2012.11.07 Yah judge me severely Created by on 9/28/2013 9:25:18 AM Yah judge me severely is the most fundamentally important prayer we can pray.
A person on this list has recently prayed that prayer and found himself in severe distress -- a measure of the sin there was in his life.
BUT he is pressing through and his life will never be the same.
Are you willing to seek total transformation in your life?
Yah judge me severely
James Robertson
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Those of you who have been on this list for a while will know that for years I have been advising people to pray “Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve You more perfectly”.
A few days ago I received an email from a man who has probably been on this list longer than any other.
He had finally plucked up the courage to pray this prayer because he was in dire straights.
Everything went wrong, his health was playing up, they had been turned out of their lodgings into freezing cold, he had no transport, no money.
I wrote to him about issues I had seen in his writings and encouraged him.
Today I received a mail that things were turning around, small steps, but turning around.
I have great confidence that his life will never be the same again – he has chosen to trust the Creator in the most fundamental way possible, with His judgments.
Asking Yah to judge one is NOT some reckless prayer, it is an ultimate act of faith in which one finally acknowledges that one is not competent to even judge if one’s life is going in the right direction and whether one is doing the right things in the sight of Yah.
Asking Yah to judge you is the ultimate act of submission.
It is the first step on a journey toward a high throne for eternity.
Yah’s judgments are ALWAYS just, they are always right, they are always appropriate to our sin and error, they are ALWAYS merciful and gracious – He loves us as His little children and He will always make a way through the consequences of our error and sin IF we will only ask Him.
Increasingly I conclude that there is no more powerful prayer than “Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve You more perfectly” – give yourself completely to Yah, no matter who you are and what you do – Yah is the best teacher, engineer, lawyer, etc – He is ABLE to lead you to accomplishments you cannot otherwise imagine – the question is – are YOU willing to trust Him totally?
Are you willing to accept that YOU cannot figure it out?
Are you willing to seek treasure in heaven at the expense of treasure on earth?
If you are, asking Yah to judge you is THE way.
We are unable to judge our lives with any certainty accordingly “Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” is arguably the most important prayer we can pray.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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