2012.11.17 Do NOT speak of evil Created by James on 1/31/2014 11:32:00 AM This article was written last week but not published.
We are commanded to NOT speak of what the wicked do in secret
Do NOT speak of evil
James Robertson
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Several people on the list regularly send me information about evil in the world or suspected evil.
There are articles about conspiracies, secret societies, etc.
Some of these I have been shown personally ARE valid, such as the collapse of the World Trade Center on 911 WAS a controlled demolition and NOT caused by the aircraft that crashed into them, others I have no way of validating and I am certain the people who forward them to me ALSO have no way of validating them – this includes reports of Concentration camps with Guillotines in the USA and other even more horrifying and shocking reports.
Consistently Yah tells me that UNLESS He shows me personally such that I can write about such things from first-hand experience I should NOT engage with them, pay any attention to them or even read about them.
He constantly reminds me that it is SIN to even talk about what the evil do in secret and that unless He personally instructs a prophet to speak such information it is of NO CONCERN.
If He DOES speak through a prophet there will always be a way out for the elect, those who truly believe, and a call to repentance to those who are sinning or planning to sin.
Continuous focus on the things of the forces of darkness and evil on the earth focusses us in the wrong direction, on Satan and the things of Satan, gives esteem to Satan and leads us towards the wrong things. We magnify Satan and his power while diminishing our focus on the power of Yah.
Many have fallen away from Yah through offense with evil and through trumpeting and magnifying evil in what they write and say.
It behoves us ALL, myself included, to be very cautious about how we respond to the evil in the earth – Satan is the ruler of this world and the world is full of evil – we need to concentrate on seeking Yah and drawing closer to Him.
Focus on evil, particularly when we rely on third party reports must be avoided at all costs and we should focus on the things of Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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