2023.12.03 The Creator Desires Friends Created by James on 12/16/2023 12:06:38 PM Yah, the Almighty Creator says:
“There is a huge issue in terms of believers thinking they can believe what suits them and do what suits them thereby abdicating their responsibility to serve me faithfully and overcome"
The purpose of serving Yah is NOT for what He will give us in THIS life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come!!
This article will explain this.
2023.12.03 The Creator Desires Friends
Yah, the Almighty Creator says:
“There is a huge issue in terms of believers thinking they can believe what suits them and do what suits them thereby abdicating their responsibility to serve me faithfully and overcome"
The purpose of serving Yah is NOT for what He will give us in THIS life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come!!
This article will explain this.
Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends
THE ultimate goal of ALL this, the entire Creation, the entire history of Earth, the entire society in which we live is for human beings to come into existence through procreation from Adam and Chavah {Eve} and live lives that afford them the opportunity to qualify to enter heaven, to be found to be good and faithful servants, to be overcomers and to become friends of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
Of these the HIGHEST goal is to become a FRIEND of the Almighty in THIS life
A friend of the Almighty is one who has strenuously worked to developed a close personal relationship with the Almighty, through faith, sacrifice, discipline by choice
A person who has done the hard yards to grow in obedience, dealt with sin, aligned themselves with the Almighty, sought a deep personal relationship, prayed the right prayers, spent thousands of hours in worship, prayer, study and seeking the Creator
A friend of the Almighty is a person to whom the Almighty confides His plans and discusses them, consults with asks the opinion of and a person to which He admits His mistakes
YES, the Almighty DOES make mistakes, Satan was a mistake, a failed experiment, The Contest in which we find ourselves today was a mistake, permitting Ham to enter the survival vessel with his father, Noah, was a mistake, etc
A friend is one who does just enough to provide for themself and devotes as much time as possible to the service of the Almighty, a person who is entirely dependent on the Almighty and totally in love with Him
The Almighty desires friends ABOVE ALL ELSE
People who remain true to their friendship with Yah to the END of their lives will, on their death, sit on the highest thrones in Heaven very close to Yah and Yahooshua {Jesus} -- there is NO GREATER PRIZE than being a friend of the Almighty and the reward in the life to come is beyond anything we can imagine today in terms of the esteem, the honor, the glory, the authority, the power that awaits these people
There are few people in any generation who truly qualify as friends and there have only been a few men in ALL of history who have been so close to the Almighty that they have REALLY made a difference
The most notable friends to date have been Noah, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus} and Mohammed
There have been friends in every generation who have NOT played such dramatic roles in the world, these include Abraham and David and many others
You may not aspire to such high status BUT it IS available to YOU
It is available to everyone of us to become friends of the highest standing
There is a huge amount of work to be done in this generation and there is place for friends who will make a DRAMATIC difference
Are YOU willing?
Do YOU aspire to please your Father in Heaven and become His Friend?
There is much on this site to assist you, I encourage you to pull out ALL the stops and "go for it"
Refer to Relationship with Yah for more in this regard.
2013.09.14 - Why are we HERE?
The longer I walk this road and become aware of what is REALLY important to Daddy Yah the more I realize that very few people know why we are here
I receive emails about “grace” and “peace” and “rest”
And it IS true that if you are walking in the full power of the Spirit of Yah and living a sinless life you will be led by Him to a place of grace and peace and rest but it is unlikely that you WILL get there in this age and, should you get there and then get to the place of being stoned or flogged or nailed to a stake it is unlikely that you will have any of these things – there were NOT many, even many centuries ago, who died in grace and peace and rest
The implication is that somehow Yah has called us to come along for a free ride where He will do all the work and we just do what takes our fancy
I have come to understand that this is far from the truth, even the most superficial examination of historical writings in the bible or elsewhere will reveal this
“But Jesus” I hear some cry
So Yahooshua who was WITHOUT SIN died an appalling and tortured death so that you could live a sloppy self-indulgent life doing what suits you and paying lip service to some sort of relationship with Him?
I do not think so!
We sing of “refiners fire” but few understand that the process of being refined is painful and difficult and NOT pleasant at all
So, why ARE we here?
