2015.11.16 Yah Desires for You to Prosper and be in Health Created by James on 12/27/2017 10:06:10 AM Yah desires for you to prosper and be in health.
Yah Desires for You to Prosper and be in Health
Dr James A Robertson
In recent weeks I have come to understand in a MUCH DEEPER way that Father Yah desires for His servants to Prosper and be in Health.
Note that I said “His servants”.
This is NOT about people who are suckered into the false doctrines of giving to “The Church” who are giving to people who are in large measure so deceived that even though they are believers they are, to all intents and purposes, servants of Satan. The blessings associated with this come from the dark side and have NOTHING to do with Yah! Those blessings are directed at keeping Yah’s servants in bondage and deception!
I am talking about those who are truly seeking to serve Yah, to YOU, Yah says “I DEEPLY desire for you to prosper and be in health” – however, there is a catch! For as long as you are in sin you will NOT prosper, the forces of darkness will use that sin to secure judgments against you so that they can kill, steal and destroy in your life! See the articles on Judgement in this life at http://end-time-issueministries.org/JudgmentTHISLife.aspx.html for an in-depth discussion of this topic.
One of the major sins that occurs in the lives of many believers and keeps them in poverty is the sin of the divided house:
- the overbearing harsh man who makes it impossible for his woman to be in alignment with him
- the rebellious woman who insists on doing things HER way
- in some tragic cases, the situation of the woman who is trying all she can to be in harmony but who for deep seated reasons associated with early childhood abuse is simply unable to align with her husband because something deep inside her says that NO man can be trusted. This has happened in my case.
No matter the cause, as long as man and woman are NOT aligned the forces of darkness will deploy hindering spirits to hinder and attack their finances and destroy in every other way available to them!
Note that a single believing woman who covenants with Father to be her husband and provider will NOT experience this problem PROVIDED she puts her trust totally in Yah and deals with ALL her sin, in such cases she will prosper.
This also does NOT apply to a single man – Yah intended us to live in harmonious families of a man and several woman all in harmony and under such circumstances the family would prosper dramatically. There are many single believing women who desperately are seeking a man and, for this reason, Yah does NOT approve of men being single except under exceptional circumstances and, even when He does, the lack of a woman in harmony means that the man will live in straightened circumstances, consider Yahoochanan the immerser {John the Baptist} who lived in the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey.
For this reason, following my divorce and separation, I am earnestly seeking a new covenant life partner {wife} in order to help me get back on my feet financially and for her to participate in the prosperity that she will help to create IF she fully aligns herself with me.
If you are a believer, earnestly seeking to serve Yah and NOT prospering then I have to say to you there is only ONE reason, some significant level of sin of which the divided house is potentially the most likely. Note that if a man or woman have illegal or legacy one-flesh bonds outside the covenant house then these bonds cause the house to be divided and must be resolved. By resolved I mean that either the man must take back his estranged women or, if there is a basis for divorce, divorce them and the woman must return to her covenant man or, if there is a basis, obtain a divorce from him. Please read the article on the Virgin’s Covenant at
http://end-time-issueministries.org/VirginsCovenantlost.aspx.html for more information.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
21 November 2015

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