2024.07.04 Dramatic Testimony from Carlos in Columbia – Victory over Demons Created by James on 7/13/2024 12:01:27 PM Carlos has been walking with me since about 2018. A few days ago he contacted me on WhatsApp about a dramatic experience that he had had. I encouraged him to write it down and the article below is what he sent to me earlier today.
He has recently been in a number of battles with the Demonic and Satanic realm and I have been coaching him to call on Yah in the name of Yahooshua. Remember that “Yahooshua” means “Yah is salvation” or “Yah, save me”.
The vision below is the culmination of that journey.
2024.07.04 Dramatic Testimony from Carlos in Columbia – Victory over Demons
Carlos has been walking with me since about 2018. A few days ago he contacted me on WhatsApp about a dramatic experience that he had had. I encouraged him to write it down and the article below is what he sent to me earlier today.
He has recently been in a number of battles with the Demonic and Satanic realm and I have been coaching him to call on Yah in the name of Yahooshua. Remember that “Yahooshua” means “Yah is salvation” or “Yah, save me”.
The vision below is the culmination of that journey.
>>> Testimony Begins <<<
In my dream I was walking in some sort of square, I can’t tell for sure, but by looking at the features of the people around me and the architecture of the buildings I think it was Poland or some Slavic country, it was a cloudy day and people around were selling what seemed to be produce,
I could feel someone walking besides me, this person was showing me around; although this person was very kind something was really off about them, I simply did not trust them, their voice was perfectly neutral, not masculine nor feminine, this person was telling me how locals had been having “encounters” with “Ruajs” (Hebrew word for spirit or ghost”,
they then proceeded to explain to me that, opposite to what local people believed, Ruajs were not brought into this world by giving birth to them, but by people corrupting their minds, mainly through sexual sin and porn, and over time they unknowingly or knowingly would start behaving under their control, wreaking havoc on the world,
I never turned my face towards this person and I remember I wanted them to leave so I could enjoy my stroll alone, their presence was deeply unsettling but not frightening, I just was too polite to tell them to go away; the conversation was quite tolerable, despite this feeling of distrust,
after explaining how Ruajs were brought into this world, the person stopped and stared at me and said with a demonic, accusing voice “People like you”.
It was at that very same moment that it all spiraled out of control, I was taken to a pitch black place and I could feel how demons were trying to pierce my body with weapons, swords or spears I think, the sensation, although inaccurate, was very real, I can tell at this point I was 100% awake, unable to move,
my body was in GREAT pain, I was sweating and my heart racing, it all got to a point of unfathomable pain, it all felt like a very painful electric current on my skin, mainly on my head and chest. It was one of the worst moments of my life, 100% real,
I was completely alone in that place with forces of evil who were absolutely unmerciful and sought my destruction at all costs; I remember I wanted to call upon Yahweh but I simply could not muster any word,
the pain continued and I remember them laughing at my desperation, it was at that point I could finally say, in my mind, “Yahweh, please save me, in the Name of Yahooshua”, these might not be the accurate words but I remember it was something along those lines,
I have been down a road of spiritual growth and my counselor, Dr James Robertson has told me that YAH’s Will is that I learn how to fight back these forces without human support, that I have the authority and the power to call upon heavenly hosts to fight for me or someone else, I have been a man with very little faith my whole life, and although I believe in Yah I don’t believe in myself and I thought of myself as completely unworthy of calling upon Him.
But it was at this moment that Yah gifted me with the experience of feeling first-hand what the forces of Darkness feel when they have to face Him, when His children call upon Him.
I felt how Yah arrived,
His Heavenly hosts, it shook the earth, I could not see Him at any moment, but I know 100% it was Him.
Ancestor Spirits feel a tremendous fear of Him, the sensation I could feel was absolute, it was like I was one of them although I knew I was not, but it felt too real, they are more scared than any human has been scared ever, it’s an unspeakable, infinite, HUMONGOUS HORROR.
I remember now I was told somehow humans were designed to feel a threshold of pain, fear, guilt and all different feeling while on earth, but Yah protects us by shielding us from feeling the fullness of these emotions, but in the spirit realm these feelings are 100000000 times stronger, the fear they experienced was simply too much to express.
