2012.11.10 Worship - Part 2 Created by James on 9/28/2013 9:41:23 AM The balance of the important worship songs / psalms.
Worship Part 2
James Robertson
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This message is a continuation of the article Worship Part 1 published previously and updated several times – please refer to that article for the preamble to the worship.
7. LET ME {I WILL} RUN TO YOU – Hillsong
Your eye is on the sparrow
And Your hand, it comforts me
From the ends of the Earth to the depth of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be seen
You call me to Your purpose
As angels* understand
For Your kabad {glory}, may You draw all men
As Your love and grace demand
And let me* {I will} run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of Yah {God}
Let me* {Yes I will} run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the kabad {glory} of Your grace
And let me run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of Yah
Let me run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the kabad of Your grace
And let me run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of Yah
Let me run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the kabad of Your grace
A version of this song that is the same as the one that I use is available at:
or download song from my collection
*angels are technically “messengers” but this word does NOT fit the music – the error is second order and therefore in the interests of fitting the music I choose to sing “angels”
* “Let me {Yes I will} run the race 'Till I see Your face” as an absolute statement of own ability is presumptuous however the principle is important and I have substituted “Let me” – when I sing this song I also pray along the lines of “Father help me to overcome to the end that I may see your face and dwell with you for eternity”
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold
Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire
Is to be qodesh {holy}*
Set apart for You, Yah {Lord}
I choose to be qodesh
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within and make me qodesh
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from my sin, deep within
See previous notes
A version of this song is available at:
or download song from my collection
9. RELEASE YOUR POWER – Hillsong / TD Jakes
Yah {Lord}, we proclaim You now
And Your mighty power
And Your awesome majesty
Yah, come upon us now
And release Your power
And let Your presence fall
Oh Yah, oh Yah
Release Your power
And let Your presence fall
A version of this song the same as the one I use is available from:
Download song from my collection
10. SOFTEN MY HEART – Vineyard
Soften my heart Yah {Lord}, I want to meet You here
Soften my heart Yah, tender me with tears
For Your presence is beyond anything I could desire
Soften my heart Yah, consume me with Your qodesh {holy} fire
Soften my heart Yah, I have made a choice
Soften my heart Yah, I want to hear Your voice
For Your presence is beyond anything I could desire
Soften my heart Yah, consume me with Your qodesh fire
Download song from my collection
11. THERE’S NO ONE LIKE YOU – Vineyard Psalms 1
There's no one like you my El* {Lord}
No one could take your place
My heart beats
to worship you
I live just to seek your face
There's no one like you my El
No one could take your place
There's no one like you my El
No one like you
You are my El {God}, you're
everything to me
There's no one like you my El
No one like you
There's no one like you my El
No one could take your place
I long to see your presence Yah {Lord}
To serve you is my reward
There's no one like you my El
No one could take your place
there's no one like you my El
No one like you
Download song from my collection
I have used “my El” in place of “my Lord” because the correct translations of “Lord” do not fit the music – see previous notes re El being a term of endearment toward Yah
12. UNENDING LOVE – Vineyard Psalms 1
Father I come to you,
lifting up my hands
In the Name of Yahooshua {Jesus},
by your grace I stand
Just because you love me
and I love your son
I know your favour,
unending love
I receive your favour,
your unending love
Not because I've earned it,
not for what I've done
Just because you love me
and I love your Son
I know your favour,
unending love
Unending love,
your unending love (2x)
It's the presence
of your kingdom
As your kabad {glory} fills this place
And I see how much you
love me as I look into your face
Nothing could be better,
there's nothing I would trade
For your favour,
unending love.
Download song from my collection
13. PSALM 121 -- (I LIFT MY EYES UP) – Vineyard Psalms 1
I lift my eyes up
to the mountains
Where does my help come from
My help comes from you
Maker of heaven,
Creator of the earth
Oh how I need you Yah {Lord}
You are my only hope
You're my only prayer
so I will wait for you
To come and rescue me
Come and give me life
Download song from my collection
14. ONE QODESH {HOLY} PASSION – Vineyard Psalms 1
Let me burn with qodesh fire
Marked by purpose
and desire
Set apart unto your name
My life, my heart,
my strength you claim
Now in your separateness {holiness}* I see
intense desire calling me
Away from that
possessed my soul
You have captured me
and made me whole
Qodesh, qodesh, qodesh Yah El {Lord God}
Almighty I adore
Your kabad {glory}, now my eyes
can see you're the King
who reigns in majesty
One qodesh passion
now I know
As to a ruined world I go
To kindle fire, spread a
flame that will reveal your
qodesh name.
Download song from my collection
*holiness to be consistent would be converted to qodeshness but that would be an invented word, since holy fundamentally means set-apart of separate I have changed this to separateness
15. YAH {GOD}* CAN – Benny Hinn
When you can't move the mountain
That's standing in your way
I came to tell you Yah can
I said Yah can
And when you can't turn the darkness
Into the light of day
I got good news for you Yah can
Yah can Yah can Yah can
When you can't find the answers to
All your doubts and fears
Yah can Yah can
When you are needing someone to
Wipe away your tears
Yah can Yah can
Yah can do more than you
Could ever ask or think
He holds all power in His mighty hand
When you can't see your way just
Remember this my friend
Yah can Yah can
When you can't change your past and you
Can't heal your broken heart
Yah can Yah can
When you can't find courage to make a
Brand new start
Yah can Yah can
When you are at your weakest
He'll fill you with His strength
It's not by might but by His Spirit
That we do all things
Yes, you can face the future when your
Hope is in His hands
I have an El {a God} who can do anything
I have an El who is still the King of kings
I have an El who is able to do
Above and beyond what you could
Ask Him to
Yah can Yah can
Version available at:
basically the same as the version I have
or download song from my collection
*God is a translation of the Hebrew which would technically be Mighty One or Almighty but does NOT fit the music so I have put Yah’s true name instead
Yahooeh Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient
For me, for me, for me
Yahooeh Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient for me
My El shall supply all my needs
According to his riches in glory
He will give His angels
Charge over me
Yahooeh Jireh cares
For me, for me, for me
Yahooeh Jireh cares for me
Version available at:
same version that I have
or download song from my collection
*Jehovah is an old fashioned and inaccurate transliteration of Yahooeh
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say
I am strong
In the strength of Yahooeh {the Lord}
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of Yahooeh
I will trust in You
Version available from:
basically the same version as I have
or download song from my collection
The full set of audio tracks are available as a set, please email me for download instructions
We should limit ourselves to worship songs that praise Yah alone and help us to draw closer to Him.
Anything else is vanity and a distraction – if you desire to truly draw close to Yah and serve Him faithfully to the end be very cautious about what you listen to and even MORE cautious of what you sing along with.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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