2024.02.16 Experiencing the Anointing and Where Spend Eternity, Part-5 Created by James on 3/31/2024 6:24:58 PM I have recently become acutely aware of the reality that very few people have deep experience of the Anointing, let alone understand it. For example, the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about Yahooshua and his 12 Chosen Ones {Disciples} completely misses the point as far as the Anointing is concerned.
Also, this broadcast presents many verses from widely accepted texts, primarily the books commonly referred to as “The New Testament” to demonstrate that it is by no means certain that any Believer will qualify to hold any significant rank in Heaven. This is supported by reference to passages in “The Final Quest.”
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
My name is James Robertson.
I am a researcher, publisher and teacher regarding the matters and truths of the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – I have been actively serving Him since 1993 – over 30 years.
If you are NOT actively serving Yah then by default you are serving Satan – my objective is to show you how you can make a big difference on Earth and qualify for a position of high esteem in Heaven for Eternity.
It is important to understand that as a Believer just being good is NOT the point, it is Relationship with Yah that counts. Without this you will be in a very unpleasant place in Heaven with no way out – my aim is to show you how to get close to Him.
If you are a good person without a clear relationship with Yah, then you are in a spiritual no-mans-land and will NOT enter Heaven when you die. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
Yah is calling EVERYBODY on the planet to be involved and serve Him and help Him to have victory over Satan; my goal is to show YOU how to do this.
Fundamentally we each need to learn to see things on Earth from YAH’s perspective and my aim is to teach you how.
Please visit my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org or email me on James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Today we're going to consider "Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU
and Where will YOU Spend Eternity? Part 5"
Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU and Where will YOU Spend Eternity? Part 5 – Overview
The Anointing – What is it? – Why seek it? – How does it manifest? – Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU
I will ask “What IS the Anointing?”
I will then share some reasons “Why YOU should seek the Anointing?”
I will then discuss HOW the Anointing Manifests.
And then pose the question “What is in it for you?”
We will then return to Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 5.
And I will answer the question “How do we Overcome? What is the Price?”
Finally we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Body of the Article
2024.02.04 Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU
The Anointing – What is it? – Why seek it? – How does it manifest? – Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU.
I have recently become acutely aware of the reality that very few people have deep experience of the Anointing, let alone understand it. For example, the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about Yahooshua and his 12 Chosen Ones {Disciples} completely misses the point as far as the Anointing is concerned.
I write fairly regularly about the Anointing but it has occurred to me that I have been assuming that readers know what I am talking about.
See particularly “2021.01.10 A challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry” at https://www.etimin.org/challenge-for-you-to-seek-a-power-anointing.
And “2022.09.04 Things that Destroy the Anointing” at https://www.etimin.org/things-that-destroy-the-anointing.
Folks, fundamentally, relationship with the Creator is about coming to a place where you're filled with His spirit and that you're walking closely with Him. Anything less than that is a compromise, you're just missing out on something that is so powerful and so beautiful. I'm going to seek in the next 20 minutes or so just set out what the anointing is, why you should seek it, and how it manifests.
What IS the Anointing?
The Anointing is the infilling of a true Believer who has requested it with the Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty.
The Anointing MAY be imparted on immersion {baptism}. But notice that baptism by dabbing is not baptism. The rite that was applied by Yahoochanan, the immerser, John the Baptist, was complete submersion in water, complete immersion in clean water.
The anointing MAY be imparted at any time by requesting infilling. Father Yah in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to fill me with your spirit.
It grows the more one worships and spends time with Father.
Anointing comes from the word, the Hebrew word Mashach, which means to smear with oil. In the Middle East where it's hot and dry, they smear themselves with oil to reduce the perspiration. Anointing is the impartation of the Spirit of Yah. As I said a minute ago, you can go to Him right now and say "Father, I desire to be filled with your spirit." You can go and immerse yourself at your earliest convenience anywhere where you can get clean water, a swimming pool, a river, a lake, a dam, even the tube in your home. "Father, I ask you to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I ask you to cleanse me of my sin." Just ask Him to fill you. It's not a big thing. It's in a sense of form of a marriage with Him. It's about just opening yourself up to Him, leading Him to come and live in you.
The anointing can be destroyed by anger, fear, betrayal, a divided house and any other occurrence that has Satanic and/or Demonic connections.
