2023.08.02.The ETI Bible Version – Introduction and MattihYahoo Chapter 1 Created by James on 8/6/2023 3:56:47 PM I have started work on producing a version of the Bible that addresses a number of key points in what I have learned over the years and which I hold to be inaccurate in many Bible versions. This article contains the introductory sections to this Bible plus the rendering of Chapter 1 of MattihYahoo {Matthew}.
2023.08.02.The ETI Bible Version – Introduction and MattihYahoo Chapter 1
As reported in the article posted yesterday “2023.08.01 Recent Developments and a New focus” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/recent-developments-and-a-new-focus I have started work on producing a version of the Bible that addresses a number of key points in what I have learned over the years and which I hold to be inaccurate in many Bible versions.
This article contains the introductory sections to this Bible plus the rendering of Chapter 1 of MattihYahoo {Matthew}.
The pdf version of this, which is better formatted, is available at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ey5ca35123dgt2m9ioxlr/ETI_Bible_Version-Introduction_and_MatthiYahoo_Chapter_1_v_1.27.pdf?rlkey=bnavexdarj7dmnzhstx3cjydn&dl=0
I would welcome your comments.
James Robertson
The End Time Issue Ministries Version of the Bible
Based on the King James Version
Writings from MattihYahoo to Revelation
{Matthew to Revelation}
{The New Testament}
Relating to the Good News with respect to
Yahooshua The Anointed One of Yah
{Jesus Christ}
Prepared by Dr James Alexander Robertson, Emissary of Yah
Declaration: I testify that this work has been prepared after more than thirty years of seeking to know the Almighty Creator and His ways and to understand error and truth in great detail and much fasting seeking truth.
I truly believe that this rendering of the Bible is accurate and pleasing to the Almighty and of value to anyone who will make use of it.
06 August 2023
Version 1.14
The book commonly referred to as “The Bible” is a collection of writings relating to the interaction between the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” at various periods of time commencing with the Creation about 6,020 years ago (in 2023) and ending with Yahoochanan the writer of the book of Revelation who died in around 98 AD.
The portion commonly referred to as the “Old Testament”, which to some extent relates to the conduct of Believers in terms of the Covenant of Moshe, was written in Hebrew and largely preserved by the Yahoodi’iy {Jews} the descendants of Yahoodah {Judah}
The portion commonly referred to as the “New Testament” largely relates to the ministry of Yahooshua of Natzareth The Anointed One of Yah {Jesus Christ} and those who followed his teachings after his miraculous death and resurrection. See “2020.10.01 The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what” at https://www.ETIMin.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death for a detailed discussion of Yahooshua’s resurrection and power.
These texts are all based on Greek texts of variable veracity, most of which were translated from Hebrew and Aramaic texts, see “2022.12.07 Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Judean {Jew} and spoke Aramaic and Hebrew” at https://www.ETIMin.org/yahooshua-jesus-was-a-judean-jew-and-spoke-aramaic-and-hebrew
In this two stage translation, from Hebrew and Aramaic to Greek and then from Greek to English, various errors and compromises slipped in, together with doctrinal bias based on wrong beliefs that crept in at an early stage after the resurrection of Yahooshua.
The Protestant Bible, on which the ETI Version is based was compiled based on the Hebrew so-called Old Testament and the New Testament which is a collation of Greek texts, many of which were fragmentary in nature. There is divergent opinion as to when the current “New Testament” was finally assembled and there are variations between the Catholic Bible, the Protestant Bible and Bibles of other major groups. There is an opinion that states that the diverse multiple variant Greek manuscripts on which the New Testament is based differ to the extent of around 1,250 discrete differences which include whole verses added and subtracted.
That said, there is widespread opinion that the modern Christian Protestant Bible (New Testament) is an accurate reflection of the occurrences that are reported in it.
Likewise, there is widespread opinion that the Hebrew “Old Testament” is an accurate reflection of the occurrences that are reported in it.
I am preparing this version in the profound belief that the Bible IS a fundamentally important book AND that translation errors in all versions are leading to misunderstandings and wrong doctrine and that by correcting translation errors that are almost universal I can assist those seeking truth to make a significant step forward.
The Bible and “The Holy Word of God”
Beyond this there is widespread Christian opinion that “The Bible is the Holy Word of God and without error!” where the word translated Holy in English is the Hebrew word “Qodesh” which means “Set-Apart” or “Separated”.
