2011.01.23 Yah's calendar for 2011 Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Yah's calendar for 2011
Yah's calendar for 2011
James Robertson
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In several messages I have made the point that the current calendar bears no relation to Yah's calendar and is based on pagan dates and beliefs and is therefore of Satan.
Herewith please find a copy of the Qodesh Books calendar which is available free of charge at www.qodesh.co.za
After much prayer and research a few years ago I concluded that this is the most reliable calendar, you will find that other calendars may disagree slightly with this calendar and you will have to pray for yourself as to which days to observe, I observe these.
Critical dates are:
Start of Yah's year – New Moon on Tuesday 5 April 2011 – Yah dates most things that He does according to this calendar.
Day of Passover (Hebrew = Pesach) – Tuesday 19 April 2011 – high Sabbath – no work or commerce – when Yahooshua was executed, when Yah killed the firstborn in Egypt.
Wednesday 20 to Tuesday 26 April – unleavened bread – in the Covenant through Moshe {Moses} commanded to clear the house of yeast and only eat unleavened bread – I have done this once but do not have a conviction to do it again – I believe we should seek to examine ourselves with regard to sin and reflect on the covenant through Yahooshua. As I have it, it is permissible to work and engage in commerce during this week.
Day of Pentecost (Hebrew = Shavuot) – Sunday 12 June – high Sabbath – no work or commerce – set apart {holy} Spirit poured out in Acts 2 and Yah appeared to the children of Israel on the mountain at Sinai and gave the Ten Commandments.
Day of Trumpets (Hebrew = Yom Teruah) -- Thursday 29 September – high Sabbath – sounding of the Shofar (Ram's horn trumpet).
Day of Atonement (Hebrew = Yom Kippur) – Saturday 8 October – highest Sabbath of the year – total fast – abstain from food and liquids from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday – this is the day that the High Priest used to go into the most set apart {holy} place and when the offering for atonement for sins that were not known was made – no work and no commerce.
First day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Hebrew = Sukkot) – Thursday 13 October – high Sabbath – no work or commerce – a celebration and feast – commanded to live in booths during this period – I have not felt convicted to do this – it is widely held that Yahooshua was born on this day.
Friday 14 October to Wednesday 19 October – Feast of Tabernacles continues – I have it that it is in order to work and engage in commerce during this period.
Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles – Thursday 20 October – high Sabbath – no work or commerce – feast – held that Yahooshua was circumcised on this day.
There are other Jewish days that are NOT contained in the book {bible}. I have it that Yah does NOT require us to observe them.
In my experience, since becoming aware of this calendar and starting to observe it nearly eleven years ago I have found that where Yah has done major things in the world they almost always correspond to this calendar.
In my experience it is very important and greatly uplifting to scrupulously observe this calendar as an act of love toward our loving Daddy in Heaven.
I encourage you to diarize these dates, where necessary take leave from work and plan your year around these dates.
If you no longer observe christmas then Tabernacles is a good day to have a feast and a party and give gifts but NOT using pagan methods, asherah {christmas trees}, decorations, etc
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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