2022.01.03 The Essence of Covenant in terms of Yah’s Approach Created by James on 1/22/2022 1:55:15 PM In several recent articles I have made reference to “Covenant” in the context of sexual congress between man and woman. In this article I will explain a bit more about what I am referring to as I understand it based on an awareness of Covenant going back some decades and based on practical experience. Following are the key points followed by a copy of an article written in January 2011 on “The blood of any Covenant means death to those who break it” as published at https://www.eti-ministries.org/Covenant/the-blood-means-death which remains relevant today.
2022.01.03 The Essence of Covenant in terms of Yah’s Approach
In several recent articles I have made reference to “Covenant” in the context of sexual congress between man and woman. In this article I will explain a bit more about what I am referring to as I understand it based on an awareness of Covenant going back some decades and based on practical experience. Following are the key points followed by a copy of an article written in January 2011 on “The blood of any Covenant means death to those who break it” as published at https://www.eti-ministries.org/Covenant/the-blood-means-death which remains relevant today.
Encyclopedia Britannica in an article on “Covenant” provides a very detailed analysis of Covenant in the context of Judaism, Christianity and Islam see Mendenhall, George Emery. "Covenant". Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Jul. 2012, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Covenant-religion. The interpretation of primitive life is coloured by wrong understanding but the basic article establishes the antiquity of the concept of Covenant.
The most fundamental Covenant statement is at Deuteronomy 6:4-5 “4 Hear, O Israel! Yah the Eternally Self Existing {The Lord} is our Mighty One {God}, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is one! 5 You shall love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
This article headlines the critical considerations with regard to Covenant and the legacy article at the end goes into more detail.
- Covenant is a Promise or Agreement
From Google we find that a Covenant “is a promise or agreement under consideration, usually under seal or guarantee between two parties, and the seal or symbol of guarantee is that which distinguishes Covenant from modern contract.”
In the context of this article, in 2014 I wrote “’Covenant’ relates to the fundamental contractual relationship between Yah and mankind and between human beings.
“A Covenant is a robust contract that contains benefits to either party if the Covenant is honored and penalties for the party that breaks the Covenant.
“It is NOT possible to fully understand Yah, what Yahooshua achieved, marriage or commerce if you do NOT understand Covenant.
“The most robust form of Covenant involves blood as a form of oath associated with death if the Covenant is broken.
“The Satanic forces understand Covenant very well and use it highly effectively to control their followers.” (and also to trap Believers) see https://www.eti-ministries.org/covenant
- Penalty for Breaking Covenant
As is established clearly in the article below there is a penalty associated with breaking Covenant, for breaking ones word.This distinguishes Covenant from promises and vows.
- Blood of Covenant, including “Communion” means Death
In particular, as discussed below in detail, if the Covenant involves blood, whether the blood of a sacrificial animal, the blood of a virgin, male semen containing the elements of blood or taking the wine of the Covenant of Yahooshua (Communion) there is inherently a death penalty although, in the current age, due to the level of error and deception there IS generally Grace for this although the Death Penalty may be invoked at Judgment leading to time in Hell if the breach is NOT repented of and appropriately resolved in this life.
- The Taking and Giving of Virginity is a Covenant Act
As noted above and previously and below, the shedding of blood associated with first intercourse in sexual consummation represents the blood of a Covenant.This Covenant locks in whatever may have been agreed between the man and woman, whatever is implicit in their relationship and, unless explicitly excluded, the default terms of the “Virgins Covenant”, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-virgins-Covenant
Promises given and received in a marriage ceremony BEFORE first intercourse are also locked in by first intercourse.All promises given and received and sealed by taking “Communion” are also locked in with the Court of Heaven.
- Male Ejaculation in the Vagina is a Covenant Act
Since the semen of the male contains both salt and the elements of blood, male ejaculation in the Vagina is a Covenant act and first intercourse where there is NO Hymen is still a Covenant Act so sexual intercourse with a woman who is a real virgin, a widow or truly divorced introduces an automatic Covenant based on the terms referred to above.
At some level telephone sex between Believers where the woman is a “virgin” as per above, has Covenant implications – a weak one-flesh bond is formed with remote telephone or similar sex.
- The Court of Heaven is very Strict with Regard to Breach
It is vital to understand that the Court of Heaven, in other words, Yah as Judge of all Creation, is very strict concerning breach of Covenant.Where there is explicit and manifest breach, and every attempt has been made to reconcile, the severance of the Covenant (Divorce) will be readily granted.
