2022.06.03 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer Created by James on 6/11/2022 3:32:06 PM Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
2022.06.03 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
- Principles
- The right heart attitude and words
The Almighty says: "Effective prayer relies on the right heart attitude and the right words"
- Avoid Presumption
For many years I have prayed along the lines of "Father help me to be led by your Spirit every second of every day in every possible way".
Recently I made a very bad business decision assuming that I WAS being so led.
Initially I was angry with Father.
When I first got on my knees to ask what went wrong He pointedly told me I did NOT ask His opinion so He was not able to help me.
In due course I came to a place where I was calmer and on further inquiring He pointed out to me that we are called to Rule on Earth by His Spirit which requires that, as He has said to me many times, "you are NOT a Glove Puppet" meaning that we have to exercise our own discretion and judgment.
Accordingly I want to advise a correction in the advice I have given on the website.
Do NOT pray as I have indicated above.Note that for the same reasons there are limitations on prayers like "open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed" and "bring the people you want into my life and take the people you do not want in my life out" -- these prayers are applicable to new believers and inexperienced believers, they are NOT applicable as you grow and mature and are expected to take responsibility for your actions in life and in service to Father.
It is really important to recognize that WE MUST exercise discretion, judgment and discernment in our day to day decision making both in general living AND commerce AND ministry.
Apologies if you have taken me at my word and been praying as above and making decisions accordingly.
- Petition in the Court of Heaven
Prayer is petition to the Court of Heaven.
A petition to a court is called a “prayer” – thus a “prayer” is a petition to the Court of Heaven, that is to Yah Himself as the Judge of All the Earth – you should NOT pray to Yahooshua.
There are prayers that are EXTREMELY powerful and prayers that are of some value and the vast majority of prayers are meaningless or presumptuous or so wrong that they are sinful and can open the door for Demonic attack.
Note that fellowship with Father and conversation with Him is NOT prayer, it is fellowship or conversation.Prayer is specifically when you are requesting something that needs an action on the part of Father to your benefit or to the benefit of someone else you are praying for.
- Authority in the name of Yahooshua
Note that you can only pray with authority in the name of Yahooshua once you have a revelation of the authority that he gained through his sinless life and death AND that he delegated that authority to those who follow his example and leadership and serve the Almighty faithfully-- see https://www.eti-ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death
- Prayer in the name of Yahooshua
Only prayers by new believers and with regard to combat against the Satanic and Demonic Realm should be prayed in the name of Yahooshua.All other prayers should be prayed directly to Father Yah.
- Prayer is NOT prescription, NOT demand
Prayer should be humble, it is NOT prescriptive, presumptuous or demanding.
Many mistake prayer in presumption for prayer in Emunah {Faith}.
The most effective prayer is with a broken spirit and a contrite heart but this is ONLY possible when the Spirit moves on you to pray in this manner – one short prayer in this heart attitude, inspired by His Spirit can achieve major breakthroughs and movements.
- Yah can ONLY move on Earth through the prayers of Believers
It is vital to recognize that Yah gave ALL authority on Earth to Adam who then proceeded to give it to Satan.Yahooshua regained this authority but immediately handed it over to those who followed him.
Thus Yah can do NOTHING on Earth save that a son or daughter of Adam FIRST prays that thing into existence in the name of king Yahooshua.
Thus, IF you are truly in tune with Yah you may find yourself praying some remarkable and even unsettling things.
Expecting Yah to do something in your life if you have NOT first requested it and given Him permission is futile.
- Short and to the point is frequently most effective
Yahooshua spoke against praying with many words – pray concise and to the point prayers – lengthy prayers prayed with your understanding are likely to get in the way of Yah NOT help Him – He needs crisp clear prayers that give Him maximum room to act.
The prayers in this document accord with this recommendation and collectively represent a very powerful and effective set of prayers that I have prayed with greater or lesser regularity, mostly for over two decades to significant effect.
Frankly, if you are NOT praying most of these prayers regularly you are unlikely to be really serving Yah in any meaningful manner.
- Give yourself and your life over to Yah – seek His direction
One of the most important decisions that one can make as a Believer is to recognize that one knows so little and understands so little that prayers prayed with your understanding and a life lived according to your understanding are likely to be at best futile and at worst highly destructive.
Once you have reached this realization the next thing to do is to understand that the best solution is to ask Yah to take charge of your life and give you direction by His Spirit.
When I pray to Yah formally, usually at the end of the day before going to sleep, I generally open:
Father, I thank you for this day and for your Chesed and your Chen (your love,your loving kindness, your Mercy, your Grace and your Favour).
I ask you for Wisdom and Understanding in ALL that I do.
I see the above as foundational for day to day living.
At the same time take note of my opening caveat that you are NOT a Glove Puppet and that you must exercise your will, discretion and judgment and take responsibility for your decisions.
- Yah is NOT a Performing Seal
Most of the prayers prayed by most people instruct Father as to what He should do.That is NOT acceptable.Relating to such prayers Father has said to me “I am NOT a performing seal”.
- We are NOT Glove Puppets
As noted earlier, Yah has said to me “James you are NOT a glove puppet” – in other words we are required to exercise free will and discretion and work things out and NOT presume that Father will drive us like glove puppets.This is important to keep in mind when praying and when considering life with Father in general.One needs to learn to hear Father and then go to Him and CONSULT with Him.
