2025.01.24 Broadcast – Friday 24th January 2025 Compliance with the Commandments of Yah is necessary to live without Sin Created by James on 1/25/2025 1:03:07 PM Last week we spoke about the power and authority that comes from living above sin.
This week In this broadcast I discuss the reality that one of the fundamental requirements for any True Believer to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” is to live life free of sin. It is NOT possible to get REALLY CLOSE to Father Yah while you have sin in your life and are therefore a servant of Satan.
2025.01.24 Broadcast – Friday 24th January 2025 Compliance with the Commandments of Yah is necessary to live without Sin
Summary: Last week we spoke about the power and authority that comes from living above sin.
This week In this broadcast I discuss the reality that one of the fundamental requirements for any True Believer to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” is to live life free of sin. It is NOT possible to get REALLY CLOSE to Father Yah while you have sin in your life and are therefore a servant of Satan.
ETI YouTube: https://youtu.be/exmfF73Ky7Q
Direct from Website: www.ETIMin.org/Portals/0/ETI_Videos_TV_Broadcasts/2025/01_January/2025_01_24_Compliance_with_the_Commandments_of_Yah_is_necessary_to_live _without_Sin.mp4
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7288600991082381312
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sSNkHgtCYA
Audio on DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h1dagyfgnq2ggzaqgfvrs/2025_01_24_Compliance-with-Commandments.mp3?rlkey=h7ze9nkwxtezlh33fyx8l8ob8&st=hyiaumcs&dl=0
Previous Broadcasts with transcripts at: https://www.etimin.org/broadcasts
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Thank you so much.
Dr James A Robertson
End Time Issue Ministries
25 January 2025

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