There is no human way whatsoever of communicating its dimension. Yah fights confidently, fights relentlessly, demons face Him even though they know they will lose, but still try because some of them are far too proud to surrender, Yah humiliates them when everything is over, they feed on fear, they insult Yah by scaring His children, it is how they seek to spit on His face, by telling Him “You’re Almighty and all-powerful but still your children don’t think you can save them”, they laugh at Him and there’s nothing He can do to stop them when they’re right,
this makes Him angry towards demons but NOT towards believers, specially if they are immature believers of if they have had lives where their faith in other people, including parents, has been systematically abused; the demons in a desperate move went back to me and began forging HORRIBLE horned faces for me to see, but at this point I felt I was bulletproof, I had witnessed them being MISERABLY massacred by Yahweh’s hosts and was completely filled with joy, hope, unending gratitude and RAW power.
So I began to laugh to their faces, this made them absolutely FURIOUS but there was nothing they could do to me, so they left, upon leaving they stared at me, they have dealt with millions of humans, and they oppress and torment many and are successful 99% of the time in preventing people from damaging their projects through powerful prayer,
I was just “one more human to deal with”, but that night it changed, they looked at me saying “We now know who you are”, the eyes were absolutely filled with an otherworldly hatred that I cannot describe, iris were red and the whites were not whites at all, were black, I remember that I almost felt fear again, but I was so filled with Yah’s presence that I did not fear a little bit, after this they finally fled.
I woke up to myself singing praises to the Almigthy, feeling renewed, almost like “high” on the Set-Apart Spirit and almost like shaking, it took some good 30 minutes for me to calm down,
I attest this is true, that James Robertson was right about what Yah had told him and Yah is happy he did not twist the meaning of His message like many believers or even “leaders” do, for anyone reading this,
Yah is the most Powerful being that exists or that can ever exist, inside or outside time, space or even reality, forces of darkness know this even better than the most devout believer, and they hate Him for that, but they hate His Son even more,
I remember thinking, that’s the thing these days about the “Evil of the white male”, this is all a façade for the true purpose of evil forces: demeaning, humiliating and spitting on Yahushua, who was an Israelite white male.
Believers without faith: I have been there, but I tell you: to think that you have something to do with this it’s bunk, Yah is the one fighting, He’s the one winning. And He is happy when His children call upon Him in the Name of His Son, it does not bother Him at all, on the other hand,
He is bothered when we are under subtle -or not so subtle attack- and we don’t call upon Him in the Name of Yahooshua, because we lack faith, that saddens Him, all He needs is we call for Him in the Name of Yahooshua and have faith, a strong faith on HIM, on who HE IS.
Forces of Darkness will flee in desperation, and over time they will leave you alone, as they know they will be dealt GREAT suffering over and over again if they insist on oppressing you. Praised b Yahweh the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all glory to His Son Yahooshua the only true lord of lords and king of kings.
>>> Testimony Ends <<<
The emunah {faith} that Carlos exercised in this visión is available to EVERY Believer, including YOU!
Visit the website at www.ETIMin.org for more information or drop me an email at james@etimin.org so I can help you, pray with you, counsel you, etcetera.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
13 July 2024
End Time Issue Ministry End Notes
Prayer on coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
If you have come to Belief in the Creator, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters:
“Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I now Believe that you exist. I confess my sin of unbelief and repent of my unbelief and I ask you to forgive my sin.
[If applicable “I repent of my sin of belief in Yahooshua, I ask you to forgive me]
“I now commit my life to You and I ask you to take me by the hand and lead me into deep relationship with you.
“I ask you to fill me with your Spirit and to change me and help me to become the person you want me to become.
“I ask you help me find people who can help me and help me find books, websites, articles and other resources that will help me.
“I ask You to show me what I can do to actively serve you and lead others to deep personal relationship with You.
“I thank you for saving me!”
There is a period of eight days from sincerely coming to Belief for the first time during which there is extreme Grace to help you. See the article “Critical Actions on First Belief” for actions you should take immediately.
Drop me an email at james.website@end-time-issue-ministries.org so I can help you, pray with you, counsel you, etcetera.
Take the Bread and Wine (Grape Juice) of the Covenant as soon as possible.
Start reading the articles on the website at the top of the menu and putting into practice all you find. Use the Table of Contents, Article Search, Keyword Cloud and Google Search to find particular information you are looking for. The entire Bible with my corrections is available on the ETI Bible Version page.
