2023.08.01 Recent Developments and a New focus Created by James on 8/5/2023 2:07:26 PM There have been a number of developments in recent weeks that have given me a new focus which I want to share with you so you can keep me in your prayers and assist in any way you can
2023.08.01 Recent Developments and a New focus
There have been a number of developments in recent weeks that have given me a new focus which I want to share with you so you can keep me in your prayers and assist in any way you can:
- Long term employment ended unexpectedly.
- Finances no longer guaranteed – request Tithes and Offerings.
- Flexible working – available to come and preach and teach if my travel expenses are met.
- End of sharing Christian writings and videos.
- Body of writings is now largely complete – discontinuing weekly messages – will repeat earlier messages.
- Share recordings of Broadcasts with this mailing list.
- End Time Issue Ministries Bible Version – my primary focus now.
- Revisiting my original mandate and calling – the Chariot of Yah’s Wrath.
I will discuss each of these in more detail below:
- Long term employment ended unexpectedly
Since 2016 I have worked part time and full time for a series of companies in the UK that were all related. In February I signed up on staff with an expectation of security for the rest of my working life with reliable provision for servicing my debts and financing the ministry. However a few weeks ago this came to an end unexpectedly.
I am now in the process of endeavouring to start up a Strategic Management Consultancy based on what I used to do in South Africa (I moved to the UK in 2013). This is a major challenge and has sorely tested my faith in recent weeks. The services I offer are set out in Appendices 1 and 2. If you have a business or organization or know anyone with a business or organization who might use any of these services I would greatly appreciate your referral. These methods have been taught to me by Father and are extremely powerful and effective.
- Finances no longer guaranteed – request Tithes and Offerings
The net effect of the above is that I no longer have a guaranteed income. I have no certainty that the marketing model I used in South Africa so reliably will work in the UK and it is likely that it will take at least six months to ramp up the business to a comfortable level if it does work. I have a hope that this will, in time, allow me to develop a successful and profitable global business which will provide abundantly for the ministry but this is not guaranteed.
Accordingly, while I have always strenuously focused on self-financing the ministry since its inception in 2000 it now seems to me that I should make a more robust plea for Tithes and Offerings to support me and my work for Yah and to extend it. See the article “2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/about-tithes-and-offerings-and-end-time-issue-ministries for a discussion of the basis on which I make this statement.
I also want to gear up the ministry in other languages, broadcast on many more channels, produce websites in additional languages, greatly increase the number of people emailed weekly (currently about 50,000), etcetera.
I truly believe that I am close to Father Yah and that my teachings are helping others to draw closer to Him and to see things in a different way. I also believe that there is no one else with the same body of knowledge that I have and that it is important to share this in order to turn the situation on Earth today around.
There are a few people who have been giving to the ministry at various levels but not many. If you have received value from End Time Issue Ministries I appeal to you to seriously consider Tithing or at least making regular Offerings. The link to the Ministry PayPal account is at the end of every email. I stress that I truly believe that investing in ETI WILL deliver merit in your bank account in Heaven for the day of your judgment. See “2022.09.01 What are YOU doing to earn a High Throne for Eternity? -- About your Heavenly Account” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/about-your-heavenly-account
Father has confirmed this.
- Flexible working – available to come and preach and teach if my travel expenses are met
On a different note, the fact that I now work entirely for myself opens the door for me to minister, preach and teach on a more active level. In particular, I have decided to make myself available not only for short sessions on Zoom but for longer sessions on Zoom and for sessions in person provided that my travel, accommodation and subsistence are covered with some level of offering.
If you would like me to visit your part of the world to minister, please email me.
Father has confirmed this decision.
- End of sharing Christian writings and videos
For the last year or two I have shared a large number of Christian Videos and writings dealing with subjects that I do not regard myself as gifted to teach on, particularly regarding Emunah {Faith} particularly for healing and provision, the authority of the Believer, etcetera. I have now been impressed that I have shared all that is necessary and have become concerned that the ongoing distribution of material that repetitively emphasizes errors regarding the Names, alleged deity of Yahooshua, Bible is “The Word of God”, etcetera has the potential to mislead listeners and readers -- see “2023.07.06 Critical Considerations with Regard to Third Party Material” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/critical-considerations-wrt-third-party-material
Accordingly I have ceased listening to Christian videos myself and am ceasing sharing them with people on my mailing lists. I will continue to reference the teachings that have already been cited but will NOT be adding to the list. You are welcome to explore further but I urge caution, continual listening to partially wrong teaching will eventually lead one astray.
Father has confirmed this decision.
