2012.12.01 South Africa - President Zuma Declares War on Europeans Created by on 10/17/2013 10:38:17 AM In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "the Cabinet will shoot the boer with machine guns" at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys discussed in two messages last week, Yah has given me an extremely challenging and difficult message calling the people to repentance and to seek His face for deliverance
I have agonised over writing this article but eventually concluded it had to be written
It is likely to offend no matter what your religious or political viewpoint so I ask you to consider it prayerfully
Once you have read it, if you recognize the core message to be from Yah, please consider forwarding it to other believers who will potentially take it and act on it
South Africa
President Zuma Declares War on Europeans
James Robertson
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If you think that the essence of this message is valid please forward to all People of European Descent and other believers, particularly Afrikaners, who you think will respond to the call of the Almighty.
In two previous messages I have written about the incident on 8 January 2012 at the ANC Centenary Celebration where Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa and of the ANC, led the singing of a song in which he declared that, amongst other things, the Cabinet would lead the shooting of Boers with machine guns.
Thousands of his followers, including Cabinet members, joined in the singing of this song refer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys

Father Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth {commonly incorrectly referred to as God, The LORD and Jehovah} states that in terms of the laws of the Spiritual Realm, on that day Zuma formally declared the official policy of the ANC to destroy the People of European Descent (PED) in South Africa.
Zuma has also said at another time that it is his intention to “avenge Blood River” and for this reason, and because of the public ancestor worship of Zuma and the ANC on 6 January 2012 and at other times, the Almighty has declared that He is AGAINST Zuma and the ANC.
The Almighty states that although it will appear as a genocidal race war the war is, in fact, between those who seek to serve the Almighty and those who serve Satan through ancestor worship and witchcraft. Eventually all People of European, Asian and Middle Eastern descent will be destroyed together with all those from the rest of Africa and, ultimately, nearly all non-Zulu people in South Africa.
Yah states that this agenda will NOT be overcome by force of arms and that if the people referred to above do NOT want to be destroyed their only options are to leave the country or to turn and humble themselves and turn to the Almighty in deep repentance and prayer and fasting at a level that has not been seen anywhere on earth in thousands of years. Yah states that IF the people will do this He will deliver them with a mighty deliverance.
Yah requires the Afrikaner people to recommit themselves to the Vow that they made to Him prior to the battle commonly known as “Blood River” and that ALL other believers irrespective of race should align themselves with the Afrikaner people in seeking deliverance. To this end Yah requires at least 300,000 people to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria on Sunday 16th December 2012 and every year henceforth to petition Him for deliverance – NO fire-arms or other weapons are to be present in the assembly.
Meetings are also to be held around the country on 16th December 2012 and every year henceforth. The people are to commence fasting at 06h00 on Friday 14th December and fast until 06h00 on Monday 17th December and to fast for three days every week for the next consecutive six weeks (seven fasts in all) in which they deal with their sin and seek the Almighty with ALL their heart, mind, soul and strength.
Yah is looking for men and women who will take the lead in mobilizing the people to seek His face for deliverance.
The balance of this document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation, the spiritual context, the spiritual laws that apply, important truths that must be taken into account, the repentance that is necessary and discussion of what is required for deliverance
Table of Contents
Preamble -- 1
Table of Contents -- 4
Summary -- 7
1. Situation -- 9
1.1 Jacob Zuma, the ANC and the Cabinet Declare War on Europeans
1.2 The Constitution and Other Covenants Violated and Voided
1.3 Existing Manifestation – Sadistic Farm and Other Murders
1.4 Nkandla – Zuma prepares for all-out war
1.5 The ANC’s Private Army
1.6 The Worldly Way – Civil Disobedience – Yah says NO
2. Spiritual Context -- 13
2.1 Visions of December 2011 Revisited
2.2 South African Mythology (Lies)
3. Practical Spiritual Legal Implications -- 16
3.1 Words are Paramount
3.2 Silence is AGREEMENT
3.3 In Democracy ALL Who Accept Leadership are Culpable
3.4 “Bulala” – Zulu – Kill (the White Man)
3.5 The Battle is NOT Racial it is between Believers and Unbelievers
3.6 In Percentage Terms there are More Afrikaner Believers Than in Any Other People Group
3.7 To Touch the Afrikaner is to Touch All of European Descent
4. Timeline -- 21
4.1 There is Still Limited Time – Affirmative Action must Run its Course
5. Important Truths -- 22
5.1 Judgment in This Life
5.2 All are Descended from Noah
6. Critical Sins -- 25
6.1 Afrikaners have MAJOR Errors
6.2 Christians have MAJOR Errors
6.2.1 Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD}, your Mighty One {God} is ONE Mighty One {God}, thou shalt have NO other mighty one’s {gods} before Him
6.2.2 No idols
6.2.3 Do not take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in Vain
6.2.4 Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Set-Apart (Qodesh) {Holy}
6.2.5 Honour your Father and your Mother that it may go well with you
6.2.6 Do NOT kill
6.2.7 Do NOT commit adultery
6.2.8 Do NOT steal
6.2.9 Do NOT bear false witness and do NOT lie
7. The ONLY Way Out – 32
a. Small Hope of Deliverance
b. Day of the Vow – 16th December – an Existing Covenant of Protection
Conclusion -- 34
Appendix A: Seek truth NOT error -- 36
Appendix B: Yah speaks on South Africa -- 41
Appendix C: Judgment in THIS life -- 45
Appendix D: What is LAW and what is GRACE? -- 55
Appendix E: Getting close to Yah -- Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences) -- 62
Appendix F: Prayer -- 71
Appendix G: Satan’s most effective lies -- 83
Appendix H: Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer) -- 87
Appendix I: What if you disagree with me? – 90
Appendix J: What the white man brought to South Africa -- 94
This article analyses the situation in South Africa consequent on the singing of “the Cabinet will shoot the boer with the machine gun” by President Zuma, members of the Cabinet, other leaders of the ANC and thousands of ANC members at the ANC Centenary Celebrations at Bloemfontein (Manguang) on Sunday 8 January 2012.
