2012.07.03 Have YOU brought Yah JOY today? Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:32:07 AM About eighteen months ago I was challenged by the question "Have YOU brought Yah JOY today?"
Following are a few thoughts on my experience of seeking to do this over the last eighteen months.
Have YOU brought Yah JOY today?
James Robertson
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About a year and a half ago, while on a series of three day fasts, I suddenly was confronted with the question “have YOU brought Yah JOY today?”
The thought came to me in such a way that it provoked intense turmoil within me.
The truth was, I seldom if ever thought about pleasing Yah per se, let along bringing Him joy.
I was doing my best to keep His Commandments, do His will, etc, He had even told me I was His friend but I was NOT actively thinking of bringing Him JOY let alone praying for guidance to do this.
I wrote a short message to the list on this topic and since then have prayed fairly regularly for guidance to help bring Him joy.
This question first came to me in the context of two visions that I had in the weeks before I first was asked the question.
The first vision occurred after I had asked a woman who was very close to Yah to cease using a Yahoo.com email address because the word “Yahoo” is derived from the extended Name of Yah “Yahooeh” meaning “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – she refused and I saw Yah in tears, He was so grieved by her lack of sensitivity.
The second vision occurred after I had asked a man on this list also to cease using Yahoo.com. The request had MUCH greater negative impact on him than the woman mentioned above, he had a Yahoo Groups site going back over a decade with hundreds of articles posted on it. Without hesitation this man came back to me and said that now that He had a revelation that this grieved Yah he would immediately transfer his group to another service, which he did. This time I saw Yah again in tears but this time tears of joy and gratitude that this man loved Him so much that he was prepared to take all the disruption that went with changing his service provider.
At that time I came to understand that in this age it is NOT difficult to bring Yah joy – just do what He asks without questioning and without arguing – just do it because YOU love Him!
Since then I have done the best I can to bring my Daddy joy.
Most of the time I do not think I do much at all, I battle with the daily issues of earning a living with massive Satanic and demonic opposition, listen to a small selection of worship songs and do the best I can. Repeatedly, when I have said to Him that I regret that I am doing so little He has told me that this is not so, the fact that I am willing to take the onslaught and NOT compromise on serving Him, seeking His truths and believing the truths that have been revealed to me and just getting on with my life in a way that I do NOT compromise with the forces of darkness brings Him joy.
So, my message to you today is – it is NOT difficult to bring Yah joy – keep His Commandments for His Commandments are NOT burdensome, fight the battle by living your life His way and you will bring Him great pleasure!!
It is NOT difficult to bring Yah joy – just love Him and keep His Commandments and seek truth and live by that truth.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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