2023.05.10 Table of Contents of the ETI Website April 2023 Created by James on 5/28/2023 12:59:17 PM I routinely use the hyperlinked Table of Contents from the Website in Microsoft Word for quickly finding articles that I want to cite.
I thought you might find it useful.
2023.05.10 Table of Contents of the ETI Website April 2023
I routinely use the hyperlinked Table of Contents from the Website in Microsoft Word for quickly finding articles that I want to cite.
I thought you might find it useful.
You can either browse in this form or you can copy to MS Word or Excel and then use the search facilities.
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- then open a new document in MS Word or MS Excel
- left click in the body of the blank document
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You are then able to browse and search the Table of Contents.
I hope this helps.
James Robertson
28 May 2023
Essence of my Message to YOU
About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries
Google Site Search
Table of Contents
Article Keyword Cloud
Article Search
Essence of what our Father wants from YOU
Schedule of Beliefs
Yah's Calendar
How to Become a Believer
Seek TRUTH NOT_Error
About YOUR Heavenly Account
Essential Elements of Relationship with the Creator
YOUR Journey to Eternity
If you don't ask the right questions Yah cannot correct you
Critical Caveats regarding Third Party Content
The Almighty Creator, Yah, is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers
Video -- Concise Summary of the KEY Issues
My vision for 2033
Compendium of Important Articles
Radio Broadcasts
WHY I Believe
Essence of my Message
Essence of Hearing Father
Drawing close to Father
Miracle of Yahooshua's Death
Biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers
Essence of Message Engineering Approach to Creator
What Actually Happens
Essence of my Message Regarding the Almighty Creator
Creator's Name "Yah Eternally Self-Existing"
Name Yah the Creator Throughout Bible
WHY are we HERE?
Why are YOU Afraid of DYING?
Preparing for Death – The Last Rites
Emunah {Faith} for Supernatural Divine Healing
Emunah {Faith} for Finances
Essence of Message regarding Critical End-of-Life Scenarios
Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah
Essence of my Message to Christians
HOAX Pope confesses that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath day and other truths
True Birthday of Yahooshua
Yahooshua and Feast of Tabernacles
The Spirit of Yah NOT Jesus Indwells Anointed Believers
The Five BIG Lies about Jesus
Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus}
Can YOU prove that Jesus IS God?
Being Yahooshua {Jesus}
The Covenant of Yahooshua {Jesus} – Forgiveness and Much More
Overcoming Christmas – Observing Tabernacles
Essence of My Message for the Jews
Essence of My Message to Muslims
Essence of My Message to Other Religions
Essence of my Message to those who do NOT believe in the Creator
Essence of my Message regarding Yahooshua
Picture of Yahooshua
Solid evidence of the reality of Yahooshua {Jesus}
Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Judean {Jew} and spoke Aramaic and Hebrew
The Dry Blood of Yahooshua {Jesus} has Been Found IT IS ALIVE
About Pesach {Passover} and Yahooshua
Yahooshua {Jesus} is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool
Jesus means “Hail Zeus” and is a pagan, that is, Demonic name -- his name is Yahooshua
Essence of my Message Regarding Prayer
Essence of my Message Regarding Bible
Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God?
Proof of a Global Flood – Complete Video
Archaeology Answers – Material by Jonathan Gray
Important Biblical Archaeological Discoveries
Essence of my Message regarding Men and Women
Essence of my Message regarding Creation
The Mark of the Beast is breaking any of the Ten Commandments NOT the Microchip
Essence of my Message regarding Commandments
Essence of my Message concerning Judgment in THIS Life
Essence of my Message regarding End of Age
Will YOU Initiate a Revival with me?
Revival Revisited
Asbury Revival February 2023
Immersion {Baptism} in the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah
Praying in the Spirit (Tongues)
Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led
Price of Yah’s Miracle Working Power
Unlocking the Gifts of Yah’s Spirit
Help me to be increasingly aware of YOUR presence and power
Third Heaven Authority
One Torah {Law} …Nothing else Matters – Covenant Chesed
Believers in Hell for Unrepented Sin
Essence of Coming to Belief
Critical Questions for Belief
Essence of my Message Regarding Emunah
Essence of my Message regarding History – Our World Today
Essence of my Message Regarding Poverty of Believers
Essence of my Message Regarding Overcoming Lack of Believers
I am a Believer, why do things keep going wrong in my life?