Father Yah (the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth – frequently incorrectly referred to as God or The LORD or Die Here, says this constitutes a declaration of war on ALL People of European Descent.
The Constitution, the President’s Oath of Office and other covenants are violated and voided and there is an existing manifestation of this song in the over 3,000 brutal and sadistic farm murders and over 10,000 assaults on farmers over the past decade. It is noted that the construction of a defensive property, complete with bunkers and bullet proof glass for President Zuma at Nkandla evidences that the ANC is intent on all-out war. The existence of the ANC’s private army, Umkhonto we Sizwe, further evidences this intention.
Yah says that Civil Disobedience such as refusing to comply with unconstitutional Affirmative Action legislation or withholding taxes or seeking the impeachment of Zuma will NOT have the desired effect but will provoke armed conflict to start sooner.
The visions that I received in December 2011 are revisited and it is indicated that these are indicative of a major unexpected uprising. It is also noted that there are many myths about South Africans of European Descent which are widely promoted by the ANC but which are outright lies. In particular, the Indigenous African People have always massively outnumbered the People of European Descent and could have destroyed them at any time – they were never in formal oppression it is the limitations of the Indigenous African People that has placed them in poverty.
The practical spiritual legal implications of the situation are discussed. The spiritual significance of words is noted as is the reality that silence constitutes agreement and that in a democracy those who support the ruling party are directly accountable spiritually for its error and that to belong to the ANC and say one does not agree with the song is specious. The Zulu word “Bulala” which means kill is discussed in the context of the book of that name which evidences a very different historical account to that championed by the ANC.
Yah stresses that the battle is NOT a racial battle, as it seems, it is between the descendants of Shem and Canaan and the spiritual realm of darkness and the kingdom of Yah. Yah states that in percentage terms there are more committed believers amongst the Afrikaner people than any other people group and this is why the forces of darkness are so intent on destroying them. It is also noted that because the Afrikaners are so intermingled with the other People of European Descent that to touch them is to touch ALL PED’s.
The timeline for all out destruction of the People of European Descent is currently about five to ten years depending on various spiritual parameters.
Some important truths are discussed of which “Judgment in this Life” is paramount as it explains the losses that have been experienced by the Afrikaner people AND the way to receive deliverance – a detailed article on this subject is provided in Appendix C.
It is pointed out that ALL men are descended from Noah and that the racial classifications and prejudices of the Afrikaner ARE erroneous and sin which must be resolved in order for the killing to end. It is also noted that Christianity as a whole has major errors and it is these errors that led to the death and destruction experienced by the Trekkers hundreds of years ago – these sins must be understood and repented of for deliverance to come.
It is noted that Yah says there is only a very small hope of deliverance and that this requires a mass return to the Covenant of Blood River by Afrikaners and believers of all racial groups coupled to prayer and fasting with seven three day fasts commencing at sunrise on Friday 14 December 2012 and sustained in the years ahead.
Yah says that IF His people will meet Him on this He WILL deliver them and He is seeking a strong man or woman who will take the lead in bringing the people together.
Various reference material is included in the Appendices.
South Africa – Zuma Declares War on Europeans
1. Situation
The headlines of the present situation are as follows:
1.1 Jacob Zuma, the ANC and the Cabinet Declare War on Europeans
On the 8th of January 2012, at the ANC Centenary Celebrations in Bloemfontein (Magaung) President Jacob Zuma led thousands of his followers, including Cabinet Members in singing of the song “Shoot the Boer” in which he declared that the “Cabinet will shoot them with the machine gun”:

Zuma is also reported to have told supporters that he plans to “avenge Blood River” – Yah confirms this is so.
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth {commonly incorrectly referred to as God, The LORD, Die Here, Jehovah} (also known as Yahooeh and Yahweh) states that in the Spiritual Realm the singing of this song on 8th January 2012 constituted a formal declaration of war by the President and the ANC and the Indigenous African People (IAP) that they represent on People of European Descent (PED).
Yah says that the agreement reached between Afriforum and other parties and the ANC in October 2012 does NOT void this declaration of war and is comparable to Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of Britain declaring “Peace in our Time” after meeting Hitler prior to the start of the Second World War.
Note that since during “The Struggle” the Cabinet was made up of People of European Descent, reference here to the Cabinet must be taken to refer to the current Cabinet and therefore it is entirely false to claim that this is a struggle song and that even if it were a struggle song it is still a declaration of war.
