2011.10.07 History revisited Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Much of what we are taught in terms of history is flawed at some level
History revisited
James Robertson
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I constantly find that people evaluate their spiritual and religious understanding against what one might term an "evolution mindset" — that is that we are the most advanced generation that has ever lived and that the "Old Testament" people were more primitive than we are today.
Yet the reality is that Yah created mankind as powerful and highly intelligent.
Adam and Eve (Chavah) were of great stature, great intellect and great technological prowess.
Noah was about six meters (18 feet) tall and highly advanced civilizations sprang up rapidly after the flood because the humans that survived the flood (Noah and his family) were highly advanced and brought with them in the ship highly sophisticated technological knowledge.
We do not have the technology and capability today to construct some of the ancient structures that exist in the world today, such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt and the Great Temple at Baalbek.
The reality is that mankind has been regressing physically – getting smaller, intellectually and spiritually from creation and it is vital that in evaluating what we hear and read that we take this into account.
Yah did NOT send Yahooshua because mankind was more advanced but because mankind was regressing so badly.
It is vital that we have a real and sober perspective of our history and that we realize that we are deteriorating relative to Yah's original creation and NOT improving.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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