2022.11.07 Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God? Created by James on 11/26/2022 2:55:16 PM In recent weeks I have received a number of emails from a very committed Christian challenging certain statements I have made. His basic thesis has been that I am contradicting what is contained in “God’s Holy Word”, i.e. the Bible and therefore I will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Ignoring his incorrect understanding of Hell for now I want to focus on his statements about “God’s Holy Word”.
Essentially his argument is that, based on his interpretation of certain passages in the New Testament, I am in error and leading others into error.
2022.11.07 Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God?
In recent weeks I have received a number of emails from a very committed Christian challenging certain statements I have made. His basic thesis has been that I am contradicting what is contained in “God’s Holy Word”, i.e. the Bible and therefore I will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Ignoring his incorrect understanding of Hell for now I want to focus on his statements about “God’s Holy Word”.
Essentially his argument is that, based on his interpretation of certain passages in the New Testament, I am in error and leading others into error.
Where we end up is that I am saying “Yah (The Almighty Creator), told me” and claiming direct revelation whereas he is relying on the Bible which he holds to be inviolate and totally accurate and authoritative. When I point out weaknesses in the thesis that the Bible has these attributes he responds with his claims I am in error and condemned.
About a week ago I decided to turn the situation around and started asking him to prove to me that the Bible IS “The Holy Word of God” or, in my languaging “ The Set-Apart Word of Yah”. So far he has ignored my question and continued with his approach of telling me I am in error based on the Holy Word of God. Note that “Set-Apart” has a distinctly different interpretation from “Holy” as used by this person but that, again, is for another discussion.
Accordingly, I would like to ask YOU to consider “Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God?”
I have addressed the topic of the veracity of the Bible in numerous articles over the years dating back to around 2001 when Yah first told me that the Bible was NOT His Word. But I have never addressed the question from this perspective.
These arguments are presented in detail at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-regarding-bible and in more detail at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-bible
A deductive approach – own experience
Round about 2001 I got into an argument with the Editor of “The History Channel” on TV about the reality of the Creator. He was adamant that there is NO Creator and that the programs on his Channel on this topic constituted verifiable fact.
I responded with arguments from the Bible and citing various Believers that I considered authoritative. He responded that he attached NO authority to the Bible and that he regarded my authorities as Charlatans. It was clear I had lost the argument because I had NO response to his points.
So, I set myself to proving that there IS a Creator based on information that I could personally verify and substantiate and that a third party could ALSO personally verify and substantiate. Over a period of a year or more I grappled with the question until I finally wrote an ebook titled “What is the origin and purpose of man” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/creation/creation-vs-evolution-part-1
This used somewhat tortuous arguments to prove on a verifiable basis that the Creator existed – on completion I felt that I HAD achieved my goal although NOT as solidly as I had hoped.
Over the years I refined my thinking and, eventually, I wrote a new discourse “2021.05.06 The Essence of my Message regarding Creation” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-regarding-creation which I hold to be irrefutable!
Fundamental to both documents was a resolve to ONLY use references that I could verify from personal experience and / or from widespread usage as evidenced by Internet searches using Google as being accurate and valid. I encourage you to read the Essence article cited above to see what I am saying.
My Challenge to YOU!
My challenge to you, IF you sincerely believe that the Bible IS “The Holy Word of God” or similar, is to use a similar robust line of argument to disprove my assertion that the Bible is “just an authoritative book about the historical interactions of human beings with the Almighty Creator over a period of about 5,000 years with about 2.5% of inspired text”.
I Once Believed this to be True
In setting out this challenge I should note that I DO understand where people are coming from on this. In March 1993, on the brink of committing suicide the Almighty spoke to me out loud in a locked room and I knew with absolute certainty that He was real and that I was in serious error. I committed my life to Him wholeheartedly and, despite various ups and downs, I have remained more or less faithful to Him now for nearly 30 years at the time of writing (26 November 2022).
At the time I was taken to a large Faith based Charismatic Christian Church and was deeply impacted by messages preached from the Bible with thousands of people studiously marking up their Bibles and making notes. I bought a nice leather bound Protestant New King James Bible the same day, which I still have and treasure, and held it up to Father and prayed something along the lines of “Father, these people say this IS Your Word, I do NOT understand it but I choose to believe that it IS Your Word and I ask you to answer ALL my questions.”
In the next eight years I read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation about twenty times in numerous translations and from Matthew to Revelation about a further fifteen times. I also read Psalms and Proverbs daily to the extent of hundreds of times. I totally believed the Bible WAS “The Word of God” and I freely used that term and based my writings on that principle constantly.
