2024.02.02 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 3 Created by James on 2/18/2024 3:10:33 PM This broadcast presents many verses from widely accepted texts, primarily the books commonly referred to as “The New Testament” to demonstrate that it is by no means certain that any Believer will qualify to hold any significant rank in Heaven. This is supported by reference to passages in “The Final Quest.”
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
My name is James Robertson.
I am a researcher, publisher and teacher regarding the matters and truths of the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – I have been actively serving Him since 1993 – over 30 years.
If you are NOT actively serving Yah then by default you are serving Satan – my objective is to show you how you can make a big difference on Earth and qualify for a position of high esteem in Heaven for Eternity.
It is important to understand that as a Believer just being good is NOT the point, it is Relationship with Yah that counts. Without this you will be in a very unpleasant place in Heaven with no way out – my aim is to show you how to get close to Him.
If you are a good person without a clear relationship with Yah, then you are in a spiritual no-mans-land and will NOT enter Heaven when you die. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
Yah is calling EVERYBODY on the planet to be involved and serve Him and help Him to have victory over Satan; my goal is to show YOU how to do this.
Fundamentally we each need to learn to see things on Earth from YAH’s perspective and my aim is to teach you how.
Please visit my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org or email me on James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Today we're going to talk about "Where will YOU Spend Eternity? – Part 3"
Where will YOU Spend Eternity? Part 3 – Overview
We're looking at what is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?
We will continue to look at “A Vital Question: Do we Know What Sin Is? - What Is The Essence of The Judgment?”
We will then note a cause for concern - Nearly All of Mankind is Breaking Most of the Commandments.
We will then ask if there is an Alternative? - Can One Aspire to a High Throne?
I will point out that it is Not Just Heaven or the Lake of Fire, There is a Continuum.
Finally we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 3
We're continuing to look at “A Vital Question: Do we Know What Sin Is? - What Is The Essence of The Judgment?”
We started by looking at the Ten Commandments.
We noted that the First Commandment was that Yah is one, we're to have no other Mighty Ones beside Him or before him, which means that we should not worship Jesus or Yahooshua. We looked at the Second Commandment which said that we should have now idols and I pointed out to you that Yah says that the Bible is the greatest idol on Earth today because it keeps people from seeking a deep personal relationship with Him.
And then we looked at the Third Commandment moment, which is not to take the name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain and I pointed out to you that if you call Him God or the Lord or Hashem or G_D, you're taking His name in vain. And if you have a Yahoo.com email address, you're taking His name in vain. If you're in the habit of saying yah in Afrikaans for yes or Jahwohl in German, you're taking His name in vain. Then we talked about the High Sabbaths.
So continuing...
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One giveth thee. (5)
13 Thou shalt not kill. (6)
An extension of that is that abortive contraceptives, contraceptives which work on the basis that once they allow the sperm to reach the egg in the woman's fallopian tubes and once fertilized, they prevent implantation of the fertilized egg in the womb of the woman, that's murder. Anything that kills from the moment of conception is murder. This stuff about abortion legal up to 14 weeks or x weeks or y weeks or z weeks, it's all murder folks. You're going to burn in Hell if you do it.
14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. (7)
Women have a seal of virginity. They are only permitted to engage with intercourse with one man.
15 Thou shalt not steal. (8)
It includes taking up tithes and offerings while you're preaching lies.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. (9)
No lying, no cheating, no deception.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. (10)
It goes for lusting, goes for lusting off the cars you can't afford, houses you can't afford, etc.
18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.
So Moshe {Moses} is on the mountain, Mount Sinai with Yah and there is all this thundering, etc., going on.
19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not Yah speak with us, lest we die." (KJV, adjusted)
This is the only time in recorded history that i know of where the Almighty has come down on a mountain in fire and smoke and SPOKEN to a large group of Human Beings about His Commandments.
My understanding is that there was something like 2 or 3 million people in the valley below the mountain, they had come out of Egypt, there are different estimates.
Since the people asked that it never happen again, it seems likely that it has never happened again.
I have never come across any report of Yah again speaking out loud to a group of human beings with the Commandment. There are a couple of occasions where in the life of Yahooshua, He spoke from Heaven and said, "This is my beloved son, hear him." The rest of the time He's spoken through His spokesman/spokeswoman/prophets/prophetess. Then we say that Father didn’t want to speak to us in this age. No, no, no. We said we didn’t want Him to speak to us. He said He will only speak to those who make an effort to hear Him.