1.2 The Constitution and Other Covenants Violated and Voided
The singing of this song by the PRESIDENT at a formal gathering of the ruling party attended by Cabinet Members has massive legal and spiritual implications:
1.2.1 It constitutes a mandate and instruction to ALL who belong to the ANC or follow it to engage in genocidal violence, rape and murder;
1.2.2 Since the “Boers” (Afrikaners) are intermarried with other People of European Descent (PED), are in business partnership with PED’s and live amongst other PED’s and are not immediately distinguishable from PED’s in appearance this song constitutes an attack on ALL People of European Descent;
1.2.3 As such it constitutes High Treason against People of European Descent;
1.2.4 It violates and voids the agreement that led to the institution of Universal Franchise in 1994;
1.2.5 It violates and voids the Constitution;
1.2.6 It violates and voids President Zuma’s oath of office;
1.2.7 It releases all Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers of the South African Defence Force and the SANDF from their Oath of Allegiance to the present regime;
1.2.8 It can ONLY be reversed by a formal public declaration of repentance by the President and Cabinet in the forum of Parliament and on National Television and Radio and to all major Newspapers repenting of what was sung, acknowledging that it was wrong, asking forgiveness and instructing ALL followers of the ANC and the President to cease and desist from attacks on People of European Descent.
1.3 Existing Manifestation – Sadistic Farm and Other Murders
An existing Manifestation of this song and consequence of the singing of this song for decades is expressed in the thousands of sadistic and brutal farm murders and rapes of farmers and those living in rural areas that have been taking place for over a decade.
These murders are frequently accompanied by extreme sadism, people beaten, wrapped in plastic bags and then burned with a hot iron until they die, suffocated by having pages from their bibles stuffed down their throats, stripped of valuables and then shot while lying on the ground, etc, etc – these murders are first and foremost directed at killing and intimidating People of European Descent and NOT at theft and are typical of the type of brutality and savagery that has characterised the assault and murder of People of European Descent by Indigenous African People from the earliest days.
The fact that the South African Police Service ceased to record farm murders as a distinct category from 2007 despite thousands of murders and over 10,000 assaults is further indication that these murders are taking place with the direct sanction of the ruling party.
1.4 Nkandla – Zuma prepares for all-out war
Important to note that the recent reports of the Nkandla Residence of President Zuma being equipped with a bunker, underground tunnels, heavy security and bullet proof glass in a country supposedly at peace and facing no known threats is a clear indication that the ANC and Zuma are preparing for war.
1.5 The ANC’s Private Army
Notice from the video that the ANC continues to maintain Umkhonto we Sizwe as its own private army – notice the people in Military Camouflage in the video – again, for a political party in a country at peace this has to be seen as evidence of an intention to once more engage in warfare.
1.6 The Worldly Way – Civil Disobedience – Yah says NO
As indicated above, the singing of this song by Zuma and the ANC Leadership as well as members of the Cabinet violates the Constitution and other formal protocols. As such it constitutes a basis to seek Impeachment of President Zuma and the Cabinet.
The formation of an independent state for “whites only” is something that some are advocating while others are advocating secession of the Western Cape.
Given that the only area of South African life in which People of European Descent have a clear say is the economy an apparently obvious course of action would be for People of European Descent to refuse to further comply with Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment Legislation (which are being enforced in ways that violate the Constitution) on a mass scale and seek instead to actively employ People of European Descent while withholding taxes until Zuma publicly repents of singing the song and cancels it out and gives clear instructions that its consequences are recognized and reversed.
Yah says that this will NOT succeed but will only accelerate all out genocide and will NOT deliver the People of European Descent – He says there is another way – turn to Him for deliverance and repent of all sin.
2. Spiritual Context
In considering this entire article it is vital to take account of the Principle of “Seek Truth NOT Error” given by Yah – refer Appendix A.
The overall Spiritual Context of this situation is as follows:
2.1 Visions of December 2011 Revisited
On 7 January 2012 I published a prophetic message “Yah speaks on South Africa” – Appendix B:
In this article I report a series of visions in which I saw the aftermath of massive violence in the streets and Mall’s of Johannesburg, cars overturned and burned out, people with their guts ripped open, heads hacked off, etc, etc.
At that time I understood this to relate to a revolution that would come in about ten to twenty year’s time.
It was inconceivable to me at that time that the following day the President would sing of the Cabinet killing the Boer people with machine guns.
I now understand that what I saw in the visions will happen within five to ten years and, behind the scenes, will be formally instituted by the ANC led by the President at that time.
2.2 South African Mythology (Lies)
In the last two years I have become increasingly aware of the level to which anti-PED (People of European Descent) propaganda by IAP (Indigenous African People) is folklore and mythology and, in fact, outright lies.
This relates particularly to things that are attributed to “Apartheid” and recently to “Hendrik Verwoerd”.
A few key points (I hope to write a more detailed article in time):
2.2.1 People of European Descent arrived in what is now South Africa from the South by sea at the same time that the Bantu (black / IAP) people arrived in the North by land.
