2012.04.02 There is NO Trinity Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
The concept of "The Trinity" being "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" is pervasive and occurs throughout Christianity, it is however false and blasphemous and should be avoided
This article explains why
There is NO Trinity
James Robertson
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The concept of the “Trinity” – being “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” is an almost universal concept within Christianity along with belief that Yahooshua {Jesus} is God and other pagan concepts.
This article discusses why there is NO Trinity and why the concept of The Trinity is blasphemous and serious error:
1. Trinity is a pagan concept
There is significant information in the Internet to support the view that the Trinity is a pagan concept that predates Yahooshua by potentially thousands of years
However, the pagan roots of the concept of a Trinity are NOT the basis of the argument in this article so will not be discussed further
2. Matthew 28:19 is the ONLY reference
Trinity thinking and teaching is founded on Mattihyahoo {Matthew 28:19} “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Authorized Version
This is the ONLY reference in the book {Bible} and therefore a very tenuous basis on which to build a doctrine which fundamentally breaks the first commandment
3. Some say Matthew 28:19 was added later
There are various sources that claim that this verse, or at least the Trinitarian component of this verse was only added to the writing attributed to Mattihyahoo (meaning gift of Yah) several centuries AFTER the death of Yahooshua
Again, this is NOT central to this article so will not be discussed further
4. Holy ACTUALLY means “set-apart”
What is much more important is that the Hebrew word translated as “Holy” actually means “set-apart” or separated
The Holy Spirit actually should therefore be translated “set-apart Spirit” which, by definition IS the Spirit of Yah
The set-apart Spirit is simply a technical description of the status of Yah’s Spirit NOT the designation of some other being or party
Father and set-apart {Holy} Spirit are one and the same with no distinction or differentiation – making up some story about them being separate and equal is therefore foolishness
5. Yahooshua {Jesus} is a man and always has been
Yahooshua is a created being, a son of Adam, formed from the ovum of a woman through a creative miracle that is far LESS spectacular than the creation of Adam from dust or Chavah {Eve} from the rib of the man
Yahooshua could NOT be King of all human kings if he were NOT a man, Yahooshua would NOT have been resurrected if he were NOT entirely human, it would have been fraud for Yahooshua to be Yah in disguise, it was the set-apart Spirit of Yah IN Yahooshua that enabled Yahooshua to perform miracles and give anointed utterances {prophesy}
Yahooshua is therefore by NO MEANS equal to Yah or part of a Trinity
Yahooshua is the HEAD of all humans and in order to be that has to be entirely human
6. Yahooshua means “Yah IS Salvation”
The name of Yahooshua means “Yah is Salvation” and therefore points to and confirms Yah as saviour NOT the man called by that name.
Yahooshua was ALSO the name of the anointed leader who brought Yisrael {Israel} into the promised land and also the name of a priest
There is NOTHING SPECIAL about the name Yahooshua other than as a descriptor of a fundamental characteristic of Yah which it happens from a human perspective is arguably the most IMPORTANT characteristic because without Yah’s salvation we would have a serious problem – thus the name Yahooshua is the highest name apart from the name of Yah
7. The Trinity is blasphemous because it makes Yahooshua equal to Yah
The first commandment is “Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE mighty one, you shall have NO OTHER mighty one’s before Him” – making Yahooshua part of a Trinity fundamentally breaks this commandment and is therefore blasphemous
It is vital to understand that at a very simple level the Trinity is a false and blasphemous concept and therefore to cease using it
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