It can wane if one ceases to worship and spend time with Father.
I can be lost if one joins sexually to another who is not similarly anointed.
It can be destroyed by major sin and particularly by repeated wilful sin.
The Anointing is a precious Jewel, a Pearl of Great Price to be treasured and nurtured.
Notice that I said that anger, fear, betrayal, a divided house, are all from the Satanic and Demonic realm. If you're going to run around shouting and screaming at people, you're going to damp down and ultimately destroy the anointing. Father can't exist. The Set-Apart Spirit, which is the anointing is the portion of Father's spirit that He gives to each one of us who believe is His investment in us, if I can put it that way.
So initially when somebody comes to belief, they get a betrothal portion, and then they come to full belief and deep relationship with Father and they get filled with His spirit. This is distinct from the universal Spirit of Yah, which holds the entire universe together. If Yah were to withdraw His universal spirit from the Earth, everything would die. He holds it all together. The Set-Apart Spirit, the Holy Spirit is distinct from that. It's part of Yah's spirit that He gives to you and you only if you come to Him and ask for it.
See the article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” at https://www.etimin.org/home/7-components-in-growing-close-to-yah for a detailed discussion of the actions that will enable you to draw close to Yah.
The Anointing can be boosted at the right time by asking Father to impart an Anointing comparable to that of a servant of Yah that you esteem, either modern or ancient – Yahooshua is the best example. So you could pray “Father Yah, I desire to know you the way that Yahooshua knew you.” Only pray this once you have progressed to a significant level of relationship with Yah.
I had an experience about 9 months after I came back to serving Father in 1993 where I had a dramatic encounter with Him where He spoke to me audibly and I rededicated my life to Him, I started going to church on Sundays and middle of the week and spending an hour on my knees praying morning and evening and an hour reading the Bible morning and evening end listening to worship songs in the car and teachings and so forth. And I really set myself apart in a dramatic fashion for 9 months. At the end of that I read a book by a chap by the name of Benny Hinn, you may have heard of him, there are different opinions about him today, but he was really close to Father back then, we're talking December 1993. And he wrote a book "Good Morning Holy Spirit," which spoke about his encounter with the Spirit of Yah. I read the book, I couldn't put it down, and early about 3 o'clock in the morning of the January 2, 1994, I would lay on my bed saying "Father, I desire to know you the way Benny Hinn knows you." I must have prayed that, I don’t know, 10-20 times, and suddenly the room was filled with this mighty roar and this pressure came on me and I was filled with His spirit. I woke up the next morning able to heal people, able to speak on His behalf. I want that for you. That's what this particular segment is about.
Why should YOU seek the Anointing?
You should seek the Anointing IF you are truly committed to serving Yah and desire to get as close to Him as possible.
If you desire to have a material impact on the Earth you should seek the Anointing.
Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU – this is available to YOU IF you seek it earnestly.
If you desire supernatural wisdom, led by the Spirit of Yah, supernatural favour with people, supernatural energy, the ability to heal others, the ability to do great works, things that you have read about in the Bible and elsewhere, etcetera – YOU should seek the Anointing!
If you look at what's going on in the world today, if you read the news and say "Oh, my goodness, it's such a mess. Where is this all going to end up?" Well, the answer to that is you can either sit back and keep bemoaning the situational or you can go to Father and say "Father, I dedicate my life to you. I ask you to fill me with your spirit. I ask you to equip me and empower me to make a difference on Earth." And He will meet you where you are. It may take you a year, two years, three years to get really close to Him. The article Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah (an e-book of about 70 pages) will give you a whole lot of guidance on what to do, but at the end of the day, it's up to you.
How does the Anointing Manifest?
The manifestation of the Anointing is specific to each individual and their specific relationship with Yah. It can include but is not limited to and in no particular order: I'm going to give you a list of things and talk a little bit about each one of them. This is what can happen through you if you're filled with the Spirit of Yah and you seek to be led by Him. As I said, in no particular order and not necessarily a complete list:
a. Supernatural wisdom – answers to every question. You know about things that you don’t know about. Somebody can come to you with some problem and before you know where it is, out of your mouth are coming stuff that you didn’t know.
b. Utterance without preparation – go into a meeting of any sort, ranging from a ministry discussion to a business consultation to a legal matter with no preparation and yet speak with wisdom and authority and have answers to every question including relating to things that you have no prior knowledge of. That’s a variation of the previous point. I don’t prepare for meetings. I go into meetings and I trust Father to give me utterance; it doesn’t matter what it is, I get it lot covered because I'm not constantly trying to figure things out on my own.
c. Supernatural boldness and confidence – NOT pride.
