2022.04.22 Names DO Matter Created by James on 4/23/2023 4:52:53 PM There is all sorts of debate about the true name of the Almighty Creator commonly known as "God" or "The LORD" and the true name of the Prophet of Galilee commonly known as "Jesus".
There is ONLY one way to find the true names and that is by praying for guidance and fasting until one comes to a place of personal revelation through the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
In stark contrast, if you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may mistakenly know as Jesus.
To put this all in context, The Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
Today we're going to consider that Names DO Matter.
Names DO Matter – Overview
This broadcast examines the reality that Names DO Matter – particularly Yah and Yahooshua.
We then look at the TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible.
We note that Father Yah has said “If you love me call me by my true name.”
We are reminded that we are enjoined “Do NOT take the name of the Almighty in vain.”
It is stressed that we should rather use Yahooeh or Yahweh NOT “The LORD.”
We then discuss “Yah the eternally self-existing.”
And then talk about Names that reference Yah.
We do this with particular reference to “Yahooshua” – “Yah is salvation.”
We then discuss Elohim – The Almighty Mighty One NOT God and other names of the Almighty – El, Eli, Eloah, Ellah, etc.
We note that “The LORD” = Baal – a blasphemous name.
And note that God is another blasphemous name.
Finally we will examine the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a Strategic Management Consultant. I have over 29 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
I was confirmed in the Anglican Church at the age of 13 and served as an Altar Boy for a number of years from the age of 19. Eventually, married to an Unbeliever, I became disenchanted with the hypocrisy in the Church and backslid to a point where I was not even sure the Almighty existed. In this backslidden state I embarked on an adulterous affair which, when it ended, left me desperate and suicidal. It was then that the Almighty spoke to me and I realized that my intellect had gotten me into a right mess and I chose to serve Him faithfully for the rest of my life.
In doing this I applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program, physical books, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, and Twitter.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the fundamental essence of my message.
See the website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
See also www.RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" in the top Menu bar and then "Podcasts" in the dropdown for previous broadcasts or search on Google for "Relationship with Creator Radio."
Body of the Article
2013.03.11 - Names DO Matter -- Yah and Yahooshua
There is all sorts of debate about the true name of the Almighty Creator commonly known as "God" or "The LORD" and the true name of the Prophet of Galilee commonly known as "Jesus."
By extension of other articles published at the time this article was published there is ONLY one way to find the true names and that is by praying for guidance and fasting until one comes to a place of personal revelation through the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty.
Intellectually one can reason that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Jew or a Hebrew and that it is therefore reasonable for him to have a Hebrew name.
One can extend this argument to the effect that the Name of the Almighty in the form of Yah permeates the Hebrew language and the names of Hebrew men and women and in words such as HalleluYah.
And one can find oneself battling to defend one's position against arguments that say that Jesus did not speak Hebrew or even Aramaic and, and, and...
I hope by the end of this broadcast I will really have convinced you that it matters what you call the Almighty and that it matters what you call Yahooshua. I can't stress enough how important it is.
Alternatively you can pray for guidance, pray for judgement, pray for correction and go on multiple fasts explicitly seeking truth and, after some time, in my experience after some years, you will eventually come to a settled assurance that you really HAVE heard the Almighty clearly and it really does NOT matter what academic arguments or rationalizations are offered you KNOW the true names.
I claim to be at that point:
1. The fundamental essential Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah" and is most accurately represented in English as "Yah."
2. The name of the prophet commonly referred to as "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation."
3. The common Hebrew form of "YHWH" frequently transliterated "Yahweh" is more accurately transliterated "Yahooeh" and means "Yah the eternally self-existing" and is a statement of one of the essential characteristics of the Creator.
4. "God" is a totally inaccurate transliteration of the Hebrew "Ellohim" or Aramaic "Ellah" and Arabic "Allah" which means "Mighty One" or "mighty one" or “Almighty” and is a pagan and blasphemous name that the Almighty hates but extended grace for – this grace was withdrawn in January 2001.
Folks, it hurts Father so much when you call Him God and the Lord. We will talk more about this in a minute but I can't stress it enough, it really is hurtful. He has made so many accommodations and you shouldn’t take advantage of it.
5. "The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" and bears NO relation to the Hebrew "YHWH" that it is used to represent and is also a pagan and blasphemous name that the Almighty hates but extended grace for – this grace was withdrawn in January 2001.
