2022.01.21 Cleansing and Deliverance Part 3 Created by James on 10/30/2022 7:08:53 AM This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time on Earth as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
In stark contrast, if you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may mistakenly know as Jesus.
To put this all in context, The Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
Today we're going to complete the teaching on the Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance; this is Part 3, and then we're going to look at believers that are in the world but not of the world.
The Essence of the Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance – Part 3 and IN the World but NOT OF the World – Overview
This broadcast continues the detailed discussion of the Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance.
We continue to look at cleansing ones dwelling and note that this message is NOT for Unbelievers.
We look at Cleansing yourself and cutting off Curses.
We talk about Harmony versus a Divided House and driving out Satanic entities.
I outline what is required to undertake a Spiritual Audit of your life.
We conclude that Cleansing is a major factor in getting to close relationship with Father Yah.
We then consider another article that Believers are IN the World but NOT OF the World.
In this we talk about the Reality of the Creator and that Believers see things differently.
We note that most True Believers do NOT understand this principle.
We also note that True Believers are filled with the Spirit of Yah and hear His still small voice.
We conclude by noting that ALL Unbelievers are fundamentally serving Satan.
It is pointed out that True Believers actively honour the Ten Commandments.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a Strategic Management Consultant. I have over 28-1/2 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
I was confirmed in the Anglican Church at the age of 13 and I served as an Altar Boy for a number of years from the age of 19. Eventually, married to an Unbeliever, I became disenchanted with the hypocrisy in the Church and backslid to a point where I was not even sure the Almighty existed. In this backslidden state I embarked on an adulterous affair which, when it ended, left me desperate and suicidal. It was then that the Almighty spoke to me and I realized that my intellect had gotten me into a right mess and I chose to serve Him faithfully for the rest of my life.
In doing this I applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program, physical books, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, and Twitter.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information, and in particular please see the Compendium of Important Articles at the top of the Menu that lists articles in a logical sequence relative to a typical journey with Yah.
See also www.RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Look at the top Menu "The Show" and then dropdown "Podcasts" for previous broadcasts or search on Google for "Relationship with Creator Radio."
I conduct weekly teaching Zoom calls every Saturday at 10:30 am Eastern Time USA, 3:30 pm UK Time, 5:30 pm South African Time on Zoom. The link https://zoom.us/j/7032371115. The Passcode is 123484. We answer questions and discuss matters of interest, so you're welcome to join me.
Body of the Article
The Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance – Part 3
Cleansing your dwelling
I want to stress to you, if you're not a believer, this is not going to make sense to you. If you're not a very committed believer, it's also probably not going to make a lot of sense. This material is for people who are really serious about getting close to the Almighty Creator, close to having a relationship with Him.
In terms of the second category of Demons that I spoke about last week, Demons that just find themselves there by accident or by limited assignment all that is required is to determine from Father what the legal right is that allows them to be there, if any, and to tell them to get out. If they are NOT there in association with some embedded artefact simply pray “In the name of Yahooshua I speak to the Demon/Demons of (whatever Father shows you) in this room, I bind you and I command you to leave now and go where Father Yah sends you. Father in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers to bind, cast out and send where you want them to go, the Demon/s that I have just named. In the event that any of these Demons have a legal right to be here I ask you to reveal that right and how to cancel it. I ask you to cover this room, the walls, the floor, the ceiling, the doors, the windows, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels with the blood of the covenant, in the name of Yahooshua. Amen.”
Take some red grape juice or red wine, pray over it to represent the blood of the covenant and apply it to the doorposts and lintels of every room as well as to the window frames of every opening window. Pray “Father as I apply the blood of the covenant to this (door, window or whatever), I ask you to drive out all Demons and Satanic Messengers that have NO right to be here and to cover the entire room with the blood including the floors, the walls, the ceilings, the doors, windows, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels.”
This is relatively straightforward, the worst that can happen is that they do NOT all leave first time and you have to pray again later having first taken time to go before Father and seek guidance as to why they did NOT go first time – note that there is NO point in praying the same prayer repetitively you need to add NEW knowledge before you pray again otherwise you just make a fool of yourself in front of the Demons and they will be harder to remove later and may call in reinforcements.
