2024.03.17 Broadcast – Friday 17th May 2024 – The Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship with Yah and are YOU confident of your destination when you Die? Created by James on 5/18/2024 12:51:11 PM I regularly write and broadcast about climbing the Mountain of Relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. Consider last weeks broadcast. This broadcast looks at a different angle – the reality that the Mountain looks different depending on how you come to it.
2024.03.17 Broadcast – Friday 17th May 2024 – The Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship with Yah and are YOU confident of your destination when you Die?
Summary: I regularly write and broadcast about climbing the Mountain of Relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. Consider last weeks broadcast. This broadcast looks at a different angle – the reality that the Mountain looks different depending on how you come to it.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7197263350815223811/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNqCOCLQ9b8
Audio on DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9lv2u92hra3a2jojc2gi8/2024_05_17_Different-Views-of-the-Mountain-of-Relationship-and-Confidence-in-Death.mp3?rlkey=2brn0lp5imvf0qohye53o7cyl&st=qt4jz49p&dl=0
ETI YouTube: https://youtu.be/gcTR9hstAVM
Direct from Website: www.ETIMin.org/Portals/0/ETI_Videos_TV_Broadcasts/2024/05_May/2024_05_17_Views-of-the-Mountain-of-Yah-and-Do-YOU-have-Confidence-in-Death.mp4
Previous Broadcasts with transcripts at: https://www.etimin.org/broadcasts
Dr James A Robertson
End Time Issue Ministries
18 February 2024

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