The land originally belonged to the San people who have been assimilated and destroyed;
2.2.2 The PED’s, in particular the Boer’s actively sought to avoid contact with and conflict with the IAP’s;
2.2.3 Interactions between PED’s and IAP’s were characterized by savage murder, torture, rape, as is being experienced with farm murders today, and the Boer’s kept as far away as they could;
2.2.4 Barring a few limited incidents associated with outright war, such as Blood River, PED’s have NOT assaulted or murdered or even persecuted IAP’s;
2.2.5 The savage betrayal and murder of Piet Retief and his seventy men who AFTER signing a Peace Treaty were savagely murdered by being impaled on sharpened poles thrust up through their anus’s while Retief was forced to watch and was then beaten to death with knobkerries speaks to the betrayal that is inherent in President Zuma and the Cabinet singing that song on 8 January 2012.
2.2.6 The land was largely uninhabited and the PED’s settled where there were NO IAP’s;
2.2.7 The IAP’s had almost no technology, no written language, they lived in grass and mud huts with the most primitive spears and related technology and were extremely savage – the PED’s did NOT deprive the IAP’s of education, etc – they had NOTHING in the first place – refer article “What the White Man brought to South Africa” in Appendix J;
2.2.8 IAP’s actively sought the things the PED’s had and willingly offered themselves for employment as they do to this day;
2.2.9 The vast majority of IAP’s are content to live at home in primitive conditions which PED’s are NOT responsible for creating – those who DO work to support these stay-at-home people then find themselves living in poor conditions because they are trying to support so many idle people at home;
2.2.10 The settlements of IAP’s around South Africa and throughout Africa evidence that they are incapable of creating their own economy, wealth or infrastructure and are entirely reliant on the PED’s to do this – PED’s have NOT taken anything away they have simply NOT had the resources to give to people who sit at home and do nothing on a massive scale;
2.2.11 The IAP’s have always greatly outnumbered the PED’s and it is utter foolishness to suggest that the PED’s have held the IAP’s in bondage – they could easily have overthrown the PED’s at any time if they had been possessed of the organizational ability to constitute suitable forces;
2.2.12 Liberal anti-PED beliefs and proclamations have NO basis in fact;
2.2.13 Most of what is proclaimed by the ANC and IAP’s generally against the Boer’s and PED’s generally are outright lies and have no basis of fact.
3. Practical Spiritual Legal Implications
There are various spiritual legal principles that apply to this situation.
3.1 Words are Paramount
When questioned members of the ruling party say that the song is just a “struggle song” and is part of their heritage yet words are the essence of what drives both the physical and spiritual realm.
It is written that we will be judged by every word that we speak.
The words sung by President Zuma, his Cabinet members, other ANC leaders and the assembled masses on 8 January 2012 and on numerous other occasions will reverberate in the Spirit realm until they are either publicly cancelled by Zuma and his colleagues OR until they come to fruition through the wholesale slaughter of People of European Descent.
To suggest, as some ANC supporters do, that the words mean nothing is either gross stupidity or gross dishonesty – Yah says that in general it is the latter.
3.2 Silence is AGREEMENT
Many claim that they do NOT support these words BUT they say nothing to counter them.
There is a fundamental spiritual and legal principle that silence constitutes agreement.
This is a technique that the ANC uses to good effect – they used Julius Malema to speak out official ANC secret policy regarding nationalization, shedding blood, “whites” (PED’s) bringing nothing to South Africa, etc and, by saying nothing, let the masses know that they supported these utterances.
It was ONLY when Malema got carried away and spoke against Zuma and Botswana that he was disciplined and then ONLY relating to those incidents – there has never been any indication that Malema was disciplined for what he had to say against People of European Descent.
3.3 In Democracy ALL Who Accept Leadership are Culpable
In a Democracy ALL have an opportunity to vote for ANY party. Accordingly, those who claim not to agree with what Zuma has said but who are silent and retain their ANC membership are culpable in the sight of the Almighty and are spiritually viewed as consenting.
Note also that in a situation like this where people have a choice as to which party they belong to and support, the moment that Zuma offered sacrifices to the ancestors the entire ANC was locked into ancestor worship and set themselves in opposition to Yah.
When Zuma, as President and President of the ANC first sang “Shoot the Boer” the entire ANC was locked into supporting this statement of intent.
The ONLY way that people in the ANC can NOT support this statement of intent is to actively and openly OPPOSE it and demand that it be withdrawn and, if those pleas are NOT acceded to to resign and support an opposition party that is NOT advocating such action. Failing this such people are seen in the Court of Heaven as allies of Zuma and the ANC in this conflict.
3.4 “Bulala” – Zulu – Kill (the White Man)
Over the last two years I have become increasingly sensitized to the completely FALSE statements being made by the ANC and the extent to which the economy is being crippled by harsh and aggressive Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment.
More recently I became aware that most of what was being blamed on “Apartheid” by the ANC and many Indigenous African People did NOT correlate AT ALL with my life experience – I have travelled widely in South Africa and lived all my life in South Africa and these points are entirely false.
As a liberal English speaking South African I grew up in opposition to Apartheid and with antipathy towards Afrikaners BUT in the last few years I have increasingly come to realize that most of the claims made by the ANC and IAP’s generally about the Afrikaners and Apartheid were downright lies and devoid of truth.
Some months ago I asked Yah to show me the truth about Apartheid and, in response, He led me to purchase the book “Bulala – A True Story of South Africa” by Cuan Elgin – available from Amazon at:
A few weeks ago I started to read this book and realized that much of what I had believed was fundamentally flawed. I completed reading the book on Sunday 18th November 2012.