- Yah was lonely and He decided to create intelligent beings to keep Him company
- The first being of this type that He created was a spirit who later went on to volunteer to come to earth and become the prophet Yahooshua
- Subsequent creation endeavours were NOT so successful, Father created messengers, “angels” and one of them became so proud that he led one third of the messengers in rebellion and was cast out of heaven and became “Satan”
- Yah was in the process of creating the Universe and was working towards the creation of human beings who would be the pinnacle of his creation and the intelligent friends and companions that Yah desired and He was creating a home for them, planet earth
- Satan challenged Yah and stated that Yah was UNABLE to create a being that would voluntarily resist sin and that if Yah placed Satan and his followers on earth together with the soon to be created men they would ALL eventually worship Satan and forsake Yah
- Yah agreed to the challenge and it was stipulated that there would be seven thousand years during which the battle would be fought, some simple laws (which most know as the Ten Commandments) were stipulated and some principles were established
- The agreement was that if at the end of six thousand years Satan had succeeded such that NO man was in a position to call for judgment on Satan, Satan would have won and would rule earth and all men for eternity – during this six thousand years both Yah and Satan were free to take whatever measures they deemed fit to secure their side of the battle
- If Satan did NOT succeed in six thousand years he would be judged appropriately for his rebellion and taken out of the battle but would NOT die AND Yah would WITHDRAW from the battle and let mankind battle it out with Satan’s forces for a thousand years
- At the end of seven thousand years the final judgment would take place – if there was NOT at least one man at the end of the seven thousand years who was without sin and therefore able to call down judgment on Satan, Satan would be handed control of earth and all men for eternity – included all the demons (deceased men)
- If Satan were defeated, Satan and all those who had followed him would be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly consumed with the caveat that those believers who had at some level followed Satan and were NOT without sin would spend time in the Lake of Fire commensurate with the level of their sin BEFORE being admitted to Heaven
Accordingly we are on earth to provide friendship and fellowship to Yah and fight on His side to defeat sin on the earth, at the very least at the level of ensuring that there is a man or men on earth in 3003 between Passover and Pentecost who are in relationship with Yah and without sin in order to call down judgment on Satan
If you are NOT playing your part in this battle and earnestly seeking a deep personal relationship with Yah, to bring Him joy, to strive for ALL truth and to conquer the forces of darkness in your life, then in your environment and finally on the earth I have to say to you that your life is really NOT worth much
Unless, of course, you have decided that Satan will win and have aligned yourself with him – but, IF you get close to him you will find he is a very HARD and ruthless taskmaster
Either way, on the middle ground you face a very unpleasant outcome
Which way do YOU choose?
I recommend that you go ALL OUT to serve Yah
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I publish on this list.
Dr James Robertson
Emissary and spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
30 September 2013
2013.03.06 Relationship with the Almighty NOT Worship of Intellect
In recent months I have received a steady stream of emails on various topics that argue matters of doctrine (teaching) from in-depth intellectual analysis of the Bible and other texts.
Frequently these arguments and the resulting conclusions are totally at odds with what the Almighty is saying and it becomes apparent that the writers place high reliance on their intellect and the intellect of other “learned” people.
In doing this they totally miss the message of Yahooshua {Jesus} and every other prophet that has ever lived which is fundamentally, “seek a personal relationship with Yah (the Almighty Creator) and seek to please Him” – fundamentally nothing else matters and nothing else will qualify one to sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity.
This is simple to do but so difficult because it requires one to lay down the worship of one’s intellect and accept that one does NOT know how to overcome, or to please Yah or even how to have a relationship with Him – it is simple because one is only required to completely set aside one’s intellect and walk with Yah by faith and, in a sense, blind trust, it is difficult because our entire upbringing fights against doing this.
Together with this article is also “2012_01_05_Getting close to Yah -- appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL” which was published on this list slightly over a year ago which sets out a range of measures that one can take in order to hear the Almighty Creator clearly.
I commend this document and the approach that it advocates for your earnest and prayerful consideration.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I publish on this list.
