2022.01.01 The Implications of Careless Sexual Activity and Resulting One-Flesh Bonds and Covenants Created by James on 1/9/2022 2:02:17 PM Probably the single most complex and destructive factor in the life of many Believers is unwise and careless sexual activity. I have recently been exposed to a situation in which such conduct has had massive unintended consequences and so I want to share a few case studies that may help others to understand factors like these that may be having similar consequences in their lives. I frequently hear from Believers who are battling financially and these factors are potentially at play in many, if not most, such situations.
2022.01.01 The Implications of Careless Sexual Activity and Resulting One-Flesh Bonds and Covenants
Probably the single most complex and destructive factor in the life of many Believers is unwise and careless sexual activity. I have recently been exposed to a situation in which such conduct has had massive unintended consequences and so I want to share a few case studies that may help others to understand factors like these that may be having similar consequences in their lives. I frequently hear from Believers who are battling financially and these factors are potentially at play in many, if not most, such situations.
- The One-Flesh Bond – Creating a House
When a human being experiences sexual orgasm a portion of their spirit is ejected through the Penis or Vagina.This will adhere to whatever organ of the other party is in contact.
This adherence results in a permanent spirit-to-spirit attachment between the two parties that will endure for the rest of their lives unless cut with very specific prayers under very specific legal circumstances in the Court of Heaven.
The strongest tie is from male orgasm with ejaculation and simultaneous female orgasm with the Penis in the Vagina of the woman, then male ejaculation in the Vagina without female orgasm or female orgasm on the Penis without male orgasm.The next strongest is male ejaculation in the Vulva, Mouth or Anus of the woman.Then male ejaculation on any part of the woman.Equally female orgasm with the Vulva in contact with any part of the man particularly oral or manual stimulation of the woman.
The same applies between two men or between two women.
This will happen with every sexual partner, no matter how many partners, no matter whether male with male, female with female or male with female or legitimate or adulterous.It will also happen with animals.
See also the article “The Essence of my Message regarding Sex” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-my-message-regarding-sex
The intensity of the Orgasm directly impacts the strength of the One-Flesh Bond.After the first time every time there is orgasm either way the stronger the Bond becomes until in extreme cases after many instances of passionate and caring love making the bond is so large and so powerful that the two parties start to know each other’s thoughts and to communicate “telepathically”.
The formation of this bond even at a weak level (one instance of intercourse) creates a spiritual legal “House” such that if the house is divided, the house will fall, which first and foremost will be in the form of financial problems – hindering spirits attack the finances.See the case studies below for detailed examples.This will happen even if there was only ONE weak instance of sexual congress whether Penis in Vagina or lesser strength.This is a huge reason why so many Believers are in financial lack. Accordingly it is absolutely critical for Believers to be extremely circumspect relative to who they have sex with or even fool around with.
This bond can only be cut by very specific prayers, as set out in the article “The Essence of my message re separation of Man and Woman {Divorce}” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-separation-man-woman and these prayers are only effective if there are very specific legal conditions satisfied in the Court of Heaven with regard to Covenant Breaking and similar.
- The Covenant (Contract) that results from Sexual Intercourse
In spiritual terms a Covenant is a solemn contract in the Court of Heaven either with Father or between two people.In its strictest sense a Covenant includes the shedding of blood which signifies that there is a Death Penalty in the Court of Heaven for breaking it.In more general terms a Covenant is any agreement that is upheld by the Court of Heaven, in other words by the Almighty Creator.Such a covenant regulates the basis on which the conduct of the parties will be judged in the Court of Heaven.
A Covenant is a binding agreement that cannot be lightly broken and which requires that legal pre-conditions are satisfied for ending it and that this is approved by the Court of Heaven, which approval is generally NOT lightly given.The most likely basis for setting aside a covenant is flagrant breach by one of the parties, particularly adultery on the part of the woman.A man may covenant with more than one woman.
When a man takes the virginity of a woman with shedding of blood a specific Blood Covenant comes into existence called the “Virgins Covenant”, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-virgins-covenant If specific promises have been agreed PRIOR to Consummation these terms are cemented when the hymen is broken. If NO specific promises are agreed then the default terms are cemented, these are set out in the article cited above.
On a slightly less strict basis a woman whose hymen has been previously broken is still seen as a virgin in the Court of Heaven (1) if she has never been sexually penetrated, (2) if she is a widow or (3) if she has been legally divorced in the Court of Heaven AND the appropriate prayers have been prayed to sever the one-flesh bond.Once this state has been achieved first sexual penetration with male ejaculation in the Vagina institutes a Virgins Covenant.The basis of this is that Semen, the male reproductive fluid, contains the elements of Blood.
Either way this is a formal Covenant before the Almighty in the Court of Heaven and it is binding – the terms above apply.This Covenant can only be set-aside under very specific circumstances resulting in Divorce and Divorce is necessary for cutting the one-flesh bond.
The following case-studies examine the impacts of the above.
- The Love-Bond Endures even when the Other Bonds are Cut
We glibly refer to “making love”.The fact is that sexual intercourse results in the creation of love.The more considerate the love making the stronger the love that comes into existence.Oral stimulation of the sexual organs leading to orgasm also creates love.