How to become an Anointed One
Essence of my Message Regarding Turnaround Emissaries
Essence of my Message Regarding Satanic and Demonic
What Satan REALLY wants – about Conspiracy
Essence of my Message Regarding Sabbath Observance
Sabbath Observance is Critical
Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement
Evil of Halloween
EVIL of Christmas
What is required to live ABOVE SIN?
Creator Desires Friends
Creator Desires Deep Relationship
Good insufficient – relationship is what counts
Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend
Mountain of Relationship with Yah
Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship with Yah
Confident of Your Destination when you Die?
Important Videos to Watch
Some Powerful Worship Songs
More Powerful Worship Songs
Challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry
Things that Destroy the Anointing
WHY Revivals Die Out
Essence of the Rules of Engagement and The Contest
Essence of the Bloodlines of Abraham and Israel
Essence of Message regarding NOT a Glove Puppet
Myth of Led by Yah every second of every day
Essence of my message regarding Forgiveness
Essence of my Message regarding Submission
Important Archaeological Finds
Essence of my Message concerning Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Catastrophe
Essence of my Message regarding Names
Names including Yah
Essence of Message regarding Lies and Tale Bearing
Essence of my Message about the Virus and the Vaccines
Essence of my Message regarding Sex
Essence of my Message regarding separation of Man and Woman
Virginity Testing is an Abomination
Essence of Message regarding Virgins Covenant
Implications of Careless Sexual Activity
Unrighteous Divorce is Treachery
Essence of Covenant
Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance
Remote Sex is STILL Sex
Essence of Critical Actions on First Belief
About James
This website contains ERRORS
What if you Disagree with Me?
Important Facts to Truly Serve the Almighty Creator
Further Essence of my Message Articles
Essence of Message Believers in Lack
Relationship with the Almighty Creator
Key Relationship Principles Regarding Yah
Yah Speaks
To James
Yah 7,000 times in the Bible – why NOT used?
Yahoo.com – Blasphemous Name Breaks Third Commandment
Essential Inhibitors of Belief in Yah
In the World BUT NOT OF the World
Seek Truth
Seek Truth NOT Error
The Contest
Rules of Engagement
Humans Reign
Hell is REAL
What is Hell
Demonic Masterminds Direct
Satan to Pit 2003
Recommended Worship
Important Prayers
Importance of Fasting
What is Covenant
The Importance of Words
Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago!
The Bible
What to Read Instead
Old Testament versus New Testament
"The WORD" is Semantic Nonsense
The bible is the most pervasive idol
Diverse Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible
The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible
Positive aspects of “The Bible”
Summing up re “The Bible”
About the Bible
The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance
Relationship with the Almighty NOT Worship of Intellect
Getting close to Yah Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences)
IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?
Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal
“The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men”
The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong
Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 2
Bible study versus deep relationship
Demonically inspired bible versions -- rebuttal
Demonically inspired bible versions
Believers who abdicate their intellect
Your Heavenly Account
The contents of the bible are but a pin prick in the history of mankind
Clarification re THE WORD
New Testament? No No No
Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 3
Yah is at SOME measure in EVERY book (and so is Satan through his demons)
Clarification -- there IS good in the bible
The King James Version of the bible is NOT THE definitive English translation
Yah works through His anointed prophets NOT committees
The origin of the Christian bible
Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah
What IS inspiration?
The seventy facets of Yah's jeweled words
Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 4
The bible IS a useful reference work – period
Covenant – NOT New Testament
James: What do YOU believe about the bible? REALLY?
Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people
Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer)
Proof of a Global Flood -- Turning history on its head
Where will YOU spend eternity?
Are visions precise and free of error?