Furthermore, in Deuteronomy 10:4 Moses (Moshe) states "And he [Yah the Eternally Self-Existing] wrote on the tablets, according to the first writing, the ten Commandments, which Yah the Eternally Self-Existing spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and Yah the Eternally Self-Existing gave them unto me.” (KJV, adjusted)
The Almighty, Himself, recorded the Ten Commandments on the tables (tablets) of stone.
Stone indicates that these Commandments will NEVER pass away.
It is therefore clear that those Commandments are the most important words the Almighty has spoken to mankind. It is the writer's clear understanding that they are a critical element of the Judgment and a key element that will determine whether a person will spend Eternity in Heaven or elsewhere will be based on these Ten Commandments.
There is a whole lot of other stuff folks about the Torah and the Bible is the Word of God and the 613 mitzvoths and so on and so forth. Those are all human embellishments. Yah is interested in your compliance and my compliance with the Ten Commandments. In Hebrew, they are referred to as the Ten Words, there are ten Hebrew words which sum up the Ten Commandments. That is the Word of God, the Word of Yah is the Ten Commandments. Not the Bible, not the Torah, not the whatever, not the Quaran, the Ten Commandments written in stone are the Words of Yah. That's how you will get judged, that's how you should be living your life complying with the Ten Commandments.
5 Cause for Concern - Nearly All of Mankind is Breaking Most of the Commandments
In recent years, I've come to understand that most of mankind, including PARTICULARLY the "Christian" “church” is, at an individual and corporate level, breaking most of the Commandments.
Commentary – January 2024:
I have subsequently come to understand that Yah is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers and is ONLY concerned with the conduct of Believers, see “2023.04.08 The Almighty Creator, Yah, is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers” at https://www.etimin.org/the-almighty-creator-yah-is-indifferent-to-unbelievers
So, things have changed. Two thousand years ago Yahooshua was concerned about unbelievers, the emissaries, the apostles went out to bring unbelievers into faith. It didn't work. Today there is of the order of about 2 million believers left on the planet, people who have some modicum of a relationship with the Creator. I'm not talking about people who prayed a prayer and have ignored Him ever since. I'm talking about people who actually are actively doing something about the Almighty, whether it's with the Bible or Bible school or Bible church or whatever, whether they are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu or anything. There are less than 2 million people really activity at some modest level trying to do something.
In particular, almost universal doctrines of the "Christian church" regarding who Yahooshua {Jesus} is considered to be, the way many view "The Bible," the names applied to the Almighty and Yahooshua, the day observed as weekly Sabbath, the major holidays and feasts, the way parents are treated, marriage and virginity (monogamy) are resulting in sins that are affecting an extremely large portion of the world population and an extremely large portion of the Christian/Jewish/Muslim/whatever population, including most of the 2 million that I just spoke about.
Furthermore, sins that are commonplace in "Christian" nations, like abortion, advertising that stimulates covetousness and lying or is misleading or manipulative, "jokes" (which are lies), etc., is seriously compounding the sin of the world.
The reason why people offer jokes is because they feel uncomfortable because they are lies. I can't stress it enough folks. Yahooshua {Jesus} was a spokesman, a prophet, an emissary, a human being, still is. He is not Yah, he is not Yah in the flesh. It was the Spirit of Yah upon Yahooshua that performed the miracles.
This is compounded by the false doctrines of the vast majority of mankind.
All of this adds up to a terrible litany of sin.
Ultimately every person will pay the price for what they have done and what they have believed on their Day of their Judgment AND for what they have caused others to believe.
Hence the terrible statistics in terms of the implications if judgment was to come on the world today!
This is coupled with an enormous need for repentance, self-examination and turning around in order to reverse these statistics.
Matthew 18:14 "Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." (KJV)
That's true, but there is a catch. Almost the entire population of the planet does not believe Yah exists. Those that have some vague level of belief because they read the Bible and go to church or whatever, but still don't have any relationship with Him are also in huge error. They are not going to Heaven. On 25th of December 2015, Yah said to me that there were 100 million what He called believing unbelievers on the planet at that point in time that if judgment were to come then, the 100 million people who thought that they were believers, but were not believers because they did not have a relationship with Him, they would not go to Heaven. It's scary stuff folks.
6 Is There an Alternative? - Can One Aspire to a High Throne?
Psalm 111:10 states "The fear of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his Commandments: his praise endureth for ever." (KJV, name adjusted)
So, we can start by fearing Yah and seeking to DO His Commandments.