The assurance that you have Father's backing you and you're going to a meeting and you speak confidently and boldly.
d. Increasing dialogue with Yah – Please understand you need to spend significant time in prayer. You need to spend significant time reading about Yah, not just the Bible but anointed books, there is plenty on my website and worshiping, praising Him, couple of hours a day, listen to worship songs and sing along with them when you're in your car or on the bus or on the train, put little earbuds and I have a little MP3 player that goes with me wherever I am and it plays through the night so that He has something to soothe Him.
You hear Him increasingly clearly and are increasingly able to engage in dialogue with Him regarding your relationship with Him, His Ways and Will on the Earth, your work, your family, your hobbies, your ministry, etcetera. He desires to be included in EVERY facet of your life.
e. Led by the Spirit of Yah in every aspect of your life – things just come together in ways that you could not anticipate, you meet people who can help you who seem to appear from nowhere, Divine Appointments become a routine part of your life. You have a clear view of where you are going and what your life purpose is, etcetera.
f. Supernatural favour with people – everyone you deal with is friendly and helpful. I can't remember when I last encountered a fractious or unhelpful person. I just experience moving through life and things just come together most of the time. Sometimes I slip a bit, but it's powerful folks, it's a different way of living.
g. Supernatural energy – you have boundless energy, you only need three or four hours sleep and you awake refreshed and full of energy for the day. When I was walking under the fullness of my first anointing, I would work until 2 o'clock at night, go to bed for a few hours, get up at 5, pray, worship and so forth. I met a lady many years ago who is highly anointed, she operated on 2 to 3 hours' sleep a night, day in and day out, week in and week out; just had abundant energy.
h. Supernatural peace – you have great confidence that Yah is watching over you and that nothing bad will happen to you and that you have a clear direction.
i. Supernatural protection – you are absolutely confident that you have Messengers {Angels} encamped around you to protect you. In the unlikely event that you DO have a motor vehicle or other accident you emerge unscathed; your messengers protect you.
j. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
k. Every tongue that rises against you in unrighteous judgment is refuted. I've been helping a chap in Los Angeles recently and a chap stole money from him and was threatening him and I came and took him away. I had a motorcar accident many years ago, I was driving a bit recklessly, mountain road, late for catching a plane, came around the corner, mud on the road, casted sideways, there was a ridge, it should have just turned and somersaulted down the hill, but instead I cried out to Father and His messengers took the car and just gently placed it at the bottom of the hill. My diary was open with my pen on it, on the passenger, it didn’t even move. I was completely unshaken. I got out, took my briefcase, climbed up on to the road and there was a vehicle that gave me a lift to the police station and I was going to see a senior and they gave me a police escort and they radioed ahead and held the plane for me and I got to my meeting on time. So it's possible folks.
l. Supernatural joy – nothing gets you down, you are joyful in the knowledge of your relationship with Yah.
m. Supernatural health – nothing affects your health detrimentally.
n. The ability to heal others – you lay hands on people and speak the will of Yah in their lives and they are instantly healed.
o. You KNOW the Will of Yah in your life and, as you mature, you know His will on Earth and you pray it into existence.
I have a lady friend who is just permanently joyful. She loves Yah and she wakes up in the morning and says good morning Yah and goes through the day, bubbling with positivity. There is so much wrong on the Earth but do you know what Yah actually wants done on the Earth?
I've had a couple of experiences where I've asked Yah what He wants to happen in specific situations. One was an election some years ago. And He said I want this one to win the election and remember that He can do nothing unless it is first spoken into reality by a human being, a live human being. So I got on my knees and I said "Father, I'm asking you to make this man president of this country." There was some supernatural intervention in the election process. He scraped in and became the president. And Father said to me, "It's not that I think he is a great guy. He is just going to cause more people to turn to me."
p. You are given messages to others and their response demonstrates the accuracy of your message. I've had experiences where I've gone up to a person and said, the Almighty says such and such and in one case they just stick with me. I gave the message to a woman, she cried out to her husband, "This man has got the word that we have been waiting for." It's so encouraging, it's so lifting.
q. In an advanced level it is possible for Yah to speak through you using your vocal chords.