Understanding Satan's devices
Clergy versus laity
The Name of Yah in the book {bible}
The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Summary
What is the origin and the purpose of man? -- creation versus evolution
Older Articles -- Prior to 2009
Conclusion -- The Bible is NOT what is claimed for it
Yah (The Almighty) says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol" on earth today
Anointed Life
Anointed Life Part 1
What or Who IS an Anointed One?
Worship is Critical
Filled with the Spirit of Yah
Led by the Spirit of Yah
Guardian Messengers {Angels}
Death with Yahooshua
The Mind of Yah
Supply of Needs
Poverty in the Body of Believers
Anointed Life Part 2
Power Anointing
In the World NOT OF the World
Yah is everywhere
The Race
The Armour
Trust and Belief
Your Heavenly Account
Anointed Life Part 3
Good and Faithful Servant
Angelo beggar on a high throne
Authority of Believer
Works that Yahooshua did
Immersion NOT Baptism
Tearing Down Strongholds
The Battle
Spiritual Warfare
The 144,000
Single Anointed Women
Anointed Life Part 4
Let your Yes be Yes
Judge me Severely and correct me Harshly that I may serve You more perfectly
Seek Truth NOT Error
Anointed Life Part 5
Man and Woman in Harmony
Right Confession
Four phases of the Wilderness
Critical Success Factors for Life
Highly Anointed Ones Make Mistakes and Sin
Even the highly anointed are falling away
Body Mind and Spirit
Believe in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty
Chesed {love} the Almighty with all your heart, mind, soul and strength
Yah is ONE
Who IS Yah?
Who IS Yahooshua?
Who IS Satan?
Demonic "gods"
No Trinity
NO Idols
Not Worship the Bible
Not Worship Jesus
Not Worship Cross
Not Worship People
Not Worship Things
Name Yah NOT in Vain
Yes in Afrikaans and German
True Names
Keep Sabbaths
Day Begins at Sunrise
True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise
New Moons
1st Aviv
Pesach -- Passover
Shavuot -- Pentecost
Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets
Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement
Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day
Sukkot -- Tabernacles Great Day
False Sabbaths
Levites BREAK the Sabbath
Chesed {love} your Neighbor as yourself
Honor Parents
Curse Mother or Father and Die
NOT Old Age Homes
NO Murder
NO Abortion
NO Abortive Contraception
Death Penalty for Murder
WHY Death Penalty?
NO False Teachings
Anal intercourse is valid birth control
NO Adultery
What IS Adultery?
Breaking Covenant / Treachery
Male with Male
Female with Female
Serial Polygamy
Chick Flicks are Pornography TOO
Phone / Skype Sex
Oral and Anal Sex
Church Marriage
False Monogamy
NO Stealing
Most Prosperity Teaching is Fraud
Fraudulent Contracts
Misrepresentation in Sales
Outright Theft
NO False Witness or Lying
False Teaching by Church
False Teaching in Other Religions
Misrepresentation in Sales
White Lies
ALL Liars will burn
Believe Lies and Die
NO Coveting or Lusting
Most Adverts
Valentines Heart
Lust is visible in the spirit realm
The MARK of the Beast
All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect
The Satanic
The Satanic Part 1
Who is Satan
Fallen Messenger
Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, etc
We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood
Combat in the Heavenly Realm
The Forces of Darkness Reign and Yah is constrained to act through believers
Illuminated Ones
Ancestor Spirits {Demons}
If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem
The Satanic Part 2
Take Care is a Curse
Secret Societies
Free Masonry
The Authority of the Believer
Satan's Most Effective Lies
Lilith Adam's first wife
The Satanic Part 3
Treachery is a Spiritual Force
The Peace of Satan
Fear is Faith in the Satanic
Tsunami of Evil Covers the Planet
Satans Devices
What is REALLY happening
Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003
Power from drinking blood
Power from eating human flesh
Power from murder
Satanic Dominion
General Satanic
True Names
Mighty One
My Darling Mighty One
Anointing of Yah
Other True Names
The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" NOT "Jesus"
Blasphemous Names
Grace withdrawn
Other Incorrect Names
NOT Christ
True Sabbaths
Day Begins at Sunrise
True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise
New Moons
1st Aviv
Pesach -- Passover
Shavuot -- Pentecost
Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets
Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement
Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day
Sukkot Great Day
Year of Jubilee
Saturday is the 7th day of the week and is Yah's true weekly Sabbath
Satanic Feasts
On what day was Yahooshua born?