There are a range of important prayers for provision and protection, the exact wording may vary depending on the extent to which you have faith for these things.However, note that if you are one-flesh with one or more other human beings and they are not in close alignment and harmony with you and what you are believing for and doing these prayers will constantly be frustrated by hindering spirits (Demons that obstruct the flow of finances, blessings, etc) – remember that “a house divided against itself CANNOT stand” and, conversely, “unity is strength”.
Where you have illegal or residual one-flesh (sexual) bonds see the article relating to the separation of a man and a woman for a complete set of prayers and procedures to cut these ties – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/men-women/men-and-women-and-family/separation-of-man-and-woman
Where you have legal ties you need to work out what you need to do to get the person or persons with whom you have those ties into alignment with you (if you are the male) or for you to get in alignment with them (if you are the female).Until you do this your prayers WILL be hindered.This applies particularly to finance.
Note that if you are one-flesh with another who is NOT serving Yah or one who is but who gets into fear, rebellion, treachery, etc the anointing will be drained out of you and you will become weak.Conversely there will be limits on the extent to which Yah is able to answer prayers under such circumstances.
- Taken out of the formal Church / Mosque / Synagogue / Temple
By the way, once you start praying the prayers given here it is probable that if you are still in formal religion Yah will take you out very quickly.
You also need to worship regularly – not “feel good” worship, definitely NOT worshipping Yahooshua or Jesus but worship that lifts Yah up and makes Him feel good and that humbly requests Him to move in your life, etc – refer https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/recommended-worship-songs for a collection of songs that I have used for years and keep coming back to.See also https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/some-powerful-worship-songs – there are many others but not that have the significance and anointing that those listed here have.
- Sensitivity and obedience
Praying the prayers is NOT enough.
You need to be sensitive and obedient – Yah can start closing a door but you can storm through it or block it open, or ignore it, or ...
You can ignore His voice.
You need to PRACTICE hearing His voice, you need to get on your knees or your face so you can hear better, you need to do things because you THINK you heard His voice – if you think Yah has spoken to you then ACT, if you are unsure then ask for confirmation or guidance but if it is NOT a massive issue then just tell Him you are going to do what you think He has told you to do and DO it and check in with Him if you did it right – ask Him to guide you, to close and open doors, etc.
Spending hours or days, or weeks checking and double checking is NOT helpful – walk by Emunah {Faith} – JUST DO IT!
Re expecting other people to confirm and advise you -- if you are young and inexperienced -- well, maybe for a while -- but Yah wants YOU to hear Him and obey Him.
It is better to do something because you think Yah told you to do it but are not sure than it is to NOT do that thing.
Yah wants obedient servants and servants do NOT argue with their master – yes we do, but that is NOT what Yah wants.
You have to go through SERVANT to get to FRIEND and confidante – it will likely take some years before Yah takes you into His confidence and asks your opinion and consults with you the way He did, for example with Abraham, Noah, Moshe, Yahooshua, and, unless you really work at it you are not very likely to get there – you do not get to become the Friend of Yah by accident, you get there through commitment and hard work and laying down your life.
If it is a really BIG thing, like sell everything, give it to the poor and move to … (halfway round the world), THEN it is reasonable to do a bit of checking and ask for confirmation but even then there is a point at which Yah does NOT expect even such a decision to take you much time – when He tells you to raise your staff over the sea and tell it to open in front of millions of people Yah does NOT want you to take five months of arguing and asking Him for confirmation, He expects you to do it NOW and if you got it wrong take the risk of making a fool of yourself BUT chances are you DID hear Him because His ways ARE foolishness to the ordinary man (including almost all those who claim to believe).
- If you disagree with me and with what is on the End Time Issue Ministries website
If you disagree with what is on the website, taking account of the fact that particularly some of the older articles DO contain error and taking account of the fact that I may still have error I have not recognized then you are welcome to let me know you think I am in error.
Taking account that I have prayed most of the prayers presented here for over more than a decade, some for over two decades, that I have been through ALL the sanctification processes I mention AND others and that I have fasted extensively I ask you to understand that I will NOT pay much attention to what you have to say in disagreement with me UNLESS you have gone through a similar cleansing process.
So, rather than dismissing me as a madman or heretic, rather than walking away and cutting me out of your life, rather than speaking ill of me, pray ALL the prayer contained in this article sincerely and regularly, examine your life and clean it up comprehensively, go on at least one series of seven three day fasts at seven day intervals, walk the road you find yourself on after the fasts for six months and then IF you still disagree with me we can sit down and talk – I FULLY expect that if you do what I have outlined here you will almost certainly AGREE with me on all the critical issues.
You will be far closer to Yah than you have ever imagined possible.
A high level of sanctification and hard work is required to come to a deep personal relationship with Yah and a clear understanding of what really IS truth.
- Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer)
Have you ever wondered why Yah does not perform the sort of mighty works He performed in the time of Noah, of Abraham, of Moses, of EliYah {Elijah}, of Yahooshua – the flood, fire and brimstone from heaven, the parting of the Red Sea, fire from heaven on a smaller scale, storm calmed, continuous stream of highly visible miracle healings, etc?
One thing to notice in the above examples is that the scale and dramatic scope of events became less with the passage of time and has continued to become less to the present age.
Why is this?
1.The level of relationship of the believers with Yah of those closest to Yah has declined continuously over this period;
2.The level of anointing of the most anointed believers on Earth has declined substantially;
3.The level of authority of the most senior members of Yah's family on Earth has also declined in proportion to the above;
4.The number of highly anointed one's has declined;
5.The level of prayer and the nature of prayer has declined;
6.Satan's forces on Earth have become much more knowledgeable in direct proportion to the extent to which those who believe have become increasingly ignorant of the matters of Yah and deviated from truth;
7.Satan's forces on Earth have become proportionately more powerful and numerous in proportion to the degradation in power and number of the believers – almost the entire Christian religion, Moslem religion, Jewish religion, etcetera are in fact serving Satan through the wrong names, wrong sabbaths, etcetera, etcetera – the issues that have been discussed previously on this list.
