the Jewish community.Fundamentally, if there is NO human being on earth around May 3003 who is free of sin and effectively serving the Almighty then Satan wins the Contest see https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-rules-of-engagement-contest and Father Yah withdraws from Earth leaving Satan to rule.In reality it is a Phyrric victory because once Yah withdraws ALL plant and animal life and all human life will immediately die and Satan will be left to rule a desolate planet with billions of Demons with no transport and a smaller number of Demons transported by Satanic Messengers {Satanic Angels}.These Messengers will primarily transport the leaders (Masterminds) of the Satanic kingdom.Expect ongoing terrible battles that exceed the worst excesses of anything seen on Television or the Movies.
Thus, paradoxically the more intensely a person is seeking to serve Yah the greater number of Demons will be assigned to them unless they clean up their act to a point where there is NO LONGER a legal right for Demons to attach to them and the Demons are forced to leave through appropriate prayer.
People who have been strongly serving Satan will ALSO have large numbers of Demons, in that case largely by invitation -- senior Satan servants invite Demons to come and dwell IN them, that is Demon POSSESSION as opposed to dwelling on them, which is Demon oppression.Such indwelling Demons counterfeit the indwelling of the set-apart {holy} Spirit of the Almighty Creator in Believers and give such people great powers.If you are such a person and have chosen to serve the Almighty Creator you will need to take the measures given here with regard to cleansing to extreme lengths.
About cleansing
At this point my focus is on the vast majority of people who have either been unbelievers in mainstream society or who have been nominal Believers but doing little of substance.In both cases I advocate the same cleansing with the exception that the new believer has seven days of grace in which to undertake these measures at an extreme level.
As in all that is written here, what is contained in this document is a guide only, DO what you find to do, what Father leads you to do.
Some of what follows may strike the average Western citizen as strange and even unacceptable, if that is the case for you I suggest you park it and move on.However, IF you have got a revelation of the level of your sin, of the desperate fate that awaits you if you do NOT clean up your act and the HUGE REWARD that awaits you if you DO clean up your act then I encourage you to GO FOR IT full out.I am NOT advocating anything that I have NOT done myself.To the extent that some of what is presented here IS extreme and WILL attract adverse comment you may want to back off some of the components, that is UP to you, the MORE you are willing to acknowledge your belief and trust in the Almighty Creator in public the greater your standing with Him.That said, pretty much all that is described here can be done in private and NOT shared with many other people except those who live in the same dwelling.
In the extreme case, where you desire to really clean up your act and have made a REALLY solid commitment to Father you could do the following:
- Commence a seven day water only fast – pray morning and evening “Father, I ask you to help me during this fast, help me to hear you more clearly, show me ALL that you want me to get rid of in my life, show me ALL sin that you want me to deal with, show me ALL change that you want me to make, help me to draw much closer to you during this fast, please fill me with your Spirit day by day and give me utterance in prayer such that YOUR will is done in my life”;
- Shave your entire body except your eyebrows if you are a man and except your eyebrows and head if you are woman – pray as you shave “Father I ask you that as I shave myself you will cut off ALL defilement, ALL Satanic and Demonic assignments and connections and any other Satanic ties that exist”, pass the razor over every part of your body including the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. If you are NOT prepared to physically shave you can pass a razor over every part of your body WITHOUT cutting hair and pray the same prayer, it will be less effective but is better than doing nothing.
Sexual promiscuity
If you have been involved in multiple sexual relationships with people who are no longer part of your life it is important that you at least shave your sexual organs and focus on cutting off all adulterous ties – this is a complex subject in its own right, see the document on the Virgin’s Covenant see https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-virgins-covenant and also the document on separation of a man and woman who were in sexual union at https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-separation-man-womanfor guidance on how to deal with the spiritual consequences of multiple sexual partners who are no longer resident with you.
Generally you will need to pray to cut off the one-flesh bonds on a case by case basis.
Note that it is possible for a man to have a virgin’s covenant with more than one woman in which case Father expects that man to take responsibility for ALL the women involved and Father may NOT grant their petition to cut ties.
Tattoos and Piercings
If you have tattoos or piercings you have blood covenants with the person or people who made the tattoo or piercing and there may well be curses and Demons associated with those items.Conventional single ear piercings are acceptable but may still have curses or Demons associated with them, less conventional piercings are likely to be more problematic.
