2011.10.05 What to read if not the bible? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Deciding that the bible is NOT all that is claimed for it leaves a large gap in many people's reading repertoire
What to read if not the bible?
James Robertson
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In view of all that I have written recently about the bible NOT being the living Word of God and containing error and Yah referring to it as a "tiny book" and "the most pervasive idol" you may be asking what you should read.
Well, if you have not yet read the bible from cover to cover you might still want to do that, it DOES contain some useful history, prophecies and guidance – but read it as a book not THE book!
Then ask Father what other books He wants you to read, CD's to listen to, DVD's to watch, etc.
Some books that I have read and DVD's that I have viewed that contain useful information that you might find useful to read:
Dead Men's Secrets by Jonathan Gray
1,000 archaeological finds that prove that mankind WAS created with great intellect and have great knowledge and great ability – a MUST READ if you have not fully got the picture that evolution based history is fundamentally incorrect – you can purchase this from www.beforeus.com or you can purchase it from us.
The Corpse Came back by Jonathan Gray
A detailed analysis of what the earth looked like after the flood of Noah and how the earth was repopulated in the first few hundred years after the flood. Where the different nations and tribes we have today came from. Also a MUST READ, also available from www.beforeus.com or from us. There are two other books in the series.
The Final Quest by Rick Joyner
A series of visions in which Joyner was caught up into heaven and received a detailed experience of the judgment and revelation on numerous related matters a portion of the book is available for download free from:
or email me to email it to you. The full book can be purchased from Amazon.com or many Christian bookstores.
There are various articles commenting on these visions available on the old www.ETIMin.org website.
The Call by Rick Joyner
A continuation of the visions in The Final Quest, also available from Amazon and from bookstores. Also a must read.
Fresh Fire by Mario Murillo
Challenging and a must read.
Video -- Turning history on its head – Proof of a Global Flood by James Robertson
Convincing evidence of a Global Flood. Set of video's produced by me, available direct from us or available on YouTube at
Surprising Discoveries video 1 – Noah's Ark by Jonathan Gray
Detailed evidence that Noah's ship (Ark) really existed and that there was a flood. Available from us.
Surprising Discoveries video 2 – evidence of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Red Sea Crossing and the real Mount Sinai – by Jonathan Gray
Available from us.
Surprising Discoveries video 3 – the Ark of the Covenant, found -- by Jonathan Gray
Available from us.
There are innumerable other books, videos, CD's, etc but the above have significantly impacted my worldview and my walk with Yah and I strongly recommend them.
The above books and DVD's provide a few reading and viewing suggestions over and above the bible. There are innumerable other books that Yah has inspired at a material level and which contain important truths.
I encourage you to start energetically seeking Yah as to what else He wants you to read, listen to or view.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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