The more two people make love the stronger the love-bond becomes.1 Corinthians 13:8 in the Bible states that “love never dies”.Love endures for eternity unless it is murdered through violence, abuse, angry verbal attack or similar on a sustained basis.
Notwithstanding that a Divorce is granted and the one-flesh bond is broken the love-bond will endure and tend to bring the couple back together.It will cause them to constantly return to one another unless strongly controlled and managed.It is possible to pray for the love to be shut up and locked away but this requires an ongoing act of the will to give effect to it any time the love urge surfaces.
- Case Study: One Unwise Sexual Incident with Impacts that Lasted for over a Decade.
In this case a man and woman were in a sexual relationship.As a consequence of a number of factors that are not relevant to this article they got divorced and the one-flesh bond was broken by the Court of Heaven.They had previously built up a substantial love-bond.
He married another woman but the relationship was a bit rocky.One day he contacted the original woman and went to see her.They ended up making love but did not think much of it.A Virgins Covenant came into existence which, since he was already married was of necessity a covenant of sharing the man with more than one woman.
Neither party gave much thought to this incident.In the years that followed the man was in constant financial difficulty.He did not go back to the first woman, he divorced his wife, married another.Financial difficulties persisted.He left his country and immigrated believing that the problem with his finances related to the economy of the country.He battled to build a business in the new country.
At no time did it occur to him that the problem related to this one-flesh bond and covenant.Eventually, it occurred to him that his house must be divided and after prayer and fasting he finally realized that the problem was caused by the abovementioned one-flesh bond.After further discussion and negotiation he finally was permitted by the Court of Heaven to divorce the first woman and the situation came to an end.
So one episode of sexual intercourse lasting less than an hour crippled the man and his subsequent wife financially for over five years.
If one is battling financially it is vital to examine one’s sexual history in detail.One incident of sex can have HUGE financial consequences.
- Case Study: Unwise Love-Making that Cost Millions
In this case the man concerned, who was a strong Believer with a very close relationship with the Almighty, had a limited covenant through two or three incidents of love making with a woman in a country 12,000 miles away from where he lived several years previously that resulted in a covenant that allowed sharing.He met another woman and without forethought and without proper preparation he consummated a Virgins Covenant with her not thinking of the consequences relative to the covenant and one-flesh bond with the first woman.He did not tell the first woman so the house was automatically divided from day one.
In this case the man was employed in an executive position earning a good salary and there were no immediately apparent consequences.The spiritual attack and hindrance for the divided house took effect on the business that was employing the man.Eventually after two years the employer was in such financial difficulty that the man’s remuneration was slashed by 50% -- so two years for the consequences of his unwise sexual congress to directly impact him.
The situation was so severe that the company went bankrupt and the remnant was taken over by another company which slashed the remuneration of the man by 80%.In the two years following that company also started to get into financial difficulties such that even that reduced remuneration of the man was at risk.During this period he lost his car, lost his storage locker with all his furniture, books and personal possessions and racked up massive debts.
At this point, after prayer and fasting, the man realized that the problem resulted from his divided house.He prayed to divorce the first woman and proceeded for months assuming that prayer was granted.It was not and the losses continued.Mistakenly he tried to divorce the second woman and that also failed.After several months of turmoil and discussions with the two women concerned the first woman decided she was NOT prepared to share, renounced her covenant of sharing and demanded a divorce.The man took the matter to the Court of Heaven and Yah granted the divorce.
It is expected that finances will improve shortly.
A huge lesson about NOT having sex UNLESS you have carefully thought through and discussed things and made sure that what you are proposing is workable and viable.Also a huge lesson that the error of one strong Believer can affect the finances of a whole group of people, cause losses running to millions and in the last case place the job security of over 100 people at risk.
- Case Study: The Legal Basis for Divorce is Stringent and Uncompromising
In the case of the second case study, the man realized that the house was divided and summarily and reactively prayed to divorce the first woman.He had NO legal basis to do this and the Court of Heaven did NOT grant the divorce.The man continued believing the divorce had been granted and continued to suffer loss.
It was only at the end after detailed negotiation when the woman concerned formally declared that, even though she had shared before and her covenant was for sharing, she was NOT prepared to share again and put it in writing, that the Court of Heaven granted a divorce.
It is vital to understand that it is very easy to casually form a one-flesh bond and sexual covenant but the Court of Heaven is strict with regard to granting divorce and divorce is ONLY granted subject to very strict conditions primarily relating to irrevocable Breach of Covenant by one party when the other party has dealt righteously.
- Applicable Prayers for Divorce
See the article “The Essence of my message re separation of Man and Woman {Divorce}” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-separation-man-woman for all the prayers that are necessary to bring about a full divorce.
There are also prayers relating to one-flesh bonds formed without orgasm and without Vaginal intercourse.
I hope that this article has helped if you are in any way impacted by the matters discussed here. I suggest that you share this article with children who are on the point of becoming sexually active BEFORE they lose their virginity or even fool around sexually.
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly with regard to any sin or error in my life or in this message.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
09 January 2022
Radio Broadcasts every Friday at 11 am USA Eastern Time on www.W4CY.com Radio, please join me.

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