If you have tattoos or piercings and realize you are in error pray “Father I repent of having this tattoo / piercing cut into my flesh, I ask you to cut off all blood covenants that have come into existence and to remove any Demons that are associated with it / them” – if there are a large number you may need to deal with each tattoo or piercing one at a time.
If you have been more heavily involved in Satanism and have pins and other artefacts embedded in your flesh pray the same and be aware that there are heavy curses and Demons associated with these artefacts – there are probably vows that you took that need to be renounced before Demons will leave – pray “Father I repent of all vows that I have made associated with these pins / other artefacts and I renounce all vows that I made associated with these items, I ask you to forgive me and to cast out all Demons associated with these vows and artefacts in the name of Yahooshua”.You may need to pray this multiple times on a case by case basis with more information about the items and the vows.
In such cases it is NOT over till it is over and you have dealt with every tattoo and every piercing and Father has shown you that every curse has been cut off and every Demon cast out.
You will need to repeat this entire process several times if you have been heavily involved in Satanism, Witchcraft or similar – the curses and Demonic assignments interact and build on one another so you need to remove them a layer at a time, you also need to improve your level of knowledge of the matters of the Creator so that you can deal with deeper seated sin that you are NOT currently aware of – there is a huge amount on the website, I encourage you to dip in and read as you are lead, starting at the top of the menu.
- Take a cup of red grape juice or red wine, stand in a shower or bath, stand on a towel so that you do not slip, pray over the cup “Father, I ask that this grape juice / wine represent the blood of the covenant, as I anoint my body with it I pray that you will cleanse me of all defilement. I speak to all Demons that are attached to me and, as I anoint myself with the blood of the covenant I command all Demons that no longer have a legal right to be attached to me to leave in the name of Yahooshua. Father as I anoint myself I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers to bind and cast out and send where you want to go all Demons that no longer have a legal right to be attached to me and I ask you to show me what I need to do to remove the legal rights of those that remain. I ask you to cleanse me of ALL defilement”.
Note that Demons will ONLY leave once the legal right has been removed through repentance, restitution, etc – this is a process and will take time as in weeks, months or years – note that IF you are in the seven days of grace after first belief it is MUCH easier to clean up like this so IF you have just believed I encourage you to go at this fully.
Pour some grape juice or wine over your head and work it into your hair (if you have not shaved your head), progressively smear it all over your body, including IN your mouth, your ears and other apertures.Again, if you have been defiled sexually ensure that you fully cover your sexual organs.
- Take a cup of olive oil, stand in a shower or bath, particularly important to stand on an old towel so that you do not slip and have other old towels available to dry off afterwards. Pray along the lines of “Father, I ask that this oil will represent the anointing of your Spirit and that as I anoint myself with this oil that you will pour out your Spirit upon me and cleanse me of all defilement”. Anoint yourself as you did with the grape juice / wine.
I generally wash in a bath of warm water after I have done this unless I am in a position to remain with the oil on my body for a while.Note that the objective is NOT to coat yourself with oil, it is to use the oil as a metaphor for the Spirit of the Almighty and, as you Demonstrate your intention with the oil to receive anointing.Therefore it is acceptable to bathe after you have completed this process.
- The next step is to immerse yourself. If you have access to a swimming pool or other body of clean water this is the preferred option – you will need to bathe in warm water to remove the oil before you immerse in a public swimming pool. If you do NOT have access to a large body of water then immerse yourself in a bath tub filled as full as possible. You will probably have to immerse different parts of your body in a progression as, unless the bath is very large, or you are very small, you will NOT be able to fully immerse at one time.
Either way, immerse three times and pray as follows (one prayer with each immersion in sequence):
- “Father as I immerse myself I ask you to forgive me of all my sin and cleanse me from all defilement associated with my sin”;
- “Father as I immerse myself I ask you to immerse me in Your set-apart {holy} Spirit and to fill me with Your Spirit”;
- “Father as I immerse myself I ask you to immerse me into your Kingdom”;
As always pray whatever else you feel led to pray.
See the article Immersion for cleansing and infilling with the set-apart Spirit of Yah at http://www.ETIMin.org/AnointedLife/AnointedLifePart3/Immersion.aspx for more information.
