2015.11.17 True Service to the Almighty Created by James on 12/27/2017 10:10:38 AM True service to the Almighty, Yah the eternally self-existing, means that you are willing to let go of and sacrifice EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in order to focus on Him.
True Service to the Almighty
Dr James Robertson
True service to the Almighty, Yah the eternally self-existing, means that you are willing to let go of and sacrifice EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in order to focus on Him.
Many believers get stuck in a tug of war with people who tell them to remain with the status quo because of what people will think, etc when, in fact, remaining in that state is getting in the way of service to Yah.
Fundamentally the benchmark for success at the end of your life is the extent to which you were a FRIEND of Yah, the extent to which you allowed Him to play a pivotal role in EVERY aspect of your life. The more you have done that, no matter what the cost, the greater the reward. The more you have compromised on that, whether because of people or other things, the more you will be sent down lower.
Most of the highly anointed one’s in recent years have fallen because they have worried about what people will think and have subscribed to the false doctrines of the elders such that they have compromised what Father has said to them.
Note that this includes ignoring Yah because you think that the Bible or the Quran or the Torah or the Talmud, or the Pastor, or the Imam, or the Rabbi, or the … says you may not do relative to what Yah is calling you to do. Yah is the final authority and UNLESS you GET this and live by it you WILL be disappointed on the day you die and are judged.
I urge you to throw caution to the winds and do ALL you can to serve Father Yah with ALL your heart, ALL your mind, ALL your soul and ALL your strength!
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
21 November 2015

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