6. "Ja" for "yes" in Afrikaans, "jawohl" in German, "Yahoo.com" are ALL blasphemous names and there will be judgment for using them – people with Yahoo email addresses should migrate to Gmail or similar.
7. To claim one has a relationship with the Creator and that that relationship entitles one to call Him other names is insensitive and insulting. I have seen Him in tears over a person who refused to change a "Yahoo.com" email address and in tears of joy regarding another who walked away from an entire Yahoo Groups site.
8. "Jesus" IS derived from "Zeus" and is a blasphemous name which Yah and Yahooshua hate – grace was also withdrawn for this name in January 2001.
The correct words ARE important IF you have any interest in pleasing the Almighty Creator and claim to love Him.
I find it very difficult to understand people who argue against what I've just said. It's all amenable to simple research on the Internet, simple research in the interlinear Bible. There is absolutely no excuse for using God and the Lord and Jesus, but particularly God and the Lord, there is just really no excuse for it.
2010.12.06 - The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible – Summary
In late 2000, the Almighty started to deal with me about a wide variety of issues, one of these was His true Name.
I quickly encountered teachings which stated that His Name was “Yahweh”, based on a fairly widely used transliteration of the Hebrew “YHWH”, which occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the bible from Genesis to Malachi, the so-called “Old Testament.”
As He led me further I discovered that this word was more accurately transliterated as “Yahooeh” and that it was more accurately translated as “Yah the eternally self-existing.”
From this this I came to understand that the essential Name of our Almighty Creator, our Father in Heaven, was “Yah” and from there I discovered that there were well over 100 names and words in the Bible that contained the Name Yah in the Hebrew although completely lost in the traditional English translations. For example the name we know as “John” is actually “Yahoochanan” which means “Yah has graced.”
So as I will explain going forward today, as one unpacks the true names and let go of the false names, one gets to a much deeper understanding of the Almighty in the matters of the Almighty and the writings in the Bible take on a whole new dimension and we are going to some of that a bit later.
In the same process, I realized that the man most of us know as “Jesus Christ” was a Hebrew or Jew (“Yahoodite”) and NOT a Greek and that accordingly his name could NOT be Jesus, it had to be a Hebrew name. I encountered various interpretations of what this name might be including “Yeshua” meaning “salvation” but in time came to understand that his name was “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation,” also Yahshua or Yahushua or other derivatives but that Yahooshua was the most exact. Translated “Joshua” in the books pre-Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} (the so-called Old Testament) but translated “Jesus” in the books about Yahooshua and after Yahooshua (the so-called New Testament).
I discovered that the Hebrew word generally translated as “God” was in fact a technical term “Elohim” which means mighty one or Almighty depending on context. Elohim can be applied to the Almighty, generally translated as “God”, pagan deities (translated as god) and also to human beings. Elohim is NOT an exclusive reference to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
Other words translated “God” include “Ellah”, the Aramaic for Elohim, effectively “Allah” in Arabic and “El” and “Eli” which in some applications effectively means “my personal mighty one” “or my beloved mighty one” as when Yahooshua cried out on the stake {cross} “Eli Eli lama sabachthani?” meaning “my beloved Mighty one, my beloved Mighty one, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46 (note that Matthew is more correctly translated as MattihYahoo meaning gift of Yah 27:46)
So, there is so much that is revealed once you become aware of these truths.
At the same time I came to understand that the commonly used names for the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, were blasphemous and it was only as an act of great love and grace that He answers prayer in those names. Specifically “the LORD” is an accurate translation of “Baal” the pagan god of sexual immorality and “God” or “Gawd” is the name of the Babylonian demonic deity of good luck subsequently adopted by the Germanic people and then adopted by English speaking people as the name of the Almighty.
I also came to understand that “Jesus” is derived from “Ieosus” which in turn is derived from “Zeus”, another pagan deity. In fact, Ieosus means blessed of Zeus, and Zeus is a demonic mastermind.
I then came to understand that these names were grievously hurtful to our Father in Heaven, Yah the eternally self-existing and to Yahooshua and that Yah only answers to them as a great act of mercy and grace because of the level of deception of those who have some level of relationship with Him.
Yah summed it up to me as follows “James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy,” I got the point and changed my language immediately.
Most, if not all, of these errors can be traced back to the period from about 300 AD when the Roman church was apostatizing, distancing itself from its Hebrew roots and making compromises with Satan to make it easier for pagan's to “convert.”