- Either as part of the seven day program or as a distinct activity cleanse your dwelling as set out below.
- Either as part of the seven day program or as a distinct activity cleanse yourself in more detail with regard to Demons as set out below.
- Either as part of the seven day program or as a distinct activity do an in-depth audit of your life as set out below.
- Spend the seven days of the fast in prayer and study, do whatever you find to do. There are over 1,200 articles on the website http://www.ETIMin.org on a huge diversity of topics from which you will find answers to many questions. Some of these articles are highly inspired and anointed and some less so. Some of the older articles in particular contain significant error but Father has said that they should remain because there is truth amongst the error and it is up to each person to discern the truth for themselves. When you find something you do NOT agree with then pray about it and ask Father to show you the truth. He is the ONLY source of ALL TRUTH, see also the article “Seek Truth NOT Error” at http://www.ETIMin.org/SeekTruth/SeekTruthNOTError.aspx for more information – do NOT get stuck on my errors or what you perceive to be my errors, I do NOT claim to be without error and if I were to know my errors I would NOT have them J -- also note that older articles are generally more likely to have error than newer articles but even that cannot be guaranteed, note also that if I spent my time editing old articles to correct what I come to understand to be error I would not have time to write the new things that Father is giving me J
See particularly the “Essence of” series starting at the top of the Website Menu.
During this process of study and prayer, whether all day every day for seven days or a few hours as you have time do what you find to do in terms of repenting of sin, binding Demons and commanding them to leave you, phoning up people you have wronged, repenting and asking for forgiveness, returning items you have stolen, etc.Where you discover that you have virgins covenants in place read the documents on the Virgin’s Covenant at https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-virgins-covenant for guidance as well as the article on Separation of a man and woman who were in sexual union https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-separation-man-woman for guidance.
- On the seventh day after you commenced the above process shave again, anoint with grape juice or wine and olive oil again and immerse again.
- On the eighth day shave again, anoint with grape juice or wine and olive oil again and immerse again.
- If you do NOT have the resolve to anoint and immerse three times, at least do this once.
The Ten Commandments
A key element of the process of learning and cleansing set out above is that you come to understand accurately the Ten Commandments and deal with ALL components in terms of which you have been violating them.Note that in terms of modern Christian teaching and teaching by other major religions the true interpretation of these Commandments has become so masked that nearly all people are breaking nearly all of them most of the time.Following are the headlines, more detail on the website under the section on the Commandments at https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-regarding-commandments
The overarching Commandment is “love Yah the eternally self-existing your Mighty One with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength” followed by “love your neighbor as yourself”.Fundamentally, IF you do NOT believe in the Almighty at a deep level you are NOT in the game, you are serving Satan – note that serving Satan is the DEFAULT position – you are born without belief in the Almighty and are required to take a conscious and strong decision to serve Him.Until you do this you are serving Satan and belong to Satan.
Note also that children under the age of puberty take their standing from their father, so a Believing woman married to an unbelieving man causes her children to be unbelievers before they reach the age of majority unless they take a conscious decision themselves.If the father is a Believer they are classified as Believers up to the age of majority.It is a major mistake for a Believing woman to join herself to an unbelieving man!
Once a child passes puberty if they have NOT yet believed then they are unbelievers even if they were under the covering of their father up to that point.
The Commandments are as follows:
- “Yah the eternally self-existing, your Mighty One is ONE Mighty One you shall have NO other mighty ones beside Him” i.e. do NOT worship Jesus or Yahooshua, Mohammed, Buddha, etc;
- “No idols” includes NOT worshipping the Bible or giving the Bible any special place as well as NOT worshipping any artefacts like Buddha statues, etc;
- “Do NOT take the Name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain” includes NOT calling Yah “God” or “The LORD”, NOT calling “Yahooshua” “Jesus”, NOT having a “Yahoo.com” email address, NOT using the Afrikaans word “Ja” or the German “Jahwohl”, etc;
- “Keep the Sabbaths” includes observing the true seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath from sunrise Saturday to sunrise Sunday, observing Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the first and eighth days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Also includes NOT observing the Satanic feasts of Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Easter, Valentine’s Day, etc. The Qodesh Calendar from Qodesh books at http://qodesh.co.za is a useful source of the dates for these set-apart days. Alternatively you can use the Jewish dates;
- “Honor parents” includes obedience, NOT cursing, respect to parents, NOT shutting them up in old age homes and visiting them now and again when it suits you but rather having them live with you, etc. Note that IF you curse your mother or father you WILL die;
- “No murder” includes NOT using abortive contraceptives, NO abortion, NOT abolishing the death penalty for murder, etc;
- “No adultery” includes recognizing that sex with a virgin initiates a life time blood covenant, that there is NO such thing as sex before marriage -- sex IS marriage, a man can covenant with many women, sex with a woman who has a covenant with another man is adultery, etc.