I filled 14 x 100 page notebooks with questions and answers to questions and found answers through all sorts of people and situations, in some cases half way round the world! I DEEPLY believed that the Bible WAS “The Holy Word of God”!
As an example of an ebook of hundreds of pages that cited hundreds of Bible verses to support my thesis see https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/marriage-teachings/3-scriptural-definitions
Then, in 2001, having been on a series of fasts and been led down a path that revealed that there was massive errors in the Christian Church Father led me to a point where He caused me to read the Quran, which states that the Jews and Christians are in error worshipping the Bible. I got on my knees and asked if this was true and Father Yah clearly told me this IS true and that the Bible is NOT His Word. I started writing about this but it took me about ten years to fully internalize this truth and it has taken me a further roughly ten years to come to an increasingly deeper understanding of the significance of this – hence this article.
I will now elaborate on my interpretation of “Holy Word of God”, etcetera and then offer you my rebuttal to see if you can agree with me partially or completely.
What is meant by “The Holy Word of God”?
Let me start my response by spelling out what I understand to be the inherent implications of “The Holy Word of God” and “scripture” as used by this individual and virtually the entire Christian movement to mean:
- Lie #1 – “Bible” is a mysterious name
The way many use the word “Bible” implies that this name has something mysterious about it.
- Lie #2 -- Dictation – Inspired
Father Yah gave every word as dictation to the people who wrote the text and there is NO human contamination.
- Lie #3 -- Scripted
The entire book was scripted – in other words, Yah set up every situation in a premeditated, planned fashion such that the participants were simply playing out a foreordained script.Our lives are like this today.
- Lie #4 -- Complete
The book is complete and contains all that is necessary in terms of information required for Believers to live life as intended by the Almighty.
- Lie #5 -- Closed
The book is closed and contains the ONLY words spoken to humanity throughout the six thousand years plus that humankind has walked the Earth.
- Lie #6 -- Accurate and without error
The book in its present form, typically the King James English Translation and derivatives, is accurate and without error.
- Lie #7 -- Exclusive
The book is exclusive and the ONLY source of reliable information about the Creator and those who do not have access to, and have not taken on-board and adopted the “truths” contained in the book are condemned to destruction.It is NOT possible for a person who does NOT have the Bible and specifically the New Testament, to enter Heaven.
- Other
There are other nuances on the above, some people use the Bible in mysterious ways like swearing oaths on the Bible, using the Bible to answer Questions by randomly opening it, etcetera.
I will respond to each of these points in turn for your consideration. Before I do this I want to again ask you whether YOU can prove the above or whatever subset or super-set of the above that you subscribe to. If you CANNOT prove this then you are a liar if you claim that the Bible is “The Holy Word of God” and live your life accordingly and you will spend time in Hell for correction before you enter Heaven!
- Lie #1 – “Bible” is a mysterious name
The way the word Bible is used by some apparently assumes some sort of mysterious power to the word.
In contrast www.Dictionary.com regarding the Latin / Greek word from which Bible originates states:
a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek (bibliography); on this model, used in the formation of compound words with the meaning “book” (bibliophile), and sometimes with the meaning “Bible” (bibliolatry, on the model of idolatry).
Ref https://www.dictionary.com/browse/biblio-#:~:text=Biblio%2D%20is%20a%20combining%20form,our%20entry%20for%20the%20word.
Clearly “Bible” simply means “Book”. The Bible is a collection of writings in book form, that is ALL.
- Lie #2 -- Dictation – Inspired
Inherent in the thinking of many who define the Bible as “God’s Holy Word” and “Scripture” and who refer to the “Canon of Scripture” is a belief that the Almighty Creator dictated the Bible word for word.
In this context see “2020.12.05 Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago! There is NO “Canon of Scripture”!” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/yah-did-not-cease-speaking-2-000-years-ago
Speaking from my own experience, it IS possible to take dictation from the Almighty but it is NOT something that necessarily happens very frequently. This has happened to me twice in nearly thirty years and each time after substantial time and effort to draw close to Father:
- In 1994 in Malawi under a powerful Anointing Father spoke through me to myself and three other men for about three hours in a situation where the only control I had over what was coming out of my mouth was to close my mouth. Even there the language that came out of my mouth was constrained by the language that I knew, so, for example, the word “cross” came out although I subsequently learned that Yahooshua died on a “stake” see https://www.eti-ministries.org/not-cross
- Between August 2014 and January 2015 I was walking so close to Father that I was in almost continuous dialogue with Him. During this period He would give me concise statements on a wide range of topics which I would write down immediately in a pocket notebook and then type up. These quotes are on the Website at https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-insights I then lost that anointing and close relationship as a consequence of issues in my marriage and have never recovered that closeness. If you read the items on this webpage you will note a distinct DIFFERENCE in writing style, these items are clearly given by Yah.
