2011.01.04b What is the correct pronunciation of our Heavenly Father's Name? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
Gerry Easton
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The only reliable source we can use is the Hebrew Old Covenant Scriptures.
Let us look at the facts. His name appears nearly 7000 times written in the Hebrew language with the letters י = Y ; ה = H ; ו = W ; ה = H.
These four letters are also called the tetra-grammaton and in English the letters are written as follows – YHWH.
These 4 letters are consonants without the vowels. To explain this we can look at some of our English language examples – for bldg we would read building; for pty we would read proprietary ; for ltd we would read limited, etc. The same applies in the Hebrew.
We now need to insert the vowels, a, e, i, o, or u.
What is the first vowel between the Y and the H?
If we select a good comprehensive King James Study Bible and we refer to Psalms 68 verse 4 we will read the following translation – “Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His Name Yah.”
Let us look for further confirmations that the first vowel is an – A.
You will need a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance for this exercise. The prophet’s names have been changed but in the Hebrew they are as follows:-
Isaiah is Yeshayahu Strong’s number 3470 meaning “Saved by Yah”
Elijah is Eliyahu Strong’s number 452 meaning “Power of Yah”
Jeremiah is Yirmyahu Strong’s number 3414 meaning “Risen by Yah”
Actually the list is almost endless- every name in the translated Scriptures that ends in “iah” was and is “Yahu.” Even the former Israeli minister was Benyamin Netanyahu.
Now we need to find the vowels between the H, the W and the final H.
There are those who pronounce the Vowel and the W as in the word – “way.”
Let us refer to the Scriptures for direction and look up the name“JUDAH.”
This is again the English version of a Hebrew name.
“It is written” in Genesis 29: 35. “And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, ‘Now will I praise YHWH:’ therefore she called his name YHWDH; and left bearing.”
For the information on this name YHWDH turn to your Strong’s, number 3063 and we read how this name is phonetically pronounced - Yehuwdah.
Strong’s is following the incorrect Massorite vowel pointing with the letter “E” to hide the Father’s Name. However, we know that the first vowel is an “A”.
We now pronounce the name – Yahuwdah. In the English again, due to inherited error this name has been changed to the English “Judah” by taking out the Father’s Name Yah and substituting with the letter “J” which we already know is less than 400 years old.
It would be impossible to pronounce this name without the vowel and the consonant “W” as in the sound of the word –“Way.” In the English this letter “W” is a short sound.
In Hebrew this Letter Vav or “W” is a long sound and in fact this is exactly what it means – a double “U” meaning a long “U” sound. We have the same letter in the Praise “HallelooooYah.”
We now know how to pronounce the letters Y H W D H as YAHUWDAH. Take out the letter “D”, we now know that Y H W H is YAHUW AH.
The Scriptures provide the key to unlocking the door. “To Hallow His Name.”
“It is written” in Malachi 1: 11, “For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the Nations.”
How could the Heavenly Father’s Name be great among the Nations if It is not known?
We are now in the times of restoration. A time of putting back and rebuilding as
“It is written” in Acts 3: 19 – 21, “Times of refreshing,” “Times of restitution.” Before the second coming.
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