New Year
Valentine's Day
Other Satanic Feasts
Sunday Sabbath
Sunday is the Pagan day of the Sun god and is NOT appropriate for worshipping Yah, the Almighty Creator
Christmas is a Pagan Feast and is an abomination in the sight of the Almighty Creator
Yahooshua died on a Stake NOT a Cross
It is NOT Baptism it is Immersion
The Coninuum between Good and Evil
True Religion
The Great Falling Away
Even the highly anointed are falling away
Seek Truth NOT Error
The End of the Age
Most Christians are NOT Anointed Ones
The Church put Yahooshua to Death
If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem
Clergy versus Laity
Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ
Planet X Nibiru
Believers who Beg
History Revisited
This Evil Generation
Christian Denominations
Roman Catholic
Jehovah's Witnesses
Who IS Allah
Other Religions
The Inquisitions have had a major impact on believers today
The upsurge of civilization following the Reformation, that is the Renaissance, masks the long term degradation of human beings over time
The turnaround prophets of history are Noah, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed and Luther -- we need to understand their role to understand the world today
The True Religion of the Almighty Creator, Yah, is a synthesis of, and bracketed by, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Christianity has from the outset compromized with paganism and almost every doctrine of Christianity is fatally corrupt and does NOT define the Creator
Tithes are Invalid in this age
Judaism is one of the three main religions serving the Creator
Islam is the third of the main religions serving the Creator
Yahooshua Part 1
Who IS Yahooshua
Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation
Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet
How DID Yahooshua Accomplish what he did?
Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus
Why Yahooshua HAD to die THAT way
Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing
My Darling why have You forsaken me?
The Covenant of Yahooshua
As oft as you eat it in remembrance of Yahooshua
Death with Yahooshua
Yahooshua Part 2
Yahooshua is WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool
What IS special about Yahooshua?
Yahooshua will return once the true message has been preached to ALL the earth
The Church put Yahooshua to Death
Authority IN the Name of Yahooshua
LIMITATIONS in the Name of Yahooshua
The Blood of the Covenant
Who Yahooshua is NOT
Old Testament versus New Testament
On what day was Yahooshua born?
Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah
Greater Works than Yahooshua did
There is NO Trinity
Yahooshua is NOT the ONLY way
The man Yahooshua, commonly called Jesus was and is a human being and is NOT the Creator
Yahooshua, commonly called "Jesus" will only return around 3003 and is NOT "coming soon"
The Great Falling Away is right now
Judgment in THIS Life
Judgment of Believers Who Die
Judgment of Unbelievers Who Die
The Day of Judgment
High Throne with Yahooshua
The Outer Darkness in Heaven
The Foolish Virgins in Heaven
The Lake of Fire and Brimstone
Satan to the Pit for a Thousand Years
Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ
Judgment at the End of the Age
Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL
Yahooshua will return when the true message has been preached to ALL the world
No one is intentionally going to Hell
Few people are intending to become demons
Obedience as a Basis of Judgement
Judgment THIS Life
Judge me Severely and Correct me Harshly that I may serve You more Perfectly
Believing Men in Lack
Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin
Burn for Eternity Yes? or No?
Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
Part 1 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
A Critical Question
An Important Caveat
Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
A Vital question: Do we know what sin is? - What is the essence of Judgment?
Cause for Concern - Nearly ALL of mankind is breaking most of the commandments
Part 2 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
Is there an alternative? -- can one aspire to a High Throne?
It is NOT just heaven or the lake of fire, there is a continuum
It IS POSSIBLE to overcome
What indicators are there about pleasing the Almighty?
How do we overcome? What is the Price?
Some challenging passages from The Final Quest
Joyner's experience of the Judgment
The Final Quest by Rick Joyner
Yah speaks on Rick Joyner
The Call by Rick Joyner
Critical Success Factors for Life
Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?