I had one experience, I was really walking in a powerful anointing and Yah spoke through me to one man for about 20 minutes. I had no control other than shutting my mouth. And then the next man and the next man and the next man and then myself. So for about two or three hours, Yah just spoke through me and things came out of my mouth that I had absolutely no knowledge of and no way of knowing.
r. The ability to do great works – when you reach an advanced level of maturity, probably the consequence of at least one forty-day water only fast, you are able to raise the dead, walk on water, calm storms, translate (move instantaneously from one location to another) and do other great works.
s. At an advanced level if you are bitten by venomous snakes, stung by venomous scorpions or tricked or forced into drinking poison none of these things will in any way harm you.
t. You are able to do other things that you have read about in the Bible and other ancient texts and in modern texts.
In short, you become a powerhouse on Earth in the service of Yah!
What is in it for you?
Consider the above manifestations – is THAT something you desire to do? Would you like to have supernatural wisdom? Would you like everything to go smoothly in your life?
Would you like to be able to make a difference in the world, speak wisdom and Yah's words into society, into government, into business? You can make a difference on the Earth, in society locally and as you progress nationally and internationally.
The woman that I mentioned earlier, when I met her, had raised 19 people from the dead. She had on one occasion being delayed for a gathering of believers. She phone the head to say she would be two hours late. As she drove, she drove into a mist and few minutes later she drove out of the mist and she was at her destination. So she had travelled a 2-hour journey in about 5 or 10 minutes. And on occasion she was called in to speak to presidents, to speak to government groupings because they recognized that the Almighty was speaking through her and they wanted guidance.
Folks, that’s available to you if you decide you want it enough that you're prepared to change the way you live your life. Pray significantly daily. Worship significantly daily. Read about Yah significantly daily. Change your mental position and get filled with His spirit.
You WILL have to make sacrifices and focus on Yah rather than on worldly matters, but it WILL mean that you qualify for a significant position in Heaven after your death provided that you use the above gifts to the benefit of Yah’s Kingdom. See “Where are YOU headed?” at https://www.etimin.org/where-are-you-going.
The above briefly lists most of the points that I consider significant with regard to the Anointing.
I challenge you to seek a Power Anointing and draw close to Yah so that YOU can make a difference on the Earth.
As I said, the anointing is a precious jewel. At the time that I was first powerfully anointed, church didn’t recognize me. I didn't really understand what was happening to me. I went through a brutal divorce, I lost my anointing. Over the years that followed, I made a number of other mistakes and lost the anointing repeatedly. Once you've lost a particular anointing, you can't get it back. So I don't walk in that sort of anointing. I have an anointing for wisdom. I've an anointing for utterance. I've an anointing for writing, but I don't have the anointing for healing and things like that, which is sad because if I knew at the beginning of 1994 what I know today, I would have done a lot of things very differently back then, but I didn’t. I'm available to help you seek a power anointing and to help you to preserve it and nurture it and look after it. You've got my email address, James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, please email me and I will be happy to help you. There is a wealth of information on the www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
So that’s the end of that piece, we're going to pick up where we left off last week.
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 5
8 What Indicators are there about Pleasing The Almighty?
I've made quite a lot of reference to the Bible in this particular piece, so I'm just going to carry on there, all my references are to the King James version of the Bible with names, etc., where there are translation errors corrected.
Colossians 1:18-20 states the following about Yahooshua:
"18 And he is the head of the body, the assembly {church}: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;
20 And, having made peace through the blood of his stake {cross}, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in Earth, or things in Heaven." (KJV)
Yahooshua is the FIRSTBORN from the dead.
Yahooshua is THE example of how a person can Overcome in this life in order to triumph, please the Almighty and sit on the HIGHEST throne next to the Almighty for Eternity.
Assembly, not church, church is a meaningless English word. Cross is a pagan symbol, he died on a stake, length of tree. So it's important to put Yahooshua in the right place in your mind.
Yahooshua is therefore THE example to follow. He has gone before and he has shown us how it can be done.