You can and should pray to apply the blood of the Covenant to your dwelling inside and out on a regular basis anointing the doorposts and lintels and window frames and lintels with grape juice to represent the blood of the Covenant as you do this. Note that you must have a door or window open when you cast out Demons, they cannot pass through solid matter.
The first category is more problematic simply because there can be any number of artefacts that are giving Demons a legal right to be present. Pray, “Father I ask you to show me all artefacts in my home/office/other facility, that are giving Demons a legal right to be here so that I can dispose of them.”
We're talking here about articles in your house that have got demons attached to them. Generally you will be shown the most obvious items first, simply inspect the contents of your bookshelves, items hanging on the walls, items in your cupboards and remove anything that catches your attention or looks suspect then go over them one by one and ask Father if they are associated with Demons. In its simplest form this involves simply placing your hand on the item and pausing to listen to what Father has to say in the form of “Yes” or “No” or if you are not sure of what He has said put it in another pile. This could require you to place your hand on each book in turn and each picture in turn, etc.
In theory you should destroy the items by burning but if you live in an apartment block or other environment where fire is NOT possible you may need to resort to destroying the item as best you can and then praying over some grape juice or wine to represent the blood of the covenant and pouring a liberal quantity onto the item, sealing it in a bag and placing it in the trash. Pray “Father I cover this item with the blood of the covenant and I ask you to prevent any other person from picking this up and being defiled by it.”
When I first became aware of these issues, we found that we had a number of pictures which had an ankh on them and other demonic symbols, Egyptian, papyrus artwork. We found a number of books, all sorts of things, quite a process.
You will probably need to do several passes through your property over a period of time until you have disposed of everything giving Demons rights. In practice you will initially have some reluctance to destroy items and throw them out, particularly if there is some material value associated with them so you will probably err on the side of caution. Once you have a revelation of the spiritual damage these items can do to you and your walk with Father you will find it easier to get rid of them. See Demons as flies hovering over a piece of rotting meat (the offending artefact, book, etc.).
Note that in going through your premises you may also encounter books and other items you have “borrowed” but never returned which constitute stolen property and which must be restored to their rightful owners. Depending on your life to date you may also have stuff that you really DID steal and, again you must restore this to the rightful owners which may require that you drive up to their premises in full sight of all onlookers, offload the items and hand them over with due apology. This can be quite embarrassing and awkward but IF you are serious about serving Yah then these things MUST be done. Father may require you to pay damages.
In some cases you may be required to restore in a multiple with cash or kind for the multiple!
I found myself with some things I'd taken from the university where I was studying and I literally had to drive up to the building on the campus and offload these things and then go and explain why I was bringing back stuff I shouldn't have had in the first place. Quite a cathartic experience.
Cleansing yourself
The above cleansing will inevitably take place in iterative cycles – cleanse yourself, cleanse your dwelling, etc. as you grow and learn more and as you hear Father more. Look out for aberrant behaviour, for example many years ago before we really knew about Christmas being wrong we had a fold up Christmas tree with lights and ornaments including a little troll. Every year when the tree was out and the troll was on the tree there was strife in the house until one day we were praying in the lounge and my young son said “daddy that troll is looking at me.” Sure enough there was a Demon attached to the troll that had been assigned by the people who made the troll. We prayed about it and burned the tree, the troll and all the other ornaments because we had just in the previous few days become aware that Christmas is a pagan, that is a Satanic feast and that the Christmas tree is an Asherah pole or totem and the decorations all have Satanic significance.
This is really important. One of the things about Christmas that Father said to me very early on, I got an email, I think it was, saying Christmas is satanic. I was going through a period of intense revelation, and I went before Father, and I said "Father is this true?" And he said to me, "Well, James, how would you like it if your family celebrated your birthday on the birthday of your worst enemy and completely ignored your actual birthday?" Well, that was good enough for me and after that I never celebrated Christmas at all. I've kept away from it. Some of you will know that I advocate fasting over Christmas.
