2023.12.22 Good is insufficient—relationship is what counts Created by James on 1/20/2024 7:40:34 AM About five years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good.” I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
My name is James Robertson.
I am a researcher, publisher and teacher regarding the matters and truths of the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – I have been actively serving Him since 1993 – over 30 years.
If you are NOT actively serving Yah then by default you are serving Satan – my objective is to show you how you can make a big difference on Earth and qualify for a position of high esteem in Heaven for Eternity.
It is important to understand that as a Believer just being good is NOT the point, it is Relationship with Yah that counts. Without this you will be in a very unpleasant place in Heaven with no way out – my aim is to show you how to get close to Father.
If you are a good person without a clear relationship with Yah, then you are in a spiritual no-mans-land and will NOT enter Heaven when you die. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
Yah is calling EVERYBODY on the planet to be involved and serve Him and help Him to have victory over Satan; my goal is to show YOU how to do this.
Fundamentally we each need to learn to see things on Earth from YAH’s perspective and my aim is to teach you how.
Please visit my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org or email me on James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Today we're going to talk about Good is insufficient – relationship with the Creator is what counts.
Good is insufficient – relationship is what counts – Overview
About eight years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good.” I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him. Today, I know with complete certainty that good is NOT enough, it is NOT even relevant; it is RELATIONSHIP with the Creator that is the only thing that matters!
I will share an introduction of key points.
And will then discuss that the Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal relationship with YOU.
I will summarize the topic in some detail.
Finally we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Body of the Article
2020.12.09 Good is insufficient – relationship with the Creator is what counts
About eight years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good.” I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him.
Today, I know with complete certainty that good is NOT enough, it is NOT even relevant; it is RELATIONSHIP with the Creator that is the only thing that matters!
I didn't say that good is not important. In other words, that you can go out and not be good. My point is you need to get close to Father and He will help you to be good. The harsh reality is that being good the world's way is not necessarily Yah's way. You need His help to be good. And if you don't have a relationship with Him and you're not going to Heaven, it really doesn’t matter whether you're good or not. There is a big issue in the world today that a couple of generations ago they were a lot more believers than there are today and so the Ten Commandments, etc., were imbued into society certainly in a lot of countries. That legacy has remained, but people don’t believe any more, so the Commandments are irrelevant.
And please understand what I'm saying. I'm not speaking against the Commandments, I'm speaking about it doesn't help you to keep the Commandments if you don't have a relationship with the Creator. If you're not going to Heaven and being not going to get you to Heaven – that’s the essence of my message.
There are billions of “Good” people on Earth today and yet on 25 December 2015 there were approximately 2,705,021 believers with some level of relationship with the Creator on Earth and that number has declined since then. Relatively few young people are joining and old people are dying off. Quite a few of the people would NOT be classed as “good” by many “good” people!
The fact is that of the 2,705,201 on 25 December 2015 very few had any sort of meaningful relationship with the Creator.
Folks, I really want you to get a fix on this, you got something like 7 or 8 billion people on the planet and 8 years ago there were around 2.7 million who would make it into Heaven with some sort of esteem. And of those only a few hundred would really be in places of high esteem. I can't stress this enough, the world is not the way we think it is. You can putter along through life being good, whatever good means for you, but if you're not doing good in relationship with the Creator, in context of the Creator, in the way that you're seeking to please Him that you know He exists, that you're seeking to serve Him, things are not going to help you. It's great to be good, don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying don't be good; I'm saying that good on its own is not going to help you get to Heaven, and it certainly not going to help you to get to a high place in Heaven. I hope I am making myself clear folks. This is so, so important.
If you're in a place today where you're just puttering along and you think that whatever you do will get you to Heaven, I'm sorry, you're just not going to cut it.
This is tragic given that the ONLY reason humankind, this planet, and this Universe exist is for us to be Friends with the Creator.
Think about it. Why are we here? Where you believe in the Creator or not, the fact is that massive events happened millions of years ago to bring the universe into existence, to bring the solar systems into existence, not just our solar system, but innumerable solar systems around us, to bring planet Earth into existence. And then a deep, complex creative process that progressively created one cell organisms and then simple plants and more complex plants until we get the beautiful variety of plants that we get today, the blossoms, the fruits, just the whole aesthetics and the pleasure, the beautiful tastes and beautiful perfumes, etc., of the plants and then the animals – greater and greater complexity. The joy of playing with a kitten or a puppy, a dog that serves you well, the wonder of the elephants and the giraffe, etc. All carefully crafted, all carefully designed, carefully built until the Creator made an environment to create humankind. And we're here with this fabulous setting and almost nobody knows the Creator and the only reason we're here is because He wanted friends. He was lonely.