The essence of the picture that I built up from reading the book was one of repeated unprovoked attacks on small groups of Boers in which rape and mutilation accompanied with brutal murder was a recurring theme. I also read for the first time the full details of the treachery and brutality of Dingaan towards Retief, referred to above, and also the details of the “Battle of Blood River”.
The name of the book “Bulala” is the Zulu word for “kill”, used particularly in the context of killing whites by Dingaan.
In seeking to validate certain items in the book I encountered the video on YouTube of President Zuma leading the singing of “the Cabinet will kill the boer with the machine gun”
Initially I was stunned, I struggled all week to even hear Father Yah because I was so shocked. Eventually I calmed down enough to hear Yah say that this WAS true, that it WAS treason and betrayal of the Covenant and the Constitution and that He DID want me to write about it.
In the days that followed I have researched further and written many notes and done much praying.
Initially Yah said there was nothing that could be done, He had already told me several years ago to leave the country and I had advised others accordingly – however, as I considered the visions and what I had been told I became increasingly aware of the millions of People of European Descent who have no hope of leaving South Africa, their lives, their assets, their work is bound up with this country and the prospect of them managing to relocate at all is small to non-existent.
A few days ago I cried out to Father and asked Him if there was NO way He could make a way.
He replied by telling me that IF the Afrikaner people recommitted to the Vow of Blood River on a grand scale and assembled around the country on 16th December 2012 and entered into sustained fasting and prayer AND repented of all their sins, including all the little known sins that I have written about over the last twelve years it was possible that they would generate enough impetus in the Spirit Realm for Yah to work a mighty miraculous deliverance NOT by force of arms.
He has stressed to me that this will ONLY happen if a VERY LARGE body of people not just Afrikaners but ALL OTHER BELIEVERS align with this and seek Yah with all their heart, mind, soul and strength on a consistent and sustained basis. In this case there MAY be deliverance. Extreme action is called for and it MUST be peaceful with NO firearms or threats of violence.
3.5 The Battle is NOT Racial it is between Believers and Unbelievers
It is vital to understand in considering this situation that the battle is NOT between “white” and “black”, nor between People of European Descent and Indigenous African People it is between believers and unbelievers.
With his repeated animal sacrifices and calling on the ancestors President Zuma has firmly allied himself in the service of Satan and, in so doing, aligned the ANC the same way.
The Afrikaners CLAIM to serve the Almighty but have major sin and most of them have fallen away in recent years – IF they return to Yah in large numbers He WILL work deliverance.
It is also important to understand that, as indicated by Yah in the message “Yah speaks on South Africa” in Appendix J that ALL believers in South Africa will eventually be killed.
Note that in terms of spiritual dispensation the People of European Descent are children of Shem, the son of Noah while the Indigenous African People are originally from Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah and are under the curse that Noah placed on Canaan.
3.6 In Percentage Terms there are More Afrikaner Believers Than in Any Other People Group
Yah says that as a percentage of the total population there are more Afrikaner (Boer) people who are close to Him and obedient to Him at SOME level than amongst any other people group on earth.
This is the ONLY basis on which the Afrikaner people have any hope of deliverance by the Almighty.
3.7 To Touch the Afrikaner is to Touch All of European Descent
It is vital to understand that, today, the Afrikaner people are intermingled with the other People of European Descent through marriage, working together and living in mixed communities. For example, I am in life time covenant {marriage} with an Afrikaner woman, any attempt to touch her touches me.
The various People’s of European Descent are not physically discernible from one another by the average Indigenous African Person and therefore, a command to Shoot / Kill the Boer is a command to Shoot / Kill ALL People of European Descent.
4. Timeline
There are conflicting views as to how soon the outright conflict will occur.
4.1 There is Still Limited Time – Affirmative Action must Run its Course
There are those that expect the killing to start very soon. There have been various articles and reports in recent years stating that the IAP population, led by the ANC is gearing up for a massive uprising geared to killing the PED’s at any time.
However, Yah says that Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment must still run for a while – the ANC recognizes that they are still too dependent on “whites” to be able to run the economy alone and this is why there is such intense harsh and aggressive pressure to accelerate the pace of Affirmative Action.
It is my understanding that major killing will only start in about five to ten years’ time. Urgent SPIRITUAL action is therefore required – action in the flesh and particularly the taking up of arms will accelerate the conflict. Limited intercession and seeking after Yah will delay it but ONLY concerted and sustained spiritual action will prevent it altogether.
5. Important Truths
In responding to the above points it is vital to be aware of some vital truths:
5.1 Judgment in This Life
It is vital to understand that there is a spiritual principle that operates in this life – IF one is a committed believer and actively seeking to serve the Almighty the Forces of Darkness WILL bring those people before the Judgment seat and seek judgment against them in this life.
Refer the article “Judgment in this Life” in Appendix C for a detailed discussion. Many people get confused on this topic in terms of Grace – refer the article in Appendix D “What is LAW and what is GRACE?”
Yah says that the reasons the Afrikaners suffered so greatly during the Trek and the reason they lost their country in 1994 was because of their being relatively close to Him BUT having major sin.
The sections that follow discuss the sins that I am aware of at a headline level.
