2022.07.02 The Essence of my message regarding Critical End-of-Life Scenarios Created by James on 7/9/2022 2:13:42 PM There is a general lack of knowledge of what faces human beings when they reach the end of their lives. There is a general, pervasive, unease when it comes to the question of death but very little understanding of what the scenarios are when one dies.
This article seeks to address this issue.
So, WHAT happens? WHERE do we go?
DEATH, the undiscussable outcome that we ALL face!
2022.07.02 The Essence of my message regarding Critical End-of-Life Scenarios
There is a general lack of knowledge of what faces human beings when they reach the end of their lives. There is a general, pervasive, unease when it comes to the question of death but very little understanding of what the scenarios are when one dies.
This article seeks to address this issue.
So, WHAT happens? WHERE do we go?
DEATH, the undiscussable outcome that we ALL face!
In answering this question it is vital to understand the fundamental principle that the entire Universe, this Planet, Plants, Animals and Human beings exist for one reason only! The Almighty Creator, whose TRUE Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, specifically “Yah”, was lonely and wanted Friends!
To put this in context the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together, my greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!“
He set about creating intelligent beings with the ability to choose, to exercise original thought, to be creative, who could interact with Him, becomes His Friends and enjoy doing things together with Him.
To this end He first created the Universe with multiple Solar Systems and a myriad of stars and planets until He created OUR Solar System and OUR planet Earth which turned out to meet His requirements. He created MANY other Solar Systems and Planets before He created our Planet Earth which met His requirements to home the highly intelligent beings mentioned above – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-my-message-re-history-our-world-today
In conjunction with this, He created a home in Heaven for those who SUCCESSFULLY completed their trial on Earth. This is spectacularly glorious and those who successfully complete the TRIAL graduate with spectacularly glorious bodies, great authority and great power at a wide range of levels.
In this process He also created Messengers {Angels} to assist Him and one of these rebelled and let a third of the Messengers in Heaven in rebellion. This resulted in something that today is called “The Contest” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-rules-of-engagement-contest
There are two broad options available to us when we die:
- Die as an Unbeliever.
- Die as a Believer.
These are discussed below.
In considering what follows it is vital to understand that throughout the Creative Process, failed experiments were cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where they were instantly consumed and destroyed by the Fire, this is the Incinerator of Heaven.
Death as an Unbeliever
In the original design it was recognized that it was possible that some Humans would NOT believe, it was intended that these FAILED EXPERIEMENTS would be utterly destroyed in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. However, as a consequence of Satan’s challenge and The Contest, this judgment was placed in abeyance such that IF Satan wins the contest ALL those who serve him, including ALL Unbelievers, will remain on Earth for Eternity. If this happens, Yah will instantly remove His Universal Spirit and all living plants, animals and humans will die – Satan will be left ruling over billions of Demons and Satanic Messengers {Angels}.
Accordingly one the Contest commenced there was NOWHERE for dead unbelievers to go except to remain on Earth with their corpses. Since Human Spirits require a body in order to be mobile, these spirits, called “Ancestor Spirits” or “Demons” are stuck on their corpse when they die UNLESS harvested by a Satanic Messenger {Satanic Angel} and used to Haunt / Oppress other human beings.
There is a widespread tendency amongst Unbelievers to think they are going to end up in a nice place when they die. This is a consequence of wrong teaching by some Believers who fail to distinguish between the situation of Believers versus Unbelievers on Death, which this article is seeking to address.
Fundamentally the Almighty has said regarding Unbelievers "why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?”
So, fundamentally Unbelievers do NOT go to Heaven.
They face two possible outcomes:
- Good Human Being
Good Human Beings who are no use to the Forces of Darkness are either left with their corpse in the grave, Crematorium Oven or wherever their corpse falls unless they accidentally manage to transfer to a family member or friend who touches their corpse before the corpse is disposed of.
- Accomplished Sinners
Human Beings who die with significant accomplishment with regard to sin, be it fornication, lying, stealing, blaspheming, etcetera are harvested by a Satanic Messenger or human Satan Servant (Witch, Satanist, etcetera), sent for training as to how to be an effective Demon and then deployed on a target Human Being to lead them into further sin.There are various Ranks of Demon as discussed below.
In all cases, when an Unbeliever dies their Guardian Messenger {Guardian Angel} takes them first to a viewing port overlooking Heaven where they are shown Heaven and told they will never enter and then taken to a viewing port overlooking the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where they are told that this is where they will end up if Satan loses the Contest.
They are then returned to their corpse where one of the two above outcomes eventuates – left with Corpse or Harvested for deployment as a Demon.
Note that either way, death as an unbeliever is seriously unpleasant.