We have reached a point where for anything really visibly dramatic to happen on Yah's behalf on Earth there needs to be a large group of believers in perfect harmony and agreement and at present it is a challenge to get even two who are anointed and committed to agree let alone pray in harmony.
Yah is MASSIVELY HAMPERED by the weakness and lacklustre conduct of those of us who claim at some level to have a relationship with Him.Added to which, if He did want to do something most would argue that it was not in the Bible and therefore would not listen to Him.
Have you ever wondered what Noah did without the Bible?
There was NO Biblical precedent therefore according to most believers today it could not have been Yah who brought the Flood.In fact, Noah would probably be kicked out of just about every Church / Mosque / Synagogue / Temple on the planet today if he came warning of coming judgment.
The same can be said of Abraham, Moses, EliYah, Yahooshua – they would all be kicked out of the modern religious assemblies for failing to submit to the Pastor / Priest / Imam / Rabbi and teaching doctrines that were not in the Bible / Quran / Torah / etcetera of their time – in fact, that is basically why Yahooshua was executed – he was doing things that were contrary to the teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees – read "Pastor and church council".
If you have not been kicked out of a church recently you need to ask yourself what you are doing to cosy up to the devil!
So, the bottom line, for Satan to be sent to the Pit, somebody had to do something that was not set out in the Bible – if it were set out in the Bible in detail Satan would have prevented it from happening, but it happened quietly and without fanfare – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/satan-to-pit-2003e
Likewise, Yahooshua will not return in response to wide publicity as keeps happening at present, he said he would come as a thief in the night, NOT appearing to people all over the place telling them he is coming soon and is going to take them away from all this suffering, etctera.
What are YOU going to do differently going forward in order to challenge the status quo (Satan in the religious assembly) and make a difference on Earth for Yah?-- try praying the Important Prayers below and other prayers in this document.
Please think about this and pray about this, it is vital to understand this if you are to overcome in this age and to make a difference in your service of Yah.
- MOST Important Prayers
- Judgment
In my opinion, IF you are to faithfully serve Father to the end the following are the MOST IMPORTANT prayers and should be prayed regularly.The single most important prayer that one could pray and the one prayer I would chose if I was limited to praying only one prayer for the rest of my life was "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly".
I firmly believe that if you are sensitive to the resulting leading and have Emunah {Faith} that Yah will NOT test you beyond what you can endure, you will learn much from this prayer and will stay on track with Father no matter what happens.Any time something goes “wrong”, get on your knees before Father and ask Him what you did wrong.Judgement can be an accident, illness, lost business, anything that causes you loss or suffering that may point to judgment.
Note that IF you are walking FREE of Sin and error you will NOT experience illness, loss, etcetera – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/what-is-required-to-live-above-sin
Only pray this if you are sincere and willing to make the adjustments that you find yourself needing to make.One must be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit of The Almighty and be obedient to His leading.
This may seem like an alarming prayer but, provided it is prefaced by reference to Father’s Chesed and Chen {Love, Lovingkindness, Mercy and Grace} as above He will moderate His judgments within your capacity to cope with them.
Remember, He is your Father, He loves you, He wants the best for you.
Praying for His judgment is the SAFEST thing you can do.
Trust Him totally.
Remember, if you are NOT judged in this life you WILL be judged on the Day of your Judgment – rather be judged now while there is still time to course correct rather than end up in Hell for a season.
Be sensitive to things happening and then seek Him to know why you have been judged and how to correct.
Judgments can be very small or they can be major, such as a motor accident or near accident – no matter what it is, if something goes wrong and you have prayed for judgment, get on your KNEES and ask Him to show you what you have done wrong, repent, course correct and get back on track.
If you will do this on a consistent basis you will find that after a few years the way you are living your life has changed drastically.
Note that this does NOT release you from the responsibility to chart the course of your life with regard to relationships, business / work and ministry – you are NOT a Glove Puppet.
- Deception
Thereafter the next prayer I would choose to pray would be "Show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”.Be prepared for much and possibly most of what you believe to be turned on its head.
If you are REALLY serious about seeking truth “lead me into ALL truth by your Spirit”.
Go on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days and constantly petition Yah to lead you into truth and correct your error.You are likely to experience dramatic changes – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seek-truth/seek-truth-not-error
- Qualify to become a Friend of Yah
The highest rank in Heaven is as a Friend of Yah there have only been a limited number of such people in history but this is available to EVERY Believer, this is what we were created for!
Pray “Father I ask you to help me to become your Friend!”.
- Drawing Close to Father
“Help me to know You more nearly and see you more clearly day by day;
“help me to bring You Joy every day;
“let me know Your Peace that passes all understanding;
“let Your Joy be my strength;
“let Your Love be shed abroad in my heart;
“let me know your heart.”
This one about knowing Yah’s Heart is a big one -- be prepared to feel Yah’s anger, His Grief, His Joy, His Sadness, etcetera – I have seen Him weep with Joy and with Hurt, this is NOT a prayer to pray lightly.
Once you have prayed this expect there to be major constraints on the type of movies and TV programmes and live theatre programs you can watch, what you can read, people you can associate with, etc, etc.
