2012.07.02 Treachery is a Spiritual Force Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:28:12 AM As a consequence of recent developments in my life I have come to understand that treachery and betrayal on significant scale actually "physically" break something in the spirit realm and cause huge negative spiritual, psychological and physical trauma. By extension, loyalty at any cost has correspondingly large positive consequences.
Treachery is a Spiritual Force
James Robertson
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More than a year ago, Yah told me to seek a woman {wife} to covenant with for life in a monogamous union.
I posted a very detailed profile on Christian Café, a dating site, and was contacted by a number of women.
One was from the USA. I advised her that I was looking specifically for a woman in Gauteng, South Africa, within an hour’s drive from where I live and that I did not have the wherewithal to move to the USA or to bring her to South Africa and that I was accordingly NOT interested in further communication.
She responded that she was willing to move to South Africa.
We commenced communicating by email and Skype spending hours talking on a daily basis.
After a few days she asked if we could move to the USA in time in order to be closer to her son’s.
Since I had nothing to keep me here and since my business is potentially portable I said that I was willing to move in two to three years. When I prayed about it Yah said that it was His will for me to move to the USA as He had something for me to do there and that He had brought this woman into my life in order to achieve His purpose in my life.
We continued talking and after about a month I asked her to enter into covenant union with me {marry} and sent her a 78 page marriage proposal that Yah had had me draft earlier in the year that outlined me, my personality, my religious beliefs, my vision for my ministry, etc, etc. A week later she accepted. I stressed that I could not support her financially and that she would have to contribute. She asked to work with me and convinced me that since she had a degree in marketing and had been in marketing and sales all her life she would be able to help me grow my business and thereby pay her way. I accepted her request.
A month later she arrived.
She immediately had excuses why she could not immediately start helping me in the business as we had agreed and, to the day that I divorced her, she did very little. I tried now and again to persuade her to help me but barring a limited amount of most basic filing and a few other minor tasks she did nothing.
She DID however spend considerable time on the Internet looking into moving to the USA and persuaded me to raise my faith with a view to moving in a much shorter time frame than the agreed 2 to 3 years. I put a lot of effort into this, made a concerted effort to align myself with the United States as my future home, etc.
Suddenly, in February this year she accused me of only marrying her in order to move to the USA, I was shocked and devastated.
A few weeks later, while back in the USA to attend to some personal matters, she sent me a short email saying that she had now realized that she would have to sponsor me into the USA (the ONLY way I could ever have gone there) and that given the requirements she was NOT prepared to sponsor me.
I was devastated, it was as though someone had kicked me in the gut, I collapsed into black depression and nothing I could do could turn it around, I felt totally betrayed. Eventually after a month of regular visits to the doctor and various medications I got back on my feet and was able to operate more or less normally, still with a huge sense of betrayal. My business suffered considerable damage.
She returned from the USA, was totally unrepentant for the shock she had caused me and persisted in blaming me for the situation. In the absence of repentance the spiritual wound never healed and eventually, coupled with her idleness I asked Yah for permission to divorce which He granted me. I went ahead with the necessary legal measures and she is now back in the USA.
My purpose in sharing this situation in some detail is to highlight an important lesson that I learned from the whole situation – treachery and betrayal have massive spiritual, psychological and even physical consequences – this is the reason why Yah mandates the death penalty in certain situations for treachery, adultery, etc – in the spirit realm treachery “physically” BREAKS something that cannot be mended.
By extension, loyalty, let your yes be yes and your no be no, standing by your word no matter what it costs you, has massive positive spiritual, psychological and physical consequences.
Treachery has massive negative spiritual, psychological and physical consequences – loyalty has corresponding positive consequences – I urge all who read this to be loyal to their promises and vows, no matter WHAT it costs you.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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