2012.02.01 The WHOLE Armour of Yah Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM This article discusses the different aspects of the armour of Yah and how to apply it
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Many believers make reference to the armour of Yah described in Ephesians 6:10-18:
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yah the eternally self-existing {the Lord}, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of Yah {God}, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yah {God}, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Yah {God}:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” KJV names corrected
In practical terms, what IS this armour?
How do we gain it?
How do we wear it?
How do we apply it?
Pray – you must ASK and you must LIVE it
In order to “wear” the full armour of Yah we must ask for it and we must seek it and we must apply it and practice it
You must be prepared to change the way you live life dramatically
A number of prayers have been given on this list in the past which you should pray
In seeking this specific set of gifts you must ask for them by name on a regular basis
Pray “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask you to grant to me your whole armour and I ask that you will teach me how to walk in your armour”
Pray, symbolically making appropriate gestures
“I put on the belt of truth” – make the hand gestures of fastening a belt
“I put on the breastplate of righteousness” – make the hand gestures of putting on a breastplate
“I put on the surefooted shoes of the goodnews {gospel} of peace” – make the gestures of putting on sandals
“I take up the shield of faith” – make the gestures of putting your left hand into the straps of a large shield
“I put on the helmet of salvation” – make the gestures of putting on a helmet and fastening the chin strap
“I take up the sword of the Spirit which is your commandments” – make the gestures of picking up a large sword
“I ask you to teach me to pray in the Spirit at ALL times without ceasing”
“I ask you to teach me to walk in the fullness of this armour and I ask you to bring me someone to cover my back, I ask all this in the name of Yahooshua”
The following sections provide more information regarding each of these components of the armour of Yah – note particularly that all of this is metaphoric, these are all spiritual attitudes and ways of living
The belt of truth – seek truth and live truth
Truth holds it all together, we cannot serve Yah faithfully UNLESS we are constantly seeking after truth
This means we must be constantly examining our lives and dealing with error.
Pray “Father, I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, in the name of Yahooshua”
The End Time Issue Ministries websites contain many articles seeking to bring knowledge of truth as given by Yah – in ALL your seeking you must constantly seek Yah for guidance as to what I, or any other human, teach
The breastplate of righteousness – right living according to Yah’s standards
Righteousness relates to living our lives according to Yah’s ways of doing things
Righteousness is a way of doing or being – you need to learn Yah’s commandments and principles and apply them in every area of your life
This way of living will protect you from the most direct and potentially highly dangerous and highly damaging spiritual attacks, such as a breastplate or modern body armour protects the chest and abdomen from injury
If you live your life right very little will be able to attack you – refer teachings on judgment in this life, etc
The surefooted shoes of the goodnews of peace – knowledge of Yahooshua’s covenant
It is good news that Yahooshua {Jesus} died so that we have an established offering for sin that we can invoke in repentance at any time, that we have a high priest who is always sanctified and set-apart and who can minister on our behalf at all times, that we have a king who has eternal life who has given us authority to act on his behalf, etc
Thus we can have peace, we do NOT have to strive for forgiveness, we simply need to repent with heartfelt conviction and claim forgiveness in the name of Yahooshua (meaning Yah is salvation)
We do NOT have to catch or purchase a lamb or kid and trek to Jerusalem and find a set-apart {sanctified} priest to offer the animal on our behalf, we simply have to come humbly to the throne of Yah’s grace, repent and ask for forgiveness
It is important to understand that this is NOT speaking about the pagan magical claims made for Yahooshua by the church which are invalid and an affront to Yah and Yahooshua
Thus, we should have peace at this good news and should stand firm against the onslaughts of the forces of evil
The shield of faith – confident knowledge of Yah
The shield of faith relates to confident knowledge of Yah and His ways, confidence in His promises of provision, protection, healing, deliverance, salvation, etc
Faith is a settled assurance of the goodness of Yah towards one and that provided we are living our lives in a Yah focussed manner we are secure in His love and promises
The Helmet of salvation – looking forward to judgment – right thoughts