It is ONLY by praying appropriate prayers AND repenting and cleaning up one’s life in a serious and sustained manner that judgment and the corresponding loss can be prevented.
It is ONLY once one has cleaned up one’s own life that one can pray to Yah to judge one’s enemies and return curses and witchcraft.
It is ALSO so that it will ONLY be by the people dealing with their sin that the Almighty will be in a position to act on their behalf.
Failing deep soul searching and deep repentance there will be NO deliverance from Yah.
5.2 All are Descended from Noah
In considering the sins of the Afrikaner it is VITAL to understand the following:
5.2.1 Mankind was created just over 6,000 years ago and ALL descended from Adam;
5.2.2 There WAS interbreeding between Messengers{Angels} and women, this led to corrupt bloodlines – these were ALL destroyed in the Flood at the time of Noah;
5.2.3 The Flood at the time of Noah destroyed the ENTIRE planet – refer “Proof of a Global Flood – Turning History on its Head” at:
It is extreme foolishness to talk about a partial flood and the survival of a corrupt bloodline as a consequence;
5.2.4 All the people today are descended from Noah WITHOUT EXCEPTION;
5.2.5 All people today are brothers;
5.2.6 This includes the so-called “white” and “black” people;
5.2.7 Noah and his family were of great stature, about 18 feet, 6 meters tall – Noah’s house and grave and the Ship of Noah have all been found:
5.2.8 ALL human beings alive today have DEGENERATED from Noah through progressive physical, mental and spiritual degeneration to the point where this generation AS A WHOLE, is the most degenerate generation that has ever lived;
5.2.9 Associated with this degeneration there has been genetic degeneration;
5.2.10 ALL of Noah’s generation were a mid-brown colour such as still found in the Middle East, over time, through the devolution (negative evolution) referred to above some became of a very pale skin, which was appropriate for survival in very cold climates and others became very dark skinned which was appropriate for survival in very hot sunny climates;
5.2.11 Skin colour is therefore NOT in any way an indicator of other attributes;
5.2.12 Concurrent with the migration of people from Eastern Turkey where the Ship {Ark} of Noah landed, those who were strongest, most technically advanced and most socially advanced remained near the centre and migrated into the harsher climates of Europe and Central Asia while those who were physically weaker, lost their technical ability more rapidly and whose society and organizational abilities degenerated more were forced to move further and further away into the relatively benign climate of Africa;
5.2.13 This degradation ALSO was associated with genetic selection that was appropriate to the circumstances;
5.2.14 Those that moved into Central and Southern Africa and some other locations degenerated the most and underwent genetic selection that was prejudicial on the most part to technical and intellectual ability and which favoured savagery and primitive existence which is what is effectively at the root of what is discussed in this article;
5.2.15 This is NOT to say that there are NOT any of these people groups with well-developed intellect and ability PROVIDED they are afforded the early childhood experiences and education that are necessary for these latent abilities to be realized in practice;
5.2.16 Note that this degradation was MUCH LESS 3,500 years ago so any attempt to use the books of the “Old Testament” in the Bible (biblios means book in Greek) to substantiate anti-black doctrines is entirely unwarranted.
6. Critical Sins
In interpreting the present situation, the many losses suffered by the Boers / Afrikaners during the Trek and subsequently, including the two Anglo Boer Wars, it is VITAL to understand that there will be NO loss and NO judgment if the people live WITHOUT sin.
Yah desires for his people to be blessed and live long lives in health and suffer NO loss BUT this can only happen IF there is NO sin.
Yahooshua {commonly referred to as Jesus, which is a pagan name derived from Zeus, the name of a Greek God} lived and died in order to show us the way to live life without sin and to provide a simple and easy to use mechanism to deal with sin when we did slip.
The more a people seek the Almighty the more harshly they will be judged and thus the massive losses that the Afrikaner people have suffered at various times in their history point to major sin COUPLED to closer relationship with Yah.
Note that SIN is SIN whether we know it is sin or not and whether we are close to Yah or not.
The ONLY way to deal with this is to pray constantly to be shown one’s error and sin and how to deal with it and to fast regularly seeking guidance.
Comprehensively dealing with sin is the ONLY way that the Afrikaner and, in fact, all the People of European descent of South Africa, have any hope of survival, let alone of living in peace with the blessings of the Almighty.
In considering this there are two broad categories of sin that need to be dealt with:
6.1 Afrikaners have MAJOR Errors
The Afrikaner people have some major sins as a group that need to be dealt with.
These relate to harsh racial pride and aggression that developed over the years and to false doctrines attributed to the Almighty that need to be let go of.
These include:
6.1.1 The bible speaks of NOT mixing with certain races because of their SPIRITUAL error it says NOTHING about skin colour – if the Afrikaner had spoken against inter-marriage and sexual intercourse with pagan ancestor worshippers they would have been in-line with Yah but they have twisted Yah’s commandments to suit carnal purposes;
6.1.2 Sexual intercourse IS a covenant act, it is the act of sex with a pagan NOT the act of a Dominee or Pastor or magistrate in proclaiming “marriage” that is forbidden by Yah – again the Afrikaner has totally distorted and abused the clear commandments of Yah;
6.1.3 The greatest sin of the Afrikaner has been to claim that their anti-black racial policies were the “word of God” (Die Woord van die Here) and thereby bring the Almighty into disrepute;
6.1.4 Note that Moshe {Moses} had two covenant women {wives} the second of which was a black Ethiopian woman refer Numbers 12 – Miriam was struck with Leprosy because of her racist attitude!;
6.1.5 It is ONE thing to choose NOT to enter into covenant with people of another culture, it is another to say that Yah has forbidden it because of skin colour or other physical attribute when Yah is purely concerned with the spiritual state of a person – there are GOOD reasons NOT to marry across cultures but do NOT codify those and turn them into laws and then BLAME Yah – this is the single biggest sin that the Afrikaner has committed and the single biggest sin that they need to repent of in order to receive deliverance in the present situation.