Cut off curses
At the time you commit to Father there MAY be curses against you, as you advance with Father there WILL be new curses against you by servants of Satan. A vital way of responding to this form of attack is to ask Father to return those curses in the magnitude that He deems appropriate. Pray “Father in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me for which there is no legal basis. Where there are curses with a legal basis I ask you to show me what to do in order to cut off that legal basis. With regard to the illegal curses I ask you in your discretion to return those curses in the magnitude that you deem appropriate such that the persons cursing me will learn NOT to curse your servants. I ask you also to cut off all Human Sacrifices that have been made against me and to judge those who have made those sacrifices ever so severely.”
Note that IF you have chosen to seek to become a Friend or an Overcomer, Satan Servants WILL start to curse you and offer Human Sacrifices against you. Your strongest defence against these is to live a life above sin such that the curses and sacrifices cannot touch you. Note that abortion is a form of human sacrifice, all that is required to offer a human sacrifice is for a witch in an abortion clinic to dedicate the death of that foetus against you.
Folks, this is so important. At the moment of conception when the sperm merges with the egg and an embryo is formed, that is the point at which life starts. That is the point at which a guardian angel is assigned. That is the point at which a spirit is assigned. This thing about six weeks or fourteen weeks or whatever it is that's being debated in some countries for abortion, it's just not true folks. Abortion is murder from the second that the embryo is formed. So contraceptive devices that cause the fertilized egg not to implant in a womb is also abortion. It's murder. It's cursed.
Harmony versus a Divided House
If you are in a covenant union {marriage} with another, that is you have a sexual tie and you are NOT in perfect harmony, once you start to actively serve the Almighty the forces of darkness WILL take advantage of the spiritual law that “a house divided against itself shall NOT stand.” They will attack you in every possible way and, in particular, they will get legal rights to block your finances.
If you are one flesh with multiple other people one of the most important things to do is to clean up as a matter of urgency, see the articles on the Virgin’s Covenant and Separation of Man and Woman for more information.
Once you have resolved all illegitimate one-flesh bonds and, as a man are left with however many one-flesh connections Father has required you to keep and as a woman are left with only ONE one-flesh connection you are then in a position to clean up your covenant relationship/s {marriage/s}.
Folks, this is so important. I have published on the mailing lists in the last few weeks a couple of articles about situations where various case studies of men or man who has engaged in unwise sexual intercourse, one case just once and dragged down his finances for nearly a decade, but the company that he worked for out of business – heavy stuff.
In order to serve Father truly effectively it is vital that you and your partner/s come into perfect harmony. Pray “Father I ask you to show us every area of our lives where we are NOT in perfect harmony, please help us to course correct as necessary and teach us how to work in perfect harmony.” This should be a daily prayer and will require focus and determination in most cases. If your partner is an Unbeliever it is impossible to be in perfect harmony and divorce may well be the end result IF they do NOT also come to belief. As a general principle Father will ALWAYS grant divorce where one partner is an Unbeliever and the other is a true Believer.
If you are single and plan to enter into covenant with (that is, have sex with) another then it is VITAL that you agree the basic terms of engagement, headship, etc., BEFORE consummating the covenant and IF you cannot agree do NOT go ahead with the union.
Folks, this is so important. You can pretty much covenant anything you like. And if you have sex without discussing covenant terms, then you will get the default covenant terms together with whatever may have gone with it. So if your male partner has been having sex with other women, and he doesn't tell you about it, you are still covenanted into that relationship with multiple women and you shouldn't be surprised because you didn't ask. It's a really difficult situation. The Court of Heaven is very strict, not because Father is unreasonable, but because the demons and the satanic messengers (angels) go out of their way if you're a committed believer. They want to destroy you. They want to hold you back. They want to do all they can to harm you. And this gives them a perfect excuse, a perfect legal opportunity, not an excuse.
