2013.09.05 About the Bible Created by James on 10/12/2013 7:38:02 AM
Someone recently asked me which bible version they should read
This article presents my response which simply put is "none -- build a deep personal relationship with the Almighty and read what He tells you to read "
About the Bible
James Robertson
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Recently someone asked me for guidance with regard to which bible version they should be using
This is my response:
“Important to recognize that the bible was compiled by the Roman Church under Constantine in about 300 AD
It is the work of men and because of the lies believed about it it has MASSIVELY limited the way in which the Almighty has been able to interact with the majority of believers
The bible is one of the greatest victories of Satan and Yah hates it because of the way He is forced to work with a book approved by Satan
Furthermore the English translations of the bible and all other translations that have used the English translations as their source are full of massive error in terms of the true Name of the Creator – “Yah the eternally self-existing” NOT “God” or “The LORD”, the Name of Yahooshua (NOT Jesus), reference to “the anointing of the Spirit of Yah” as “Christ”, etc and this has fed almost universal error in the body of believers who rely on the bible
Satan hates the bible because it still contains some truth and it has enabled many to retain some level of relationship with the Almighty and has therefore done all he can to destroy it and, in the process, has given greater credibility to worship of the bible as “The Living Word of God” and other mistaken beliefs
So, while we CAN learn from the bible and I, myself, have come that route, using the bible to substantiate anything of substance is highly suspect
Yah wants a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with each and every one of us and He hates it when people put their worship of the book {bible from Greek Biblios = “book”) in the way of learning to hear Him personally and learning to talk to Him and be guided by Him constantly
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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