There is a whole lot of wrong thinking about Yahooshua is the way as he is some sort of portal into Heaven. No! He is the example. He showed us how we should live our lives, what we should do, spending time with Father, doing good works, etc. Yahooshua became the firstborn from the dead by suffering and DYING voluntarily despite having NEVER committed ANY sin as stated in Hebrews 4:15-16:
"15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (KJV)
So Yahooshua WAS tempted in ALL points like we are and yet he was able to do so without sinning.
Folks, this is so important to understand. One of the biggest things, if not the biggest thing that Yahooshua accomplished was that he lived for 33-1/2 years without committing a single sin. You may say, well, that’s amazing, that's impossible. Well, if you're filled with the spirit like I've just been talking, you can live a life without sin too. Father through His spirit in you will keep you from sinning, keep you from doing wrong. So you need to get clear on who Yahooshua is. He is not God. He is separate created being. He lived a life free of sin and because of that, death had no place for him.
In considering this point, it is really important to recognise that Yahooshua was a created being, the result of a creative miracle, and he lived life ENTIRELY as a human being.
The ONLY divinity in Yahooshua was the anointing of the set apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah that came upon Yahooshua when Yahoochanan {John} immersed him, the “Christ.” Christ means anointing of the Spirit of Yah or one anointed with the Spirit of Yah, depending on context. There is about three different Greek words all translated Christ.
Matthew 3:16 "And Yahooshua {Jesus}, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the Heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Yah descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:" (KJV, adjusted)
It's important to understand that Yahooshua lived first 30 years of his life without an anointing, without the infilling of the Spirit of Yah. The Spirit of Yah came upon him, when he was immersed in the Jordan by Yahoochanan at the age of approximately 30. It's so important. One of the sad things about the drama "The Chosen" is that they don't go into this, they don’t depict it, they don’t depict Yahooshua going into the wilderness for 40 days and fasting, and that is so central to who Yahooshua was and what Yahooshua accomplished. And it's important to realize if Yahooshua was God the whole thing was a hoax. He couldn’t have been God.
Yahooshua also repeatedly went apart to pray to the Almighty. Mark 6:46 "And when he [Yahooshua] had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray." (KJV)
Clearly, Yahooshua is not the Almighty, if he was he would not need to pray to the Almighty and he would not have said what he said in Matthew 27:46 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My Beloved Mighty One , my Beloved Mighty One , why hast thou forsaken me?" (KJV, adjusted)
Yah had to take his spirit away from Yahooshua when he was on the stake because he couldn't have died with the full anointing that he had and the Spirit of Yah in him.
It is therefore POSSIBLE that we can aspire to live life to the standard that Yahooshua set. We may not succeed. However, we CAN aspire.
Remember that Yahooshua said "I go to my father so that you can do greater works than I did." So anything that Yahooshua did, it is possible for you to come to a level of anointing and level of relationship with Yah that you can raise the dead, heal the sick, heal the lepers, open blind eyes, open deaf ears, release dumb tongues, walk on water, do mighty works. It's totally available to you if you will seek it. And "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, My Beloved Mighty One," mostly translated "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me." But Eli is a term of endearment towards Yah, means my Beloved Mighty One, oh my darling.
After all, Yahooshua stated in John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (KJV)
We CAN do GREATER works than Yahooshua did, IF we aspire to.
IF we are willing to pay the price!
We CAN Overcome to the end.
We CAN sit on High Thrones for Eternity.
IF we are willing to PAY the price.
A big if! I've touched on briefly earlier on this broadcast the sort of things you need to do – hours of praying. You will say "James, where am I going to find 2 hours a day to pray, 2 hours a day to read about Yah, 2 hours a day to worship, and then hold down my job, look after my family?" That’s why I said to you, if you get close to Yah, if you go all out for Yah, He will give you supernatural energy. You will only need 3 hours' sleep instead of 8 hours' sleep, so there you're, you scored the hours that you need. You will have to work upfront to get to that point, but He is there to meet you. He wants you to succeed. He wants to be part of your life. That's how you get to Him. You don't have to do this folks. You can just potter along doing whatever you're doing and be sort of desperately surprised when you get to the end of your life and Father says "Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you, and you never knew me."
Father wants a relationship with you. The only reason we exist is to have relationship with the Creator, that's why this whole thing is here, the universe, the solar system, the planets, the plants, the animals and us; we're here to have a relationship with Him.