If one fasts and prays and seeks Father Yah on this you will hear clearly that the the Bible is not the Word of Yah, only about 2.5% is inspired but it is a largely reliable history book. In this context, careful comparison of the events relating to Yahooshua in the four books of the Good News {Gospels} of Yahooshua will reveal many discrepancies. One of the most notable discrepancies relates to the death of Yahoodah of Kerioth in the book of MattihYahoo 27:3-10 where MattihYahoo says Yahoodah hanged himself and Luke, in Acts 1:18-19, where Luke says Yahoodah fell headlong and his guts spilled out. Clearly Yahoodah died one way or the other, not both. There are all sorts of apologetics that seek to reconciled these two passages but this is not necessary if one simply regards the Bible as a useful reference work with a wealth of early history from which one can draw lessons and which contains errors and inconsistencies. This is the basis on which this version is presented while seeking to address those errors and inconsistencies that I am aware of.
Fundamental to my position on this is a deep conviction that the Almighty Creator desires a deep personal relationship with every person on the planet and that, while the Bible is a useful resource, the primary source of knowledge should flow from a personal relationship with the Creator in which one hears Him and speaks to Him constantly, see “2022.07.01 The Essence of what our Father wants from YOU” at https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-what-our-father-wants-from-you
On this basis, if something does not add up in the Bible, turn directly to the Creator – this version is intended to assist you with this.
Reference the End Time Issue Ministries website
The notes in this document are supported in depth on the End Time Issue Ministries website at www.ETIMin.org and you are encouraged to consult that website for more information to corroborate the information that is contained here in support of the core Bible text. There are over 2,500 articles in the Articles Database on a huge diversity of topics, see the Articles List at https://www.ETIMin.org/articles/article-list, the Articles Search at https://www.ETIMin.org/article-search and the Articles Keyword Cloud at https://www.ETIMin.org/article-keyword-cloud which is an alphabetic collection of thousands of keywords on the articles.
There are also more than 1,200 webpages covering mostly the same material as the Articles, see the Table of Contents at https://www.ETIMin.org/table-of-contents and the Google Site Search at https://www.ETIMin.org/google-site-search
The Authority of James Robertson
In saying this it is important to note that I claim to be an Emissary {Apostle} and Spokesman {Prophet} of the Almighty Creator and that much of what I have written in the past twenty five or so years has been inspired at some level and is therefore reasonably reliable. See “2021.02.04 Caution: This website contains ERRORS” at https://www.ETIMin.org/caution-this-website-contains-errors for some context to these claims.
Ultimately the only way you can substantiate this is if you go directly to Father Yah and ask Him.
It is perhaps important to note that I hear the Almighty and He speaks to me and we converse. Also, that He has called me Friend on the basis that much of what I teach is much more accurate than conventional belief across all religions today.
My Bible Credentials
In considering this offering I want to stress that I have read the Old Testament over twenty times in numerous different translations. I have read the New Testament over thirty five times, again in numerous translations. I have read Proverbs and Psalms over a hundred times each. During the eight year period that this happened between 1993 and 2000 I filled 14 x 100 page A5 notebooks with questions and answers. At all times I took my Bible reading and questions to Father Yah and asked Him to answer me. He did!
Accordingly I claim to have some basis to be able to speak authoritatively in rendering this version of the Bible.
Rationale for the ETI Version
I have been seeking to draw close to the Almighty Creator since 1993 when He spoke to me audibly and I knew that He was real. In the ensuing years I have had numerous supernatural and other experiences that have reinforced my deep certainty that He exists.
In the year 2000 I went on a series of three day water only fasts seeking truth and started to get revelation on all sorts of factors of which the most important was that the true name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah”, frequently transliterated as “Yahweh” or more accurately “Yahooeh” these two forms of the Hebrew phrase YHWH conceal the reality that the true Name of the Almighty is “Yah”. It turns out that the Name Yah is embedded in dozens of Hebrew names, including those cited above, of which Yahooshua, meaning “Yah is salvation” is the most significant (the correct name of the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”). This is totally concealed in the vast majority of English translations and renderings and is responsible for major errors in doctrine.