1 John 5:3 "For this is the love of Yah, that we keep his Commandments: and his Commandments are not grievous." (KJV, name adjusted)
IF we love the Almighty then we should want to keep His Commandments and we should not find this grievous.
If you call Him God or the Lord, how do you have a relationship with Him when you don't even know His name? To put that in context, I became aware of the wrong names late in 2000 after going on a series of fasts. Somebody sent me an email and said His name is Yahweh and I went o Father and I said is this important? He said "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy?" The Lord is a translation of Baal, pagan demonic God. God is based on the name of another demonic God Mighty One, and you think you're going to go to Heaven by calling Him call and the Lord? Sorry to disappoint you. There was grace for this at one stage, it's long since been withdrawn in 2003.
IF we love the Almighty, we should be willing to check out our doctrines and our conduct and make whatever adjustments are called for.
Are you willing to love the Almighty THIS intensely - even if it requires that you RADICALLY change what you believe and what you do?
Consider Jude 1:7 as a counterpoint "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." (KJV)
Fornication includes spiritual treachery, idolatry, false doctrines, etc.
Folks, this is heavy stuff. If you're a believer and in sin where sin is fundamentally breaking one or more of the Ten Commandments, each of those flows out into whole lot of subcategories in detail and interpretation, etc., but fundamentally if you're breaking one of the Ten Commandments and you're a believer, you're going to go to Hell where you're going to be tortured and tormented to pay the price of your unrepented sin. If you confess your sin and repent, He is faithful and just to forgive your sin. Yahooshua died to provide an offering for sin.
So if you go to Father Yah and you say "Father, I've done this and I've done that and I recognize now that sin, I confess it, I repent, and I ask you to forgive me in the name Yahooshua," you will receive forgiveness. Take the bread and wine.
There IS a place of ETERNAL FIRE – that is fire that will burn forever.
There are two issues implicit in the above verse – the eternal fire of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone in which the unbelievers will be consumed in a moment of torment and terror in the event that Satan loses the contest. Plus Hell, in which the Lake of Fire and Brimstone is located, which is the place of correction of Believers who die with unrepented sin!
The Quran is very much more explicit about the torment for those who do not believe and for those who unrepentantly transgress the Commandments of the Almighty.
There IS a CHOICE!
See “2021.06.05 The Essence of my Message regarding the Commandments” at https://www.etimin.org/essence-of-message-regarding-commandments for a detailed discussion of the application of these Commandments.
The key thing here, and I'm belabouring I'm sure, but it's so important, Yahooshua died a terrible death to provide a new atoning sacrifice for sin because the old sacrifice wasn't working in the old days and the covenant of Moshe you had to bring and go to a kid or a lamb, if you're a poor, a dove, and the priest would slaughter that and offer it as a burnt offering as an act of repentance of sin. By the time of Yahooshua, the priesthood was illegitimate, the temple was destroyed when Babylon invaded about 560 BC and the Ark of the Covenant was hidden away. A new covenant was required. There is a lot of nonsense about this is a renewed covenant or whatever; it's not. People are playing word games. It was a new covenant. There is an article on the website "The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death," which explains it all in detail.
7 It is Not Just Heaven or the Lake of Fire, There is a Continuum
As mentioned before, it is not simply a question of EITHER Heaven or the lake of fire/Hell.
There is a continuum between the "outer darkness" at the very fringes of Heaven where the unbelieving Believers will weep and wail and gnash their teeth for Eternity and there are High Thrones with Yahooshua for those who Overcome in this life.
The unbelieving believers are not the same as the believing unbelievers that I spoke about a minute ago. The believing unbelievers are about 100 million in December 2015 not going to Heaven. The unbelieving believers, believers who at some stage pray some little prayer and do nothing after that, so as they have ignored Yah, He will ignore them, put them in the Outer Darkness, weep and wail and gnash their teeth.
Consider Matthew 8:11-12
"11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of Heaven.
12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (KJV)
So there is a place of outer darkness, for Believers, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, the teeth of those believers in the Outer Darkness.
Notice that they shall come from the east and the west. So people will come from all over the world to Heaven. And many of the people who regard themselves as believers wouldn’t make it. In December 2015 Yah said that if judgment would have come that time, there are about 20 million people who were going to the Outer Darkness.
Consider also the parable of the "Foolish Virgins" in Matthew 25:10-13:
"10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Adonay {Lord}, Adonay, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (KJV)
Here Believers are rejected on the basis of their conduct.
