2012.07.10 Questions about my divorce Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:52:17 AM
Questions about my divorce
James Robertson
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I have received various emails in response to the news of my divorce, both supportive and questioning
One in particular asked whether I planned to remarry and seemed to suggest that if I did they would have no choice but to remove themselves from the list.
In response to this I would like to offer the following comments:
1. I believe my articles on Treachery and the basis on which Yah permits divorce adequately answer the question with regard to my basis for divorce, if you are really troubled by my decision you are welcome to email me for more details
2. I am accountable to Yah, not the people on the list, it is my responsibility to hear Yah, if you think I am NOT hearing Yah, please pray for me, but I am NOT accountable to other human beings -- it is my job to hear Yah, it is YOUR job to get off the list IF you think Yah has told you to get off the list -- that should be the ONLY basis for withdrawing from the list
3. Whether I plan to remarry is for me to resolve with Yah and should have no bearing with regard to whether you remain on the list or not -- I am entirely permitted by Yah to remarry if that is what I choose to do -- again, please pray for Yah to guide me in this
4. Yah willing, following this email I plan to write further articles relating to the subject of divorce in order to further clarify various aspects of what Yah has shown me over the years
I pray that this adequately responds to those of you who have concerns regarding my divorce
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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