Engineered Creation
Sexual reproduction proves there is a Creator
Part 1 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man
An important assumption and some painful deductions
Some important preparatory points
Use of statistics from Google.com
Argument from Incredulity
Progressive development versus Instantaneous Creation
Other religions and spirits
Some other issues with certain religious views of creation
What next?
Part 2 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man
Does this mean deadlock?
A Different approach?
Some issues that arise from the above questions
Science - Engineering - Religion
Suggested principles for further analysis
"Planned (Engineered) Creative Evolution" versus "Unplanned (Unengineered) Spontaneous Evolution"
Part 3 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man
Evidence in Immediate Physical Environment
Tying up loose ends
Various bits and pieces
Some other considerations regarding creation versus evolution
Soft attributes of human beings
If all else fails, ask for a "sign"?
The World Before the Flood
The Flood Itself
The World After the Flood
Understanding the Impact of the Flood
Why Millions of Years is Invalid
Flood Videos
Overview of the Flood Videos
Section 1 -- Proof of a Global Flood -- Introduction
Section 2: Gold Mines -- Evidence of Massive Hydraulic Flood Action
Section 3: Layered Sedimentary Rocks -- Evidence of a Global Flood
Section 4: The Halfwayhouse Granite Dome -- Massive Surface Disruption
Section 5: African Erosion Surface -- massive flood cutting action
Section 6: Incised Valley deep in massive Granite -- evidence of massive flood action
Section 7: The REAL Age of all this - a flood as recently as 4,500 years ago?
Section 8: Signs Of Judgment -- Real Mount Sinai and Ten Commandments
Section 9: Where DID the water came from? And where did it go? -- Proof of a Global Flood
Section 10: Summing Up -- Proof of a Global Flood
Section 11: End Notes -- Proof of Global Flood
There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "flood"
Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY practical explanation of what exists today
The Spiritual Nature of Sex
Yah Created Sex and it was good
The Virgins Covenant
Sex is a Covenant Act
The One-Flesh Bond
Making Love
Transfer of Demons
Soul Ties
Role of Man
Role of Woman
Monogamy and sexual lovemaking
The Bed is Undefiled
The Joy of Sex
Sex -- Permitted and Prohibited
"Sex Before Marriage"
One Night Stands
Men with Men
Women with Women
Anal Sex
Oral Sex
Sexual Thoughts
Spiritual Separation of Man and Woman
Coping with Sexual Need
The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce
Men & Women
Men and Women and covenant
The Virgins Covenant
Age to Marry
Cleave is NOT Adhere
Isaiah 4:1
Men and Women and Family
Separation of Man and Woman
Is Polygamy Scriptural?
The Book -- The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce
Preamble and Table of Contents
1: Introduction & Concepts
2: How does scripture define the marriage covenant?
3: What does scripture say about adultery?
4: Scriptural Divorce
5: Is monogamy scriptural?
6: Some other scriptures on marriage issues
7: The Tradition of the Elders and Other heresies
8: Consequences of the Heresy of Monogamy and Related false Doctrines
9: Summary and Conclusion
Appendices A to G
Appendices H to P
Appendices Q to V
Appendices W to Index of Key words
Man and Woman in Harmony
Marriage Strategy
Marriage Teachings
Part 1: The Coming Tribulation
Part 1: The Coming Tribulation
Part 3: Scriptural definition of Marriage, Divorce & Adultery
Part 4: Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
Part 5: Practical Application of Marriage Teachings
Part 6: Deliverance
Part 7. Conclusion
The Almighty designed us from the beginning such that one man can covenant with more than one woman, this is evidenced by the seal of virginity
There are seven times as many believing women as men on earth today so most need to remain celibate and single
The Responsibility of Believing men towards single believing women
A Letter to a Single Woman
The need of Single Women for Companionship
The impact of Wild Oats (children from casual sex) on the world today
The truth about Divorce
Yahs Commandments
Contest or Compromise
The Mark of the Beast
This Life
ALL are Seed of Noah
Nearly ALL alive on earth today are Seed of Abraham
Most of those alive today are Seed of Yisrael
Yahoodah {Judah}
Middle East
Babylon / Iraq
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
North America
Central America and Bahamas
South America
The Curse of Canaan
South Africa
Rest of Africa
The Majority is Always Wrong
Yahoodite = Jew
Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus
The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Khazars
The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Seed of Satan
Jews are NOT Ominipotent
Blessed for Relative Faithfulness
The Colour of a Person Tells Nothing About Their Bloodline
The Hammite African Spiritual Dispensation
The Curse of Canaan on many Africans
World Trade Center Demolition
New World Order etc
Do NOT Concern yourself with Conspiracy
Y2K (The Year 2000 Computer Fear) -- What WAS it? -- an immature believes conspiracy theory
The REAL Conspiracy
Annual Volumes
Articles Emailed
Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty
Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
6010 (2013/4)
6011 (2014/5)
Particularly Important Articles and other Resources
Insights that I have gained into various topics from day to day
Table of Contents of the body of the Website
Articles to 2009 (6005)
List of Articles from 2009
Article Keyword Cloud
Article Categories
Contact Us
The REAL Contest
What IF Satan WINS?