What they actually did was that the pagans didn't convert. The pagans converted Christianity to become a pagan religion.
Talking of covenants, the time I wrote this in 2010 or 2013, I have recently come to understand that ALL sins that relate to breaking of the Ten Commandments which ARE the essence of the covenant between Yah and man, if they occur repeatedly result in a covenant with Satan and demonic infestation, at the very least once you have been exposed to the truth.
I also came to understand that “Christ” is a meaningless term that substitutes for a simple English translation which is “anointed with the Spirit of Yah” or “anointing of the Spirit of Yah” or “one anointed with the Spirit of Yah.” Thus “Christian” means “an anointed one” or “one anointed with the Spirit of Yah.” From this I came to understand that “Christ” is NOT synonymous with “Jesus” or “Yahooshua” and that it is presumptuous for one to call themselves a “Christian” – who am I to presume to describe myself as being anointed by the Spirit of Yah, that is something for others to decide.
The Almighty is merciful, Psalm 103:8 “Yah the eternally self-existing {The LORD} is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” KJV This does NOT mean we should treat His Name lightly or call Him by other names.
This article sets out the above in more detail.
So if you're not going to call Father by His correct name, why do you expect to have a relationship with Him? How do you have a relationship with somebody when you don't know their name? Or worse still, you know their name, but insist on calling them by the name of another, particularly when that name is the name of an enemy? I really hope that you're getting this point because it really is so important.
If you love me call me by my true name
My name is “James,” in English culture this is frequently abbreviated as “Jim.”
For reasons I cannot really explain I have always been particular about my name, I do not like being called Jim and, barring a few close friends who presumed to call me Jim anyway I have never been called Jim. They are no longer friends.
James is a poor translation of the Hebrew Jacob or Yaacov or similar. When I first started communicating with people on the Internet who had come to understand something about the true names of the Creator someone replied to my email calling my Yaacov, I was NOT amused, my name is James and it is James no matter where I am in the world and what language is being spoken to introduce me.
Names are not to be translated.
So, when, having shown me His correct name, the Almighty said to me “James, how would you like it if your family insisted on calling you by the name of your worst enemy?” I immediately got the point and started to use the correct names.
Consider also 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of Yah {God}, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”
Surely, if you love the Almighty, you will keep His commandments, including the commandment NOT to take His name in vain. In order to not take His name in vain you must know what His name is and realize that substituting other words for His name IS taking His name in vain.
Historically there has been a lot of wrong thinking, particularly amongst the Jewish people who not wanting to take Yah's name in vain stopped using the name altogether and substituted Adonai, Lord, which the Christians then took a step further and replaced it with the Lord, which is in fact a translation of Baal, so really sad.
In listening to what follows it will be very easy for you to get into argument on the basis “but that is what I have always called Him” or “I have been praying in those names of years and He has always answered me, why should I change?” or “I have experienced miracles in those names, how can they be wrong?”
The answer to all of these points is roughly “just because our Almighty Father has extended mercy and Grace to you by answering your prayers in these names and has even performed miracles to your benefit because of His great mercy does that mean you have a license to disregard the truth now that you have learned the truth?”
If you truly love Him, call Him by His true name!
I appeal to you as you listen to what follows, bring these issues before our Father in Heaven and seek confirmation and as soon as you have it then change your language. In fact, if you listen to what follows carefully and prayerfully you should not need much prayer to confirm that you should change.
I have a more detailed article “The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible” which discusses some aspects of this article in more detail. See https://www.eti-ministries.org/creators-name-yah-eternally-self-existing/abstract for a very detailed discussion of this topic, the summary that I am presenting here.
The key thing here folks, if we go back to the dark ages, there was so much error and deception and as we came out of the dark ages, we struggled with limited truth and Father gave us great mercy, but we don't need that now. We have got the Internet and we can look up these things, there is absolutely no excuse.
Do NOT take the name of the Almighty in vain
Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} thy Mighty One {God} in vain; for Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” KJV
This verse is definitive, particularly once you apply the correct translation as set out in the sections that follow.
Do not make light of or mock or distain, or use lightly, or cheapen or in any other way use the Name of the Almighty in vain.
As you will see in the sections that follow, these names are clear-cut and distinct and there can be no excuse for using other names.