If you read these passages and you know the Bible well you will recognize that there are only a few passages with this level of inspiration, the rest are simply accounts written by human beings.
In my nearly thirty years of walking reasonably close to Father the above two incidents are the ONLY time that I have heard Father that clearly.
That said, I contend that MOST of what is on my website IS inspired at a material level and under a material Anointing albeit with a material level of James interjected. In fact, I contend that much of what is on the website is MORE inspired than much of the Bible but that is for you to gauge!
- Lie #3 -- Scripted
Also inherent in the concept of “The Holy Word of God” is the implication that the entire Bible is scripted. If Yah dictated every single word in the Bible then, inherently, the people who are described in the Bible were NOT exercising their own will and discretion, they were simply doing what this “Omnipotent, Omniscient God” was driving them to do.
So David was driven to commit adultery with Bathsheba and kill Uriah, Adam was driven to eat the forbidden fruit, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
IF you stop and think about it, this is clearly ridiculous and it says some very harsh negative things about the Creator.
Fundamentally the people in the Bible were human beings doing their own thing to the best of their ability, making mistakes and some of the time some of them having a relationship with Father Yah at some level see the article “2022.07.06 The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers for a discussion of this false belief.
- Lie #4 -- Complete
Another implication of the Bible being the “Holy Word of God” is that it leaves NO room for other inspired or Anointed writing, it is THE DEFINITIVE authority on all matters relating to the Almighty.
This is evidently false, there are very few topics addressed directly by the Bible and a huge number of unanswered questions that the Bible does NOT address.
Most of the issues on my website, running to close to 10,000 A4 pages are NOT addressed by the Bible and the website is by NO means complete, I am constantly identifying new articles and I have a backlog of hundreds of articles to write.
- Lie #5 -- Closed
This is an extension of “Complete”, this relates to the Canon of Scripture, see “2020.12.05 Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago! There is NO “Canon of Scripture”!” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/yah-did-not-cease-speaking-2-000-years-ago
This inherent implication of “THE Holy Word of God” indicates that there are NO other “Holy” books, so the Quran, the Avesta, the Book of Certitude, the Veda and other books of other religions with some level of relationship with the Almighty are disregarded.Further, more recent books with some level of insight, inspiration and Anointing are ALSO disregarded.
The HUGE Error here is to believe that Yah ONLY has spoken to humankind through a few fragments of writing consolidated into the Bible and that is all.
Fundamentally the ONLY reason humankind exists is to be Friends of the Creator, to have a relationship with Him, to talk to Him constantly, to be in dialogue constantly, see “Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/creator-desires-friends and “2021.06.04 The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah the Eternal Creator” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-becoming-a-friend-of-yah
Accordingly, it is INCONCEIVABLE that Yah would ONLY speak to a few human beings for a few minute moments in time in order to create the intensely limited book that is the “Holy Word of God”.
Frankly, if you stop and think about it, the concept is absurd!
- Lie #6 -- Accurate and without error
This is inherent in the previous points – once the Bible is “The Holy Word of God” and all dictated then it is inherently without error. This is palpably false, Matthew and Luke in Acts cannot even agree on how Judas Iscariot died. Once one starts looking there are material inconsistencies and errors in the book.
In this context it is VITAL to recognize that with regard to the New Testament Yahooshua was a Jew, a Hebrew, he spoke Hebrew or perhaps Aramaic. His followers also spoke Hebrew or Aramaic. They certainly did NOT speak Greek. The texts that make up the New Testament were copied any number of times by people with no academic rigour who applied their own spin to the work. These were then translated into Greek by people without academic rigour who applied their own spin and these texts were likewise copied. By the time the Bible was compiled it was a compilation of fragments acquired from various sources.
Careful reading will reveal that the different “Books” of both the Old and New Testament are fragmentary at best. The New Testament is particularly compromised in this way. One source suggests that there are around 1,250 material discrepancies between different New Testament sources and that the versions used in most Bibles were those that were most doctrinally consistent with modern Christian Apostacy whereas those that were more accurate were frequently discounted and discarded. Search on Google for “discrepancies in the bible” to see various discussions which, as far as I am concerned are NOT relevant once the Bible ceases to be “The Holy Word of God”.
Note that at a very early stage of my journey Father said to me that humans had been messing with the Bible – there are 66 “books” in the Protestant Bible with 6 being the number of man” and that there were many important manuscripts locked away in a vault in the Vatican Library because they were too controversial relative to Church Doctrine.