So, if you are living a “good” life seeking to be a “good” person I have to tell you that is NOT sufficient, in fact on its own it is worthless! What really matters is that you have a DEEP personal relationship with the Creator, THEN it will help for you to be a “good” person.
One of the ironies of this thing is that quite often the people who have some sort of relationship, who have some sort of belief in the Creator are not particularly good people. This war going on in Israel at the moment, I am quite sure there are believers on both sides, and some of those believers have done some pretty ugly things in the last few months. One of the real brutal truths is that many wars over the years have been fought between groups of believers who both at some level have believed in Yah or God or the Lord or Allah or whatever they call Him, and who have been in great error. Hitler was a Christian. When he died he ended up in Hell for a very long time. In fact, by my information, he is still in Hell praying the price for what he did. Ultimately they will be in Heaven. I don’t know what that does for you, but it's pretty rattling.
You can be as good as you like and not acknowledge the Creator, not seek relationship with Him, not seek to please Him, not seek to live without sin, and it is going to do you no good at all; you need to have a relationship with Him.
I encourage you to NOW step out and start to earnestly seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Creator. See https://www.ETIMin.org/creator-desires-relationship and https://www.ETIMin.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close and put this into practice.
There is a whole range of things you can do to deal with sin in your life, deal with error in your life, and I'm here to help you. The website is here to help you. This website is substantial. It's got a lot of information, the summation of 30 years of learning on my part, over 2,500 articles. There is a lot of information. If you've got questions, there is a reasonable possibility that the answer to your question is on the website and if you can't find it on the website, email me, James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. At the end of the day folks, Father is looking for you to seek a relationship with Him and He will meet you wherever you are. The only reason we exist is to be friends with the Creator and almost nobody does that and almost nobody is seeking to be a friend. It's tragic. He is lonely. Has it ever occurred to you while you blundering along doing whatever it is that you do day-by-day, that the Almighty is lonely because He wants you to be His friend? It's quite mind blowing when you first realise that. But that’s the reality.
He has almost no friends on Earth today, almost nobody talks to Him, certainly not in a partnering sort of way.
2014.11.01a The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU
I have shared about my meeting with the professor and my realization that his belief that a good life was all that was required was mistaken, this article/broadcast examines this in more detail.
It took me a long time to get to this point folks. I went through the whole thing about believing the Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is God in a flesh, going to church twice on Sunday and Wednesday, ending up in confrontation with the church because I discovered that they were teaching lies and ultimately all of that was of effectively academic importance – what really mattered was that I was also seeking to get close to Him. I was worshipping Him every day. I was spending time on my knees talking to Him every day. I was listening to what He said and I was doing my best to be obedient to what He told me to do. I was looking to Him to guide me in every aspect of my life. He spoke to me audibly in March 1993. So I knew that He was real and it never occurred to me that because He had spoken to me once that He wouldn’t speak again. And I got to a point where I could have a conversation with Him. I haven't stayed at that point all that long. But that’s what He wants. He wants to be able to converse with you, He wants to be able to discuss.
So after the meeting with the professor, I was deeply troubled.
I knew that IF that was indicative of his level of belief, (in other words, all that’s required is to be good, you don’t need to worry about religion), he was NOT going to make it into Heaven and that was a terrible thought given the considerable impact he has had on my life!
I prayed intensely about the situation and a few weeks later I heard our Father in Heaven say to me “Why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?”
I knew instantly THAT was THE answer.
And if you stop and think about it folks, it makes perfect sense. Why should somebody get to make it to Heaven to be for eternity with Father if they don't believe He exists? What's in it for Him? There is nothing in it for Him and He is not going to do it. And He didn't set out to be ugly and to do that – He didn't expect people not to belief. There is a whole piece about The Contest and Satan rebelling and challenging Father and saying if you put me on Earth for 7,000 years, at the end of 7,000 years, I will make sure that not a single human being believes you exist, and Satan is winning hands down. The question is what will you do about it? Will you turn from whatever you're doing and say "Father Yah, James says you want a relationship with me, I choose to seek that relationship."
A few minutes later He said “Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?”
The problem was that I did NOT know HOW to communicate this message to this widely esteemed Professor in a manner that he would be able to receive AND act on.
So, I continued to pray.
Again, think of it. There are some stories floating around about nice things in Heaven, but frankly folks, why should Father give you a place of great authority if you have not proven to Him that you can be responsible in this life? Really think about it. It's not going to happen. You can choose to be a successful as you like in this life, the question is, where will you spend eternity? There is a e-book on the website with that name.