- Body of writings is now largely complete – discontinuing weekly messages – will repeat earlier messages
As mentioned from time to time there are of the order of 2,500 articles in the Article Database, see the Article list at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/articles/article-list, the Article Keyword Cloud (alphabetic keyword index) at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/article-keyword-cloud and the Article Search at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/article-search
In addition, there are over 1,200 webpages on the website, see the Table of Contents at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/table-of-contents and the Google Site Search at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/google-site-search
As you will have noticed if you have visited the website recently, it is extremely large and becoming difficult to digest. I have been impressed that I have covered most of the main issues comprehensively and that I am now increasingly at risk of repeating myself or writing about second order issues. Accordingly I have decided that I will scale back on writing new articles unless something particularly relevant comes up.
In addition, as stated above, I hope to translate the main articles on the website into six additional international languages provisionally Hebrew, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Arabic and at least one other. I will require significant finances and assistance for this. If you are able to assist in any way, particularly with regard to one of the above languages or, perhaps another major language – for example managing and curating translation, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. I also want to establish mailing lists and broadcasts in each of these languages.
Instead of my weekly article I will instead post existing articles again starting at the top of the website and working down. I estimate that it will take at least three years at the rate of one article a week to share the most important articles I have written in the past twenty two plus years.
I will continue with the Broadcasts which are systematically working through the sequence outlined above and I will continue with the other mailing lists which are likewise working through the sequence at different levels.
Notwithstanding the above, if you have a topic that you feel it is important for me to address, please feel free to let me know.
- Sharing recordings of Broadcasts with this mailing list
As an extension of the above point, up to now I have only shared the links to the recordings of the broadcasts with a restricted list of people who have contacted me off the website and a few others I have connected with recently. They were also included in the appendix to the emails on this list but were not very visible. I will now post the links to the Broadcasts every week on this list as a discrete email, as I started doing this morning.
- End Time Issue Ministries Bible Version – my primary focus now
In light of the above you may be wondering where I will be directing my energies going forward?
Around 2002 I undertook a very detailed analysis of the Name of Yah in the Bible and published the eBook “The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible”, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-bible/more-about-the-bible-4/true-names-in-bible
This shows that the true Name of the Almighty Creator in the Bible is “Yah”, repeatedly cited as “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” (Yahooeh / Yahweh) over 6,000 times in the Bible. It also reports dozens of people in the Bible with names including “Yah”, such as “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation” see “2022.12.02 The Name of Yah the Creator is Throughout the Bible” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/name-yah-the-creator-throughout-bible
If you have read many of my writings you will know that I place a lot of emphasis on this.
Ever since writing that eBook I have had in mind to create a bespoke rendering of the Bible to be called “The End Time Issue Ministries Version” or “ETI Version” in which all the names containing Yah are highlighted and in which most of the other salient errors that I teach about are corrected. I also envisage footnotes amplifying key lessons that I have learned over the years. My goal is to provide a substitute for the plethora of inaccurate Bible translations that are entrenching the errors with regard to the Names, the deity of Yahooshua, etcetera.
I started work on this project yesterday and plan to spend time every week on this project. My goal is to at least process a few pages every week and I will share the resulting text with this list. As I do this I would welcome feedback from readers regarding items that are not clear, points I have made previously that I have not elucidated sufficiently, etcetera.
Your prayers in support of this work would be much appreciated.
Father has confirmed the importance of this project.
- Revisiting my original mandate and calling – the Chariot of Yah’s Wrath
Back on Tuesday 4th April 2000 I was given a vision with regard to Zephaniah (ZephanYah) chapters 1 and 3 which is reported in the article “2000.13.1.07 A Vision Concerning Zephaniah 1 And 3 The Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord A Chariot Of Judgment For The Church” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/articles/article-view-page/articleid/1783/2000_13_1_07-a-vision-concerning-zephaniah-1-and-3-the-great-and-terrible-day-of-the-lord-a-chariot-of-judgment-for-the-church
The detailed context and verses concerned are reported in the article, the message I received was as follows (language corrected based on my current knowledge):
"This is the chariot of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing’s {The LORD's} wrath which is about to be driven over the church in judgment of the iniquities and apostasy of the past 2000 years. For the crusades and all the other abominations which have been and still are committed by those who claim to act in the name of Jesus Christ.
"Those that resist the judgment will be utterly destroyed for eternity.
"Those who repent and lay down their lives will be executed {crucified} with the Anointed One {Christ} and will live with Him for eternity.
"Those who will actively seek His (Yah’s) judgment in their lives NOW -- BEFORE the chariot comes, will rule with Him for eternity.
"Today you stand opposite the valley of decision and judgment.