Death as a Believer
A Believer is someone who has at some stage had a profound realization of the existence of the Creator. This may be a momentary realization or it may be a deep, settled assurance of His existence. For Believers there are three possible outcomes:
- Nominal Believer
For those who had a momentary realization of the existence of the Creator, such as at a Christian Crusade, during “Confirmation” in their early teenage years, a moment in Church / Synagogue / Mosque / Temple / etcetera but thereafter continued to live their lives as though the Almighty does NOT exist.They will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (the Believers teeth) – the trash heap of Heaven – Father has said concerning such Believers “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?”
Basically, in the original design Yah did NOT anticipate this category of person and so, when He started to encounter such people the only place left to house them in Heaven was the Outer Darkness.There was NO space for them in the Throne Room of Heaven.On Death, these people are taken to the Judgment Seat, Judged, spend time in Hell as appropriate and are then banished to the Outer Darkness for Eternity.
It can be argued that it is preferable to die as an Unbeliever than as a Nominal Believer destined for the Outer Darkness.Those who make it their business to create Believers and then leave them to struggle to work out their salvation will be harshly judged!
- Accepted Believer
IF a person has come to a deep realization of the existence of the Creator such that a solid “State Change” has taken place in their Spirit, some people call this “Born Again”, AND that person has made a significant effort to serve the Almighty that person WILL qualify to enter Heaven at one of the categories of Rank discussed below.They will muster in that Rank while on Earth but will only receive their reward after they die.They will be in Heaven for Eternity with that Ran.
They will spend time in Hell, the place of Torment for Correction of unrepented sin, for all unrepented sin BEFORE they enter Heaven.
- Rejected Believer
If a person at one time qualified for the previous category but then degenerated into ongoing acknowledged sin, rebellion or disobedience to the Almighty they will eventually be rejected.In this case they will go through the same process as the previous category BUT at the point that on leaving Hell they should have been admitted to Heaven they will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and in a moment of Torment and Terror they will be totally consumed and utterly destroyed for Eternity.
- Time in Hell
As mentioned above, IF a Believer dies with unconfessed and unrepented sin they will be judged and sent to Hell, the place of Torment and Correction for Believers with unrepented sin see https://www.eti-ministries.org/hell for paintings of some of the different forms of torment in Hell for different sins committed by Believers.
To understand this remember that Yahooshua {Jesus} paid a terrible price for the repented sins of believers, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death It is therefore entirely appropriate that those who fail to avail themselves of the benefits of Yahooshua’s sacrifice should pay a terrible price for their sin.
Once the Believer has paid the price for their unrepented sin the are admitted to Heaven with the Rank appropriate to what they did for Father during their life on Earth, see below.
Rewards in Heaven for Believers
Fundamental to our existence on Earth is to develop a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing during THIS life. For those that do this they will be rewarded in Heaven for Eternity. This reward will comprise:
- Rank
A Rank in Heaven Commensurate with what they accomplished for Father Yah on Earth during their life here.Those with highest Ranks will be closest to the Creator and Yahooshua {Jesus} in Heaven and those with the lowest ranks will be furthest away but still in the Throne Room.These ranks are discussed below.
- Glorious Resurrected Body
A glorious resurrected body with the glory commensurate with their Rank.
- Power and Authority
Power and Authority commensurate with their Rank.This can include authority over Cities, Nations, Planets, Solar Systems, Star Systems, etcetera as appropriate to their Rank.
Ranks in Heaven for Believers
On the basis of their accomplishments for Father while on Earth Believers will receive a Rank that reflects their relationship and their accomplishments. These accomplishments are generally very DIFFERENT to what Human Beings consider to be accomplishments. Those who are rewarded with great prestige and glory on Earth will mostly NOT qualify for high reward in Heaven. Those with high reward will often be people who have devoted their lives to service of Yah while living in straightened circumstances.
Note that there are very few people on Earth today who qualify for Rank in the Kingdom, on the 25th December 2015 there were about 2.7 million believers of any significance on Earth with only about 5,000 being at some level relevant and making an impact. Since then those numbers have DECREASED. Unless YOU have a very clear assurance that you are one of these people I suggest that you take this message very seriously and up your game substantially, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-what-our-father-wants-from-you
The ranks are as follows – counts are number on Earth as at 25th December 2015, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom
Relevant Believers (~5,000)
Having some level of impact on the Earth and the Kingdom of Yah in this age.
- Generals (1)
Highest category of Friend moving with great Anointing and therefore Power and Anointing comparable to Yahooshua, performing comparable miracles, preaching and teaching powerfully and drawing thousands to true Belief – two in July 2022 – very highest thrones in Heaven, generating Revival on Earth.