- “No stealing” this includes the obvious forms of stealing as well as misrepresentation in sales discussions and sales material, over charging, etc – a significant amount of widely accepted commercial practice at some level violates this commandment.
In the life of Believers a widely perpetrated theft relates to teachings in churches that psychologically manipulate Believers into giving large sums of money to the church in question based on misappropriation of Bible verses to suggest that the Church is “The House of God” and that old commandments with regard to “tithing”, the giving of a tenth, relate to the modern church.This MIGHT be valid if the church was teaching all truth and actively pointing people towards Yah and NOT the Pastor or Priest but as an almost universal principle this is NOT so.
The church overall is in major error and is leading their followers into major error and Demons are rewarding the giving as part of a massive ploy to mislead Believers into serving Satan instead of Yah.This ploy is almost entirely successful.
- “No false witness or lying” this again has a bearing on advertising and marketing material as well as a huge bearing on the Church which almost totally peddles lies about the matters of the Almighty. Note that ALL liars will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone or Hell and that those who believe and act on lies will still be judged and pay the price for sin committed in good faith.
- “No coveting or lusting” this is a huge challenge in the world today. Most advertising is directed at getting people to covet things that they do NOT own and cannot afford or to get them to borrow money to buy things they really cannot afford. Note that IF you are in the business of creating such marketing and sales material you are guilty of breaking this commandment just as the people you seduce are guilty.
If, in reading the above you have realized that you are breaking one or more of the Commandments, you may find that initially you are breaking ALL of them, pray as follows “Father I realize that I have been breaking the Commandment … in the following ways … (), I recognize this now as sin and I repent and ask you to forgive me. I ask you to show me all steps I must take to make right the wrongs I have committed and to bring to my remembrance further instances where I have broken this / these commandments”.Once you have prayed this you can then pray “In the name of Yahooshua I speak to all Demons that are attached to me as a consequence of breaking the commandment/s …, I bind these Demons now and command them to leave me now and go where Father Yah sends them. Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to send your Mighty Warring Messengers to bind these Demons, cast them out and send them where you want them to go”.
This process will get rid of many Demons that are oppressing you.
Again it is an iterative process – you will need to do this repeatedly over time.
Other personal Demons
The above process of dealing with sin associated with breaking one or more of the Ten Commandments will get rid of many Demons that may have attached themselves to you but there will likely be others remaining and it is likely that you will need to iterate through the entire cleansing process several times over a period of a year or much longer before you are entirely clean depending on how energetically and how diligently you take action.This especially relates to how energetically you overcome Sin.
Note that there is NO guarantee that you WILL get free, very few people get totally free of Demons.
Other Demons belong to specific Principalities such as pride, fear, lust, confusion, mind blinding spirits, etc there is a set of teachings on the website that deal with many of these issues.
There are also Demons which gain their legal right through long term blood line curses going back many generations.Others are identified by their individual names – so you could be shown by Father that the name of a Demon is almost anything under the sun.Do NOT be thrown by this, simply speak to the Demon as set out here.If Father gives you an obscure sounding name do NOT concern yourself with the details, simply speak to the Demon by that name as with all other Demons.
Turn to Father to show you the names of specific Demons or their job descriptions and deal with them as you become aware of them by repenting of whatever sins are applicable and then binding the Demon by name and commanding it to leave using your delegated authority through the covenant of Yahooshua, thus “Father I confess my sin of … and repent and ask you to forgive me. I speak to the Demons associated with … in the name of Yahooshua and I bind you now and command you to leave and go where Father Yah sends you. Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to please send your Mighty Warring Messengers to bind, cast out and send where you want to go those Demons / that Demon that I have just named”.