As you draw closer to Yah pray for Him to touch you and fill you with His Spirit more and more --“Father, I ask you to pour out Your Spirit upon me and fill me with Your Spirit”.
“I ask you to anoint me for the work you have called me to do”.
- Daily Prayers
- What we pray
Following are the prayers I routinely pray.I commend them for your consideration:
“Father we come to you and thank you for this day, we thank you for your Chesed and your Chen, your love, your loving kindness, your Mercy, your Grace and your Favour.
“We ask for Wisdom and Understanding in all that we do.
“Help us to draw closer to you.
“Help us to know your will and to do it.
“Help us to hear your voice and be obedient.
“Teach me to quieten my spirit so I can hear your still, small voice.
“Help us to qualify to sit on high thrones with Yahooshua for eternity.
“We thank you that you supply all our need according to your riches in Glory by the Anointing that was uponYahooshua.
“We thank you that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask or imagine.
“We thank you that you are our Healer, our Provider, our Saviour, our Deliverer, our Counsellor, our Comforter and our Friend.
“We thank you that your Messengers {Angels} Encamp around us to protect us.
“That no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
“That every tongue that rises against us in unrighteous judgement shall be refuted.
“We ask you to lead us into ALL truth by your Spirit;
“Show us the level of our present deception;
“I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly.
“We ask you to Bless us indeed.
“Enlarge our territory in Relationship with You, in Knowledge of You and Your Ways and Your Will and Your Kingdom;
“In the Anointing of Your Spirit;
“In Humility;
“In Emunah {Faith};
“In Harmony;
“In Health;
“And in Finance.
“Help us to wear your full Armour:
“The Belt of Truth;
“The sure footed shoes of the Good News of Peace;
“The Helmet of Salvation;
“The Breastplate of Righteousness;
“The Shield of Emunah {Faith};
“The Mantle of Humility;
“Help us to wield your Commandments as a sharp two edged sword dividing between Truth and Error.
“Help us to pray in the Spirit at all times without ceasing.”
Notice that each element of the armour is an attitude and way of being, seek truth at all times, etcetera.Pray also: “teach me to walk in the Armour and use it effectively.”
Note that “pray in the Spirit at ALL times without ceasing” is NOT a figure of speech, it is a REAL possibility, ask Father to teach you: “please teach my spirit to pray at all times without ceasing”.
Regarding the Sword of the Spirit which is the Commandments (the Words) of Yah (NOT the bible):“Father help me to keep your Commandments:
1. Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE mighty one you shall have NO OTHER mighty one’s before Him (includes do NOT worship Yahooshua)
2. Make no graven images (includes the Bible and the Cross)
3. Do not take the Name of Yah the eternally-self existing in vain (includes NOT saying ‘ja’ for ‘yes’ and NOT having a Yahoo.com email address)
4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it set-apart {holy} (includes the other days set by Yah – Pesach {Passover}, Shavuot {Pentecost}, Yom Teruah {Trumpets}, Yom Kippur {Atonement}, Sukkot {Tabernacles} first and last days.
5. Honour your father and your mother (includes no old age homes – they grow old in the bosom of their family)
6. Do NOT commit murder (includes cursing, abortion and abolition of the death penalty)
7. Do NOT commit adultery
8. Do NOT steal (includes taking tithes while teaching lies)
9. Do NOT bear false witness (includes teaching lies as Yah’s doctrine)
10. Do NOT covet or lust
- Prayer for your Business if you have one
“Father, we thank you for … (name of business);
“We ask you to bless and prosper the business;
“We ask you for Wisdom to get wealth;
“We ask you to help us to market and sell effectively that we may come to a place of abundant income where we can live comfortably with funds available for Ministry… “
etcetera as appropriate
- Prayer for your Employer if you have one
“Father, we thank you for … (name of business);
“We ask you to bless and prosper the business;
“We ask you for Wisdom to get wealth;
“We ask you to help me to be an effective employee and help the business to prosper so that we, too, may prosper … “
etcetera as appropriate
- Prayer for your marital relationship IF you have one.
“Father we thank you for our relationship.
“We ask you to bless and prosper our relationship.
“We ask you to help us work together effectively in Your service that we may quality to sit on High Thrones with You for Eternity (or whatever your aspiration is)” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom and https://www.eti-ministries.org/mountain-of-relationship
- Prayer for your Ministry IF you have one – you SHOULD have one
“Father, we thank you for … (name of ministry);
“We ask you to bless and prosper the ministry;
“We ask you to guide us in the service of your people that we can make a dramatic difference on the Earth … “
etcetera as appropriate.
- Specific Prayers for the Kingdom of Yah
“Father we ask that you will help your servants to pave the way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and so that you can have many Friends and many more committed Believers.
“We ask you to raise up Powerful Servants who will initiate Revivals all around the Earth that will last for the Millennium and radically change things on the Earth.
“Help us to make a dramatic difference on the Earth.”
Etcetera as appropriate.
- Specific Prayers for those in Partnership with us in the Ministry or the Business
“Father, we pray for those who are in Partnership with us in the Ministry or the Business (as appropriate).
“We ask you to bless and prosper them.
“Protect them and help them to draw closer to you.
“Help them to help us achieve our goals and make a real difference on the Earth”.
Etcetera as appropriate.
- Prayer for my Ministry – End Time Issue Ministries (ETI) or any other Ministry you are associated with IF you feel so led
“Father, we bring … (name of Ministry) before you and ask you to bless and prosper them.
“In particular we ask you to help them to reach as many people as possible and make this turning around sustainable.