Driving out Satanic entities
Any Believer who is making a real effort to serve the Almighty is assigned a Satanic Messenger {Angel} to monitor their behaviour, obtain feedback from their Demons and give assignments to their Demons. They are looking for sin or any knowledge of your plans and events in your life that will enable the forces of darkness to gain a judgment over you or formulate a plan to disrupt your life. That Messenger is legally entitled to monitor your every move and shadows you together with your Guardian Messenger, one of which is assigned to each and EVERY human being at birth and who records your life for the Court of Heaven and also protects you to the extent that you are in Father’s will.
You can do NOTHING about this Satanic Messenger. You CAN pray for other Satanic Messengers in your environment to be cast out “Father in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to send your mighty warring Messengers to cast out all Satanic Messengers that do NOT have a legal right to be in my home/following me around or whatever and send them where you want them to go.”
Folks, it's so important to understand this. If you're a believer, you've got a satanic Angel, satanic messenger that follows you wherever you go, that listens to everything you say, that writes down everything you say, records it, and reports back up to satanic and demonic hierarchy if you do anything that's worthy of attention so that they can get a judgment against you in the Court of Heaven, and they can kill, steal and destroy in your life. So if things are going wrong in your life, it's because there's something that's allowing the Forces of Darkness to attack you.
Undertaking a spiritual audit of your life
Folks, this is a really important piece and I strongly recommend it to anybody who is sincerely seeking to draw close to Father.
There is a further dimension to REALLY getting yourself clean and in right standing with Father.
Do this ideally in the seven day period discussed above, (I spoke last week when you first start this that you go on a seven-day fast) ideally commence on the first or second day of the fast and do it progressively over the balance of the week. If that is NOT practical, do it as and when the opportunity presents itself.
Then take a note pad or note book, preferably large pages, A4 or Letter size.
Write down every year of your life on a separate page from the year of conception to the present and for each year write down one or more things that you know about that year that will help you to recall the events of the year such as “started primary school,” “got married,” etc. Pray, “Father, I ask you to bring to my remembrance all key events in my life that it is important for me to recall.”
If you cannot remember anything for a year write the year down anyway and leave a blank page so that you can fill in the gaps as you proceed – you will be surprised at how much you remember over a few days of doing this exercise. If you have others who can help you fill in gaps, such as parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, children, etc., consult them as seems appropriate.
So what I'm advocating here folks is that you really put your life under a magnifying glass. We're going to see in a minute and I've spoken at length before on this judgment and curses, etc. Anything you don't deal with now, you will deal with in the life to come and you don't want to do that.
Once you have a reasonably complete record of your life start a new set of pages and write down one set year by year with all the sins that you can think of that you committed in that year, focusing on the major ones initially but noting down EVERYTHING that comes to mind – note that you will NOT necessarily get everything, there may be sins that you did NOT know were sins. For example I discovered years after my marriage ended that my wife had misrepresented that she was a virgin when I consummated with her and that I had lived in adultery with her for 25 years believing I had taken her virginity! My ignorance did NOT alter the fact that I was in adultery, a sin deserving of death! Pray “Father I ask you to show me ALL sins during my life that you want me to deal with.”
There may be generic sins, for example you may have had a habit of telling “white lies” or cursing people (“take care” is a curse to take on care, calling someone “pumpkin” as a term of endearment is a curse), etc., in which case you may need to note the first instance and then note something like “told white lies habitually from roughly this age, too many cases to note.” Same applies to “old wives tales,” etc., such as believing you will be cursed if you walk under a step ladder.
Just a bit more on my marriage, my wife, covenant woman at that stage what she was sort of, got me to consummate when she was in the middle of her menstrual cycle. So there was blood everywhere, so I didn't realize that I hadn't taken her virginity. And if you understand the significance of that, the relationship was cursed because menstrual blood is defiled. It's dirty. It's dead. And there's a curse for that. So the whole union was cursed from the beginning. These are things you need to understand if you want to understand what things are going wrong in your life.
