2022.04.04 The Essence of my Message re NOT a Glove Puppet Created by James on 4/16/2022 1:27:22 PM Many years ago, Yah said to me “James you are NOT a Glove Puppet” which I understood to mean that I could and should exercise my will and make decisions based on my own analysis and understanding.
Recently I have realized that I did NOT fully grasp this principle and have made many bad decisions, including decisions with life time consequences. This article seeks to elaborate and clarify:
2022.04.04 The Essence of my Message re NOT a Glove Puppet
Many years ago, Yah said to me “James you are NOT a Glove Puppet” which I understood to mean that I could and should exercise my will and make decisions based on my own analysis and understanding.
Recently I have realized that I did NOT fully grasp this principle and have made many bad decisions, including decisions with life time consequences. This article seeks to elaborate and clarify:
- We are Commanded to have Dominion, to Reign, to Exercise Authority
In Genesis in the Old Testament and Torah we read of humankind being given Dominion over everything on Earth.
In Matthew 28:18 and 19 in the Bible New Testament we read “and Yahooshua {Jesus} came and spake unto them, saying, All authority (power) is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore” – so Yahooshua regains the authority lost by Adam when he submitted to Satan and immediately delegates that authority to those that Believe!
In Revelation we read of “reign with the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” {reign with Christ}.
So, the bottom line is that human beings who believe have authority on Earth AND it is also so that neither Yah NOR Satan nor the Demonic Masterminds can do ANYTHING on Earth except through a living human being on Earth at that moment. So they are both constrained to getting human beings to act on their behalf.
- “Everything in Divine Order” is Great Deception
There are many who have grown up in certain Christian and other dispensations who regularly quote “everything is in Divine Order” to explain things that are happening at they do not like or do not understand.Others use other language such as “God is in control”, etcetera all of which espouse the concept that Yah is in charge of everything on Earth and that we really have little or no say in what is happening.
This concept is perhaps the most serious deception that oppresses believers.It is fundamentally FALSE – WE are in charge of our lives, WEhave to evaluate situations and WE have to make decisions and ACT on those decisions.
Bottom line is, IF you are battling, in lack or whatever, IF things are going wrong in your life you and ONLY you and those in direct covenant relationship with you are responsible for the mess and ONLY you and those in Covenant with you can change the situation for the better (or for the worse)!
- “Lead me by Your Spirit every second of every day in every possible way” is foolishness
For many years, even after Father told me I was NOT a Glove Puppet I prayed every night “Father lead me by your Spirit every second of every day in every possible way” – it seems like such a noble prayer!
Recently I downloaded a song “Welcome Holy Spirit” which includes the phrase “Holy Spirit … take complete control of me” – this is the same concept.
Fundamentally, as you will see in light of the previous points, these prayers are foolish.Yah will NOT take complete control ofyou.Fundamentally Yah requires US to take control, to steer through life, to make decisions, and act on those decisions.THIS is the basis of how we achieve rank in Heaven.
- We are promoted in Heaven according to OUR choices, decisions and actions
As noted above we are promoted in Heaven according to our choices, decisions and actions.See the article https://www.ETIMin.org/demographics-of-kingdom and also https://www.ETIMin.org/mountain-of-relationship
It would NOT make sense for Father to lead us “every second of every day” or to take “complete control” – then there would be NOTHING to reward us for.
- We CAN turn to Yah for guidance in EVERYTHING BUT then the request must be explicit and clear
Having noted the items above it IS so that we can turn to Yah for guidance in anything and everything BUT one needs to do this on a case by case basis and the request must be explicit and clear.
So, for example, once one realizes that sexual intercourse gives rise to a lifelong covenant contract with the other party and that, accordingly, one should be EXTREMELY careful about who you have sex with see https://www.ETIMin.org/implications-of-careless-sexual-activity then it becomes prudent to ask Father for guidance with regard to who you should enter into sexual life covenant {marriage} with.
That requires specific prayer and specific sensitivity with regard to interpreting the answer recognizing that IF you get it wrong you are likely to have the rest of your life to deal with the consequences of your wrong decision.
- Asking for signs that are capable of occurring without Yah can result in very seriously inappropriate decisions
It IS permissible to ask for signs such as “Father, IF it IS your will for me to marry xxx then please show me in a way that I will be absolutely clear and there will be no misunderstanding”.
On the other hand, asking for signs that are capable of being misinterpreted or which could be initiated by simple human response, is foolishness.So, for example, when you are going out on a date with someone for the first time praying “if this is the right person please let them kiss me passionately before the end of the evening” and it happens that there IS strong sexual chemistry between you the kiss can happen when the other party is totally the WRONG partner for you!
Again, remember that YOU have to exercise discretion!
- Where an action is irreversible, such as sexual intercourse, exercise EXTREME CAUTION
Building on the previous points, there are a number of decisions that one has to make during one’s life that I refer to as “fork in the road decisions” – decisions which, once taken and acted upon, are close to irreversible.Sexual intercourse is perhaps the most extreme case.Once you have had intercourse with penile ejaculation in the vagina you are locked in for life in the sight of the Court of Heaven unless the other party breaks Covenant with you, see https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-virgins-covenant
Extreme caution is called for here!
- There IS a Year of Grace when on is first filled with the Spirit of Yah – do NOT confuse this with the default status thereafter
To complicate things, the first year after you are filled with the Spirit of Yah there IS Grace, so you will find yourself being led to a significant extent in a way that will NOT happen after that first year is over.It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that you will be led with that intensity for the rest of your life.
Sadly this is NOT the case, that anointing is given only to you when you are an infant in relationship and then you are expected to fly on your own.
- Yah WILL guide you in terms of your relationship with Him and learning about Him and His ways but even then we must exercise caution
All the above taken into consideration Yah WILL give you guidance with regard to your relationship with Him and with regard to knowledge of Him and His ways but even then it is up to us to exercise discretion, to discern when He is leading and when it is our own understanding, etc.
Note that there ARE TWO threads in our lives, the first thread is the thread of relationship with Yah the second is with regard to the rest of our lives, our relationships, our commercial activity, our ministry activity, etcetera. These threads co-exist but DO have different parameters.
In conclusion, we are called to reign and exercise authority on Earth.
We need to exercise our discretion and provide leadership and direction in our walk with Father and we will be judged at the end of our lives based on what WE do in our lives
Fundamentally we are NOT Glove Puppets, we are highly intelligent beings with the ability to discern and make decisions and THAT is what we were created for.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His Face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary
End Time Issue Ministries
16 April 2022

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