“We ask you to bless and prosper those who have been touched by the Ministry, protect them, help them to draw closer to you, help them to know your will and to do it, help them to hear your voice and be obedient.
“Raise up mighty warriors in Your Services who will initiate Revivals around the World.”
Etcetera as appropriate.
- Prayers over food that has been provided by Father – if you are comfortably off financially and provision of food is routine there is no need to pray
“Father I thank you for this food and ask you to sanctify it to my body and bless the hands that prepared it in the name of Yahooshua”.
- Various other prayers
“Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I confess that I have sinned by … (list any sin that comes to mind), I ask you to forgive me in the name of Yahooshua – where possible take the Bread and Wine of the Covenant {Communion} and pray this.”
“I ask you to teach me your ways;
“I ask you to lead me that I may live a life pleasing to you;
“I ask that you may help me that I may overcome to the end;
“I ask you to speak to me through people, books, magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, email, websites on in any other way that I am able to hear you in order to come to a deep personal relationship with you.” Primarily for young Believers.
“Speak to me through your Emissaries {Apostles} and Spokesmen and Spokeswomen {Prophets and Prophetesses} and send them across my path -- be prepared for unusual and sometimes difficult people who may easily offend you.” Primarily for young Believers.
“I ask you to teach me to worship you deeply and draw close to you and be filled with and LED by your Spirit – remember that you must always exercise your discretion and your will.
“I ask you to fill me to overflowing with your Spirit and to help me to deal with all issues in my life that are standing between me and the full measure of anointing that you desire me to have.
“Father, I ask you to give me utterance in prayer to pray whatever it is you want into my life.”
Etcetera as appropriate.
- The Pattern Prayer
A useful prayer for new believers and weak believers as it covers so many issues, is the example prayer attributed to Yahooshua:
“Our Father who art in Heaven,
“hallowed be Thy Name,
“Thy Kingdom come,
“Thy Will be done,
“on Earth as it is in Heaven.
“Give us this day our daily bread
“and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us.
“For Thine is the Kingdom,
“the Power
“and the Glory
“for ever and ever
Father says that mature believers should NOT pray this regularly as it is over used and most people do not really apply their minds to it because they have learned it by rote.
- In Closing your daily Prayers
“Thank you for Your Chesed and Your Chen (love, loving kindness, Mercy, Grace, Favour).
Amen” (so-be-it, let it be done)
- The Covenant Meal {Communion}
Acknowledge the Covenant regularly:
Take the bread “Father, I recall that on the night that Yahooshua was betrayed he took the bread and when he had given thanks he broke it saying ‘this is my body given for you, do this as oft as you eat it in remembrance of me’ – I ask that as I partake of this bread that I may partake in everything that it represents to you and that I may come to fully understand its significance and how it works”
Note that whenever you sin you should confess your sin, repent and take the bread and wine as symbolizing the sacrifice for sin that was ordained by Yah through Moshe {Moses}.To better understand this see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death
Take the red grape juice or red wine “Father, I recall that on the night that Yahooshua was betrayed he took the wine and gave it to those who followed him and said ‘this is my blood of the new covenant, shed for you and for many for forgiveness of sin, do this as oft as you shall drink it in remembrance of me’ – I ask that as I partake of this cup that I may partake of everything that it represents to you and that I may come to fully understand its significance and how it works.
In particular, I ask you to forgive me ALL that I have done that I ought not to have done and all that I have NOT done that that I ought to have done.I ask you to bring to my remembrance all sins I need to confess and repent of.”
Once you have a revelation of the Covenant you can apply the “Blood of the Covenant” (red grape juice or red wine” to your forehead, nape of your neck, right eyebrow, tongue, right earlobe, right thumb and right big toe and pray for guidance and deliverance.You must pray for the grape juice or wine to represent the Blood of the Covenant first.
- Prayers for young Believers
- Various
“I ask you to bring people into my life who can teach me and lead me.
“I ask you to strip off the old things and create new things in my life.
“I ask you to open the doors in my life that you want opened and to close the doors that you want closed.”
Etcetera as appropriate.
- Take people out
“I ask you to bring the people you want in my life into my life and take the people you do not want in my life out.”
Be prepared for all sorts of people to leave your life.
In the year after I first prayed this prayer Yah took a number of my staff, one of my business partners and my wife out.
Recognize that in some situations YOU will need to act – Yah will show you that there is a problem and that the person is not suitable to have in your life but you may have to take action, such as divorce, dismissal, etcetera.Only do this ONCE you have prayed repeatedly for confirmation and guidance.Other times, Yah may arrange things that the other person takes themselves out and He may show you in the process why they are leaving.This can be quite shocking at first.That said, if Yah does NOT want someone in your life then, no matter how hard it is, you NEED them out – He knows much better than you do what is best.
- Directional and Defensive Prayers
“Help me to accurately discern the leading of Your Spirit;
“help me to see what you want me to see;
“help me to hear what you want me to hear;
“help me to think what you want me to think;
“help me to speak what you want me to speak;
“help me to write and contract (with my hand) what you want me to write and contract;
“help me to walk (go with my feet) where you want me to walk;
“speak to me through whatever medium I am able to hear you through, books, magazines, newspapers, emails, radio, TV, recordings, emails, websites or any other medium;
“where necessary send people or messengers {angels} across my path to speak to me”;
in all of the above it is up to you to be sensitive and discern that Yah is answering your prayers.
He will NOT steam roller you into anything or force your hand.If you do NOT want to listen or for some reason are unable to listen He will NOT force you – it is up to YOU to be sensitive and obedient and seek clarification, confirmation and further guidance as you grow in relationship with Him.