If you are battling to get free you can ask Father to refer you to a specialist in deliverance but in this age they are few and far between and you may well have to battle on single handed to get free.
This is NOT such an issue as it sounds, you have Father to guide you and as you gain experience and confidence you will find that it is NOT so difficult to get rid of Demons.The KEY piece is that you MUST deal with the sin that gives the Demon the right to be there and then it HAS to leave – so focus on cleaning up your life and the deliverance will follow quite easily.
With regard to bloodline curses the sin is NOT yours the assignment was made in previous generations and the associated Demon or Demons have passed from father to child or mother to child generation by generation.Once you are moderately close to Father ask Him to show you bloodline curses that exist and how to deal with them.Generally they must be spoken to by name and the names can be complicated and obscure.Bloodline curses can also be recognized by recurring patterns of evil in a bloodline, for example the firstborn is killed in an accident just before they turn 21 or some other very specific pattern.
The “Mark of the Beast”
The “Mark of the Beast” is widely spoken of and widely misunderstood.It is a spiritual mark that is NOT visible to the eyes of living human beings with the exception of a few with the gift of sight in the Spiritual Realm.The “Mark of the Beast” is NOT a micro-chip notwithstanding numerous allegedly “prophetic” messages about the microchip.The “Mark of the Beast” is a mark that is given the moment that any person breaks any of the Ten Commandments such that the forces of darkness will obstruct any person from buying or selling if they are without sin thus making it very difficult for truly committed Believers to make a living except through exceptional exercise of faith (emunah / trust and belief) and, in the case of married couples, through deep harmony in addition.
Single women should turn to Father Yah as their husband and provider.
Cleansing your dwelling
It does NOT help you to cleanse your body, mind and spirit if you do NOT cleanse your environment.Any artefact that has Satanic significance in your dwelling gives Demons a legal right to take up residence in your home or workplace and influence you and your family and others in the affected space.Any act in the dwelling or workplace by previous occupants that brought Demons in and left them there will provide Demons to interfere with the course of action that you have chosen in terms of drawing close to Father.
These Demons will shout at you in the spirit realm from the book cases, the pictures, the beds, the walls, the floor, wherever they are situated and they will do their best to lead you into sin, and drown out the voice of the Almighty.It is vital that you get rid of them and, in the event that they are so deeply entrenched in your dwelling that you cannot get rid of them you may have to move.
There are broadly three categories of Demons in question here:
- Demons that came in with artefacts – if before you reached this point you or someone in your home brought in artefacts that have Demons assigned to them those Demons will be in your home. These artefacts includes books on mythology, the gods of foreign lands, tribal masks, totems, Buddha statuettes, other idolatrous statuettes, pornography, nude statues and art works, sexually explicit books, articles, etc. Books, articles, etc relating to the occult, Demonic, Satanic, Wicca, Witchcraft, Satanism. Pictures and works of art relating to pagan temples, pagan symbols. Documents and symbols associated with secret societies that have Satanic associations like the Free Masons, etc with blood oaths. Crosses and crucifixes -- remember that Yahooshua died on a stake – a length of tree trunk and NOT a cross – the cross is a form of Ankh, a pornographic pagan symbol representing a woman with her legs spread penetrated by a penis. Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, Easter decorations, Valentines decorations, Halloween decorations, etc.
- Demons left behind accidentally or intentionally by previous occupants. For example in a room used for an orgy one or more Demons of lust dislodged during athletic sexual coupling and left stranded in the room or Demons deliberately planted by Satan servants who occupied the premises or when visiting.
- Demons associated with artefacts embedded in the foundations, the walls, the ceiling or elsewhere on the premises and associated with curses, hexes or other Satanic or Witchcraft assignments and Demons associated with blood from human sacrifices that has seeped into the materials of the building.
These three categories of Demons require different treatment.
In terms of the third category, those associated with embedded artefacts, it will be necessary to locate and remove the artefacts and cut off the curses and assignments and cast out the Demons.This can be a major activity and requires a very highly tuned level of spiritual discernment and guidance by Father to deal with.As a general rule you would be better to leave and find somewhere else to live or work.