Going back to the audit, do the same exercise with wrongs that you did towards others and wrongs that you perceive others did to you, bitterness and resentment that you may be holding onto, ANYTHING that you can think of that is NOT the way you perceive that Father wants it to be – remember that you will be tormented in Hell for a period of time for EVERY unconfessed sin! So it is worth being thorough.
Keep asking Father as you make notes to bring to your remembrance ALL incidents that He wants you to deal with. This entire process can easily take several days and you may find that once you have started that things keep surfacing for months and even years as you dig deeper and get closer to Father.
IF you have TRULY come to first belief and you pray appropriately in the first seven days you will have the slate wiped clean in one pass, however, most people who think they made a first decision in later life actually made a very superficial decision early in life and are RETURNING in later life, in which case the seven days of grace do NOT apply. It is better to be cautious in this regard.
In my case, I was confirmed in the Anglican Church at age of 13 or 14, served a bit, walked away from the church at about the age of 24, backslid at age of 40 in adultery when Father spoke to me. For several years, the church had me believe that I had become a new believer in 1993 when I came to Father. It was only later that I realized that in actual fact I had become a believer when I was confirmed at a very superficial basic level. And therefore, that my experience in 1993 was not a salvation experience. It was a rededication experience. So you need to be careful with that.
Once you have a fairly complete list lay it before Father, get on your knees before Him and pray along the lines of “Father, I bring my life before you, my sin, my error, my bitterness and resentment, my anger, my unforgiveness, the wrongs done to me, ALL that is wrong with my life to date and I ask you to forgive me for ALL of the sins recorded here and all that I have NOT remembered, I release all those who have wronged me and I choose to forgive them, and I ask that those that I have wronged forgive me, I confess my addictions, my lusts, my … (whatever comes to mind as you pray) and I ask you to release me and forgive me and wash me with the blood of the covenant that I may make a NEW BEGINNING as I start a new life with you today. If there is anything that I have overlooked that you consider important I ask you to bring it to my remembrance in the days ahead, Amen.” Take the Bread and Wine.
It may take you several hours to fully pray the above over your entire list and you may have to repeat this a number of times.
You will find that things happen that trigger events into your consciousness for years after you do this exercise, in such cases simply bring the matter quickly before Father, pray appropriately and let it go.
Folks, this is a really – the spiritual audit is effectively a one off process, although you're going to probably iterate through it two or three times before you get most of the stuff sorted out. I went through a period where I literally sat for days, making notes. And it was not long after that that I immersed and shaved and what have you. And Father called me His friend for the first time.
In doing this exercise you are likely to find situations where you need to contact people and repent, make restitution or make right in some other way, you will be surprised how receptive people are to a quick phone call or email that says along the lines of, “I have remembered that in around (whenever) I (did whatever) against you, I repent and ask you to forgive me.”
Be aware that when you die you will go before the Judgment Seat of the Creator and your ENTIRE life will be replayed through a series of encounters with people who have gone before you, people who come to you to repent and people you need to repent to. To the extent that what you did was sin and has NOT been confessed and repented of you will then be sent to Hell for a period of torment proportionate to your crime BEFORE you enter Heaven for eternity. So it REALLY IS WORTH doing this job thoroughly! Remember that Yahooshua paid a terrible price for your sin that you confess so it is fitting that YOU pay a terrible price for the sin you have NOT repented of!
Folks, this is so important to understand. It's not Yah being difficult, it's Yah being just. And it's just the way it is. If you've got unconfessed, unrepented sin when you die, you will go to hell to pay the price for it. It's possible if you follow the process that we've just outlined to get all of that dealt with, it's possible to live a life without sin. And if you do that, you will not go to hell at all. Really important. You have a choice.
Conclusion – cleansing
The cleansing process is a MAJOR factor in getting to a close relationship with Yah, as long as you have sin and error and Demons, all of which Yah hates, you will NOT get to a place of close relationship, and you will be wide open for your Demons and the forces of darkness to sidetrack you or take you out totally. I encourage you to go for all that is outlined here to the greatest possible extent.