6.2 Christians have MAJOR Errors
For the last 17 years Yah has been teaching me about the errors of the Christian Church – refer my websites at:
www.End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org NOT fully updated with what has been published recently.
This website contains MUCH that is highly challenging and highly controversial.
You will need to pray and seek Yah for deep guidance in order to make sense of these articles – refer the article in Appendix I “What if you disagree with me?”
The bottom line is that the Christian religion is so full of error that Yah declares it to be pagan.
One of the major reasons Afrikaners have been judged so severely is because of these Christian sins – remember that the closer you seek to get to Yah the MORE the forces of darkness will seek judgments against you for your error – so we have the paradox of there being MORE Afrikaners close to Yah than any other people group in percentage terms and as a CONSEQUENCE of this closeness they have been more severely judged than almost any other people group.
The headlines of these sins can be summarized in terms of the Ten Commandments – refer the article in Appendix G “Satan’s most effective lies” for more details.
6.2.1 Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD}, your Mighty One {God} is ONE Mighty One {God}, thou shalt have NO other mighty one’s {gods} before Him
The man commonly known as Jesus, actual name Yahooshua, was a MAN, created by a miracle LESS significant than the miracles by which Adam and Chavah {Eve} were created.
It is GROSS sin to worship him or to make him equal with Yah, as in the Trinity – which is a false Pagan doctrine.
6.2.2 No idols
This includes NOT worshipping the Bible – the Bible is a book assembled by corrupt men about 600AD, it contains errors, it is a minute fragment of all that Yah has spoken to men and of what has been written about Him and His ways and that has been inspired by Him.
Also includes NOT worshipping the Cross – Yahooshua died on a stake – a length of tree trunk – the Cross is a pagan, pornographic symbol
6.2.3 Do not take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in Vain
His Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” based on the Hebrew phrase YHWH which transliterates as Yahooeh, frequently but is inaccurately transliterated Yahweh.
“The LORD”, “God”, “Here” are ALL pagan and blasphemous names and should NEVER be used to describe the Almighty.
“Yahoo” is a derivative of Yahooeh and it is therefore serious sin and blasphemous to have a Yahoo.com email address, Group or other service – these should be abandoned as a matter of urgency.
“Ja” is a blasphemous name and should be removed from one’s vocabulary – a key area where Satan has tripped up the Afrikaner people.
6.2.4 Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Set-Apart (Qodesh) {Holy}
The Sabbath is the Seventh Day of the week, that is Saturday.
Sunday is the Day of the Sun and the first day of the week and is a Pagan, that is Satanic, Sabbath.
The day starts at sunrise.
Christmas is the birthday of the Sun God (aka Satan) and is a Pagan feast and abomination the entire Christmas celebration is a massive ABOMINATION in the sight of the Almighty – Yahooshua was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. The most appropriate action at the time of Christmas is to fast and seek Yah and NOT observe the feast at all.
Easter is the festival if Ishtar, a pagan Satanic entity and is a fertility rite – Yahooshua died at Passover which occasionally aligns with Easter. Easter is an abomination and should be entirely avoided.
6.2.5 Honour your Father and your Mother that it may go well with you
Dumping them in an old age home or retirement village and visiting them occasionally is NOT honouring them.
6.2.6 Do NOT kill
There IS a death penalty laid down by Yah for murder – failure to execute the death penalty is sin.
Abortion is murder.
Contraception that prevents implantation of the fertilised oven is murder (contraception that prevents ovulation or prevents fertilization IS permissible).
False doctrines that result in eternal destruction are also a form of murder.
6.2.7 Do NOT commit adultery
Sexual intercourse is a spiritual act and results in the formation of a one-flesh (spirit to spirit) bond when either party reaches orgasm but specifically when the male ejaculates in the female.
Sexual intercourse by a man with a woman who is joined to another man is adultery – it institutes an illegal one-flesh bond – this includes sex with a harlot or prostitute – one who is joined to many men.
Sexual intercourse of a man with another man is adultery – it institutes an illegal one-flesh bond.
Sexual intercourse with an animal is adultery – it institutes an illegal one-flesh bond.
Sexual intercourse of a man with a virgin that causes the hymen to rupture with the shedding of blood institutes a Covenant in the sight of Yah that is very powerful – when a man takes the virginity of a woman Yah expects the man and woman to honour that covenant for life – abandoning a woman after taking her virginity is adultery and an abomination in the sight of Yah.
It is possible for a man to take the virginity of more than one woman and Yah designed this from the beginning and it is therefore possible for a man to be “married” to more than one woman – this is entirely acceptable to Yah although in European societies it is almost impossible to make it work.