In terms of the second category, Demons that just find themselves there by accident or by limited assignment all that is required is to determine from Father what the legal right is that allows them to be there, if any, and to tell them to get out.If they are NOT there in association with some embedded artefact simply pray “In the name of Yahooshua I speak to the Demon / Demons of … (whatever Father shows you) in this room, I bind you and command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you. Father in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers to bind, cast out and send where you want to go, the Demon/s that I have just named. In the event that any of these Demons have a legal right to be here I ask you to reveal that right and how to cancel it. I ask you to cover this room, the walls, the floor, the ceiling, the doors, the windows, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels with the blood of the covenant, Amen”.
Take some red grape juice or red wine, pray over it to represent the blood of the covenant and apply it to the doorposts and lintels of every room as well as to the window frames of every opening window.Pray “Father as I apply the blood of the covenant to this … I ask you to drive out all Demons and Satanic Messengers that have NO right to be here and to cover the entire room with the blood including the floors, the walls, the ceilings, the doors, windows, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels”.
This is relatively straightforward, the worst that can happen is that they do NOT all leave first time and you have to pray again later having first taken time to go before Father and seek guidance as to why they did NOT go first time – note that there is NO point in praying the same prayer repetitively you need to add NEW knowledge before you pray again otherwise you just make a fool of yourself in front of the Demons and they will be harder to remove later and may call in reinforcements.
You can and should pray to apply the blood of the Covenant to your dwelling inside and out on a regular basis anointing the doorposts and lintels and window frames and lintels with grape juice to represent the blood of the Covenant as you do this.Note that you must have a door or window open when you cast out Demons, they cannot pass through solid matter.
The first category is more problematic simply because there can be any number of artefacts that are giving Demons a legal right to be present.Pray, “Father I ask you to show me all artefacts in my home / office / other that are giving Demons a legal right to be here so that I can dispose of them”.
Generally you will be shown the most obvious items first, simply inspect the contents of your bookshelves, items hanging on the walls, items in your cupboards and remove anything that catches your attention or looks suspect then go over them one by one and ask Father if they are associated with Demons.In its simplest form this involves simply placing your hand on the item and pausing to listen to what Father has to say in the form of “Yes” or “No” or if you are not sure of what He has said put it in another pile.This could require you to place your hand on each book in turn and each picture in turn, etc.
In theory you should destroy the items by burning but if you live in an apartment block or other environment where fire is NOT possible you may need to resort to destroying the item as best you can and then praying over some grape juice or wine to represent the blood of the covenant and pouring a liberal quantity onto the item, sealing it in a bag and placing it in the trash.Pray “Father I cover this item with the blood of the covenant and I ask you to prevent any other person from picking this up and being defiled by it”.
You will probably need to do several passes through your property over a period of time until you have disposed of everything.In practice you will initially have some reluctance to destroy items and throw them out, particularly if there is some material value associated with them so you will probably err on the side of caution.Once you have a revelation of the spiritual damage these items can do to you and your walk with Father you will find it easier to get rid of them.See Demons as flies hovering over a piece of rotting meat (the offending artefact, book, etc).
Note that in going through your premises you may also encounter books and other items you have “borrowed” but never returned which now constitute stolen property and which must be restored to their rightful owners.Depending on your life to date you may also have stuff that you really DID steal and, again you must restore this to the rightful owners which may require that you drive up to their premises in full sight of all onlookers, offload the items and hand them over with due apology.This can be quite embarrassing and awkward but IF you are serious about serving Yah then these things MUST be done.Father may require you to pay damages.
In some cases you may be required to restore in a multiple with cash or kind for the multiple!
Cleansing yourself
The above cleansing will inevitably take place in iterative cycles – cleanse yourself, cleanse your dwelling, etc as you grow and learn more and as you hear Father more.Look out for aberrant behavior, for example many years ago before we really knew about Christmas being wrong we had a fold up Christmas tree with lights and ornaments including a little troll.Every year when the tree was out and the troll was on the tree there was strife in the house until one day we were praying in the lounge and my young son said “daddy that troll is looking at me”, sure enough there was a Demon attached to the troll that had been assigned by the people who made the troll.We prayed about it and burned the tree, the troll and all the other ornaments because we had just in the previous few days become aware that Christmas is a pagan, that is Satanic, feast and that the Christmas tree is an Asherah pole or totem and the decorations all have Satanic significance.