Will you spend eternity as an ancestor spirit or Demon, an unbeliever on Earth? Or you will spend eternity in the outer darkness of Heaven – cold, black, miserable place, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? Or will you be in the throne room, the outer fringes with the foolish virgins or will you be sitting on a high throne with glorious apparel, huge authority, and great supernatural powers? I know where I am aiming to be, what about you?
As I grappled with this question for this professor, I came to understand a diversity of issues that I had NOT previously understood. My wife and I did massive additions to our ministry website adding over 700 pages that addressed all sorts of issues and answered any number of questions that someone who believed that being “good” might want answered in order to come to a place of deciding that there IS an Almighty Creator and seeking a personal relationship with Him.
I also came to understand increasingly deeply that this was NOT sufficient.
I hope I am getting through to you. Yes, it's desirable to live a good life, know that's not going to get you into Heaven. So live a good life and have a strong relationship with the Creator. I didn't say have a relationship with your church or with your pastor or your imam or your rabbi or your synagogue or your mosque or your temple or whatever, your book, your Bible, your Koran, your Torah – I said have a deep personal relationship with Yah. A relationship with Him, that you hear Him, that you speak to Him, that you dialogue with Him, that you engage with Him, that you see things in this world His way. That's what you were created for. So why would you not want that? Probably because nobody has told you that it's available – I'm telling you now. He wants a deep personal relationship with you. Not tomorrow, the next day, He wants you to start seeking it right now today and I urge you to do that.
It does NOT help to decide that the Creator exists if one does not have guidance in terms of how to progress to a close relationship with Him.
So, I continued to pray (and fast) and tie together things that I had learned over the previous 21 years – all directed at producing a document that I could give to this Professor and others like him that would provide the BEST possible basis for them to make an INFORMED decision for or against; and IF they choose to believe would provide them with resources that they could draw on to know what to pray, etc.
There are documents on the website – "Seven Components of Drawing Close" – goes into all sorts of things about adjusting the way you think, the way you live your life so that you can have a deep personal relationship with Him. And it's not definitive folks. It's a good starting point. And the real issue is that you talk to Him.
I advocate that you get on your knees for an hour or two hours a day and talk to Him or flatten your face on the hard cold floor. Lying on your bed and under a nice duvet doesn't count. For reasons I can't really explain, in my experience, I hear Him more clearly when I am on my knees than in any other position or sometimes flat on my face on the floor, but it's a bit uncomfortable.
Get on your knees, talk to Him until you get to a place that you hear Him so clearly that you can have a conversation with Him as you walk down the road, as you sit on the bus, as you drive your car, whatever it is that you do.
The end result is the detailed article that follows which I hope adequately presents the reality that the Almighty Creator desires a DEEP personal relationship with each one of us. And I will take this message further next week.
Together with this I authored a second document of 70 pages that is available on the website with a whole lot of “how to” information based on my experiences.
At the outset I had realized that IF I could get the message right for my friend it would potentially help many others.
And I hope that in sharing that with you on this broadcast will help you. And if you listen to a back issues sometime in the future, I hope it will help you. It will be on the website tomorrow and it's on LinkedIn, YouTube and there is also a copy in Dropbox, two copies on YouTube, one in the publishers' YouTube and one on the End Time Issues Ministries YouTube.
I really can't stress enough, Father wants a relationship with you. And I ask you to think about what I said just now. There is only one rational explanation why we exist, and the universe exists, and the planet exists, and the plants and the animals exist because Father Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth wanted friends. If you're not His friend, you're missing the whole purpose of your life on Earth.
The bottom line is that after more than 30 years of actively seeking to know the Almighty Creator by applying a rigorous "Engineering Approach" I have arrived at the point of writing what I believe is the most important article that I have ever written and THE most important message that there IS to ANY person on Earth today – The Almighty Creator desires to have a DEEP Personal Relationship with each one of us and for those who rise to the challenge there are HUGE rewards in the life to come.
This message goes FAR beyond ANYTHING I have ever published before and FAR beyond anything that I have shared with anyone before.
Well, that was written 10 years ago or more. I really encourage you to dive into the website, dig into these articles, listen to the back issues. I have broadcast last week – The Creator Desires Friends. It's so important. It's so, so important. And the nice thing about it and this is paradoxical and ironic – because of Satan's activities, there are not that many people in Heaven, particularly there are not that many people on High Thrones. So there's a whole lot of thrones available if you decide today to clean up your act and start working to get a relationship with Father. Otherwise, it's going to be a huge disappointment for you when you come before the judgement seat. And there is a judgement seat. There is a throne, which is a judgement seat. And Yahooshua {Jesus} is the advocate and Satan, the accuser and his people, his servants are the prosecutors. You're going to come in front of that court one in these days.