Do NOT ask for Yah to send other people to you UNLESS you are willing to be obedient to what He says, failing this you will open yourself up to judgment.It is a major logistical exercise in most cases for Yah to arrange the life of another person to meet up with you – when it happens be appropriately grateful to Yah and be attentive to what Yah has to say to you through that person.
As a spokesman {prophet} of Yah I am constantly disappointed by the extent to which people, when confronted with a spokesperson {prophet}, take what that person says lightly and frequently go out and do exactly the opposite of what Yah has said through the prophet.
- Cutting off consequences of a sexual relationship
This is a considerable subject in its own right which is discussed in detail with detailed prayers at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-separation-man-woman and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/men-women/men-and-women-and-family/separation-of-man-and-woman
Basically, if you have sexual intercourse only once, be it with another human or an animal all sorts of spiritual ties and connections come into existence that will have a huge impact on your life going forward and, if the relationship no longer exists, need to be cut off.Note also that casual sex, including on-line or telephone sex can have major impacts, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-my-message-regarding-sex and https://www.eti-ministries.org/implications-of-careless-sexual-activity
- Cleaning Up
As you clean up your life you will progressively be able to get rid of the Demons that are attached to you, some associated with blood-line curses, others associated with sins you have committed, others transmitted from those you have had sexual intercourse with, etcetera.
When you know that you have dealt with a particular sin, or similar you can pray “I speak to all Demons associated with … / of … and, in the name of Yahooshua I bind you and command you to leave me and go where Father Yah sends you.
Father, I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers {Angels} to bind all Demons who no longer have a legal right to be attached to me and to send those Demons where you command them to go.I ask you to show me what other Demons have legal rights to be on me.”
Be cautious of being presumptuous in this area.
On a fairly regular basis IF you are actively serving Father “Father, I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me and to cast out all Demons associated with those curses – then speak to the Demons as above.”
Another relevant prayer: “Show me all Demons and curses that are attached to me and how to get rid of them, send people across my path with the anointing to deliver me”; -- you need to study Demons and deliverance and seek out people who can help you to get free – guaranteed that unless you have put in MAJOR effort over a number of years to get free of Demons you HAVE Demons and they are corrupting your thinking and leading you into all sorts of sin – you need to deal with blood-line curses and the Demons associated with them, etcetera.
“Show me all the sins I need to repent of” -- this is an ongoing process for years and probably decades, sit down, pray and make a list of all your sins starting with blood line stuff that you inherited and then list year by year from conception to the present all the things you did wrong or were done to you, and repent of them AND pray for those that you harmed with your sins to forgive you – you will need to do this several times over a period of a year or more with the assistance of the Spirit of Yah before you have cleaned up and you will still find yourself remembering things years later – Yah may require you to go to people and repent of what you did wrong to them, you may need to make restitution, restore things your stole, compensate them for losses they incurred because of the wrong you did them, etcetera
Show me all the people I need to forgive; -- all the people who have wronged you, forgive them and release them from their debt towards you, including things they have stolen, etc – you may be able to just pray this but you may need to go to people and actively forgive them and release them.
See also detailed discussion on the topic of Cleansing in https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-cleansing-and-deliverance
Note that as he was about to die, Yahooshua said “Father forgive them for they do NOT know what they are doing!” – so, if Yahooshua could forgive those who treated him so terribly, YOU can forgive those who have wronged you, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/yahooshua/yahooshua-part-1/father-forgive-them
- Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare is about actively fighting against the forces of darkness.
- Basic Prayers
“I ask you to cover me, my family with the Blood of the Covenant from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet.
“I ask you to cover my dwelling with the Blood of the Covenant, the floors, the ceilings, the roofs, the walls, the windows, the window frames, the doorposts and the lintels with the Blood of the Covenant that no evil may enter my dwelling.I ask that you cover all that I own and have beneficial use of with the Blood of the Covenant.”
Note that if you have sin in your life or artifacts that give the forces of darkness legal rights against you, such as stolen items in your house, the above prayers will be of limited effect.
The covenant through Yahooshua operates very differently to the way that most people teach so you might pray “Father I ask you to reveal the covenant to me and how it operates.
“I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me and against my family.
“Help me to be effective in the war against the Satanic and Demonic powers of this Earth.”
Etcetera as appropriate.
It can take years to have a full revelation of the Covenant.
- Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions
Once you are praying most of the prayers in this document you can look at praying more offensive prayers against the Satanic realm and servants of Satan – see other articles about how this realm operates including https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-satanic-and-Demonic
On a broader basis “I come against every Principality, Power, Throne and Dominion that is operating over me and my dwelling and in the name of Yahooshua I tear you down and command you to go where Father Yah sends you. Father, I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers {Angels} to bind, tear down cast out and send where you want them to go the Demons that I have named in the name of Yahooshua.”Only pray this if there are at least two of you living at the same address in covenant and harmonywith one another.NEVER pray this if you are on your own!
- Curses by Satan Servants
If you are making any serious effort to serve Yah and, particularly if you have a significant calling, expect servants of Satan to curse you regularly and possibly offer human sacrifices (most frequently in the form of abortions) against you.Accordingly it is important to ask for curses to be cut on a regular basis.