Dr James Robertson
Emissary and spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
2012.02.02 Hearing Yah
I have been asked how I hear Yah, more specifically how I know it is Yah and, I guess, by implication, how is it that I am so confident that I hear Him
The following article seeks to address this question
- Believe He exists and wants a relationship with you
In order to hear Yah you MUST believe with absolute certainty that He exists and that He wants a relationship with you and wants to speak to you
If you do not believe or have walked a road of not knowing Him He MAY speak to you a few times in order to get you going but after that YOU must believe He exists and YOU must WANT to hear Him
- Pray and ask Him to speak to you
Ask Him to speak to you
“Father, I ask you to speak to me in any way I am able to hear you – directly, through videos, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, people I meet in the street, in any way I am able to hear”
- Get on your knees, listen and test
In my experience I hear Yah most clearly when I humble myself and get on my knees, sitting or standing, particularly rebelliously and challenging Him to speak is NOT the way to do it
He is the Almighty Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth – you need to GET this and humble yourself appropriately
Then listen,
Believe He will speak to you and listen attentively
If you are NOT sure, test, ask for confirmations, in the early days of my walk with Him I repeatedly asked for confirmation – do that humbly from a perspective of “Father, I really want to do your will, please forgive me for asking for confirmation but I really do not want to miss it”
“Father I ask you to open the doors that you want opened and close the doors you want closed”
“Father, if I am missing it and this is NOT you please close the door, or prevent me from speaking to them, or …”
If you think He has sent you to speak to someone but you cannot get hold of them after three attempts it probably means you have missed it
- Step out in faith
Then, step out in faith and do what you think He has told you to do
In my experience, in the early days of walking with Him, as long as I humbled myself and asked for His guidance I virtually always found I had heard Him and if I was sensitive to Him closing doors I would rapidly realize IF I was doing something in my own strength
It is vital to MOVE – it is very hard for Him to guide you if you are not moving
Even if you are not moving in the right direction it is easier for Him to steer you to the right direction than if you are stuck fast paralyzed by fear of making a mistake
- Expect Him to challenge you
He is likely to challenge you
If you think He is asking you to do something you really do NOT want to do or that makes you uncomfortable it is quite possibly Him
I hate conflict and I hate speaking to strangers, so He has sent me into situations with a lot of both
If it is too comfortable it is quite possibly NOT from Yah
Having said this, you must be grounded in His commandments and truths so that you do NOT go and do something that is totally contrary to His ways and His will – problem is that because there is so much error in the church that what you think cannot be from Him COULD in fact be Him
So, key issue is obedience – I have it He would rather you did something because you sincerely believe He has spoken to you than NOT do something because of fear, unbelief, doubt, etc
- Fast repeatedly and seek Him
It was only some considerable time into my relationship with Him that I started fasting, in 2000 I undertook eight three day total fasts (except water and a small quantity of bread and grape juice) at intervals of ten days and after that I heard Him MUCH clearer
- Make notes
It is much easier to hear Yah if you sit quietly or kneel and make notes
If you have never read the bible it is worth reading it a few times and making notes but understand that it is NOT by any means all inspired
Read whatever other things He leads you to read
Listening is an art, writing notes is a vital component of listening, it forces you to be much more attentive and reduces the extent to which your thoughts wander off
Frequently when I sit down to write an article like this I have very little idea what I am going to write, I rely on the Spirit of Yah to give me utterance as I am writing the outline and as I am typing up the document
- Seek to know Him more and more
You MUST seek to know Him
You MUST want to know Him
You MUST be willing to lay down your life to serve Him
You MUST see Him as Father, King and Lord and yourself as child and servant
The more you know Him the more you will hear Him
The more you know His will the more readily you will discern if the voice speaking to you is Him
The more you sanctify yourself and deal with your sin and seek to live a life without sin the fewer other voices will be able to speak to you and the more you will hear Him
There is NO recipe, seek Yah and you WILL find Him
Hearing Yah and knowing His voice takes time, practice and dedication
Be willing to be challenged, do NOT use other human beings as your guide, He is your teacher and He desires a deep personal relationship with YOU
He wants YOU as His friend
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Dr James Robertson
Emissary and spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
25 February 2012
2012.07.03 Have YOU brought Yah JOY today?
About a year and a half ago, while on a series of three day fasts, I suddenly was confronted with the question “have YOU brought Yah JOY today?”
The thought came to me in such a way that it provoked intense turmoil within me.
The truth was, I seldom if ever thought about pleasing Yah per se, let along bringing Him joy.
I was doing my best to keep His Commandments, do His will, etc, He had even told me I was His friend but I was NOT actively thinking of bringing Him JOY let alone praying for guidance to do this.
I wrote a short message to the list on this topic and since then have prayed fairly regularly for guidance to help bring Him joy.
This question first came to me in the context of two visions that I had in the weeks before I first was asked the question.
The first vision occurred after I had asked a woman who was very close to Yah to cease using a Yahoo.com email address because the word “Yahoo” is derived from the extended Name of Yah “Yahooeh” meaning “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – she refused and I saw Yah in tears, He was so grieved by her lack of sensitivity.
The second vision occurred after I had asked a man on this list also to cease using Yahoo.com. The request had MUCH greater negative impact on him than the woman mentioned above, he had a Yahoo Groups site going back over a decade with hundreds of articles posted on it. Without hesitation this man came back to me and said that now that He had a revelation that this grieved Yah he would immediately transfer his group to another service, which he did. This time I saw Yah again in tears but this time tears of joy and gratitude that this man loved Him so much that he was prepared to take all the disruption that went with changing his service provider.
At that time I came to understand that in this age it is NOT difficult to bring Yah joy – just do what He asks without questioning and without arguing – just do it because YOU love Him!
Since then I have done the best I can to bring my Daddy joy.