Satanic Dominion
Where are YOU headed for Eternity?
What should YOU do about the direction of your life today?
The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth
The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan
The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus, the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people
Our World Today – History
Demographics of Kingdom
Proof of a Global Flood
Heaven on Earth in Marriage
Creator Desires Relationship
Seven Components of Drawing Close
Recommended Worship Songs
Where will YOU Spend Eternity
Compilation of Most Writings
Radio -- Summing Up the Message
Radio Broadcasts in 2018
Broadcast in October through December 2018
2018.10.05 Relationship with the Creator – Introduction
2018.10.12 Names of the Creator
2018.10.19 Creation and History
2018.10.26 Who Exactly IS Yahooshua?
2018.11.01 Is Yahooshua Yah -- REALLY?
2018.11.09 The Bible is NOT the Word of Yah
2018.11.16 Overcoming Sin
2018.11.30 Prayer
2018.12.07 Worship is Making Love to Father -- Part 1
Radio Broadcasts in 2019
Radio in 2019 January through March 2019
2019.01.11 Worship is Making Love to Father – Part 2
2019.01.18 Worship is Making Love to Father -- Part 3
2019.02.01 Judgment in THIS Life
2019.02.08 The Commandments
2019.02.15 The Commandments Elaborated
2019.02.22 Seek Truth and the Mark of the Beast
2019.03.01 The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with You – Part 1
2019.03.08 The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with You – Part 2
2019.03.15 Deep Relationship with The Creator and Seven Components of Drawing Close -- Part 3
2019.03.22 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 1
2019.03.29 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator – Part 2 -- Prayer
Radio in 2019 April through June 2019
2019.04.03 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator – Part 3 – Prayer Continued
2019.04.12 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 4 – Prayer Continued
2019.04.26 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 5 -- Fasting and Cleansing
2019.05.03 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 6 – Cleansing Continued
2019.05.10 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 7 -- Cleansing Continued
2019.05.17 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 8 -- Cleansing and Worship
2019.05.24 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 9 -- Worship Continued
2019.05.31 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 10 -- Worship Continued
2019.06.07 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 11 -- Discovery and Action
2019.06.14 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 2
2019.06.21 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 3
Radio in 2019 July through September 2019
2019.07.12 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 5
2019.07.19 Where will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 6
2019.08.16 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 9
2019.08.30 History -- the REAL FACTS -- Part 2
2019.09.13 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 3
2019.09.20 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 4
Radio in 2019 October through December 2019
2019.11.01 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 5
2019.11.08 Proof of a Global Flood Part 1
2019.11.15 Proof of a Global Flood Part 2
2019.11.22 Proof of a Global Flood Part 3
2019.11.29 Proof of a Global Flood Part 4
2019.12.13 Proof of a Global Flood Part 5
2019.12.27 Proof of a Global Flood Part 6
Radio Broadcasts in 2020
Radio in 2020 January to March
2020.01.03 Proof of a Global Flood Part 7
2020.01.10 Proof of a Global Flood Part 8
2020.01.17 Proof of a Global Flood Part 9
2020.01.24 True Name of the Creator is Yah Part 1
2020.01.31 True Name of the Creator is Yah Part 2
2020.02.07 True Name of the Creator is Yah Part 3
2020.02.14 The Virgins Covenant Part 1