Cut off curses
At the time you commit to Father there MAY be curses against you, as you advance with Father there WILL be new curses against you by servants of Satan.A vital way of responding to this form of attack is to ask Father to return those curses in the magnitude that He deems appropriate.Pray “Father I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me for which there is no legal basis. Where there are curses with a legal basis I ask you to show me what to do in order to cut off that legal basis. With regard to the illegal curses I ask you in your discretion to return those curses in the magnitude that you deem appropriate such that the persons cursing me will learn NOT to curse your servants. I ask you also to cut off all Human Sacrifices that have been made against me and to judge those who have made those sacrifices ever so severely”.
Note that IF you have chosen to seek to become a Friend or an Overcomer Satan Servants WILL start to curse you and offer Human Sacrifices against you.Your strongest defense against these is to live a life above sin such that the curses and sacrifices cannot touch you.Note that abortion is a form of human sacrifice, all that is required to offer a human sacrifice is for a witch in an abortion clinic to dedicate the death of that foetus against you.
Harmony versus a Divided House
If you are in covenant union {marriage} with another, that is you have a sexual tie and you are NOT in perfect harmony once you start to actively serve the Almighty the forces of darkness WILL take advantage of the spiritual law that “a house divided against itself shall NOT stand”.They will attack you in every possible way and, in particular, they will get legal rights to block your finances.
If you are one flesh with multiple other people one of the most important things to do is to clean up as a matter of urgency, see the articles on the Virgin’s Covenant and Separation of Man and Woman cited above for more information.
Once you have resolved all illegitimate one-flesh bonds and, as a man are left with however many one-flesh connections Father has required you to keep and as a woman are left with only ONE one-flesh connection you are then in a position to clean up your covenant relationship/s {marriage/s}.
In order to serve Father truly effectively it is vital that you and your partner/s come into perfect harmony, pray “Father I ask you to show us every area of our lives where we are NOT in perfect harmony, please help us to course correct as necessary and teach us how to work in perfect harmony”, this should be a daily prayer and will require focus and determination in most cases.If your partner is an unbeliever it is impossible to be in perfect harmony and divorce may well be the end result IF they do NOT also come to belief.As a general principle Father will ALWAYS grant divorce where one partner is an unbeliever and the other is a true Believer.
If you are single and plan to enter into covenant with another then it is VITAL that you agree the basic terms of engagement, headship, etc BEFORE consummating the covenant and IF you cannot agree do NOT go ahead with the union.
Driving out Satanic entities
Any believer who is making a real effort to serve the Almighty is assigned a Satanic Messenger {Angel} to monitor their behavior, obtain feedback from their Demons and give assignments to their Demons.They are looking for sin or any knowledge of your plans and events in your life that will enable the forces of darkness to gain a judgment over you or formulate a plan to disrupt your life.That Messenger is legally entitled to monitor your every move and shadows you together with your Guardian Messenger, one of which is assigned to each and EVERY human being at birth and who records your life for the Court of Heaven and also protects you to the extent that you are in Father’s will.
You can do NOTHINGabout this Satanic Messenger.You CAN pray for other Satanic Messengers in your environment to be cast out “Father I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers to cast out all Satanic Messengers that do NOT have a legal right to be in my home / following me around / … and send them where you want them to go”.
Undertaking a spiritual audit of your life
There is a further dimension to REALLY getting yourself clean and in right standing with Father.
Do this ideally in the seven day period discussed above, ideally commence on the first or second day of the fast and do it progressively over the balance of the week.If that is NOT practical, do it as and when the opportunity presents itself.
Then take a note pad or note book, preferably large pages, A4 or Letter size.
Write down every year of your life from the year of conception to the present and for each year write down one or more things that you know about that year that will help you to recall the events of the year such as “started primary school”, “got married”, etc.Pray, “Father, I ask you to bring to my remembrance all key events in my life that it is important for me to recall”.
If you cannot remember anything for a year write the year down anyway and leave a blank page so that you can fill in the gaps as you proceed – you will be surprised at how much you remember over a few days of doing this exercise.If you have others who can help you fill in gaps, such as parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, children, etc consult them as seems appropriate.