I have deeply learned in the last two decades that it is about our relationship with Father, NOT what others say, NOT about the church, the Pastor, the Priest, the Imam, the Rabbi, the Bible, Koran, about James, whatever – it is ONLY about OUR individual personal relationship with the ALMIGHTY – that is ALL that matters. Use me as a resource. Look at my material. Read it, digest it, apply it. But don’t become a follower of James Robertson. Become a follower of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. Develop a relationship with Him. Don’t put me in the way. I can't give you a relationship with Father. You can get yourself a relationship with Father.
I have NO doubt that the best is for each of us is to grow in our relationship with Father, having Him help us in every area of our lives and helping us to grow closer to Him and I desire this for everyone I know.
I hope I am getting through to you. This is really, really serious stuff folks. If you don't become at least a reasonably committed believer in this life, things are going to be pretty grotty after you die and a whole continuum of grotty.
The Almighty Creator created us to have a deep personal relationship with Him.
In order to believe that He desires a deep personal relationship with Him you need to believe that He exists.
He says regarding this “By DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP I mean an ongoing dialogue and partnership in which I am consulted with regard to every area of that person’s life, where that person is constantly asking questions directed at gaining understanding and where I am able to speak intelligently to that person at ALL times."
So what we're talking about folks is whatever relationship you have with a good friend, could be your life partner, could be somebody from school, somebody from university, somebody from work, that a relationship where you share your innermost fears and desires and ask opinion and consult with – that’s what Father wants from you. He wants a really intimate relationship with you, because that's what He created you for. I hope I'm getting my message across.
In order to believe that Yah exists examine the deep engineering complexity of your body, the world you live in, the planet, the Universe and recognize that this complexity and precision requires a Creative agency to conceptualize, design and build – it is impossible for you to have come into existence as the output of a progression of random events without careful intellectual engineering input.
I'm an engineer by training and one of the things that I hold to be true about engineering is that you go through a very arduous learning process to learn how to design and build and maintain things that work. I also know from harsh personal experience that it is relatively easy to conceptualise something. It's a whole different ball game to build that thing so that it works well all the time. If you have anything to do with the world of manufacturing or construction or even if you're a hobbyist, do-it-yourselfer, even if you bake cakes, make dresses, woodworking, metalworking, you know that it is not trivial to design something and build it so that it does what you envisaged it doing and it does it reliably and dependently, particularly if it's mechanized or electronic.
Or if you write software, doesn't matter what you do, you have some experience, which tells you that things don't just randomly come into existence – they require careful intelligent input by a human being to conceptualise, design, build, manufacture, commission and operate and maintain. And if you look at the complexity of the world around you, I suggest for your consideration that you can see the hand of an engineer all around you.
Consider also sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction ONLY works when it works, it cannot “evolve” as a random progression of events. Sexual reproduction requires that man and woman are sexually attracted to one another, have the mechanical components to couple successfully, have the reproductive organs necessary to provide the sperm and egg that function effectively and have the nurturing equipment necessary to bring the resulting foetus to maturity and ultimately to produce YOU! This HAS to be the result of a carefully designed and carefully executed Creative process.
If you look around there are numerous other indicators that clearly evidence that the Creator exists.
The two parts have to function absolutely perfectly together to create a new generation. There is no way that that came about through evolution because inherently the concept of evolution means that it wasn't working to start with. You can't take two things that were inanimate and somehow progressively evolve them to a point where they can reproduce sexually. Either they reproduce sexually and they produce new generations or they don’t reproduce sexually and that’s the end of it. Think about it.
It's just not possible for sexual beings to have come into existence without a creative agency. This leaves one of the question of where the Creator came from? But that is no more difficult than believing that all of the stuff of which we are made randomly created itself into the highly ordered forms that surround us today. Look at things like water and air and gold and silver and steel and concrete and cakes and whatever you can think of. It didn't just happen. It required creative understanding, engineering ability to craft things that is so perfect that they keep working and they keep working generation after generation after generation. An orange today is materially the same as an orange 50, 500, 1000, 3000 or 4000 years ago, and so it goes.