Countering this, the phrase YHWH is almost universally translated as “The LORD”, over 6,000 times in the standard English translations of the Old Testament and in comparable derivatives in other languages which have been informed by the English translations. “The LORD” is an accurate translation of “Baal”, a Pagan, that is Demonic deity – it is an offense to call Yah “The LORD” and this should be avoided at all costs.
Since Yahooshua is repeatedly referred to as “Adonai” in the New Testament (correctly Adonai) there is confusion that The LORD of the Old Testament equals Adonai of the New Testament and therefore “Jesus is God” which is completely false. This is compounded in the New Testament because the same Greek word (Kyriou) is used for both,
The English word “Christ” relates to at least three Greek derivatives of “Christoo” which have distinctly different meanings as in “Yahooshua The Anointed One of Yah” {Jesus Christ}, “The Anointing of Yah that was upon Yahooshua” {Christ Jesus} and “Christ” “The Anointed One of Yah” or “an Anointed one of Yah” – Christ applies to any Believer who is Anointed, that is filled with the Spirit of the Creator – so I can correctly call myself “James Christ”. Christ is therefore a meaningless Christian term that should be avoided. Since Christ primarily refers to Yah and NOT to Jesus, this leads to massive confusion and is another factor in the mistaken belief that “Jesus is God” derived from the erroneous belief that Jesus equals Christ and that both words can be used interchangeably to describe the man.
This leads to the mistaken belief that “Christianity” is the religion of belief in Jesus when, in fact, the correct translation would be “Religion of the Anointed One’s” and should relate to relationship with the Almighty Creator.
The Hebrew word “Elohym” means “Mighty One”, “mighty one” or “Almighty” depending on context. In all cases it is translated as “God” or “god”. God is the name of a Pagan, that is Demonic, deity and it is an insult to refer to the Almighty as God. This word should be avoided at all times and replaced with the appropriate rendering given above.
The Hebrew “El” and “Eli” which specifically relate to the Almighty are also generally translated God where “Eli” as in “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” MattihYahoo 27:46, actually means “my Darling Mighty One” or “my Beloved Mighty One” relating specifically to Father Yah.
The Hebrew word translated “Holy” is “Qodesh” or “Kadosh” meaning “Set-Apart”, separated, sanctified. It is a state of being of one who is committed to the Almighty. The Set-Apart Spirit {Holy Spirit} is the portion of the Spirit of Yah Set-Apart to indwell Believers as opposed to the Universal Spirit of Yah which permeates the entire Universe and holds it together, including indwelling unbelievers.
The Greek word translated Cross is “Stauros” meaning a “Stake” a length of tree trunk. Cross is a Pagan, that is Demonic and Blasphemous word, it is an insult to say that Yahooshua died on a Cross.
There are numerous other second order issues that will be dealt with in the footnotes to the Bible that follow.
In the long journey I have been on relating to understanding the points above and many other points it became apparent to me that there was a need for a new version. I have consulted numerous versions but not found a single Bible that addresses all of my points here. The closest I have come is the version called “The Scriptures” from the Institute of Scripture Research https://www.isr-messianic.org/ also available on Amazon and other websites. This is the most accurate translation that I have encountered but nevertheless slips up on some of the points noted above. I have made extensive reference to this version with regard to the correct English rendering of Hebrew names and words although I have deviated on some important points, particularly with regard to “Messiah” versus “Anointed One of Yah”.
Notwithstanding this I recommend “The Scriptures” as another version worth reading.
The Amplified Bible from Zondervan, available from Amazon and elsewhere, is also a useful translation from a different perspective and also recommended – it addresses issues relating to the more wide-ranging meaning of Hebrew and Greek words that are constrained in English.
The Base Manuscript for the ETI Version is the King James Version
The Bible version that follows is based on the King James Version (KJV). My reason for doing this is firstly that it is not subject to copyright and therefore not liable to sanction if someone disagrees with my rendering. Secondly, the KJV is the foundation on which a vast amount of Bible research and study is based and the foundation for many Concordances, such as Strong’s Concordance, dictionaries, Interlinear Bibles, etcetera.
Throughout this version I have replaced common English words with the best Hebrew transliterations that I can locate.
I would ideally have prepared this version based on the Amplified Bible from Zondervan but copyright issues prevent that.
Accordingly, the English is a bit “Olde Worlde” but I ask you to look past that at the core issues that I seek to raise with this version.