Once you have a reasonably complete record of your life start a new set of pages and write down one set year by year with all the sins that you can think of that you committed in that year, focusing on the major ones initially but noting down EVERYTHING that comes to mind – note that you will NOT necessarily get everything, there may be sins that you did NOT know were sins.For example I discovered years after my marriage ended that my wife had misrepresented that she was a virgin when I consummated with here and that I had lived in adultery with her for 25 years believing I had taken her virginity!My ignorance did NOT alter the fact that I was in adultery, a sin deserving of death!Pray “Father I ask you to show me ALL sins during my life that you want me to deal with”.
There may be generic sins, for example you may have had a habit of telling “white lies” or cursing people (“take care” is a curse to take on care, calling someone “pumpkin” as a term of endearment is a curse) or … in which case you may need to note the first instance and then note something like “told white lies habitually from roughly this age, too many cases to note”.Same applies to “old wives tales”, etc such as believing you will be cursed if you walk under a step ladder.
Do the same exercise with wrongs that you did towards others and wrongs that you perceive others did to you, bitterness and resentment that you may be holding onto, ANYTHING that you can think of that is NOT the way you perceive that Father wants it to be – remember that you will be tormented in Hell for a period of time for EVERY unconfessed sin!So it is worth being thorough.
Keep asking Father as you make notes to bring to your remembrance ALL incidents that He wants you to deal with.This entire process can easily take several days and you may find that once you have started that things keep surfacing for months and even years as you dig deeper and get closer to Father.
IF you have TRULY come to first belief and you pray appropriately in the first seven days you will have the slate wiped clean in one pass, however, most people who think they made a first decision in later life actually made a very superficial decision early in life and are RETURNING in later life, in which case the seven days of grace do NOT apply.It is better to be cautious in this regard.
Once you have a fairly complete list lay it before Father, get on your knees before Him and pray along the lines of “Father, I bring my life before you, my sin, my error, my bitterness and resentment, my anger, my unforgiveness, the wrongs done to me, ALL that is wrong with my life to date and I ask you to forgive me for ALL of the sins recorded here and all that I have NOT remembered, I release all those who have wronged me and I choose to forgive them, and I ask that those that I have wronged forgive me, I confess my addictions, my lusts, my … (whatever comes to mind as you pray) and I ask you to release me and forgive me and wash me with the blood of the covenant that I may make a NEW BEGINNING as I start a new life with you today. If there is anything that I have overlooked that you consider important I ask you to bring it to my remembrance in the days ahead, Amen”.Take the Bread and Wine.
It may take you several hours to fully pray the above over your entire list and you may have to repeat this a number of times.
You will find that things happen that trigger events into your consciousness for years after you do this exercise, in such cases simply bring the matter quickly before Father, pray appropriately and let it go.
In doing this exercise you are likely to find situations where you need to contact people and repent, make restitution or make right in some other way, you will be surprised how receptive people are to a quick phone call or email that says along the lines of, “I have remembered that in around … I … against you, I repent and ask you to forgive me”.
Be aware that when you die you will go before the Judgment Seat of the Creator and your ENTIRE life will be replayed through a series of encounters with people who have gone before you, people who come to you to repent and people you need to repent to.To the extent that what you did was sin and has NOT been confessed and repented of you will then be sent to Hell for a period of torment proportionate to your crime BEFORE you enter Heaven for eternity.So it REALLY IS WORTH doing this job thoroughly! Remember that Yahooshua paid a terrible price for your sin that you confess so it is fitting that YOU pay a terrible price for the sin you have NOT repented of!
Conclusion – cleansing
The cleansing process is a MAJOR factor in getting to a close relationship with Yah, as long as you have sin and error and Demons, all of which Yah hates, you will NOT get to a place of close relationship and you will be wide open for your Demons and the forces of darkness to side track you or take you out totally.I encourage you to go for all that is outlined here to the greatest possible extent.
Note that it IS possible to get relatively close to Father while you have a lot of error IF you really work at it.I have encountered highly anointed people who have had serious errors despite being relatively close to Father but in all cases their sin and error have eventually taken them out.
In considering this section see also the articles on “We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood”, “Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, etc”, “Pornography” and “Demonic Activity Associated with Artefacts and in Dwellings”.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly with regard to any sin or error in my life or in this message.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
28 December 2021

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