2015.11.06 The song “Our God is an Awesome God” is WRONG Created by James on 12/27/2017 6:54:03 AM The song "Our God is AN Awesome God" is mistaken, Yah is not one of many Gods He is THE Awesome Mighty One {God}.
The song “Our God is an Awesome God” is WRONG
Dr James A Robertson
Many of us sing the song “Our God is an Awesome God” with alacrity and regard it as a highly anointed song.
But there are some problems with the song!
- “God” is derived from “Gad” the name of one of the Demonic Masterminds that rule the earth in partnership with Satan and is a blasphemous name – by using the name “God” in the context of our beloved Heavenly Father we are comparing Father with a Demon!
- Technically the word generally translated “God” is generally the Hebrew “Elohim” meaning “mighty one” – which applies to ANY mighty one, spirit or human (same root as Allah, the Arabic form of the same word) – so one can reform the song as “Our might one is an awesome mighty one” – which is a whole lot better than usng God but does not fit the music well.
- BUT that is STILL WRONG!
The song says “is AN Awesome” – that is ONE of many, this is NOT right, Father Yah, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is THE ONLY AWESOME mighty one, all the others are shallow counterfeits.
So, IF you want to use this song you need to change the lyrics to “Our mighty one (or our Yah / or our El (beloved mighty one)) is THE Awesome Mighty One (or El)” – I use “Our Yah is THE Awesome El” – El is a term of endearment towards Father used by those who are close to Him and who understand the nuances of the Hebrew language relative to the word “El”.
If you are wanting to use this song I suggest you make these adaptations.Similar adaptations apply to many other important songs, see
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
14 November 2015
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