Speaking out against President Zuma having more than one woman is SIN and must be avoided.
6.2.8 Do NOT steal
Taking things under false pretenses is stealing – taking over the government of South Africa with a hidden agenda to kill People of European Descent is stealing.
Preaching false doctrines and inducing people to give into the offering is stealing.
Ordinary stealing is stealing.
6.2.9 Do NOT bear false witness and do NOT lie
Teaching false doctrines is false witness.
The ANC lying about its agenda is false witness.
The Afrikaner people claiming that Yah prohibits marriage on the basis of skin colour is false witness.
6.2.10 Do NOT covet or lust
Includes Indigenous African People coveting what the People of European Descent have built and planning to steal it by false promises, murder, etc.
Includes sexual lust.
Includes coveting motor cars, homes, etc – most advertising today encourages covetousness and should be avoided.
All these sins originate with the Roman Church in about 600 AD – there is NO material difference between the Roman Church and all the so-called Protestant churches in terms of all the above errors.
There are many other false teachings and false words relating to the things of the Almighty.
The ONLY way to sift the truth from the error is to constantly seek Yah, to fast and pray, I recommend seven three day fasts at weekly intervals and to pray:
“Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, lead me into ALL truth and judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” – if you are NOT fasting and praying in this manner you can take it as given that your doctrine contains major errors and that you are likely to be severely judged in this life.
Refer the article in Appendix E “Getting close to Yah -- Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL” for more on this topic.
Sadly, the victims of the farm attacks ALL have sins which permit those attacks to happen – simply by dealing with ALL sin we can move to a point where the attacks will cease. If the People of European Descent collectively deal with their sin on a large scale then we open the door for Yah to protect us.
7. The ONLY Way Out
7.1 Small Hope of Deliverance
As indicated on the 7th of January 2012, Yah has indicated that there is VERY LITTLE HOPE OF DELIVERANCE – He confirmed this to me in the context of the Zuma “the cabinet will kill the boer with the machine gun” episode at the ANC Centenary in Bloemfontein on the 8th of January 2012.
His advice was to tell people to get out of the country as quickly as possible – this has been His advice to me for some time.
The more I contemplated what is in the video and all the other information that has come my way in the last couple of years the more I realized just how many people have NO hope of leaving South Africa, or, if they do, will leave impoverished.
Accordingly, I cried out to Yah to save His people – the following point is what He has given to me as a SMALL hope that WILL bring deliverance IF the people embrace the message and wholeheartedly enter into Prayer and Fasting seeking the FACE of the Almighty and for His outstretched arm to deliver them – force of arms will NOT deliver the people but will accelerate the destruction.
7.2 Day of the Vow – 16th December – an Existing Covenant of Protection
Yah says that the Afrikaner people as a people have become luke warm with regard to the Covenant entered into before the victory known as “The Battle of Blood River” – few observe the 16th of December and many see it more as a social event than observation of a deeply solemn covenant memorial day.
Yah requires people to put aside the games, the drinking, the socializing and cry out to Him for deliverance.
He requires the people to start fasting at sunrise on Friday 14th December and fast for 72 hours 3 days full out – take the bread and wine every morning and evening and drink ONLY water apart from that – for those in good health without kidney problems abstinence from water also is desirable.
A three day total fast is of value in breaking witchcraft amongst other things.
There are MANY important prayers to be prayed – refer to Appendix F “Prayer”.
Seven three day fasts at weekly intervals are of great value in strengthening one’s faith and relationship with Yah, provided undertaken with the right attitude (NB only fast water on the first and last fast, the rest of the time drink plenty of water to prevent kidney damage) – if the fasts are coupled with the appropriate prayers dramatic changes in understanding of the things of Yah and in doctrine can be experienced.
Yah requires this discipline to become a routine part of the lives of Afrikaners in particular and of all People of European Descent who claim to be believers in Yah and requires that such forceful observance of the Vow on 16thDecember continues every year from now on.
Yah is looking for a strong man or woman who will stand in the gap and take the lead to rally the people to their Mighty One {God} and is looking for many others to align themselves with such a leader to ensure that at least 300,000 people assemble themselves together in Pretoria and many more around the country to rededicate themselves to Him, set themselves apart {sanctify} and seek deliverance on a sustained basis.
You may ask why such a massive mobilization of effort is necessary. Firstly remember that there are historical accounts from years past where such mobilization in prayer and re-dedication was required. Secondly, because this generation is so spiritually bankrupt the power and authority of the prophets and the people as a whole is greatly diminished – refer Appendix H “Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer)”.
President Jacob Zuma, the Cabinet and the ANC formally declared war on the Boer (Afrikaner) and, by extension, ALL People of European Descent in South Africa at the ANC Centenary Celebrations in Bloemfontein (Mangaung) on Sunday the 8th of January 2012.
This article sets out in detail the interpretation of this event and how People of European Descent can seek the help of the Almighty in order to prevent their destruction.
Yah is seeking a strong leader to mobilize the people to attend large Day of the Vow observance meetings on Sunday the 16th of December 2012 and to motivate the people to fast and pray on a consistent basis with seven three day fasts at weekly intervals commencing at sunrise on Friday 14th December 2012 and to be observed annually hereafter in seeking Yah for deliverance.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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