2012.08.08 Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet Created by on 9/28/2013 8:05:22 AM Many people totally misunderstand Yahooshua and do not realize that he was, in fact, an OLD Testament prophet (spokesman of Yah) .
This article outlines why this is and what the implications are.
Many people totally misunderstand Yahooshua and do not realize that he was, in fact, an OLD Testament prophet (spokesman of Yah) .
This article outlines why this is and what the implications are.
Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet
James Robertson
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I continue to encounter GREAT error in the way people understand Yahooshua {Jesus} and what he accomplished and how he accomplished it.
A major error relates to understanding of who and what Yahooshua was.
Bearing in mind what I wrote a while ago that there is NO such thing as Old and New Testaments, for the point of this article let me make the point that Yahooshua was an OLD TESTAMENT prophet (spokesman of Yah).
Moshe {Moses} referred to him as “a prophet like me”.
Yahooshua referred to himself as a prophet – he had NOT shed his blood yet so there was no “new covenant” and he had NOT been resurrected yet so there was no supernatural resurrected king.
He also stated that he had come to fulfil the Torah (laws of Moshe) NOT change them, he said that “not one jot or one tittle – the smallest Hebrew characters -- of the Torah would pass away”.
So he walked in the same prophetic office as Noah, as Moshe, as David, etc – he was only able to do more than they were because he was born of a virgin and therefore free of inherited curses and because, as a spirit being, he had lived with Yah from the beginning of Creation and therefore knew fully what was going on and what he was letting himself in for.
Therefore, Yahooshua did NOT change anything, he came and explained things that had been lost and forgotten, clarified things and demonstrated to the people of his time what WAS possible if one was truly set-apart {sanctified} and serving Yah and filled with the Spirit of Yah.
If you only read the so-called New Testament you will make HUGE errors – the ONLY way to understand Yahooshua is to read from Genesis to Revelation as one continuous account of the interactions between man and Yah – the same applies to my writings and other modern writings – they are ALL part of ONE continuum.
It was the Spirit of Yah NOT Yahooshua that performed the miracles, raised the dead, etc.
It is time to cease deifying Yahooshua and return to the truth that he was a prophet of Yah and operated in that authority – because he lived a life without sin he was granted to become king of kings and lord of lords and he gained eternal life.
You and I are capable of doing all that Yahooshua did with the exception that he was the firstborn from the dead and has become ruler of all, we must all submit to him as our head in a HUMAN sense, this does NOT mean that he has in some way become Yah or substitutes for Yah.
Relate to Yahooshua as king in a human sense – period!
There is considerable misunderstanding regarding Yahooshua – he was an Old Testament prophet and therefore could NOT change anything, he could only fulfil what was written about him.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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