"Cross over that you may enter into the Joy of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the LORD}."
Everything that I have done since then has been focused on restoring lost truths, learning how to serve Yah in this age and sharing that information as widely as I have been able in the above context.
The chariot is even now being driven over the church and all religions.
If this rings a chord with you, I would value your active support.
As you can see, some major changes in my life right now. I hope that you will see that these developments are positive and will, I hope, help you in your journey towards a High Throne for Eternity!
Please feel free to email me (James) by replying to this email if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
{Apostle and Prophet of the Almighty Creator}
05 August 2023
Appendix 1 – Strategic Planning Services
The name of the business is James A Robertson and Associates Limited – the original business was founded in South Africa in 1989. JAR&A has long established strategic planning capabilities which are summarized below. The JAR&A Strategic Planning team (myself and my partner Paul Leigh) offer a range of strategic services. This is within the context of statistics that indicate that between 60% and 90% of strategic planning initiatives fail:
Business strategies often fail. This is well-known by now: According to studies, some 60–90% of strategic plans never fully launch.
– Harvard Business Review, June 2022
Search on Google for “percentage of strategic plans that fail”
Assisted by Father Yah I have investigated why this happens and documented the critical factors causing failure and the critical factors for success leading to a robust approach to strategic planning that is designed to maximize success starting with a highly effective analytical approach.
We offer the following strategic planning services:
- Diagnostic “Pulse Measurement” of an in-trouble project. Call us in to investigate why a plan or project is failing. We’ll tell you how to get it back on track (or to kill it) before it’s too late. Typically takes 1 to 10 days, depending on size of organisation and scope of plan.
- Strategic SnapShot©. A 4-to-8-hour workshop that takes your leadership group through a highly structured process to evaluate an aspect of your business or strategic environment. We harness the collective wisdom in the room and align your team on the critical issues and / or critical success factors. We make the strategic trajectory of change visible.
- Strategic Gap Analysis©. A follow up workshop that takes the gaps from the SnapShot© and works through the actions and initiatives you need to take to close these gaps. This becomes your action plan.
- Strategic Marketing Plan. The opposite of a gut-feel-led marketing plan, we work with your leadership to analyse your strategic objectives, key products, key markets, and competitors. Together we develop a detailed, strategically aligned marketing plan that addresses the critical factors and leads to doing the right things to grow your business.
- Information Technology Department Strategic Plan. Most so-called “IT strategies” are really technology plans—laden with jargon and difficult for business leaders to understand. Our approach ensures that IT aligns with the business — controlling risk, prioritising high-value projects and being prudent with resources. We start with one-on-one interviews with business and IT followed by one or more Strategic Snapshots© looking at “critical concerns with regard to IT services”, or similar. The identified gaps are taken to IT management who work collaboratively to devise an action plan to close the gaps within an agreed time horizon.
- Enterprise Strategic Planning. For a small or mid-market business a single SnapShot© may suffice. For large enterprises, we recommend a SnapShot© of each facet of the strategic environment. This produces a top-down Strategic Map and Strategic Action Plan that becomes your roadmap to success.
- Making Key Investment / Business Decisions. We do a SnapShot© ourselves when we need to make a big decision. The method ensures that everyone’s voice is heard and that we are aligned on the decision. For a modest fee, we license the tool and provide training on how to use it effectively.
I style myself “The Strategy Doctor” see https://the-strategy-doctor.com/
Appendix 2 – ERP and Other Business Information Troubleshooting and Implementation Advisory
JAR&A has long established ERP advisory capabilities which Father Yah has helped me to develop and which are summarized below:
- 75% ERP Failure Rate
Gartner report that the failure rate of ERP implementations exceeds 75%:
According to Gartner, ERP implementations failure rates can exceed 75%. Meanwhile, global consultancy McKinsey estimates that more than 70% of all digital transformations fail.
(Search on Google for “percentage of ERP projects that fail”
- JAR&A Knowledge and Experience – with guidance from Father I have developed a full body of knowledge and experience as to why ERP failure happens and how to prevent this. Services include:
- The ERP Doctor Brand -- based on over 30 years’ experience with ERP – successful implementations, numerous diagnostics and turnarounds of failing and sub-optimal implementations.
- Trouble Shooting and Diagnostics – “Pulse Measurement” -- concise, high impact, light touch investigations into any ERP, CRM, WMS or other major business information system or IT Department, that is not performing to expectation / as promised. Knowledge and experience based on dozens of investigations, number of turnarounds and successful implementations. Drawing on “the critical factors causing ERP failure” and “the critical factors for ERP success”. One-to-ten-day interview-based investigation that diagnoses the prioritized top seven critical findings with regard to non-performance and the prioritized top seven actions to remediate the situation.