Folks, there is a huge lie from the devil that it doesn't really matter what you do with your life, how you live your life, you're going to go to Heaven anyway. On the contrary, if you want to go to Heaven, the first thing you have to do is make a quality decision that the creator exists and pray a prayer to ask Him to accept you and to commit your life to Him. Not a prayer about Jesus or to Jesus or for Jesus – pray to Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. And then you need to start cleaning up your life.
There is an article on the website "Seven Components of Drawing Close" which is about a 70-page document on all the things that you can do to get close to Father and clean up your act. And if you do that energetically, over about 2 years, you will get to a point where you can qualify for a high throne in Heaven if you do it energetically and if you don’t, you may never get there.
Consider also Matthew 7:13-24:
"13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Adonay, Adonay, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Adonay, Adonay, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:" (KJV)
The way to destruction is large and the way to salvation is strait (constrained, tight, difficult) and the gate is narrow.
Those which do not bring forth good fruit are cast into the fire.
In 1995 in a vision, Rick Joyner was taken up into Heaven, into the judgment hall, and speaking to Yahooshua, Yahooshua said to him, "I left the 99 to go after the 1 that was lost. Today 99 out of a 100 are lost." If the end were to come today, a minute number of the people on Earth today would make it into Heaven. If you are not personally actively seeking a relationship with Father, actively cleaning up your life, actively seeking to draw close to Father, you're going to get a terrible shock when you die.
The sole reason we exist, the sole reason this planet exists, the solar system, this universe, is that Yah was lonely and He wanted friends. If you are not actively seeking to become His friend or at the very least to become a loyal, a good and faithful servant, you're not going to make it into Heaven my friend. I don’t want you to think I'm being ugly, I'm just telling you the way it is. There is huge misunderstandings around this topic.
Many will call on Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and on Yahooshua and do many mighty works in the name of Yahooshua and yet the Almighty and Yahooshua will declare "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Iniquity is lawlessness, failure to keep the Commandments.
So, one can call on the Name of Yah, pray in the Name of Yahooshua and yet not keep the Commandments and on the Day of Judgment one can be told "I never knew you, depart from me."
That’s scary stuff folks. And we have seen that worshiping Yahooshua breaks the First Commandment, worshipping the Bible or the Quaran or Moshe or Mohammed breaks the Second Commandment. We have seen that calling the Creator the Lord or God, and calling Yahooshua Jesus breaks the Third Commandment. So you think you're a believer in right standing with Yah and you're breaking one or more of the top three commandments, and then worshiping on Sunday, and you're not honouring your parents, and you're using abortive contraceptives, how do you expect to have a place of standing in Heaven? It's not going to happen. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it's not going to happen. You need to clean up your life dramatically and make a real effort to serve Yah.
Such people may STILL qualify to enter Heaven but will be at a level in Heaven that is commensurate with their service to the Almighty and the extent to which they have overcome sin ranging all the way to the outer darkness, the location furthest from the throne. Much of this is discussed in “The Final Quest” which I'm currently preparing commentary on. Look at https://www.etimin.org/the-eti-bible-version/-the-final-quest-and-the-call/introduction-to-the-final-quest-and-the-call
There is a broad continuum between those who truly please the Almighty and who sit on a High Throne to those with whom He is greatly displeased but who may exercise just sufficient faith to scrape into Heaven. Yah refers to the Outer Darkness as “The Trash Heap of Heaven,” He never visits the people there and they are NOT allowed into the body of the assembly in Heaven, as they rejected Him and ignored Him during their lives so He ignores them and rejects them for Eternity!
There is a huge deception of people who go out and evangelize people and I can't comment really on how much of this occurs in Islam and Judaism, but it's used to be rife in Christianity, so-called crusades, revivals, thousands or millions of people preach to led to pray a simple pray generally in the name of Jesus to Jesus. "Jesus come into my heart." And some of those people may have actually made a connection with Yah and then they are left to their own devices and that's it. It's almost better for a person to die as an unbeliever than to die as an unbelieving believer. The outcome is too horrible to contemplate.
There is a similar continuum amongst the Ancestor Spirits (Demons) on Earth – the spirits of humans who die NOT knowing the Almighty. See http://www.ETIMin.org/WhereareYOUgoing for a discussion of the different kingdoms in the Satanic and Demonic realm on Earth where there are currently over 100 BILLION human spirits. Further discussion of this aspect is not relevant, this document is directed at those who choose to seek to spend Eternity in Heaven.