Most of the time I do not think I do much at all, I battle with the daily issues of earning a living with massive Satanic and demonic opposition, listen to a small selection of worship songs and do the best I can. Repeatedly, when I have said to Him that I regret that I am doing so little He has told me that this is not so, the fact that I am willing to take the onslaught and NOT compromise on serving Him, seeking His truths and believing the truths that have been revealed to me and just getting on with my life in a way that I do NOT compromise with the forces of darkness brings Him joy.
So, my message to you today is – it is NOT difficult to bring Yah joy – keep His Commandments for His Commandments are NOT burdensome, fight the battle by living your life His way and you will bring Him great pleasure J
It is NOT difficult to bring Yah joy – just love Him and keep His Commandments and seek truth and live by that truth.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Dr James Robertson
Emissary and spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
14 July 2012
2011.12.06 The most powerful prayer?
Worshipping this morning it occurred to me that the prayer "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua, I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" may be the most powerful prayer there is
"Father Yah, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it" may well come close behind that
We are surrounded by deception and error, we are not able to judge ourselves with any level of certainty
If you desire to serve Yah faithfully to the end and be found a good and faithful servant on the Day of Judgment, I suggest for your consideration that you should pray the above two prayers regularly and then when things go wrong in your life closely examine yourself and deal with what you have to deal with -- repent, course correct, get back on track -- could result in RADICAL CHANGE in your life
There are other prayers that are important such as:
"I ask you to help me to overcome to the end that I may be found a good and faithful servant on the Day of Judgment"
but, in a sense, "judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" is the most powerful of the lot IF you are willing to be sensitive to what follows
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
James Robertson
I hope that this has helped to clarify priorities with regard to relationship with the Creator.
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly with regard to any sin or error in my life or in this message.
Please feel free to email me (James) by replying to this email if you have questions or comments.
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
16 December 2023
End Time Issue Ministry End Notes
The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU
If you die as an Unbeliever your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon -- the Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?”
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the trash heap of Heaven – Father has said concerning such Believers “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?”
In stark contrast -- IF you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty the rewards in the Life to Come are HUGE – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority and a permanent close relationship with the Creator AND with Yahooshua {who you may mistakenly know as Jesus}
To put this all in context the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together, my greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!“
See www.ETIMin.org for more information
There is much more information on the above and diverse other topics on the website www.ETIMin.org
* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like “God”, “the LORD”, “Jesus” are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn – see https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-names
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www.W4CY.com – click on button top right to watch on TV
Also https://talk4media.com/
Most Recent Broadcast – Broadcast – Friday 8th December 20023 -- The Creator Desires Friends
Yah, the Almighty Creator says: “There is a huge issue in terms of believers thinking they can believe what suits them and do what suits them thereby abdicating their responsibility to serve me faithfully and overcome“ The purpose of serving Yah is NOT for what He will give us in THIS life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come!! This broadcast explains this.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7138933884406128640/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMpzOwqFMG0
Audio on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2sk746fkphbxku8y6uzdi/2023_12_08_The_Creator_Desires_Friends.mp3?rlkey=1hv11hbx1dpqp3bqf08b3aytv&dl=0
ETI YouTube: https://youtu.be/58LoLaFya24
Off Website: www.ETIMin.org/Portals/0/ETI_Videos_TV_Broadcasts/2023/The_Creator_Desires_Friends.mp4
Previous Broadcasts: https://www.etimin.org/broadcasts
ETI Sound Bites 3rd November 2023 – Yah the Eternally Self-Existing wants a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!
I am now broadcasting one minute sound-bites on a wide range of channels, following are a few.
Back issues of broadcasts at:
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/relationship-with-creator/id1447290561
Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Relationship-with-Creator-Podcast/B08JK2WLHN
Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/relationship-with-creator-772533
Continuous Broadcast
There is a continuous broadcast rotating through past editions on Talk 4 TV in the preview guide on the home page of www.talk4tv.com and also https://talk4tv.com/tv-channels-preview-guide/ on the second page of the preview guide and click on the Relationship with Creator entry.
There is also a YouTube Playlist and Podcast at:
See also the following important items:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETIMin.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
Tithes and Offerings
We are entirely self-funded and have big ambitions including translating the core of the website into at least seven other languages, broadcasting weekly in those same languages, renting millions of email addresses, sending out millions of emails monthly in those same languages, etcetera.
See the article “2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries” at https://www.ETIMin.org/about-tithes-and-offerings-and-end-time-issue-ministries for our ambition and the biblical basis of tithes and offerings. If you make a donation you are free to nominate the project that you would prefer your donation to be applied to.
If you are able to make a donation please go to
Thank you so much
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.
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