Note that it IS possible to get relatively close to Father while you have a lot of error IF you really work at it. I have encountered highly anointed people who have had serious errors despite being relatively close to Father but in all cases their sin and error have eventually taken them out.
Folks, again, Father not being difficult here. We're in a battle. We're in a war. The Forces of Darkness want you to deny the existence of the Creator. If they can't get you to deny the existence of the Creator, they want to disempower you and preoccupy you and sidetrack you to such an extent that you're busy fighting for survival and you can't actually take on the satanic and demonic realm and do things for Father. So if you are trying to do things for Father, understand that the satanic and demonic realm hate you. They want to destroy you. You need to live above sin. You need to pray the prayers that I've talked about in these last three programs, you need to do the things that I've talked about in these last three programs. It is possible for you to become a powerful anointed servant of Yah. It's going to take a bit of time and it's going to take a bit of hard work. And I encourage you to do it. It really is worth it.
In considering this section see also the articles on:
“We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood”
“Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, etc.”
“Demonic Activity Associated with Artefacts and in Dwellings”
Go into the article database, put your cursor over the Articles tab on the main menu, about three quarters of the way down the main menu. Click on the Articles List or go to the Article Search in the right hand sidebar and search for 2001.04.12. The article is called Demonic Activity in Dwelling, and have a look at that. Quite an important article that we've touched on some of that in what we have just covered.
So that’s the end of the article on cleansing and I hope that you found it useful. I encourage you to put all of it into practice if you're serious about serving Father. So now we're going to move on, we have got a bit of time left today. We're going to look at a short subject "In the world, but not of the world."
IN the World BUT NOT OF the World
A very important principle that many Believers miss, is that Believers are IN the World but NOT OF the World – see the Bible John 15:19, John 17:16 and other verses.
In this context “The World” refers to the World system which is ruled over by the Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds while Satan is serving his 1,000 year sentence in the Pit, they are based in Woolwich in London, UK. ALL Unbelievers are part of “The World.”
What does this mean?
1. Reality of Creator
True Believers have an assurance of the reality of the Creator and their future in Heaven and they live their lives to please Him. Unbelievers do NOT understand this and many ridicule it.
2. See things differently
True Believers see things differently and respond differently to world events and so are NOT understood by Unbelievers. Many times this results in Believers and Unbelievers talking past each other.
Folks, this is so important. I see so many believers who get caught up with the stuff that's going on in the world and lose sight of their relationship with Father. They lose sight of what it means to be a servant of Father. And instead of focusing on drawing close to Father, instead of focusing on graduating from Wise Stewart or to Wise Stewart then to Good and Faithful Servant, then to Overcomer, then to Friend, they are just preoccupied and caught up with all the nonsense that's happening in the world. There's so much going on in the world that is not from Father folks. If you're a believer, don't get caught up in that.
3. Most True Believers do NOT understand this principle
Because many Believers do NOT understand this principle they get sucked into all sorts of conspiracy theories and indignation at the error and sin in the World when this is inherent in the World system. The World is ruled over by the seven Demonic Masterminds, NOT some junta of human beings. There is NO need for a conspiracy to rule the world, the Satanic and Demonic realm have ruled the world for over 6,000 years. The conspiracy theories of the Unbelievers are irrelevant to true Believers.
Folks, if unbelievers send you stuff about whatever, I don't care what it is. So it's a vaccine, whether it's a microchip, whether it's this one or that one or what have you. And the thing to realize is that the majority of people who are advocating these things are people who advocate some level of religion but have no relationship with Father. I'm talking here about people who have a personal relationship with Father and know Him at some level.
4. True Believers are filled with the Spirit of Yah
True Believers are filled with the Set-Apart Spirit {Holy Spirit} of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and have supernatural peace and joy and experience leading, signs, healing, miracles, etc., to the extent that they are free of sin, they are protected by the Messengers {Angels} of Yah and live life on a different plane. Many Believers are NOT walking in the fullness of what I have said here, they NEED to seek this. Unbelievers regard all the above as meaningless mumbo jumbo and completely false.