Prayer on realizing you have neglected the Creator
If you previously Believed but you have now realized that you have neglected the Creator and are headed for the Outer Darkness or, at best, a very low rank in the Throne Room, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters:
“Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua, I confess that while I once Believed I have largely ignored you and lived life as though you do not exist. I recognize this as sin and repent now and confess my sin. I ask you to forgive me.
“I now commit my life to You and I ask you to take me by the hand and lead me into deep relationship with you.
“I ask you to fill me with your Spirit and to change me and help me to become the person you want me to become.
“I ask you help me find people who can help me and help me find books, websites, articles and other resources that will help me.
“I ask You to show me what I can do to actively serve you and lead others to deep personal relationship with You.
“I thank you for accepting and forgiving me!”
Drop me an email at james.website@end-time-issue-ministries.org so I can help you, pray with you, counsel you, etcetera.
Take the Bread and Wine (Grape Juice) of the Covenant as soon as possible.
Start reading the articles on the website at the top of the menu and putting into practice all you find. Use the Table of Contents, Article Search, Keyword Cloud and Google Search to find particular information you are looking for. The entire Bible with my corrections is available on the ETI Bible Version page.
The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU
If you die as an Unbeliever your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon -- the Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?”
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the trash heap of Heaven – Father has said concerning such Believers “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?”
In stark contrast -- IF you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty the rewards in the Life to Come are HUGE – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority and a permanent close relationship with the Creator AND with Yahooshua {who you may mistakenly know as Yahooshua}
To put this all in context the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together, my greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!“
See www.ETIMin.org for more information
There is much more information on the above and diverse other topics on the website www.ETIMin.org
* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like “God”, “the LORD”, “Yahooshua” are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn – see https://www.ETIMin.org/essence-of-message-re-names
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Schedule of Beliefs
For a summary of the major items that I believe please go to https://www.ETIMin.org/schedule-of-beliefs
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www.W4CY.com – click on button top right to watch on TV
Also https://talk4media.com/
Most Recent Broadcast -- Friday 5th July 2024 – Introduction to MattihYahoo to Revelation -- Part 3
Summary: Nearly all translations of the so-called “New Testament” from MattihYahoo {Matthew} to Revelation contain major errors with regard to key words and concepts. I am in the process of producing a rendering of these books that corrects all the errors that I know of together with providing commentary on what I have learned. This broadcast continues to share the introduction that I have produced for this rendering discussing all the major errors that have been corrected. This is part 3 of that discussion.
ETI YouTube: https://youtu.be/qS8Bcl_SDIg
Direct from Website: www.ETIMin.org/Portals/0/ETI_Videos_TV_Broadcasts/2024/07_July/2024_07_05_Introduction-to-the-writings-from-MattihYahoo-to-Revelation--Part-3.mp4
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7215020396167733250
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN6XuIbQuNc
Audio on DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l6sccjb857cnnzu74h7fc/2024_07_05_Introduction-to-the-writings-from-MattihYahoo-to-Revelation-Part-3.mp3?rlkey=wdcirhdl28sdbzhriioeopod4&st=2eb7oqv6&dl=0
Previous Broadcasts with Transcripts at: https://www.ETIMin.org/broadcasts
Audio back issues of broadcasts at:
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/relationship-with-creator/id1447290561
Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Relationship-with-Creator-Podcast/B08JK2WLHN
Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/relationship-with-creator-772533
Continuous Broadcast
There is a continuous broadcast rotating through past editions on Talk 4 TV in the preview guide on the home page of www.talk4tv.com and also https://talk4tv.com/tv-channels-preview-guide/ on the second page of the preview guide and click on the Relationship with Creator entry.
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See also the following important items:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETIMin.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
Tithes and Offerings
We are entirely self-funded and have big ambitions including translating the core of the website into at least seven other languages, broadcasting weekly in those same languages, renting millions of email addresses, sending out millions of emails monthly in those same languages, etcetera.
See the article “2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries” at https://www.ETIMin.org/about-tithes-and-offerings-and-end-time-issue-ministries for our ambition and the biblical basis of tithes and offerings. If you make a donation you are free to nominate the project that you would prefer your donation to be applied to.
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Thank you so much
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