2011.04.15 How to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM How should you observe the feast of unleavened bread?
How to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread
James Robertson
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As I have already pointed out the start of Passover tonight is also the start of the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread
Under the covenant given by Moshe {Moses} the believers were required to scrupulously remove leaven (yeast), representative of corruption, from their homes
However, Yahooshua {Jesus} repeatedly referred to the leaven of the Scribes and the Pharisees -- all the false teachings of men that had corrupted truth Faith in, and relationship with, Daddy Yah (the Almighty Creator)
It is my current understanding that what Daddy Yah desires us to do over the next seven days is to closely examine ourselves and our lives and REMOVE ALL SIN (leaven) from our lives -- recognize it, bring it before Yah, confess it, repent of it, ask for and receive forgiveness in the name of Yahooshua and make a concerted effort to live a life without sin going forward
The article on the Mark of the Beast summarizes at a headline level the most severe sins we all need to deal with over the next seven days
But ONLY Yahooshua lived without sin, I hear you cry
True AND Yahooshua said that we would do GREATER works than He did
I truly encourage you, if you do not aspire to do GREATER works than Yahooshua you are missing the mark and may well hear those words "depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you" on the Day of Judgment
YOU should aspire to live a life without sin! :)
One of Satan's most effective lies is that OTHERS can walk in the power of the Spirit of Yah, the anointing, and we should look up to them -- NOT SO -- we should look to them as examples -- the WAY -- and seek to emulate them and exceed what they did
Until you can read the books commonly referred to as "the Gospels" - that is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as though YOU ARE YAHOOSHUA, until YOU visualize yourself doing ALL that he did, until you desire to do MORE than he did you are NOT walking in your true potential as a believer
It is there for EACH ONE OF US -- YOU are the only thing standing between you and the full power and authority that Yah has for you
If you meet a highly anointed one, by all means sit at their feet for a season to learn from them, better still get them to lay hands on you and ask for a double measure of their anointing as Elisha did with Elijah -- pray regarding such a one "Father, in the name of Yahooshua I desire to know you the way ... (name of anointed one) knows you" -- see what happens -- when i did that in 1994 my bedroom was filled with the roar of the wind of the Spirit and Father placed His hand on me and I awoke with a mighty anointing and subsequently experienced for a short while what it was like to walk with the same anointing and authority that Yahooshua had
I am no better than you are, YOU can have the same or greater experience IF you are willing to lay down your life for Yah and make the sacrifices that are required to receive the power gifts of Yah
Pray daily "Father i ask you to do whatever is necessary for me to walk in the FULL anointing that you have appointed for me
AND deal with ALL the leaven of the Scribes and the Pharisees of the pagan Christian Church in your life -- refer the Mark of the Beast
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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