2022.06.02 Yah’s Calendar for 2022 Revisited (2022.03.02) Created by James on 6/5/2022 11:31:44 AM It has come to my attention that there is uncertainty with regard to the dates of Yah’s High Sabbaths this year. I have Shavuot (Pentecost) as next Sunday, others have it for today.
It turns out that there are varying ways of computing the dates so that there are at leas three computations this year. Firstly there are different opinions as to when the Barley in Israel was “Aviv”, that is ripe so different views on when the new year started. Then there are the Rabbinic dates used by Orthodox Jews and many others which are based on a Calendar that I understand to have been agreed hundreds of years ago. There may be other Calendars.
2022.06.02 Yah’s Calendar for 2022 Revisited (2022.03.02)
It has come to my attention that there is uncertainty with regard to the dates of Yah’s High Sabbaths this year. I have Shavuot (Pentecost) as next Sunday, others have it for today.
It turns out that there are varying ways of computing the dates so that there are at leas three computations this year. Firstly there are different opinions as to when the Barley in Israel was “Aviv”, that is ripe so different views on when the new year started. Then there are the Rabbinic dates used by Orthodox Jews and many others which are based on a Calendar that I understand to have been agreed hundreds of years ago. There may be other Calendars.
The Calendar that I have used this year is listed below. I have spoken to Father about it and He has said that the exact date is less important than strict observance since there are other factors that affect the true dates that are NOT known to us today.
I therefore commend the dates below for your reference and observance. If you have a different calendar that is also OK, provided you are disciplined.
Thank you so much 😊
Original Article Begins
Every year I publish Yah’s Calendar, the dates of this year that are important to the Creator so that you can observe the Special Sabbaths that He has ordained for us. Father’s calendar is based on the lunar cycles and therefore does NOT correlate directly with the world’s calendar.
I encourage you to take these Sabbaths seriously and observe them strictly IF your relationship with Father means anything to you. These are ALL HIGH SABBATHS, i.e. you observe them as you would the Saturday Sabbath but more strictly and with more discipline regarding worship, etcetera – see https://www.etimin.org/essence-of-message-re-sabbath-observance
I take the dates from the Calendar published by Qodesh Books in South Africa which I regard as a reliable source, see https://www.qodesh.co.za/
All Sabbaths are from Sunrise to Sunrise except Yom Kippur which is Sunset to Sunset.
The Sabbaths are:
- Pesach (Passover) – Saturday 16th of April 2022 – the day before the slaying of the First Born of Egypt and the flight of Yisrael from Egypt, also the day after Yahooshua died.
- Shavuot (Pentecost) – Sunday 12th of June 2022 – Yah came down on Mount Sinai, the Set-Apart Spirit was given in the Upper Room.
- Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) – Wednesday 28th September 2022 – sound the Ram’s Horn Trumpet. You can purchase such a Trumpet on Amazon.
- Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) – Thursday 6th of October Sunset to Friday 7th October Sunset – water only fast, the most set-apart {Holiest} day in the year.
- First Day of Sukkot (First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles) – Wednesday 12th of October 2022 – feast day, birth of Yahooshua.
- Great Day of Sukkot (Great (eighth day) Day of Feast of Tabernacles) – Wednesday 19th of October 2022 -- Great Feast – Yahooshua circumcised.
Please diarize these dates and book leave from work now. It is really important to observe these Sabbaths. I strongly recommend that where these days occur on a business day that you book annual leave for each date.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
12 March 2022 Updated 05 June 2022
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.
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