- Strategic ERP Project Leadership -- strategic focus, executive engagement, agent of the CEO to direct and manage the implementation project and ensure a high value outcome.
- Rigorous Strategic ERP Procurement -- a key reason that construction projects deliver what was promised is rigorous design and robust contracting. JAR&A offer a comprehensive service to produce a strategically focused “Request for Proposal” document together with a full pack of supporting documentation including Certificates and a full compilation of required deliverables. All presented as part of a rigorous competitive tender process geared to a fixed price, fixed deliverable outcome with robust contractual terms that safeguard against non-performance.
- Precision ERP Configuration -- all mainstream ERP (and CRM, WMS, business information system) products are robust, well-engineered and reliable, the problems experienced relate to implementation and particularly configuration and not to technology.
All such systems are highly configurable and as long as the product selected is appropriate to the organization they are capable of being successfully implemented in any organization. The question is not whether the tool is up to the job, it is whether it is configured appropriately to accurately model the organization. Frequently this will be supported by small components of organization-specific bespoke software to tune the installation to the finer nuances of the organisation. JAR&A offer a portfolio of services associated with what we term “Precision Configuration” in conjunction with the other services mentioned above.
I style myself “The ERP Doctor” see https://www.the-erp-doctor.com/Home.aspx
Please contact me for more information.
End Time Issue Ministry End Notes
The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU
If you die as an Unbeliever your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon -- the Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?”
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the trash heap of Heaven – Father has said concerning such Believers “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?”
In stark contrast -- IF you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty the rewards in the Life to Come are HUGE – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority and a permanent close relationship with the Creator AND with Yahooshua {who you may mistakenly know as Jesus}
To put this all in context the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together, my greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!“
See www.ETI-Ministries.org for more information
There is much more information on the above and diverse other topics on the website www.ETI-Ministries.org
* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like “God”, “the LORD”, “Jesus” are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-names
To be added to the second mailing list which posts links to my broadcasts, links to YouTube Videos I recommended and other general information please reply to this email with “Add to BCC list” in the subject line.
Please connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesrendtimeissues/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006994485801
If you receive this forwarded from someone else please email me to be placed on the mailing list
We are entirely self-funded, please see the donations link at the end of this email if you believe our message is important and you are willing to contribute to getting our message out there. This will open the door for you to participate in the merit accrued from our ministry.
Please forward
If you have found this article of interest please forward to as many people as possible and, if you are willing, copy this email address.
Radio and TV Broadcasts on www.W4CY.com Radio, please join me -- Friday at 12 midday USA Eastern Time, UK 5 pm, South Africa 6 pm; Sydney Australia 4:00 am Saturday. Now also on TV on the same link.
www.W4CY.com – click on button top right to watch on TV
Also https://talk4media.com/
Most Recent Broadcast – Friday 4th August 2023 -- The Essence of My Message to Muslims
This is NOT a Christian message, it is NOT intended to draw Muslims into Christianity, it is intended as the fulfilment of their Muslim heritage as a child and servant of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, who they know as Allah, leading to a reward when they die that will potentially entitle them to a high throne in Heaven with the Creator for Eternity.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/theessenceofmymessagetomuslims7091810115581816833/comments/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Is1bm30-s
Audio on DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wn1ceksjqj2e951r5jdnm/2023_08_05_The_Essence_of_My_Message_to_Muslims.mp3?rlkey=doiq1rth1pwqtv1gogc0zkzod&dl=0
Back issues of broadcasts at:
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/relationship-with-creator/id1447290561
Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Relationship-with-Creator-Podcast/B08JK2WLHN
Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/relationship-with-creator-772533
Continuous Broadcast
There is a continuous broadcast rotating through past editions on Talk 4 TV in the preview guide on the home page of www.talk4tv.com and also https://talk4tv.com/tv-channels-preview-guide/ on the second page of the preview guide and click on the Relationship with Creator entry.
There is also a YouTube Playlist and Podcast at:
See also the following important items:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
Tithes and Offerings
We are entirely self-funded and have big ambitions including translating the core of the website into at least seven other languages, broadcasting weekly in those same languages, renting millions of email addresses, sending out millions of emails monthly in those same languages, etcetera.
See the article “2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/about-tithes-and-offerings-and-end-time-issue-ministries for our ambition and the biblical basis of tithes and offerings. If you make a donation you are free to nominate the project that you would prefer your donation to be applied to.
If you are able to make a donation please go to
Thank you so much
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.
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