- Lie #7 -- Exclusive
As an elaboration and extension of the previous points those who champion “The Bible is the Holy Word of God” ALSO champion that this is the ONLY book relative to relationship with Father Yah and all other writings are subservient and secondary and less authoritative.
This point has been effectively addressed in my responses to the previous items.It simply does NOT make sense that Father Yah, “in whom we live and move and have our being” Acts 17:28 – ALL human beings -- would only communicate in miniscule amounts with a minuscule number of human beings over a very limited period of history!It is palpable absurd!
As a further implication of this belief, it is claimed that UNLESS a person follows specific points in the New Testament it is NOT possible for them to enter Heaven.This denies the reality of Muslims, Bahai, etcetera, etcetera where there ARE people who have belief in the Almighty Creator and who have the potential to qualify to enter Heaven.
This implies that Yah was constrained from communicating with Muhammad, Baha’u’llah, Zoroaster and others that some people claim had a relationship with Yah.Not sensible.
It also leaves a huge question with regard to how the people who lived before Yahooshua had any possibility of reaching Heaven.Again, really silly!
- Other
There are other extensions to this like swearing oaths on the Bible, opening the book randomly and drawing conclusions about the leading of the Almighty, etcetera, etcetera. This latter is Charismatic Witchcraft and should be eschewed at all costs!
I hope that this has given you a fair idea of WHY I say that the concept of “The Bible is the Holy Word of God” is so outrageously false.
It is also a lie that the King James Version is THE Holy Word of God, it contains serious errors and is merely one of the early attempts at rendering the Greek and Latin texts – refer discussions on the website, particularly with regard to Names see “2021.08.03 The Essence of my Message re Names” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-names
What IS True about the Bible?
At this point you may think that I am totally opposed to the Bible.
That is NOT the case!
So, then, what do I hold IS true about the Bible?
- The Bible is a reasonably accurate historic record of some important events involving Anointed Believers from which we can draw important lessons. It is one of thousands of books and articles we can draw on for information about the Creator and His ways.
- When the original fragments of the New Testament were collated there was substantial Satanic and Demonic opposition so that there was a fair amount of miraculous intervention to assemble the full collection of fragments. This is where the myth of “Holy Word of God” originated.
- IF you go to the Bible exercising Faith that the Bible IS “The Holy Word of God” you exercise something that Father calls “force of Faith” and you FORCE Father to show up there with the result that He WILL answer your questions through reference to the Bible to the extent possible. And IF you regard the Bible as exclusive you will totally constrain Him in what He can communicate to you!
- About 2.5% of the Bible IS Inspired and these verses contain really important principles and spiritual laws that are widely and successfully applied by many Believers. This is where the greatest value lies but it is NOT necessary for the Bible to be “The Holy Word of God” for this to be valid.
- I recommend that a person should read the Bible three or four times in different translations to draw learning from the Book and then move on to other sources of knowledge of which there are thousands of different books available. The End Time Issue Ministries website alone contains a large amount of valid information – over 2,400 articles and 1,000 webpages -- see the main menu and also the Google Search and Article Search at the top of the menu to find information, also the Table of Contents and Article Keyword Cloud also at the top of the menu.
I recommend the following Bible Versions:
- Starting point New King James or King James Version – language is a bit archaic but relatively easy read.
- Amplified Bible – available in most Christian bookshops, on the Internet or through Amazon see https://www.sermoncentral.com/bible/amplified-bible-amp/ or https://biblehub.com/ amplifies the source text, English is a very limited language from this perspective.
- The Scriptures from the Institute of Scripture Research in South Africa which is one of the most accurate translations https://eliyah.com/thescriptures/ also available from Amazon or https://www.qodesh.co.za/ still contains doctrinal errors with regard to who Yahooshua is, etcetera.
- The Living Torah by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan and further volumes (Living Nacht, etcetera) available on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Living-Torah-Hebrew-Haftarot-English/dp/0940118726 a very readable and informative Old Testament.
It is vital to recognize that ALL versions of the Bible contain errors relating to doctrinal bias of the translators and, as mentioned above, the Greek and Latin texts ALSO contain indeterminate errors.
Taking account of ALL the above, are you now REALLY in a position to PROVE SOLIDLY that the Bible IS the “Holy Word of God”?
If you can I look forward to hearing from you.
Or can you concede that the Bible is simply a very useful historical reference book with some inspired text?
Please feel free to email me if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
26 November 2022
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* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like “God”, “the LORD”, “Jesus” are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn – see https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-names
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See also:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETIMin.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
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