2015.11.15 Father Does NOT Care About Gay Marriages! Created by James on 12/27/2017 9:56:24 AM Yah is NOT concerned about the conduct of homosexual unbelievers.
Father Does NOT Care About Gay Marriages!
Dr James A Robertson
A few days ago I was watching a TV programme in which two obviously homosexual men in a long term sexual covenant relationship were being interviewed with regard to the very impressive home that they had built. As I was watching Father indicated to me that since they were both unbelievers He did NOT CARE that they were Gay or that they were in a homosexual marriage, they did NOT believe He existed and therefore they were of NO interest to Him.
Father went on to let me understand that ALL He was interested in was whether they had a DEEP personal relationship with Him and that would be the ONLY thing that would get His attention regarding these two men apart for forebears of previous generations who were earnestly interceding for their progeny.
He also said that IF they started to seek a deep personal relationship with Him the homosexual relationship and homosexual marriage would eventually fall away as they were convicted of sin but that making a fuss about their sin when they were breaking the first commandment and did NOT believe was a total waste of time and effort.
In recent months I have increasingly come to understand that pretty much ALL that I understood about evangelism twenty plus years ago is mistaken and false, FATHER is really NOT interested in those who do NOT believe in Him, He is ONLY interested in those who believe at a material level and who are seeking to serve Him, please Him and draw close to Him. He reluctantly gets involved in the lives of the unbelievers and the unbelieving believers when their forebears intercede and increasingly the forebears are coming to understand that their prayers are causing Yah discomfort and are backing off.
We live in VERY dark days and the days are getting darker very rapidly.
If you do NOT believe at all or once believed and then turned your back on Father you face dire consequences and the prayers of those who went before you will increasingly diminish and become of no effect as you dig yourself deeper into your pit of pride and foolish sin!
So, the bottom line?
STOP WORRYING about the sin of the world and do something about strengthening YOUR relationship with Father Yah!
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
21 November 2015

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