I think the key thing here is are you going to show respect to Yah either because you love Him and you don't want to hurt Him? Or because you fear Him and you fear His judgement? I'd rather do it for the former rather than the latter, but if you have to do it for the latter then do it for the latter. He is angry now and I think I spoke about this last week, He is angry with people who can't be bothered and it is can't be bothered to make use of the correct names. As I said a few minutes ago, there is absolutely no excuse. You can go and check this out on the Internet, there is lots and lots of articles on the Internet to support what I'm saying. This is not stuff that sort of hidden in a corner. The information is there if you want the truth. Fast and pray and seek the truth.
Yahooeh or Yahweh NOT “The LORD”
The first aspect of the truth regarding the Names of the Almighty that I encountered related to the word that is traditionally translated “the LORD.”
This word is Strong’s number 3068, see the graphic on the website for the Hebrew and the standard translation.
The reality is that those who translated the Bible and those who work with the Hebrew text all know that the Hebrew YHWH is NOT in any meaningful way related to “the LORD.”
The basic theory of why this is done is that it is allegedly a longstanding Jewish tradition to avoid using the true Name of the Almighty in case they take it in vain so, by the time of Yahooshua {Jesus} it was common practice to substitute “Adonay” one of the Hebrew words for “Lord” in place of “Yahweh” or “Yahooeh.”
The true name was even removed from certain texts and there are over a hundred instances recorded in Jewish religious writings where such substitution is noted.
It seems that the English translators simply conformed to this tradition in the process effectively making the name of the Almighty of no effect.
This word occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the Bible relating to the period prior to the birth of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}. See the screen dump from the PC Study Bible on the website.
So, I don’t know what to say. I have been using the correct names now for over 22 years and it just seems natural, it is just hard to understand what people would resist.
While “Yahweh” is the most commonly occurring English form it turns out that “Yahooeh” is more accurate.
Thus we find that the website and email service www.Yahoo.com has a blasphemous name and shouting “Yahoo” as an exclamation of victory or excitement is also blasphemous.
If you have such an email account you need to move away from it as a priority, set up a Gmail account or similar. You can ask for mercy to keep the old account for historical purposes but you should immediately start using an alternative account and notifying all who write to you as to why you are changing. When you get emails to your Yahoo account you can copy and paste the email address into your Gmail account and reply from there or forward to the Gmail account and reply from there.
At the time I wrote this, I recently had a vision of people using Yxxoo accounts crawling with demons. But there is greater complexity.
I get a steady stream, it is amazing the number of believers who have Yahoo.com email addresses and I don’t always pick it up, I don’t always notice it, I don’t always respond to it and some people react immediately and do something about it and some people just carry on with a Yahoo email address because they don't really care, don't care about the wrong message they are sending to the Satanic and Demonic realm, that they are actually in partnership with the Satanic realm, they don’t care about the insult that they are dishing out to Father; it's disturbing.
Yah the eternally self-existing
Yahooeh means “Yah the eternally self-existing.” So, from this we deduce that the essential name of the Almighty is in fact NOT Yahooeh or Yahweh or similar, it is in fact “Yah.”
And thus we see that names that sound like “Yah” for example “ja” meaning yes in Afrikaans are also blasphemous!
And so we see the wiles of Satan, first he has tricked mankind into substituting other words for the true Name of the Almighty and then he tricks mankind into using words that sound like the Name of the Almighty in general use in order to trap us into breaking the third commandment, “thou shalt not take the name of Yahooeh in vain or thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain!”
By losing sight of the true name of the Almighty, that is “Yah” we also lose sight of the extent to which His name is referenced in the Bible.
Those who have not repented of this sin by the Day of Judgement will find themselves facing a PART in Hell when they die before entering Heaven.
I am talking about believers, just to reiterate what I have said from time to time. These broadcasts are aimed at believers. If you not a believer, the first thing you need to do is to come to belief. If you are a believer then it is up to you to realise that you have the opportunity to seek to draw close to Father and to become a good and faithful servant or an overcomer or a friend. So there is a diversity of options available to you depending on where you are in your relationship with Father right now.
Names that reference Yah
Once I was sensitized to the true Name of the Almighty, Father arranged for me to obtain a copy of the Bible in the version known as “The Scriptures” published by the Institute of Scripture Research available from http://www.qodesh.co.za.
As I read this and referenced other sources I became aware that the name of Yah permeates the Hebrew texts of the books prior to the ministry of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}.
Names like:
• Elijah which is actually EliYahoo, Yah is my personal or beloved Mighty one.