2020.02.21 The Virgins Covenant Part 2
2020.02.28 Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in Sexual Union
2020.03.06 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union Part 1
2020.03.13 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union Part 2
2020.03.20 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union Part 3
2020.03.27 Seven Times as Many Women as Men True Believers and the Lie of Monogamy
Radio in 2020 April to June
2020.04.03 The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever
2020.04.10 The Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer
2020.04.17 The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer
2020.04.24 The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer Part 2
2020.05.01 Hell is Real and for Believers
2020.05.08 Hell is Real and for Believers Part 2
2020.05.15 Hell is Real and for Believers Part 3
2020.05.21 Judgment in THIS Life Part 1
2020.05.28 Judgment in THIS Life Part 2
2020.06.04 Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 1
2020.06.11 Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 2
2020.06.18 Recognizing a Friend of Yah
2020.06.25 Recognizing a Friend of Yah Part 2
Radio in 2020 July to September
2020.07.02 Seek Truth NOT Error
2020.07.09 Important Insights from Yah
2020.07.23 Important Insights from Yah Part 2
2020.07.30 Important Insights from Yah Part 3
2020.08.06 Important Insights from Yah Part 4
2020.08.13 Important Insights from Yah Part 5
2020.08.20 Important Insights from Yah Part 6
2020.08.27 Video Track Why Seek Relationship Part 1
2020.09.03 Video Track Why Seek Relationship Part 2
2020.09.10 Critical Actions on First Belief
2020.09.17 Who IS Yahooshua Part 1
2020.09.24 Who IS Yahooshua Part 2
Radio in 2020 October to December
2020.10.01 Who IS Yahooshua Part 3
2020.10.08 The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death Part 1
2020.10.15 The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death Part 2
2020.10.22 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 1
2020.10.29 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 2
2020.11.05 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 3
2020.11.12 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 4
2020.11.19 Why Most Prayers are Futile and Unanswered
2020.11.26 The Bible is the Greatest Idol Part 1
Radio Broadcasts in 2021
Radio in 2021 July to September
2021.09.02 WHY are we HERE and Essence of my message to YOU
2021.09.09 Essence of my message
2021.09.17 Essence of my message re the Almighty Creator and Essential Inhibitors of Belief
2021.09.24 Good is Insufficient -- Yah did not stop speaking 2000 years ago
Radio in 2021 October through December 2021
2021.10.01 Essence of Message re Names
2021.10.08 Names including Yah in the Bible
2021.10.15 Essence re Creation Part 1
2021.10.22 Essence re Creation Part 2
2021.10.29 Essence of Message re Yahooshua
2021.11.05 Essence of Message re Lying and Tale Bearing
2021.11.12 In the World NOT OF the World and Fear of Dying
2021.11.19 Essence of Message regarding Poverty of Believers
2021.11.26 Why I Believe & Essence of Coming to Belief
2021.12.10 True Birthday of Yahooshua
2021.12.03 The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah
2021.12.24 Will you Initiate a Revival with me and seek a Power Anointing
2021.12.17 The Evil of Christmas
2021.12.31 Essence of Hearing Father and Submission
Radio Broadcasts in 2022
Radio in 2022 January through March 2022
2022.01.07 Cleansing and Deliverance
2022.01.14 Cleansing and Deliverance Part 2
2022.01.21 Cleansing and Deliverance Part 3
2022.01.28 Essence of my Message re Men and Women and also regarding Careless Sexual Activity
2022.02.04 Implications of careless sexual activity and Unrighteous Divorce
2022.02.11 The Essence of Covenant & Covenant Blood means Death
2022.02.18 Remote Sex is STILL Sex and Overcoming Lack
2022.02.25 Overcoming Lack & Different Views of the Mountain of Yah