9 How do we Overcome? What is the Price?
In order to understand at some basic level what is required to Overcome and what the price is, we can consider all the people listed above with particular, but NOT exclusive, emphasis on Yahooshua.
In order to understand this and INTERPRET these experiences, reports, teachings, etc., there is a VERY important principle set out in 1 Corinthians 1:18-31: -- selected verses:
“19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
“20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not Yah made foolish the wisdom of this world?
“25 Because the foolishness of Yah is wiser than men; and the weakness of Yah is stronger than men.
“27 But Yah hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and Yah hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
It is really important to grasp that the Almighty's way of doing things is NOT the way of the world.
IF we desire to please the Almighty it is necessary that we be willing to live life VERY differently to the way we may have lived it up to now. In fact, it is probably accurate to say that there is no one on the Earth today who is truly living life the way the Almighty would like them to be living.
We know so little of the things of the Almighty today that there is an ENORMOUS amount for us to learn.
I've done a huge amount of learning after I came back to Father and He spoke to me in March '93. I really committed myself. I've spent tens of thousands of hours seeking to draw close to Him, praying, worshiping, reading, writing. I've written about 2,500 articles on the website. There is about 1,500 pages on the website, www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. There is a huge amount of information there. It's all available to you and I encourage you to go for it.
Remember, the only reason the universe exists, the only reason that the solar system exists, the only reason that planet Earth exists, the only reason that the plants, the animals exist, the only reason that the human beings exist is because Father Yah was lonely and He wanted friends, He wanted people to talk to Him. If you're not making an effort to be His friend, then I've to ask you what's the point of your life? Why are you taking up space on the planet if you're not trying to become His friend? That’s the only reason that we are here, but almost nobody knows that and almost nobody is doing anything to get close enough to Him to become His friend, but it's there for you.
You pray right now "Father Yah, I want to become your friend." He will meet you where you are today, and He'll help you get there. Just say "Father, I ask you to help me to get there." Email me and I'll help you.
This will be continued hopefully next week.
Wrapping Up
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him as your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
It doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are, how rich you are or how poor you are, how educated you are or how uneducated you are, how fat you are or how thin you are, how tall you are or how short you are. Whether you're blond and blue-eyed or black hair and brown eyed or anything in between. Whether you're African or Asian or American or Indian or European or Caucasian or whatever. It doesn't matter if you're a Satanist, a Witch or Warlock, a Wizard, a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Buddhist, whatever. He wants you to become His friend. That’s simple. "Father Yah, I desire to become your friend. James says I can become your friend. Help me to become your friend. Take me by the hand and lead me. Open the doors you want opened and close the doors you want closed." There are prayers on the website.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions to James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and I will connect with you by Skype, Zoom, Teams, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when I will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, what I'm advocating, what I'm sharing with you is a very, very different way of living your life. It's never too late to course correct and adjust. I said a minute ago, the only reason you exist is because Yah wants you to be His friend. If you're not doing that, what's the point? If you had thoughts in your life "I wonder why I'm here. What's the point of all this life so miserable?" Well this is the answer to your question. You're here because Yah wants you to be His friend. He wants to be part of your life. He wants to guide you. He wants to help you to prosper. It's that simple folks.
So I'm wrapping up, if you've joined me before, you might want to drop off in a minute. If you're listening for the first or second time, I'm going to go into a little bit more information after this. So to those of you who are dropping off, I'm going to say goodnight. To those who are staying, just hang on please.
In Closing
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a retired Military Commander. I now work as a Management Consultant. I have over 30 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
In learning about Father, I've applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
See the Video “Why seek relationship?” for an overview of what I believe.
Please visit my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
ETI Version of the Bible with correction of key translation errors is at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-eti-bible-version.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far search on Google for “Relationship with Creator Radio.” There are about 4 podcast websites that have all the back issues. Also on LinkedIn and YouTube and then also see for transcripts of the broadcast, see the "Transcripts of Broadcasts" page on the website, also near the top.
Books with teachings from 1998 until May 2019 are at the “Books for Printing” page on the website, also near the top.
I publish regular email articles – email me on James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
I look forward to hearing from you. I encourage you to seek friendship with Yah.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 16, February 2024

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