2012.11.13 Father’s name is NOT YaHuWaH Created by on 1/31/2014 11:52:39 AM The character pattern (it is NOT an English word) YaHuWaH has recently become quite popular as an English representation of the Hebrew phrase YHWH which translates accurately as "Yah the eternally self-existing" which is the descriptive name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
If it is necessary to represent this phrase by one word in English (as is sometimes necessary to fit worship music) the correct transliteration of YHWH is Yahooeh
Yah says that YaHuWaH is NOT a valid representation and it is offensive to Him and Grieves Him.
Father’s name is NOT YaHuWaH
James Robertson
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During the past week I received a few emails from another man who has also been on the list for a long time but who suddenly had started referring to the Almighty Creator as “YaHuWaH”.
This transliteration has become popular in recent years, even amongst some mainstream Christian groups.
I was immediately uncomfortable with this transliteration and wrote to him about it, apparently without success because he responded with another email using the same name.
Following is what I felt impressed to write to him:
“…. my brother
“At least in your correspondence with me please do NOT use YaHuWaH
“Every time I see it it deeply unsettles and grieves my spirit and I believe I am directly experiencing Father's reaction to it for He permits me to feel His heart in these things
“If you decide to continue using it I do NOT want to know about it, I believe you are in serious error -- cannot tell you why, just what Father is showing me
In your correspondence with me rather use “Father”, or “Yah” or “the Almighty” please”
I remain convinced that Father’s essential, fundamental name is “Yah”, that He frequently refers to Himself as “Yah the eternally self-existing” which is a statement of who He is and which is commonly referred to as YHWH or Yahweh, or Yahooeh, or Jehovah, or The LORD, etc.
It is absolutely clear to me that Yah is the correct NAME to use to refer to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
That “Yah the eternally self-existing” is the CORRECT translation of the Hebrew phrase “YHWH” and that if a single word IS required for this phrase the correct translation is “Yahooeh”.
For reasons I cannot explain I am totally certain that “YaHuWaH” is a totally meaningless word that is OFFENSIVE to Yah and should be avoided at all costs.
Note also that “YaHuWaH” is totally meaningless in English, it does NOT conform to any accepted standards relating to spelling, capitalization and presentation of the English language.
There is NO basis to use YaHuWaH as a name for the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, the character pattern is NOT valid English and the name is offensive to Yah, this name should be avoided.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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