Where there is NOT manifest breach then asking for severance (Divorce) is futile, it will NOT be granted.
In particular, see the articles “2022.01.01 The Implications of Careless Sexual Activity and Resulting One-Flesh Bonds and Covenants” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/implications-of-careless-sexual-activity and “2022.01.02 Unrighteous “Divorce” is Treachery” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/unrighteous-divorce-is-treachery for case studies where Divorce was NOT granted and the damage caused by unrighteous attempts at Divorce.
- Do NOT enter into Covenant Lightly
The bottom line is that one should NOT enter into Covenant lightly – be absolutely certain about what you are doing, you are NOT going to get out of it easily and generally you will NOT get out of a Covenant without significant loss and pain.
- Casual Sex is Massively Damaging to a Believer
Elaborating on the previous point, casual sex on the part of Believers is MASSIVELY damaging and should be avoided at all costs.Once you have consummated you are locked in for life barring gross breach by one of the parties in which case that party will potentially suffer major loss.
I hope that this has clarified the situation with regard to Covenant. Please read the article below and be very careful about how you enter into agreements and Covenants going forward.
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly with regard to any sin or error in my life or in this message.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
22 January 2022
Following is the article from January 2011 cited above:
2011.01.06 The blood of any Covenant means death to those who break it
Believers refer constantly to the concept of Covenant if in no other way than referring to the "New Covenant" through Yahooshua {Jesus}.
- The term Covenant is widely used and little understood
The term is widely used and little understood.
People make promises and call them Covenant's and break them wholesale without giving thought to what they are doing.
In the following sections I will outline the true significance of a Covenant.
- Without blood there is NO Covenant – the blood means death if you break the Covenant
Hebrews 9:18-22 "18 So even the … first Covenant … was not inaugurated and ratified and put in force without the shedding of blood. 19 For when every command of the Torah {Law} had been read out by Moshe {Moses} to all the people, he took the blood of slain calves and goats, together with water and scarlet wool and with a bunch of hyssop, and sprinkled both the Book (the roll of the Torah {Law} and Covenant) itself and all the people, 20 Saying these words: This is the blood that seals and ratifies the … the Covenant which Yah commanded [me to deliver to] you. 21 And in the same way he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and all the [sacred] vessels and appliances used in [divine] worship. 22 [In fact] under the Torah {Law} almost everything is purified by means of blood, and without the shedding of blood there is neither release from sin and its guilt nor the remission of the due and merited punishment for sins"Amplified bible revised
Another name of a blood Covenant is a "blood oath" – the symbolism of the blood is simple – "if you break this Covenant you will die" – in Covenant's between human beings this simply meant that if the one party broke the Covenant it was the right and obligation of the other party to kill the offending party – that simple.
That remains the meaning of Covenant today – this was why Yahooshua had to die such a brutal death to take our place because of our sins.
- Abraham and Yah – the furnace and circumcision
In Genesis 15 we read of Yah entering into Covenant with Abram whom He renamed Abraham.Abram slaughtered some animals and the Spirit of Yah walked between the halves of the animals in the blood in order to consummate the Covenant.
Cutting an animal in two and walking between the halves was a common way of cutting Covenant in those days, refer also Jeremiah 34 (YirmaYaahoo – meaning whom Yah has appointed).Part of the symbolism was "if you break this Covenant I will slaughter you like this animal".
Subsequently Yah made a further Covenant with Abraham and this required also the shedding of blood through circumcision.
- The blood on the doorposts and lintels in Egypt
Before Yah brought Israel out of Egypt they slaughtered a lamb and painted the doorposts and lintels of their houses with the blood (Exodus 12) – without the blood of the Covenant the messenger {angel} of death slaughtered the first born of Egypt.
- The blood of Yahooshua and a more severe judgment
Yahooshua came to fulfil the promises made through the Covenant in Egypt and the Covenant at Sinai and, as discussed in a recent article, his blood was shed to enter into a new Covenant and in order to usher in a new offering for atonement and a new priesthood amongst other things.
The Yahoodites {Jews} called down the blood of Yahooshua on themselves and their children, also contributed to the new Covenant.
One of the great deceptions of this age is that believers think that they can be casual and sin because of grace when the book {bible} is full of accounts of judgment on those under the Covenant made through Moshe {Moses}.
