2011.03.06 Most Christians are NOT anointed ones Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Applying the label "Christian" does not make a person an anointed one
Most Christians are NOT anointed ones
James Robertson
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The same discussion mentioned in the previous email triggered the thought -- "most Christians are NOT anointed ones ".
In essence the correct interpretation of "Christian" would be an anointed one who is recognizably a follower of the example of Yahooshua.
By implication this means that the Spirit of Yah should be strongly on them, they should have a close relationship with Yah, they should be filled with the Spirit of Yah, they should do the works that Yahooshua and other mighty followers of Yah have done and the world should see a different Spirit in them.
Such people do not just go to church on Sunday, or Saturday, and rely on others to instruct and lead them, they have deep personal relationships with Yah and they rely on Him to lead them and they GIVE guidance and instruction to others, Yah speaks through them, people are healed and delivered through their ministry, etc.
One of the reasons that Christianity is such a pagan religion is because most who claim to believe through that religion have a limited or non-existent personal knowledge and personal experience of Yah and His Spirit.
Many are worshipping Yahooshua, a created being and therefore in total apostasy.
Such people frequently end up worshipping or paying homage to those who are visibly anointed and thereby fall into grievous sin.
Others rely on talismans like crucifixes, crosses, the bible, etc to keep them safe and thereby fall into full fledged idolatry.
We need to examine ourselves daily to see whether we are following Yah through the example given by Yahooshua and whether we have a personal relationship with Yah TODAY or whether we are falling away to dependence on artifacts and people.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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