• Judah which is actually Yahoodah, praise Yah.
• Joshua which is actually Yahooshua, Yah is salvation.
• There are over 100 names that reference Yah.
• Jew which is actually Yahoodite, the descendants of Yahoodah. So if one curses the Jews or speaks ill of them one is cursing Yah as well.
And so it goes, a rich tapestry of names, describing the ministries and callings of numerous well known characters in the books in the Bible.
These same attributes are present in the so-called New Testament, the books relating to the ministry of Yahooshua and what followed, but they are more concealed because of the reliance on the Greek texts because of the loss of the Hebrew texts.
Yahoochanan, Yah has graced, the name of John the Baptist, actually Yahoochanan the immerser, the man whose ministry to Yahooshua (Yah is salvation) {Jesus} ushered in the era of Grace from Yah.
So as you understand these complex names involving Yah and their true meaning translated accurately to English, you start getting a whole rich tapestry of what you're reading about.
Yahooshua – Yah is salvation
I have already mentioned above the name Yahooshua, Yah is salvation.
It turns out that this is the correct name of the man most know as Jesus Christ.
Thus, his very name was a prophetic statement of the role he would play on the earth.
But note also that he was NOT the first Yahoodite to be called by this name; Joshua who led Israel into the promised land was also actually called Yahooshua.
And, the reason that the name of Yahooshua is “the name above all names” is simply because there is nothing greater in all creation than the salvation of Yah.
So it turns out if you really dig into it, there was a priest called Joshua or Yahooshua, it was actually quite a common name and so Yahooshua was born and named with a name that was quite common amongst the Jews of his generation. So he didn't stick out. Can you imagine if in a Jewish community his parents had given him a completely unheard of Greek name, he would have been ridiculed, he would have been a target of insults, he would probably been ostracised, it would have been crazy. He didn't come to do that sort of thing. He came to blend in and show people what you could do as a true believer.
Elohim – The Almighty Mighty One NOT God
The Almighty Creator is also very frequently referred to as “God.” In fact many people think that His real name IS God.
Fact is, the word most frequently translated as God is "Elohim" which should be accurately translated as "mighty one" or in certain contexts "Almighty."
To complicate matters, "Elohim" applies to the Almighty Mighty One, the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob BUT it also applies to demonic mighty ones like Baal and Satan AND it can also be applied to a king or ruler or other powerful human being.
Thus, because a being is a god (mighty one) that does NOT mean that they are the Almighty.
In fact, for reasons that I will discuss in a minute, it is an insult to call the Almighty "God" and it is grace that He has seen fit to answer to this name for all these years.
If one loves our Father in Heaven, we will substitute "the Almighty" or "Mighty One" for all occurrences of "God" in anything we are reading or singing where it is clear that this is referring to the Almighty and use "mighty one" for other gods.
This is a simple example of how just using technically correct language changes the whole nuance and meaning of what we read, particularly in the Bible. And I would encourage you that if you're somebody who holds the Bible in high regard that you get a copy of the scriptures with the adjusted wording and start to apply the correct language. It's so important.
Other names of the Almighty – El, Eli, Eloah, Ellah, etc.
As I researched further I found that there were other words in addition to Elohim that were applied to the Almighty.
These include "El" and "Eli" which appear to be simply abbreviated forms of Elohim but which in context, at least in some cases, such as Yahooshua dying on the stake {cross} is a form of endearment, "my beloved mighty one" or "my personal mighty one," both referring to Yah.
Eloah and Ellah are simply Aramaic forms of Elohim used in the same way as Elohim.
Noticeably, Allah, the Arabic form of Ellah also can refer to the Almighty. Thus it is an error to state that Moslems are worshipping another mighty one, they may be, because Allah is no more exclusive to Yah than is Elohim or Eli or Ellah BUT since God is not being used exclusively to refer to the Almighty this is not really an issue.
All should be referring to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, or to Yah. The error of the Moslems is LESS than the error of the Christians on this topic.
I have heard ill-informed Christians and read writing of ill-informed Christians who say that Allah is Satan. Folks, you can get yourself into serious trouble. There are a lot of Muslims who are serving the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. There are a lot of Muslims who are in a lot of error just like there are a lot of Christians who are in error and a lot of Jews in a lot of error, but the fact of the matter is for a sincere Muslim, Allah is the name of the Almighty Creator and they in some cases have quite deep relationships there. One of the men who is amongst the closest to the Almighty on the Earth is a Muslim cleric in Tehran in Iran.