Salvation speaks to Yah’s love, provision, protection, healing, etc
If we are walking in Yah’s salvation we have confidence in His judgments, that His judgments are right and just
To wear the helmet of Salvation one must fear Yah’s judgments and particularly the Day of Judgment – pray “Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”, etc as per previous articles
The helmet speaks of protecting our thoughts, if we are conscious of coming judgment and know Yah’s commandments we will constantly evaluate our thoughts and resist and tear down those vain imaginations that are NOT of Yah
The sword of the Spirit of Yah – the word of Yah – Yah’s commandments
The sword of the Spirit is NOT the bible because the bible is NOT “the word of Yah”, it is also NOT Yahooshua {Jesus} – refer previous articles
The words being referred to here are first and foremost the Ten Commandments (Ten Words) spoken by Yah at Sinai which form the basis of judgment at all times and which will form the basis of the Day of Judgment
We are required to know and “wield” these commandments to cut out and cut down anything in our lives that is in opposition to Yah and His commandments
The first four commandments are summed up by “love Yah the eternally self-existing with ALL your heart, mind, soul and strength”, the remaining six commandments are summed up by “love your neighbour as yourself”
Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE mighty one, you shall have NO other mighty ones before Him – includes do NOT worship Yahooshua or Jesus
No graven images or idols – includes do NOT worship the bible, your church, the cross, etc
Do not take the Name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain – includes saying “ja”, “jah” or any other word that sounds like Yah, including do not use the Yahoo.com search engine, website, email addresses, etc
Remember the seventh day and keep it set-apart – the true Saturday Sabbath -- includes NOT worshipping on Sunday, NOT observing Christmas and Easter but observing Yah’s set-apart days being Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost (Shavuot), Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), Feast of Tabernacles (especially first and Great days) – refer article on the calendar
Honour your father and your mother – includes NOT shipping them off to old age homes, NOT arguing with them, NOT speaking ill of them, etc
Do NOT murder – includes NOT supporting abolition of the death penalty and includes NOT cursing
Do NOT commit adultery – includes set-apartness of virginity, taking of virginity is a covenant act for life, a man can take the virginity of more than one woman and if he does he is accountable for them for life
Do NOT steal – includes false tendering, not paying taxes, etc
Do NOT bear false witness / lie – includes false doctrines and false teachings – the belt of truth
Do NOT covet – includes lust, pornography, most advertising, name-it, claim-it, frame-it faith teaching, etc
Praying at ALL times in the Spirit without ceasing – a gift from Yah
Few people understand this verse, particularly the piece about “praying at ALL times in the Spirit” – pray “Father I ask you to teach me to pray at ALL times in the Spirit without ceasing”
It is mechanically possible that your spirit can pray 24/7x365 constantly and without ceasing, no matter what you are doing – ask Yah to teach you how to do this – you will not necessarily even be conscious that you are doing it
An attitude, a state of mind, a way of life, a set of priorities
The armour of Yah is a state of mind, an attitude, a way of life, a set of priorities
The armour is NOT magical, it IS a set of personal disciplines
No protection for the back – fight in partnership
Notice that there is NO protection for your back
You can be taken out if you advance into enemy ranks in pride and you can be taken out if you retreat from the enemy in fear
We all need at least one other person who is constantly covering our backs through prayer, through seeing threats we cannot see, through knowledge we do not have
People operating in great power and doing great damage to the forces of darkness need as many intercessors and others covering their backs as possible
There are eight major personality styles and there are eight major spiritual styles – ideally each person, and particularly emissaries {apostles} operating in great authority should have at least seven people covering their backs
If such a person has fewer people covering their backs, as in a monogamous marriage, the people or person covering their backs must be especially vigilant
So we see that the armour of Yah is about the way we live our lives, what we speak, what we believe, what we do
It is NOT magic, it is the authority and power that comes from complete obedience to Yah through the covenant made by Yahooshua
The armour of Yah is a state of being, an attitude, a way of living our lives built on accurate knowledge of Yah and His ways, His commandments, etc
The fundamental answer is to draw close to the Almighty and seek His guidance in every area of your life.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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