2022.09.04 Things that Destroy the Anointing Created by James on 9/24/2022 12:24:59 PM The Anointing is the infilling of a Human Being with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty.
The more one worships and draws close to Father the greater the Anointing and the greater the ability to act as a “lightning rod” drawing the Power of Yah into the Earth as evidenced in the Revivals discussed in the article on Revival Revisited at https://www.ETIMin.org/revival-revisited and presented in a number of videos on the Important Videos page at https://www.ETIMin.org/important-videos-to-watch
The Anointing is an outworking of a close relationship with Father Yah and the stronger the Anointing the more the Power of Yah will work through the individual.
2022.09.04 Things that Destroy the Anointing
The Anointing is the infilling of a Human Being with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty.
The more one worships and draws close to Father the greater the Anointing and the greater the ability to act as a “lightning rod” drawing the Power of Yah into the Earth as evidenced in the Revivals discussed in the article on Revival Revisited at https://www.ETIMin.org/revival-revisited and presented in a number of videos on the Important Videos page at https://www.ETIMin.org/important-videos-to-watch
The Anointing is an outworking of a close relationship with Father Yah and the stronger the Anointing the more the Power of Yah will work through the individual.
In the New Testament of the Bible the word “Christ” is a highly inaccurate translation of Hebrew terms relating to the Anointing such that the correct translation of “Jesus Christ” is “Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah” – thus it was the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that performed the miracles in the life of Yahooshua NOT the man. Therefore, YOU can perform comparable miracles!
Note that Yahooshua is reported to have said in John 14:12 “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.I” Amplified Bible -- that those of us who follow in his footsteps of leading a life above sin, close relationship with the Creator and deep infilling of the Spirit of Yah will perform GREATER WORKS. That is available to every one of us who believe IF we do the hard work necessary to live free of sin, draw close to Yah and get filled with His Spirit to an intense level.
I have written at various times about becoming Anointed at a significant level and the articles above regarding Revival address this as an outworking of intense Anointing, see also https://www.ETIMin.org/challenge-for-you-to-seek-a-power-anointing for more information on becoming significantly Anointed.
That said, there are things that destroy the Anointing and reports of highly Anointed ones who fall away or die at an early age indicate that it is possible that having been highly Anointed one can lose that power and, in extreme cases die at an early / premature age.
From my own experience, having had an intense Anointing and lost it, there are other factors that can quickly destroy the Anointing, that is the focus of this article.
My own experience
In March 1993, Father Yah spoke to me audibly and I turned back to serving Him.
In the months that followed I spent every spare moment worshipping, studying, reading, praying and on 2 January 1994 He visited me in my bedroom and laid His hand upon me and imparted an intense anointing.
Later that year, in Malawi, I was ministering to about 100 people and the Power of Yah flowed through me so powerfully that almost the entire congregation fell to the floor confessing their sins and receiving an infilling of the Spirit. The next day Father spoke through me to myself and three other men for several hours such that the only control I had of what was coming out of my mouth was that I could have consciously stopped speaking.
I did NOT walk in this regularly because the Church I was in did not recognize my Anointing because I had NOT been to their Bible School and they did not know where my Anointing had come from. I did not know then that Father wanted me out of the established Church, I only learned that a few years later.
In 1996 I discovered that my wife had betrayed me and in a brutal divorce where I experienced much hurt and anger I lost that Anointing – the Anointing cannot co-exist with treachery, anger, hurt. Subsequently I was told that I would never regain that Anointing because it was not permitted to reinstate an Anointing once lost.
I was subsequently given a new Anointing but it was NOT a Power Anointing.
In the years that followed the Anointing ebbed and flowed depending on how much I worshipped, etc but I also developed an Anointing to research, write and teach which continues to today. So more than one Anointing. The teaching Anointing has persisted and not been affected by the other issues.
Over the years various things happened, I was again betrayed and in intense grief lost the remnants of the Power Anointing. This happened several times and each time through intense worship I regained some elements of the Power Anointing in different forms until I eventually lost it at a level that I have not been able to recover from. At this point Father said that if I lost that Anointing again I would die.
Fear Destroys the Anointing
Fear is Faith in the Devil, Fear will very quickly destroy the Anointing – that is Fear either in the Anointed One OR in a person they are sexually joined to. This if an Anointed man is joined to a woman who gets into Fear this provides a connection with the Demonic Realm and the Anointing will drain out.
Intense Anger Destroys the Anointing
Intense Anger on the part of the Anointed One will destroy the Anointing.
Fornication Destroys the Anointing
Sexual union with multiple sexual partners who are not in an exclusive sexual relationship with the Anointed One will destroy the Anointing.
Sex with an Unbeliever can Destroy the Anointing
If an Anointed One has sex with an unbeliever, that will destroy the Anointing. Sex with a weak Believer will weaken the Anointing.
Lack of Worship will Weaken and Ultimately Destroy the Anointing
If an Anointed One gets so caught up with other activities that they do not take time to worship the Anointing will progressively weaken and fade away.
Worldly Ways can Destroy the Anointing
Getting caught up in running the of one’s Ministry or Business at the expense of worship and prayer will eventually weaken and, in the extreme case, destroy the Anointing – note the examples in the Videos of highly Anointed Ones who died early.
Anything that short circuits the Spirit of the Anointed One with the Demonic and Satanic will destroy the Anointing – a rock solid marriage or a rigorous commitment to celibacy is vital.
Neglect will eventually destroy the Anointing.
Power Anointing is something that is urgently needed, I urge YOU to seek this so that YOU can initiate a revival. In doing this, manage your life and your walk so that you retain and grow the Anointing and do NOT lose it.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
24 September 2022
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Yesterday’s broadcast -- History – the REAL Facts – Part 3
What we learn at school in terms of the history of humankind, the formation of the Earth, the origin of humans, animals, plants, this planet, this universe, etc is at best confused and at worst downright wrong. This broadcast seeks to present the REAL facts on these matters.
Audio on DropBox:
Back issues of broadcasts at:
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Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Relationship-with-Creator-Podcast/B08JK2WLHN
Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/relationship-with-creator-772533
See also:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETIMin.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
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