So you're surrounded by unbelievers. There's only something of the order of a few hundred thousand true believers who are seriously doing anything significant to serve Father and another million or so who are at least sort of above the cut line. And that's it. So if you're a believer, you are a minute percentage of the people on Earth.
5. True Believers Hear Father Yah’s still small voice
True Believers hear Father Yah’s still small voice and therefore have a very different view on most things. Unbelievers consider such a thing as absurd and make comments about Believers needing to see Psychiatrists, etc. If you are a Believer and NOT actively hearing Father’s voice you will need to work at it – He wants to speak to you – IF you cannot hear Him that is YOUR problem. He wants to speak to you, yes you, the person who is listening to me right now.
6. True Believers actively honour the Ten Commandments
True Believers actively honour and respect the Ten Commandments and seek to live above sin – Unbelievers are NOT subject to the Ten Commandments and therefore do NOT understand Believers and the need to live above sin. If you are a Believer and are NOT actively seeking to live above sin you need to START immediately.
7. All Unbelievers are fundamentally serving Satan
Fundamentally, no matter what their nominal values and ethics, ALL Unbelievers are serving the Satanic and Demonic Realm and true Believers will have some level of disconnect with them.
There are many Unbelievers who are nice, good, loving, law abiding citizens but when it comes down to the wire they are serving Satan. So it is necessary to engage with Unbelievers in your work situation and in day to day life but one must avoid getting into intimate relationships or marriage, etc. It is great sin for a Believer to marry an Unbeliever or have sex with an Unbeliever.
If you are a true Believer it is important to understand the above and live accordingly. Getting upset with the World System and getting sucked into their conspiracy theories is NOT helpful.
IF you are a Believer and you are not walking in the above then I encourage you to start fasting and praying and seeking to draw close to Father so that you CAN walk in this. See the article Seven Components of Drawing Close at https://www.etimin.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close and put this into practice. That article covers a lot of the material covered in the first component of his broadcast but there is a lot more and I strongly recommend it if you're looking to get close to Father.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you are FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Folks, so important to understand, the only reason you exist, the only reason I exist, the only reason every human on the planet exists, the only reason the planet exists, the solar system exists, the universe exists, is for Father to have friends. The liar Satan is to convince people that Father doesn't exist, it doesn't matter how you behave yourself, that you can be good, and that's all that's needed. No. He wants you to be His friend. He wants to talk to you every day, throughout the day. He wants to be part of your business or of your career, of your job, of your family. He wants you to involve Him and engage with Him constantly. Are you doing that? If not, you are going to be so disappointed when you die.
Wrapping Up
Key Documents and a Video – Main Menu Webpages
“Compendium of Important Articles.”
A video “Why seek relationship?”
Article “Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death.”
“The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU.”
“Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator.”
“Recommended Worship.”
“The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.”
"Where will YOU Spend Eternity?"
“The Essence of my Message to Christians.” And also Jews and Muslims and other religions and people who don’t believe.
All of this available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the “Radio” page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at www.RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on “The Show” and then “Podcasts” or search on Google for "Relationship with Creator Radio."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 until May 2019 are available near the bottom of the menu at the “Compilation of Most Writings” page.
I publish regular email articles -- email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback. I run a weekly teaching Zoom call every Saturday at 10:30 am Eastern Time USA, 3:30 pm UK time, 5:30 pm South African time, or whatever that time is in your time zone. It's on Zoom. Log in to https://zoom.us/j/7032371115. My account code is 7032371115, the passcode is 123484.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for. The Google search is particularly powerful.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions to James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. Please email me to join the mailing list, also at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, there's so much to be done. There's such an opportunity for you to come to close relationship with Father. There's such an opportunity for you to make a difference in the world. Father is looking for people who will say I've had enough of the way I'm living my life. I want to live my life differently. I want to really get close to Father. I want to hear His voice clearly. I want to know His will and pray it into existence on the Earth. I want to make a difference. I want to bring about change. Father is looking for such people. Will you be one of those people? I encourage you to go for it. Email me James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. Thanks so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 21, January 2022
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