2022.06.01 Important Archeological Finds Created by James on 6/4/2022 12:10:47 PM Over the years I have become aware of a number of important archaeological finds that clarify and confirm key historical points that are relevant to understanding the matters of the Almighty. Following are a few that stand out for me at this time.
Information regarding most of these discoveries came to me through Jonathan Gray, many of them relating to finds made by Ron Wyatt.
2022.06.01 Important Archeological Finds
Over the years I have become aware of a number of important archaeological finds that clarify and confirm key historical points that are relevant to understanding the matters of the Almighty. Following are a few that stand out for me at this time.
Information regarding most of these discoveries came to me through Jonathan Gray, many of them relating to finds made by Ron Wyatt.
If you research on the Internet you will find much material to discredit these two men and their findings and reports. If you look carefully you will also find content that attests that they were genuine and their findings are real. This is the constant dichotomy between those who are serving the Creator, Father Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and those who are NOT serving Him. In fact, even many who claim to be serving Him miss the truth and speak out against these men and their reports. I testify that what is presented below is basically accurate and has been confirmed to me by the Almighty but the acid test is to get on your knees and hear from Father Yah directly. Remember that the forces of Darkness, the Satanic and Demonic Realm have GOOD reasons to discredit these finds.
That said I do NOT agree with everything that either man said or taught or that is said in the videos that are linked here, particularly relating to matters that are NOT core to the Discoveries. It is up to you to turn to Father Yah for confirmation and clarification.
Ron Wyatt
Ron Wyatt was a Spirit Filled, Spirt Led Believer who firmly believed that the Bible was an accurate historical account and set himself to find evidence of many key passages in the Bible. Some of his most spectacular finds are list below. Appendix 1 contains a Biography of Ron. I testify that he was a servant of Yah and that his core finds, as presented below, are true.
Jonathan Gray
Jonathan Gray was a Spirit Filled Archaeologist who initially challenged Ron Wyatt’s findings but after in-depth investigation he recognized their validity and set about documenting and publicizing the finds. Jonathan also undertook much original research in his own right some of which is listed below. He wrote many books, many of which are of fundamental importance although there are some that I do not agree with. Appendix 2 contains a short biography of Jonathan. I testify that he was a servant of Yah and that his core finds, as presented below, are true.
An important consideration with regard to Jonathan Gray is that he independently corroborates the key findings of Ron Wyatt.
General Caveat
I have shared links to various third party videos and other resources in the article that follows. In doing this I offer my regular caveat that by sharing this material I am NOT necessarily endorsing or agreeing with everything that is said, I leave it up to you to discern the truth in the material and discard any chaff – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/seek-truth/seek-truth-not-error
Finds of particular importance
Following are the finds that I consider to be most important in terms of one’s relationship with the Creator:
- The Ship {
Ark} of Nuh {Noah} and the Flood
The Ship {Ark} of Nuh {Noah} was initially reported in a magazine article. Ron Wyatt was impressed to investigate further and this launched he career in archeology. He found the ship {Ark} on the side of an extinct volcano, Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey. The ship had originally landed on the top of the volcano but the volcanic lava flow on which it landed had turned to mud and the ship had slid down the side of the mountain and been largely covered by the mud. Ron Wyatt excavated and used Ground Imaging Radar to map the structure of the object. He proved conclusively that the artefact WAS a ship and that its dimensions agreed with the account in Genesis in the Bible.
He also found rocks with images engraved on them evidencing a family of eight, Nuh or Noah, his wife and three sons and their wives. He also found Nuh’s house and his grave which evidenced that Nuh was about eighteen feet tall (about six metres). This is important because it evidences that human beings were originally created of great stature and have degenerated over the millennia.
The key takeaways with regard to this finding is that there was a global hydraulic event that totally submerged the Earth and that the Almighty gave one man advance notice of what was going to happen and guided him to design and build the ship AND to capture a complete set of all animals alive at that time. This is an important indicator of what is possible with a close relationship with the Creator.
Note that it is written about Noah in Genesis 6:9: “These are the records of the generations (family history) of Noah. Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with the Almighty], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (lived) [in habitual fellowship] with the Almighty.” Amplified Bible, “God” corrected with “the Almighty”.