Note that until you have cleaned up your life significantly, by which I mean at the very least several sets of seven three day fasts and deep self-examination and dealing with sin, you are NOT legally in a position to pray this prayer, ask Father to show you when / if you are in a position to pray this.Realize that if you pray it prematurely the forces of darkness will laugh at you and intensify their efforts againstyou to prevent you coming to a point where you ARE legally able to pray this.Note also that this is an ongoing prayer as are most of the suggested prayers, the forces of darkness that you are praying against are massive and include billions of Demons and fallen messengers {angels} and, depending on your level of authority you may have to pray repeatedly to have only a few leave.There are many other prayers along these lines that can be prayed but these are outside the scope of this article.
- Returning Curses
If you have really gone to significant effort to sort out your life before Yah you can go further:
“Father, I ask that where curses have been spoken against me by people that understand what they are doing that you will return those curses in the magnitude that you deem appropriate that they may learn not to curse those who serve you” – the first time I prayed this a person (a practicing witch) died two days later and another Satan Servant six weeks later – this is NOT a prayer to be prayed lightly – only if you have seriously cleaned up your life first.
Note that a curse without cause may NOT alight so if curses are touching you then you have sin in your life and you do NOT have a basis to ask for the curses to be returned, it is ONLY once you have dealt with your sin that the Almighty will grant such a petition and He may NOT grant such a petition – if you pray such a prayer presumptuously you give the forces of darkness the right to attack you further so pray with caution and ONLY once you are certain you are in right standing at a level that permits you to pray this.Do NOT return curses yourself, that is witchcraft and you will open the door to massive Demonic infestation.
Note that you can only pray with authority in the name of Yahooshua once you have a revelation of the authority that he gained through his sinless life and death AND that he delegated that authority to those who follow his example and leadership and serve the Almighty faithfully – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death
Note that IF a large number of believers were to reach such a point of sanctification as I am suggesting above then the power of the returned witchcraft and curses against their enemies, typically magnified a 1,000 times, will be immense.
- Prayers against witchcraft, curses, etcetera
- The Afrikaner Situation
If Be aware that Africa is Satan’s greatest stronghold of witchcraft in this age and that massive forces of witchcraft are arraigned against the believing people of Africa.In particular, nearly all Afrikaans families have very intense witchcraft and curses operating against them, frequently evidenced by the death or involvement in serious accidents of children before they reach the age of 21.
A three day total fast (water only) is effective and necessary in breaking witchcraft so, pray:
“Father we come to you in the name of Yahooshua and we ask you to cut off all witchcraft rites that have been proclaimed and practiced against us individually and corporately. We ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against us. We ask you to cut off all Demonic and Satanic assignments against us. We ask you to show us everything in our lives that is giving those witchcraft, curses and those Demonic and Satanic assignments legal right to operate in our lives and amongst our people. We ask you to guide us in cleaning up our lives so that these things are no longer effective against us. We ask you to reveal to us all artifacts in our homes, businesses and elsewhere that have Demonic assignments associated with them that we may utterly destroy them” (burn with fire or smash completely);
Note that in many cases there is a substantial legal basis for curses and witchcraft to operate, again this is particularly so in the case of Afrikaner families where there has been abusive or violent treatment of Africans, particularly coupled to the lie that the African people are not descended from Noah and therefore in some sense sub-human – this lie has given African Demonic forces one of the richest fields in which to attack Afrikaners.In such cases Afrikaner families may need to repent to those they have wronged and possibly make restitution before the curses and witchcraft will be cut off.This point is NOT limited to Afrikaners, only they are most widely guilty.
In any society where there has been discrimination or racism these basic principles will apply.
Note also that dealing with these issues is a progressive iterative process – as you grow in the matters of the Almighty you will be shown more things to deal with and be able to get rid of more Demons, etctera.To deal with the fundamental issues that in many cases go back hundreds or even thousands of years you will ideally need the assistance of a highly experienced prophetic minister of which there are almost none left on the planet so your only recourse is to deal with sin and live a disciplined life so that, while these things are present, they are NOT able to touch you.Alternatively do the work necessary to get to a deep personal relationship with Father so He can guide you to deal with these things.
- African people – the Curse of Canaan
Note that in the case of the indigenous African people the “Curse of Canaan” is a major factor that needs to be cut off – refer Genesis 9:25 “And he [Noah] said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren”.
Pray “Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to cut the Curse of Canaan on myself, my family and my bloodline. I bind and cast out all demons associated with enforcing the curse and command them to go where Father Yah sends them. Father, in the name of Yahooshua, I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers to bind, cast out and send where you want to go the Demons I have named.”
- Fasting
In my experience these prayers are just the entry point.
They are NOT ENOUGH!
I only started to get dramatic revelation eight years after I had been walking intensely with Father when He led me to go on eight three day fasts at intervals of ten days – in other words three days fasting and seven days eating normally – in that case the fasts culminated on the 31st of December 2000 and Yah then gave me the message “The Wrath of {God} Yah for the Church” and said the church was breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments.
During those 80 days I received massive revelation, about the true names Yah and Yahooshua, about the true Sabbath, about the true feasts, about the pagan and Satanic nature of Christmas, etcetera.
On those fasts during the three days all I took was the bread and wine – remembering the covenant made by Yahooshua {communion} and limited water.
In the year that followed I continued to get continuous revelation, saw Yah move significantly in my life and wrote hundreds of articles which are included on the website.
In the years that followed I fasted periodically, most significantly on the Day of Atonement.
Then, towards the end of 2010, Yah impressed on me to go on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days, three day’s fasting and four days eating normally, culminating on the 26th of December 2010 (Christmas).
On the first two fasts and the last fast I drank only a small amount of Grape Juice and ate a small amount of unleavened bread twice a day because I had to take medication and NO water (I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST TH IS).