2022.03.04 Essence of Message to YOU and My Vision for 2033
2022.03.11 Why I Believe and Essence of my Message
2022.03.18 Essence of Hearing Father and Why Seek Relationship
2022.03.25 Important Facts and Engineering Approach
Radio in 2022 April to June
2022.04.01 Miracle of Yahooshua's Death
2022.04.08 Why Believe in the Almighty Creator
2022.04.15 Essence of Message regarding the Almighty Creator and Creators Name is Yah
2022.04.22 Names DO Matter
2022.04.29 WHY are we HERE Why Afraid of Dying Essence of Becoming a Friend
2022.05.06 The Essence of my Message to Christians
2022.05.13 The Essence of my Message to Christians Part 2 -- some interference
2022.05.20 The Essence of my Message Concerning Yahooshua
2022.05.27 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer -- Part 1
2022.06.03 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer -- Part 2
2022.06.10 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer -- Part 3
2022.06.17 The Essence of my message regarding the Bible
2022.06.24 The Essence of my message regarding Men and Women and Sex
Radio in 2022 July to September
2022.07.01 The Essence of my message regarding Sex
2022.07.15 The Essence of my message regarding Creation
2022.07.22 The Essence of my message regarding Creation Part 2
2022.07.29 The Essence of my message regarding the Commandments
2022.08.05 Essence of my message concerning Judgment in THIS Life and regarding the Satanic and Demonic
2022.08.12 The Essence of my message regarding the End of the Age and will YOU Initiate a Revival with me
2022.08.19 The biggest error crippling mature Believers
2022.08.26 The biggest error crippling Believers Part 2 and Emunah
2022.09.02 The Essence of Coming to Belief
2022.09.09 History the REAL Facts
2022.09.16 History the REAL Facts Part 2 Satan and The Contest
2022.09.23 History the REAL Facts Part 3
2022.09.30 Essence of Poverty of Believers
Radio in 2022 October to December
2022.10.07 Yahooshua and Tabernacles
2022.10.14 Essence regarding Yahooshua
2022.10.21 Unscrambling the Identity of Yahooshua
2022.10.28 How did Yahooshua accomplish what he did
2022.11.04 Essence of Message regarding Prayer
2022.11.11 Essence of Message regarding Prayer-Part 2
2022.11.18 Essence of Message regarding Prayer-Part 3
2022.11.25 Essence of Message regarding Prayer-Part 4
2022.12.02 Essence of Message regarding the Bible
2022.12.09 Essence of Message regarding Men and Women
2022.12.16 Essence of Message regarding Virgins Covenant
2022.12.23 Essence of Message regarding Virgins Covenant-Part 2
2022.12.30 Essence of Message regarding Sex
Radio Broadcasts in 2023
Radio in 2023 January to March
2023.01.07 Essence of Message regarding Sex-Part 2
2023.01.13 Seek Truth NOT Error and Essence of Covenant
2023.01.20 The Name of Yah is Throughout the Bible
2023.01.27 Emunah {Faith} for Supernatural Divine Healing
2023.02.03 Critical End of Life Scenarios
2023.02.10 The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self Existing
2023.02.17 The Essence of my Message to Christians
2023.02.24 The Essence of my Message to Christians—Part 2
2023.03.03 The Essence of my Message to Christians—Part 3
2023.03.10 The Essence of my Message to Christians—Part 4
2023.03.17 The Essence of becoming a Friend of Yah
2023.03.24 About Yahooshua NOT his Spirit that Anoints
2023.03.31 The Five BIG Lies about Jesus and picture of Yahooshua
Radio in 2023 April to June
2023.04.07 The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua
2023.04.14 Can YOU Prove that Jesus IS God
2023.04.21 Can YOU Prove that Jesus IS God—Part 2
2023.04.28 Can YOU Prove that Jesus IS God—Part 3
Why YOU Should Believe
Why Become a Friend
Key Facts in True Belief
Critical Elements of Belief
Prepare for Death
Glory of Death as Committed Believer
Horrors Death as Nominal Believer
Horrors Death as Unbeliever
*** Critical Actions on First Belief ***
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