2012.07.11 The role of man and the role of woman Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:55:04 AM There is considerable lack of clarity about why we as human beings, that is sons and daughters of Adam, are on earth -- the essence of why we are here is to exercise dominion over the forces of darkness and the principle way we do this is by keeping the Ten Commandments.
The command was give to the man and the woman was created to help the man.
This article discusses this in more detail.
The role of man and the role of woman
James Robertson
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There is considerable lack of clarity with regard to what human beings are on earth to do and with regard to the roles of male human beings and of female human beings.
The essence of the reason why the sons and daughters of Adam – that is Human Beings {sons of man} are on the earth is to exercise dominion over Satan and the Satanic and Demonic realm and thereby overcome in such a manner that they qualify to sit on a throne with Yahooshua for eternity.
That is IT!
If YOU are NOT seeking to gain dominion over the Satanic and Demonic in your life and in the space on the earth in which you operate you are wasting your time and should not be surprised if you are found to be a “worker of iniquity” rejected by Yah on the Day of Judgment.
Everything else flows from this.
We exercise dominion by living our lives in accordance with the commandments, specifically the Ten spoken by Yah at Sinai but which have been in place from the beginning:
1. Yah the eternally self-existing is one mighty one you shall have NO other mighty one’s before Him – includes NOT worshiping Yahooshua {Jesus};
2. No idols – includes the cross and the bible;
3. You shall NOT take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing (Yahooeh) in vain, includes NOT having a Yahoo.com email address and not calling Him God or The LORD;
4. Remember the seventh day and keep it set-apart (Saturday);
5. Honour your father and your mother;
6. Do not kill and if you do you are to be executed by men;
7. Do not commit adultery – do not break covenant with your covenant man or woman – more than one woman can covenant with one man;
8. Do not steal;
9. Do not lie or bear false witness;
10. Do not covet or lust.
If you are not strenuously seeking to walk out your life in accordance with these Commandments you are at some level in submission to Satan and will be judged at some level on the Day of Judgment resulting in you spending a part of eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death or being rejected utterly.
Inherent in the above is obedience to Yah, worship of Yah, seeking truth, etc.
Exercising dominion requires that you apply the above in your life and in the environment over which you have authority.
Overcoming relates to you overcoming the temptations, etc that seek to get you to break the above Commandments.
It is that simple – everything else flows from this – Yah has given us His Spirit to help us do this and Yahooshua came in order to make it easier to keep the Commandments and to repent when we do break them.
YES, Yah provides for us and wants to bless us, etc BUT He does so in the expectation that we will DO HIS WILL on earth which requires that we keep His Commandments – remember that it is written that IF we love Yah we will keep His Commandments and His Commandments are NOT grievous or burdensome.
Note also that in Genesis the command to exercise dominion is given to the man and the woman is given to the man to help him exercise dominion.
Single women should be serving Yah and doing what He tells them to do in support of His purpose on earth – they should NOT under any circumstances join themselves to a man who is not closer to Yah than they are.
Women who are joined to a man should be covering their man’s back and doing whatever they can do to assist him to do Yah’s will in their life.
Men should be seeking to serve Yah and exercise dominion through the authority given them as believers by Yahooshua – men should NOT under any circumstances join themselves to a woman who gets in the way of them doing what Yah has called them to do.
Everything else is secondary to the above.
Exercising dominion over evil by keeping the Ten Commandments is the essence of why human beings exist on earth – women were created to help men exercise dominion.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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