- Friends
Sees things Father Yah’s way, deeply committed to serving Yah, making a difference on the Earth – highest Thrones in Heaven
- Overcomers (20)
Really serving the Almighty in a significant way but still a lot of error in the present age – lower level Thrones in Heaven.
- Good and Faithful Servants (~5,000)
Starting to have a meaningful impact – at the front of the Throne Room – next to the Thrones in Heaven.
Meaningful Believers (~2,7 million)
Believe at a level of declaration of belief but having little impact.
- Wise Stewards (~200,000)
People who are starting to effectively serve the Almighty – further back in the Throne Rome in Heaven behind the Good and Faithful Servants.
- Adulterous Wives (~500,000)
Believers (men and women) filled with the Spirit of Yah but worshipping Jesus and / or the Bible or Mohammed or Moshe {Moses} etcetera – further back in the Throne Room in Heaven behind the Wise Stewards.
- Foolish Virgins (~2 million)
Believers NOT filled with the Spirit of Yah – most remote part of the Throne Room in Heaven behind the Adulterous Wives.
Irrelevant – Nominal Believers (~20 million)
As discussed above -- those who have believed momentarily and then continued to live as though the Almighty does NOT exist – destined to spend Eternity in the Outer Darkness in Heaven – cold, black, gnashing of teeth.This group of people will come to committed Belief quite quickly in this life if told the truth.
Categories of Unbelievers
There are three major Categories of Unbelievers on Earth. These ranks impact their position in the Demonic Hierarchy when they die.
- Believing Unbelievers (~100 million)
These are NOT Believers, they THINK they are -- includes those who believe in Jesus and NOT Yah and many other religious people – destined to spend Eternity or the Millennium as Ancestor Spirits (Demons) on Earth.This group of people will come to Belief quite quickly if told the truth through powerful revivals.As Demons their main value to the Demonic Realm is to keep others in deception but many of these are reluctant and therefore are of little use to the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
- Outright Unbelievers (over 6.8 billion)
Includes a lot of religious people who are in so much error that their beliefs are completely valueless – destined to spend Eternity or at least the Millennium as Ancestor Spirits (Demons) on Earth.
Includes billions of “Good People”.Most of these are of little relevance to the Satanic and Demonic Realm.They are in such error that they constitute virtually no threat to the Satanic while alive and are therefore disregarded when they die.
- Outright Servants of Satan (~22.7 million)
These people actively acknowledge Satan as their Lord and Master at some material level and at some level actively serve him. They have comparable ranks to the Believers listed above. See next section.
Ranks of Satan Servants
IF a person does NOT believe the Almighty exists then, when they die, they will be told the truth, that the Almighty exists, that Satan lied to them, that there IS a heaven, they will even see through a window that Heaven exists and that there really IS a place called Hell and a Lake of Fire and Brimstone and they will be shown those too. They will be returned to Earth as an Ancestor Spirit (Demon / ghost) reliant on other parties to transport them. Unless such a person has made prior arrangements through active service of Satan during their life not much will happen. If they HAVE a relationship with the Satanic and Demonic Realm they will achieve one of the following Ranks:
- Mastermind (7)
Most powerful Demons on the planet, advisors to Satan -- these places were taken before the Flood -- the incumbents have thousands of years of practice and guard their positions jealously and violently with huge numbers of committed supporters in a Power--Fear structure. They rule the Earth in the absence of Satan.
- Illuminated Ones
Highly committed to Satan as a Satanist, Witch, Warlock, etcetera in this life, filled with Demons, perpetrate human sacrifice and other extreme evil in order to win favour with Satan and the Masterminds.Will be rewarded with a position of considerable evil power in support of the Masterminds.
- Foot Soldier
Moderately successful in sinning, led many others into sin, had some sort of relationship with the Demonic and Satanic realm, a position of some authority and esteem in the Satanic sense.
- Pretender
Into sin, denied the Creator but really never did very much for Satan.Largely disregarded in the Satanic realm.Will be used for low level assignments to low level people on Earth.Remember that they will be one of over 100 billion ancestor spirits at the time they die.
- Kingdom of the White Witches -- good "Faeries" {good Demons} most of the World’s population
Lived a good life, sort of thought there might be a God but never truly believed and never thought it important, may have been well educated, done all sorts of good works, went to Church / Mosque / Temple / Synagogue / etcetera but never had a deep revelation of the existence of the Creator.No major sin, no real use to the kingdom of Satan so they will largely be left alone to be a "good ghost" unless a White Witch thinks she can use them in her witchcraft using the Satanic and Demonic realm to attempt to do good.
I hope that this discussion has helped you to better understand the range of life options that are available to you in this life so that you can make an informed decision as to how you spend the rest of your life.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
09 July 2022
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See also:
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
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