The judgment and torment in Hell is reserved for Believers. Hell is where Believers are punished for their unconfessed sins prior to entering Heaven. see http://www.ETIMin.org/Hell.
Satan and unbelievers will be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed at the end of the Contest, SHOULD Yah win the Contest – see http://www.ETIMin.org/TheContest. Right now it is a harsh and brutal truth that Yah is losing the Contest. The number of true believers on Earth is going down day by day as the elderly die and the youth for the most part don't believe. Yah has said to me that within 100 years there will hardly be any believers left on Earth, there may not even be anybody left on Earth and in 200 years in the absence of a body of believers who can do things differently, we will degenerate into the worst excesses of the dark ages. Thankfully I won't be here at that stage. My goal is to turn that around and I encourage you to join me in that objective.
For an indication of the continuum in Heaven consider 1 Corinthians 3:12-15:
"12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." (KJV)
This passage confirms that our works in this life (what we do) will be tried by FIRE and that which endures the fire shall result in a reward.
So, it is possible to live life in some form of service to the Almighty and yet lose EVERYTHING one has worked for on the Day of Judgment and yet STILL be saved.
Folks, there are two pieces here. One is if you're a believer and you are not actively doing something concrete to advance the Kingdom of Heaven, you're going to be not exactly warmly welcomed when you die. And the other side is if you're doing things on Earth supposedly for Father with wrong motives and wrong doctrines and wrong thinking in error and sin, what you do will be destroyed and discarded and you will get no reward for it. So be thoughtful.
Consider also Jude 1:23 "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." (KJV)
Carnality, the flesh, is something that will be destroyed in the fire.
The works of our own strength, our own intellect, our own comfort, our own will, etc. - those things that we do that the Almighty did NOT tell us to do, will be destroyed in the fire and we may be saved with nothing to show for our lives.
So I've talked today a lot about why you need to raise your game. We will talk in due course about high thrones, we have already talked about high thrones a bit. It is possible for you to become a friend of the Creator, that's what you were created for. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor, fat or thin, tall or short, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, African, Asian, Indian, American, European, Caucasian, Witch, Warlock – Father wants you to become His friend and I encourage you right now to do something about that.
So this is all for today. I'm just going to wrap up in the next couple of minutes. This will be continued next week.
Wrapping Up
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him as your FRIEND? He is friendly. He will be your friend if you ask Him, if you make the effort.
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND? That’s a step up folks. It's one thing for Him to be your friend, it's another thing for you to be His friend. It requires sacrifice, it requires effort, it requires determination, it requires hard work, it requires spiritual investment. It's available to you. It's attainable. I speak from experience. You can become His friend.
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die. You could pray right now "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua, I desire to become your friend. I ask you to help me. I ask you to guide me. I ask you to show me what to read, what to do, who to speak to. I ask you to bring people across my path. I ask you to open doors and close doors as appropriate. And show me how to become your friend. Help me to do what I need to do to become your friend."
Read the article Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah, put that into practice and I assure you if you do that diligently you will get to a point where you hear Him clearly and He will tell you that you are His friend.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions to James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, Teams, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when I will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
I'm on LinkedIn, James Robertson ETI, I'm on Facebook, James Robertson ETI, I'm on YouTube and you've got my email address, I would be delighted to hear from you. If you decide to serve Father at the level that I'm encouraging you to serve Him, seeking to become His friend, I assure you I will give you whatever support I can to get there. Please email me. I would love to hear from you.
Please understand where I'm coming from on this. There is only one reason, all of this exists, there is only reason you exist and that is to be a friend of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and if you don’t do that, you're going to be so bitterly disappointed when you die.
If this is your first time on this program, please stay behind, I've got a few bits of information I'd like to share with you. If you're a regular, thank you so much. Goodnight.
In Closing
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a retired Military Commander. I now work as a Management Consultant. I have over 30 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
In learning about Father, I've applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
See the Video “Why seek relationship?” for an overview of what I believe.
Please visit my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
ETI Version of the Bible with correction of key translation errors at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-eti-bible-version.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far search on Google for “Relationship with Creator Radio.” There are about 4 podcast websites with back issues.
Books with teachings from 1998 until May 2019 at the “Compilation of Most Writings” page on the website.
I publish regular email articles – email me on James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search all along the top of the website to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you so much for listening. I hope to see you again next week.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 2, February 2024

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