“The LORD” – Baal – a blasphemous name
It turns out that the English "The LORD" would be a good translation of "Baal" the god of sexual immorality that is referred to throughout the Bible.
1 Kings 18:19 “Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.” KJV
Thus, not only have men concealed the Name of the Almighty they have substituted it with the blasphemous name of a demonic deity!
How great is the love of our Father in Heaven that He has answered our prayers in this name!
This alone should be sufficient reason for you to change your use of language on this front.
To better understand how Yah feels about this consider Hosea 2:17 “For I will take away the names of Baalim [the LORD] out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.” (KJV)
This points to the need for heartfelt repentance and deliverance from that which has oppressed one through the use of this name as well as humble petition to Almighty Yah to break the covenant with Satan that may have come into place as a consequence.
So what we find is that the Jewish people, the Rabbis decided to not use Yah or Yah the Eternally Self-Existing or Yahweh or Yahooeh, so they called Him Adonai, Lord, substituted that the Christians started translating, did the same thing and then the Satanic realm turned it around so that we're worshipping Satan. He is quite clever if you think about it, and the demonic masterminds are extremely clever. The spirits of highly, highly intelligent human beings who reigned on Earth for close to 6000 years with Satan, they are extremely wise, they are extremely clever and they have got complex plots to trip up mankind.
God – another blasphemous name
Then, to make matters worse, it turns out that "God" or "Gawd" or "Gad" is the Babylonian god of luck and good fortune referred to in Isaiah 65:11 "But ye are they that forsake Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD}, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for gad or god {that troop} (fortune), and that furnish the drink offering unto menee {that number} (fate)."
More at https://www.eti-ministries.org/creators-name-yah-eternally-self-existing/abstract.
I'm not going to carry on with this article next week. I think I've given you the headlines of what's really important, probably repeated myself a few times because I have given you a couple of different articles. So I am going to move on next week. I encourage you to go to https://www.eti-ministries.org/creators-name-yah-eternally-self-existing/abstract. There is a very, very detailed analysis there of what I've just shared with you and I would encourage you to read that and really get a fix on the true names.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Folks, there is only one reason that this all exists is because Father was lonely and He wanted intelligent beings to talk to, to do things with. And if you are not doing that, frankly, you're wasting your life. You're going to be so disappointed when you die. It doesn't matter how old you are right now or young, how rich or poor, how well educated or poorly educated, doesn’t matter your race, your tribe, your nation, your language, whether you're tall or short, whether you're fat or thin, whether you're blonde or brown haired or black haired or whether you got brown eyes or blue eyes or whatever – none of that matters to Him. He wants a deep personal relationship with you and it is up to you right now to start on a journey looking for that. I encourage you to do that.
Wrapping Up
Key Documents and a Video – Main Menu Webpages
“Compendium of Important Articles.”
Video “Why seek relationship?”
Article “Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death.”
“The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU.”
“Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator.”
“Recommended Worship.”
“The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.”
"Where will YOU Spend Eternity?"
“The Essence of my Message to Christians.” Also to Muslims, Jews, etc.
All of this available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the “Radio” page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at www.RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on “The Show” and then “Podcasts” on the dropdown or search on Google for "Relationship with Creator Radio."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 until May 2019 are available near the bottom of the menu at the “Compilation of Most Writings” page.
I publish regular email articles – email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me a feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for. The article keyword cloud is at the bottom of most webpages. The table of contents is in the right hand side bar of most webpages. The article search and the Google search are both available on the right hand sidebar. The Google search is pretty flexible Google functionality to search the entire website. There is over 2500 articles, over a thousand webpages, huge amount of information, probably answers to most of your immediate questions. As I say, email me James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. I would really, really love to hear from you. Don’t hold back. If you've got any questions, if you want to share, please email me. I would love to hear from you.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions or comments to James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. If you want to join the mailing list, please email me at the same address, James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
As I said just now, Father is not concerned about your race or anything else about you. He wants you to become His friend. He wants you to understand Him. He wants you to talk to Him. He wants you to listen to Him. He wants to share in how you lead your life and it's all there for you. It's as simple as saying "Father Yah, James Robertson says I can become your friend. I choose to become your friend. Please take my hand and lead me and help me to become your friend. Amen." Thank you so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 22, April 2022
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