Noah was what Father Yah refers to as a “Turnaround Prophet”, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-turnaround-emissaries -- men whose relationship with Father Yah was so intense that they were instrumental in changing the situation on Earth dramatically.
The so-called Flood was actually a massive hydraulic and tectonic event, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-global-hydraulic-tectonic-catastrophe-aka-flood and https://www.eti-ministries.org/flood and child pages.
The historical account is reported in Genesis 6:5 to Genesis 9 and is largely corroborated by the findings of Ron Wyatt.
There are quite a few videos on YouTube including:
- Noah's Ark- Ron Wyatt's Story https://youtu.be/IoTkguzRaCU
- Noah's Ark Discovered - by Jonathan Gray https://youtu.be/LI33S0elDbg
- The True Story Of Noahs Ark by Jonathan Gray at Uncensored Symposium https://youtu.be/20V8v4J0too
There is much more on YouTube.
- Diverse Findings that Pre-Date the Flood – Dead Men’s Secrets
Independently of Ron Wyatt, Jonathan Gray undertook extensive research into archaeological finds that predated the flood and which evidenced a highly sophisticated civilization before the flood with advanced technologies many of which we do NOT have even today. This book is highly recommended – I could not put it down when I first read it and read through the night.
The fundamental conclusion is that mankind WAS created with high intellect and very early on developed very advanced technologies. Notwithstanding this the civilization degraded in terms of relationship with the Creator and compliance with His Commandments, much the same as is happening in the world today where, as mankind becomes more technically and commercially advanced, they increasingly turn away from the Creator.
The book is available at http://www.beforeus.com/ together with many other publications of Jonathan Gray. Recently Jonathan’s works were offered free of charge in pdf format on this site. I can assist if necessary.
Dead Men’s Secrets is also available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dead-Mens-Secrets-Jonathan-Gray/dp/1479601683 together with many of his other books.
Also at Good Reads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/761102.Dead_Men_s_Secrets
There is a follow-on volume – Dead Men’s Secrets Part 2.
Jonathan’s books “The Killing of Paradise Planet”, “Surprise Witness” and “The Corpse Came Back” together examine the world before the Flood, the actual occurrence of the Flood and the World after the Flood and the initial spread of mankind over the Earth following the Flood – all well worth reading. Available from the same sources.
- Sodom and Gomorrah
Ron Wyatt discovered the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by burning sulfur balls from the sky, supporting the account in Genesis 19.These are in the valley of the Dead Sea in Israel to the South of the Dead Sea.
The key learning here is that these cities really DID exist and really WERE destroyed by burning Sulfur balls from the sky, as per Genesis, evidencing that Father Yah HAS judged sinners harshly and may well do so again.
Some suggested videos:
- Ron Wyatt - Sodom and Gomorrah https://youtu.be/tZKBHyIBrHA
- The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah - by Jonathan Gray https://youtu.be/-U7qgMhT21w
- Sodom & Gomorrah Location, New Archaeological Discoveries, Example of Coming Judgement, Rare Footage https://youtu.be/m-HNqoJxdkw
There is much more on YouTube.
- The Red Sea Crossing Site
By carefully following the account in Exodus 13 and 14 Ron Wyatt located the point at which the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Eastern Branch when fleeing Egypt and found skeletons and Chariots on the floor of the sea proving the Egyptian Army WAS drowned.Ron, led by the Spirit of Yah, developed an explanation of how the sea was parted.
This is important in that it validates a situation of judgment and gives historical validation to the Exodus account.
Some suggested videos:
- A useful presentation of two important finds, the Red Sea Crossing site and the Real Mount Sinai -- Moses, Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai New Discoveries Documentary! Ten Commandments & Mt. Sinai https://youtu.be/rsn_HqSxkDg
- Ron Wyatt - The Red Sea Crossing https://youtu.be/Nsa7ebyUVD4
- Red Sea Crossing - by Jonathan Gray https://youtu.be/KkQgKAPFO68
- Part 2|Red Sea- proof of the supernatural https://youtu.be/d90NM9tgDQE
There is much more on YouTube.