There is no way that all of this stuff randomly created itself into the highly ordered forms that surround us today. I suggest for your consideration that if you really to believe in evolution, you need to stand back, pay attention to what I have said. There is a detailed article on the website – "The Essence of My Message regarding Creation" and another detailed message about "The Essence of My Message for Those Who Don't Believe." Digest those articles, engage with them. He is real folks. He is real. He is not enamoured with people who don't believe He exists.
If you believe and do NOT deal with all your sin you will find yourself in Hell, the place of torment and correction where you will pay the price for unconfessed sin BEFORE entering Heaven. So hear what I am saying – you can believe but if you keep sinning you're going to go to Hell before you go to Heaven.
If you do NOT believe, when you die, you will become an Ancestor Spirit or Demon on your death and part of a powerful, cruel and evil regime that dominates the Earth. But you will be dependent on living human beings, animals or The Adversary {Satanic messengers/angels} for transport. You will have NO means of getting around on your own because your body will be dead. And you will be competing with over 100 billion other human spirits for a position of power and privilege in a hierarchy that demands allegiance and savage, barbaric behaviour. The rules of engagement of The Contest between The Adversary {Satan} and the Almighty Creator will also prevent you from warning those who live after your death of the fate that is awaiting them.
So there is a continuum as I said before, you can believe, actively seek Father, actively seek to do His will, build up credits on Earth, and sit on a high throne with great authority and prestige for eternity or you can get to a lower rank or you can end up in the outer darkness, which is a pretty terrible place or you can end up on Earth as a Demon – it's up to you! It's totally your choice my friend.
You may read this and be turned off by all reference to religion. That is understandable; most of what is taught by the church, the mosque, the synagogue is false and confused. In particular the Bible is simply a book and worship of the book gets in the way of understanding the truths of the Almighty Creator. The same applies to the Koran, the same applies to the Torah. Accordingly, to understand this message put aside ALL that you have been taught about religion and consider a fresh look at the subject.
I understand that what I'm teaching you, you're not going to hear in the average church or synagogue or mosque. Because I am telling you that they are not the way. I am telling you the deep personal relationship with the Creator is the way. Don't get sucked into man's way of doing things.
I read an article a couple of days ago about the idea that we should all be part of sort of peer reviewing churches to get the language that was used. No! We should be in deep personal relationship with Father. By all means, chat to other people who can help you on your journey. An hour that you spend in church is worth nothing compared to an hour that you spend on your knees talking to Father or an hour that you spend worshipping Him one-on-one or reading about His things.
Worshipping church, worshipping mosque, worshipping synagogue, worshipping book – wrong thing to do. Waste of time. You're going to be so disappointed when you come before the judgement seat.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him as your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter your age, young or old, rich or poor, tall or short, thin or fat, blonde and blue eyes, black hair and brown eyes, Asian, Indian, African, European, Caucasian Buddhist, Jesuit, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Satanist, Witch, Warlock – Father wants you to have a personal relationship with Him. He will meet you wherever you are. This is not some weird game of blind man's bluff. He is out there. He wants to talk to you. He is lonely because you're not talking to Him. I encourage you start today. Start seeking a deep personal relationship with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. As I say, He will meet you wherever you are.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions to James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, Teams, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when I will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, if you've been listening to this program for a while, I am going to say goodnight to you in a minute. If you're listening for the first or second time, I am going to share a little bit of context and background which I think will be helpful in which case when I say goodnight to those who are regulars, I would ask you to stay on for another couple of minutes.
As I have said, Father will meet you wherever you are. If you've been listening for a while and you haven't yet come to Him and said "James Robertson says you can be my friend, I can be your friend, I want to become your friend, I don’t know how to do it, please help me." If you haven't done that yet, I encourage you to do that today. Wherever you are, whatever the situation, don’t wait for the right time. The right time is now to say "You know what Father, I realise that I've wasted my life so far, that I haven’t made the difference I could make. I want to serve you. I want to be your friend. Help me to get there."
So for those of you who are going to drop off, I am going to say goodnight. For those of you who are new, I will ask you to stay on for another minute or two.
In Closing
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a retired Military Commander. I now work as a Management Consultant. I have over 30 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
In learning about Father, I applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
See the Video “Why seek relationship?” for an overview of what I believe. It's near the top of the Menu.
Please visit my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
ETI Version of the Bible with correction of key translation errors at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-eti-bible-version. I have just this afternoon posted the first part correction of the Old Testament. New Testament will advance there.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far at various podcast websites. Search on Google for “Relationship with Creator Radio.”
Books with teachings from 1998 until May 2019 at the “Compilation of Most Writings” page.
I publish regular email articles – James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 22, December 2023

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