As discussed above I have drawn extensively on “The Scriptures” from the Institute of Scripture Research, various versions of the Bible in the eSword software https://www.e-sword.net/ also my own report on my research back in the early 2000’s as reported in “2010.11.02 - The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible - Detailed Analysis” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-bible/more-about-the-bible-4/name-yah-in-book I have also made use of Google searches and made use of the Bible Hub website at https://biblehub.com/ particularly with regard to the Interlinear Bible and dictionary searches.
Finally, in some cases I have applied my own interpretation based on things I have been shown. Most notably, while some versions refer to Yahuwah and others to Yahweh I have chosen Yahooeh and in specific cases Yahoo rather than Yahu etcetera on the basis that since the Satanic and Demonic Realm have seen fit to mock the Almighty through the www.Yahoo.com website then Yahoo has to be the most accurate form.
The Readers Dilemma of Past Experience
In considering the position that I espouse you may ask the question “I have used these words all my life and had significant experiences of the Almighty while using them, how then can you say they are pagan and in error?” or similar questions.
The answer is that Revelation 20:1-3 requires for Satan to be cast into the Pit for 1,000 years. In order for this to be legally possible in the Court of Heaven it was necessary for ALL Grace with regard to wrong words and wrong doctrine, all of which are lies of Satan, to be withdrawn. Satan was cast into the Pit for 1,000 years in May 2003, see “2010.09.07b - Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003” at https://www.etimin.org/satan-to-pit-2003 Thus, the interpretation presented in this version is absolutely critical relative to service to the Almighty post 2003, albeit that some level of Grace still applies to those who had a material relationship with Father prior to 2003.
Dr James A Robertson
06 August 2023
- 1: The Good News According to MattihYahoo
Chapter 1
THE book of the generation of Yahooshua The Anointed One of Yah, the son of Dawid, the son of Abraham.
2 Abraham begat Yitshaq; and Yitshaq begat Ya’aqob; and Ya’aqob begat Yahoowdah and his brethren;
3 And Yahoowdah begat Perets and Zerah of Thamar; and Perets begat Hetsron; and Hetsron begat Ram;
4 And Ram begat Amminadab; and Amminadab begat Nahshon; and Nahshon begat Salmon;
5 And Salmon begat Bo’az of Rahab; and Bo’az begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Yishai;
6 And Yishai begat Dawid the king; and Dawid the king begat Shelomoh of her that had been the wife of UriYah;
7 And Shelomoh begat Rehab’am; and Rehab’am begat AbiYah; and AbiYah begat Asa;
8 And Asa begat Yehoshaphat; and Yehoshaphat begat Yoram; and Yoram begat UzziYah;
9 And UzziYah begat Yotham; and Yotham begat Ahaz; and Ahaz begat HizqiYahoo;
10 And HizqiYahoo begat Menashsheh; and Menashsheh begat Amon; and Amon begat YoshiYahoo;
11 And YoshiYahoo begat YekonYah and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon:
12 And after they were brought to Babylon, YekonYah begat She’alti’El; and She’alti’El begat Zerubbabel;
13 And Zerubbabel begat Abihud; and Abihud begat Elyaqim; and Elyaqim begat Azor;
14 And Azor begat Tsadoq; and Tsadoq begat Aqim; and Aqim begat Elihud;
15 And Elihud begat El‛azar; and El‛azar begat Mattan; and Mattan begat Ya’aqob;
16 And Ya’aqob begat Yoseph the husband of Miryam, of whom was born Yahooshua {Jesus}, who is called The Anointed One of Yah {Christ}.
17 So all the generations from Abraham to Dawid are fourteen generations; and from Dawid until the carrying away into Babel are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babel unto The Anointed of Yah are fourteen generations.
18 Now the birth of Yahooshua The Anointed of Yah was on this wise: When as his mother Miryam was espoused to Yoseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Set-Apart Spirit.
19 Then Yoseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the messenger of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Yoseph, thou son of Dawid, fear not to take unto thee Miryam thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Set-Apart Spirit.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YAHOOSHUA: for he shall save his people from their sins.
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing by the prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name EmmanuEl, which being interpreted is, the Almighty with us.
24 Then Yoseph being raised from sleep did as the messenger of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:
25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name YAHOOSHUA.

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