- The Real Mount Sinai
Continuing the search East of the Red Sea Crossing site into Saudi Arabia Ron Wyatt also found the real Mount Sinai and the split rock described in Exodus 17 through 20.
This is important in that it validates the Exodus account AND, in particular, gives credence to the validity of the Ten Commandments.
Some suggested videos:
- Smuggled out of the desert - by Jonathan Gray https://youtu.be/S0uI_KFPaPM
- Forbidden footage of actual location of Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai https://youtu.be/8y-uiccIiSY
- Jim and Penny Caldwell - The Real Mount Sinai (Ron Wyatt Confirmation) https://youtu.be/PE1W6sz24Dw
There is much more on YouTube.
- The Ark of the Covenant and the Execution Site of Yahooshua
In 1982 Ron Wyatt also discovered the Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments in a Cave under the Execution Site of Yahooshua outside Jerusalem, see the article “2020.10.01 The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death for a detailed explanation of the significance of this discovery.
The Ark had been hidden by YirmYahoo {Jeremiah} at the time of the Babylonian Exile in 586 BC. At some time an execution site was established in front of the hill Golgotha directly above the Ark and ultimately Yahooshua died at that execution site and his blood fell on the Ark of the Covenant. This introduced a new Priesthood, a New Covenant and a new offering for forgiveness of sin. This discovery is absolutely critical to understanding what Yahooshua accomplished through his sinless life and death.
Some suggested videos:
- The Ark Of The Covenant found - Jonathan Gray https://youtu.be/4gLDx2USBCM
- Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant https://youtu.be/7UyqxzuSMCo
- Original Ron Wyatt Ark of the Covenant Discovery with Extras https://youtu.be/T_l9pUIeBak
There is much more on YouTube.
There is some speculation in some of these videos about forthcoming events that have been disproven and that I do not agree with – focus on the core facts of the discoveries.
I hope that these videos strengthen your certainty of the reality of the Creator and His interactions with human beings as reported in the widely known historical accounts in the Bible. Note that the Bible is a largely accurate historical account, it is NOT the “Word of God” and it is NOT “without error”.
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly with regard to any sin or error in my life or in this message.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
04 June 2022
Appendix 1 – Ron Wyatt
From https://truediscoveries.org/about-ron-wyatt/
On June 20, 1987, the Turkish government officially recognized the discovery of the remains of Noah’s Ark in eastern Turkey with the dedication of Noah’s Ark National Park. Nashvillian Ron Wyatt, an amateur archaeologist, was guest of honour at the ceremony, credited as the “discoverer” because it was his persistence throughout the years which finally resulted in the evidence which convinced the Turkish authorities of the authenticity of the site. Ron didn’t “discover” the site. He read about it in a 1960 “Life Magazine” article which told of an American archaeological team that investigated the site in 1960 and pronounced it “of no archaeological interest.” This article led to his profound belief that the site “most likely” contained the remains of Noah’s Ark, a belief which was confirmed 17 years later when he first saw it in person.
An anaesthetist by vocation, Ron became interested in archaeology, history and all the sciences at the age of 15 and, through the years, read everything he could get his hands on concerning these subjects. His ventures into actual field work in the Middle East began in 1977, when his 3 children (whom he raised alone) were into their teens. His interest in archaeology was the direct result of his profound belief in the total accuracy of the Biblical account. Curiosity and the belief that evidences of certain Biblical events were most likely still in existence led to his ventures into “the field”.
His own study had led him to conclude that many of the commonly accepted locations of Biblical sites were incorrect. Since that 1977 trip to Turkey, Ron has made well over 100 trips to the Middle East, working in Turkey, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. In addition to Noah’s Ark, in 1978 he found the site of the Red Sea crossing with chariot remains on the sea floor; in 1984 he found the real Mt.Sinai in north-western Saudi Arabia (Midian) which still contains the altar at the foot of the mountain, the Golden Calf altar, and so much more. He found 5 ashen cities – Sodom & Gomorrah being the most famous – which were permeated throughout with roundish balls of sulphur which were once on fire; and in 1982 he found the Ark of the Covenant in a chamber many feet below the present ground level – the only claim which he is unable to substantiate at this time due to restrictions placed on him by the authorities, but which he believes he will be able to make public in the future. He has also made other discoveries.