On the remaining fasts I took the bread and wine morning and evening and drank a significant amount of water as well as I was advised that repeated withholding of liquid could cause permanent damage to my kidneys. My kidneys were quite painful at the end of the seventh fast and took some years to recover fully because of the three x three day sessions with no water – so there is need for caution, do NOT do total three day fasts without water unless you are VERY SURE that Yah requires it.
Note that a total three day fast is required to break certain witchcraft and get rid of certain Demons and curses and shift certain other things. I would still take the bread and wine in limited quantities and still drink water.
Over that period of fasting and in the months that followed my understanding of various things consolidated and I wrote well over one hundred articles all of which are on the website.
In 2010 I was also told that in order to enter into full blown ministry operating in the power gifts of the Spirit of Yah, conducting spiritual warfare at a level where one could combat major Demons, witches, etc, heal the sick, raise the dead and be used for other miracles it was necessary to go on a forty day total fast only drinking water. I have met several people who have done such fasts and who walk in GREAT power and authority in the Spirit realm, one of these people had been used to raise about 19 people from the dead, one who had been in the morgue for two days!
Note that you are likely to become extremely weak during a forty day water only fast and are unlikely to be able to engage in business or even normal domestic activities after about two to three weeks so the series of three day fasts is more practical for many people but is NOT a substitute for a forty day fast IF you are really going ALL OUT.
On the basis of this experience I have to say to you that IF you claim to be serious about serving Yah and you have not fasted at the sort of levels referred to above then you are kidding yourself and playing games.
IF you are serious about serving Yah you need to pray the prayers contained in this document REGULARLY and start fasting – it is as simple as that!
At the start of a fast take bread and red wine (or red grape juice) and pray, “Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I thank you for this food and I ask you to bless it to my body and bless the hands that prepared it, I recall that on the night that he was betrayed Yahooshua took the bread and, when he had given thanks, he gave it to those who followed him saying, this is my body given for you, do this as oft as you shall eat it in remembrance of me, Father I ask that as I partake of this bread that I may partake of all that it represents to you”, eat a portion of bread, leave no remnants.
Take the cup saying “Father I recall that after supper Yahooshua took the cup and gave it to those who followed Him saying ‘drink ye all of this, this is my blood of the new Covenant, given for you and for many for forgiveness of sin, do this as oft as you shall drink it in remembrance of me, I ask that as I partake of this cup that I may partake in all that it represents to you”. Declare the objectives of your fast and ask Father to grant your petition.
You can do this morning and evening of every day of every fast and more frequently if you feel impressed to do so or if you need to take medication that requires that you have something in your stomach.
If you really are unable to go on a total fast then fast either on fruit and vegetables or soup in limited quantities.
You might also pray “Father, I dedicate this fast to you, as I fast I pray that you will help me to come closer to you and to live a life that is pleasing to you. I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, I ask you to show me all sin that I need to repent of and seek forgiveness for, I ask you to show me any person I need to seek forgiveness from. I ask you to show me all that I have stolen or gained unrighteously and show me to whom I should make restitution. I ask you to show me all people that I should approach to request forgiveness. I ask you to teach me how to live a life that is pleasing to you, how to come to a place of walking in all truth, how to overcome to the end that I may be found to be a ‘good and faithful’ servant or better on the Day of Judgment. Teach me to love my enemies, to pray for those that despitefully use me and to turn the other cheek when faced with insult or injury”. Plus whatever else you may be fasting for.
Pray whatever else comes up for you.
- A Powerful but Dangerous Prayer
A very powerful but very dangerous prayer is “Father I ask that you will lead me that I die to self and the things of the flesh, that my old self is put to death with Yahooshua that you may fill me and live through me that you may reign on Earth through me”.
You can go further:
If you are REALLY REALLY committed you can take this further – go on one or more fasts, I went on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days praying as I took the bread and wine morning and evening that Yah would put my flesh to death and fill me with His Spirit.He granted my prayer.Subsequently, betrayed by my wife, it nearly destroyed me.
Understand that after you have done this your life truly is NOT your own and if you join yourself to another inappropriately or the one to which you are joined betrays you, you will be devastatingly weakened, will age prematurely and could even die in extreme circumstances – the Spirit of Yah cannot co-exist with evil, be it fear, pride, treachery or whatever and will leave you in such circumstances – do NOT pray this prayer unless you are certain that Yah is ready for you to pray it AND that YOU are ready and understand the risks and that any sexual covenant partner understands this as well and is in agreement with you.
Even once you have prayed this prayer repeatedly and received the manifestation you are STILL NOT A GLOVE PUPPET, YOU are responsible for your decisions and the direction your life takes.
There are other prayers that can be prayed but the above is a very comprehensive list of prayers that I consider to be important in terms of seeking to serve Father on a consistent basis.
Over and above this you can pray for children, parents, family,business and work situations, your city, your nation, etcetera.
In all of these situations the same principles apply – if you are NOT sure what to pray then rather do NOT pray anything or else pray in line with the examples above such that Yah’s will is done in those situations – pray “Father, let your will be done in this situation.”
Most of the prayers prayed by most of the people on the planet get in Yah’s way because they are NOT His Will and are meaningless.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
Revised 11 June 2022, originally published 26 September 2021
Radio Broadcasts on www.W4CY.com Radio, please join me -- Friday at 12 midday USA Eastern Time, UK 5 pm, South Africa 6 pm; Sydney Australia 4:00 am Saturday. Now also on TV on the same link. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME.
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.

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