How much more severe is the judgment on those who sin wilfully under the Covenant of Yahooshua and cause him to be executed again and put to shame – refer Hebrews 6.
Again we see death for breaking Covenant – in this case the second death – burning for eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone – Revelation 21:8.
- The blood of the virgin and all that goes with it
Now, to another dimension.
Deuteronomy 22:15 refers to the tokens of a woman's virginity presented as evidence that she was a virgin on the night of consummation of her Covenant with her man {marriage}.
This token was a linen cloth which was used to mop up the blood that was shed when the woman gave her virginity to her man – an irreversible Covenant act.
Insofar as the cloth was presented by the girl's parents it is apparent that they witnessed the act of consummation or the immediate aftermath at least.We see in Deuteronomy 22 that breaking of this Covenant carried the death penalty.
Thus, in the sight of Yah there is a blood Covenant cut in the blood of the virgin when she consummates with her man – who cuts into her cleft – refer Genesis 2:24.
The form of the woman's sexual organ approximates the two halves of the animal cut in two and so the man "walks" in the blood of the Covenant when they consummate.
If the woman is legitimately not a virgin you should take the bread and wine and apply a small amount of the wine to the woman's vulva immediately after first penetration and pray appropriately.If you have never done this it is recommended that you should do this in order to sanctify your Covenant.
Thus, there is no such thing as "sex before marriage", there is only consummation of a Covenant with or without public acknowledgement.
It is also so that a woman can give her virginity once only and that a man can cut Covenant with more than one woman and it is therefore so that Yah intended from the beginning for more than one woman to cut Covenant with one man.This is why there are so many more believing women than men in the body of true believers, refer Isaiah 4:1.
Sadly modern "westernized" women do not understand this and are programmed to become extremely threatened and aggressive if their man even considers cutting Covenant with more than one woman, or actually does it.
Sexual love making is a highly sacred act, refer Ephesians 5.
The sexual connection between man and woman is more complex.Whether the woman is a virgin or not there is an exchange of body fluids which contain salt resulting in a salt Covenant.
On orgasm there is formation of a one flesh spirit to spirit bond in which the man ejaculates a portion of his spirit into or onto the woman and the woman ejaculates a portion of her spirit onto the man.
There is a soul to soul emotional tie formed.
Love is created, that is why it is called "love making".
There is intense pleasure.
Children are fathered through a clean bloodline.
Casual and promiscuous sex is a total abomination in the sight of Yah.
Sex is designed to be limited ONLY to sanctified relationships between a woman and man who Covenant to one another for life with only death or total betrayal of the Covenant to separate them.
Sex is designed to be an ongoing rehearsal of the marriage Covenant and a source of great pleasure that increases the strength of the ties between the man and woman over time.
- The bread and wine – is it magic?
Coming back to Yahooshua, there are all sorts of writings that attribute magical properties to the blood of Yahooshua.These are NOT valid.
The blood carries a simple legal significance – it is a reminder of the Covenant and, in the case of the Covenant through Yahooshua this includes protection, deliverance, salvation, provision, etc, etc – the blood simply constitutes a no entry sign to the forces of darkness but it is corrupted and rendered of no effect if there is sin in your life – the blood is set apart {holy} and you break the Covenant if you sin – it is vital to keep your side clean and constantly seek to be cleansed of unintentional sin and to be warned of sin you are not aware of.
IF you are Covenant minded you will be BLESSED by a brother or sister in the faith who warns you that they think you may be in sin.
Covenant is simple and powerful once you understand how it works.
Do NOT take Covenant lightly.
Do NOT consummate sexually with a woman unless you are certain it is the will of Yah and you are both prepared to discharge your responsibilities in terms of Yah's STANDARD Covenant terms – man love your woman as Yahooshua loved the body of believers and gave his life for them, woman love your man and submit to him in everything in the way that Yahooshua submitted to those who unjustly beat him, tortured him and put him to death.
Rehearse the Covenant of Yahooshua by partaking of the bread and wine (grape juice) on a regular basis – I do this most mornings and sometimes at every meal – this is a solemn and sober moment.
Apply the blood where it is necessary to declare a no-go area for the forces of darkness – yourself, house, possession's, etc – assumes you do not have sin that nullifies the legal authority of the Covenant as evidenced by the blood as a sign post or marker.
Right now, Yah is calling us ALL to clean up our acts.
Dr James A Robertson
End Time Issue Ministries
11 January 2011
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