He has not sought the “approval” of “educated” scientists and archaeologists, but presents the evidence to those who are interested, that they may make their own decision. For this reason, he is severely criticized by the academic community, some of whom have fought vehemently to discredit both Ron and the evidences. However, Ron is of belief that God would not preserve evidences of the Truth of His Word, the Bible, which would have to be “interpreted” or verified by others.
Ron never sought publicity and preferred to work quietly. However, over the years, his “misadventures” have many times placed him in the headlines, such as in 1984 when he and his sons were imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for 3 months after being accused of being Israeli spies; and in 1991 when he and his team were taken hostage in eastern Turkey for 21 days.
In 1993, he formed “Wyatt Archaeological Research”, a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to making these discoveries available in books and videos to “those that ask”. “W.A.R.” has provided publications and videos to missionaries of almost every denomination who are sharing the discoveries in almost every country of the globe.
He firmly believed that these remains have all been preserved and hidden by the Hand of God until this time in earth’s history to provide evidence of His Truth in the last days. Why was Ron “chosen” to make all these discoveries? He believed that it was humanly “impossible” for one person to find all of these discoveries, no matter how “smart” or “educated” they may be, and therefore, in using someone average and without “professional” training, God ensured that people would know that these discoveries are “of God” and not man. And although some “leaders” and “educated men” have fought to keep these evidences from the World, the discoveries are daily accomplishing the work that the Lord meant for them to. The simplicity of the evidences of each discovery doesn’t require that anyone seek out the “experts” to tell them if it is real or not.
Sadly Ron died on August 5 1999. His only desire was to bring people to Salvation, to Jesus Christ. He would always stress the importance of becoming a follower of Jesus Christ and obeying His Commandments. Ron was a devout Bible student & a extremely humble man.
Some of the world’s great archaeological discoveries have been made by amateurs. When Henrich Schliemann said he’d discovered Troy, the scientific community snubbed him for years!
And there was John Lloyd Stephens who discovered wondrous things among the Mayan ruins of Central America. Another amateur. It was Champollion the “amateur” who got Egyptology going! One could say that our knowledge had deepened more through the efforts of amateurs like Fawcett, Schliemann and Heyerdahl, than through the efforts of franchised experts.
How was it that Ron Wyatt, a so-called rank amateur, had succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of any archaeologist in history? Well….
Ron Wyatt’s work bore evidence that he was qualified by the most important degree required, the degree of COMMON SENSE!! And the only distinction he wanted was in service to others.
The Bible puts it this way; “Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen…..That no flesh should boast in his presence.”
Although Ron was not a perfect man & had his faults (but who hasn’t!), Ron had only one concern on his mind. And this was to help bring as many people to Jesus as possible. After interviewing people who knew Ron, none could say that he was dishonest! In fact many people commented on how honest & humble this man really was. Love him or loathe him, Ron was extremely dedicated and sacrificed all that he had to bring the knowledge about these discoveries to the World.
Ron Wyatt has left a legacy for Christians to be proud of. By allowing himself to be used by God, he has un-earthed some of the most important archaeological discoveries ever discovered. Indeed, it could had been said of Ron Wyatt that he was a man after God’s own heart……
Appendix 2 – Jonathan Gray
From https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/gray-jonathan-6339/
International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. Over the past 37 years, he has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. He has also led expeditions to the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world.
In the course of his explorations, Jonathan began to uncover evidence of surprising out of place artifacts. According to what he was taught at school, these were impossible! They simply should not exist! And these were not just isolated anomalies. There was a global pattern to them, suggesting an ancient worldwide civilization of astonishing proportions. His book, Dead Men's Secrets, catalogues more than a thousand pieces of evidence of a lost super science and technology, including dozens of achievements ahead of our day.
Radio Broadcasts on www.W4CY.com Radio, please join me -- Friday at 12 midday USA Eastern Time, UK 5 pm, SA 6 pm; Sydney Australia 4:00 am Saturday. Now also on TV on the same link. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME.
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.

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