2015.11.18 A House Divided versus a House Sumphoneo Created by James on 12/27/2017 10:20:54 AM Much lack amongst believers results from them being in sin thereby opening the door for the forces of darkness to obtain judgments against them. However, a prevalent cause of lack is a divided house, a spiritual unit of man and woman who are NOT in harmony.
A House Divided versus a House Sumphoneo
Dr James A Robertson
I quite frequently encounter believers who are in lack, and I have experienced lack myself for this reason repeatedly. Much lack amongst believers results from them being in sin thereby opening the door for the forces of darkness to obtain judgments against them. However, a prevalent cause of lack is a divided house, a spiritual unit of man and woman who are NOT in harmony.
Most people do NOT really understand what I mean by harmony.
Let us first look at the counterpoint, a house divided. This seems quite clear, it is a house where for whatever reason the man and woman (or women) are NOT aligned, a house with strife, etc but it is more subtle than this. A divided house is a house that is NOT in Sumphoneo. Sumphoneo is a Greek word from which the English Symphony is derived.
So, a house in harmony is a house that sings the same song, from the same song book, to the same music in the same key in perfect harmony. Anything less than Sumphoneo is DIVIDED and, today, very few houses (man and woman) are that closely aligned and in such close harmony that they can truly say that they are a symphony in their prayers, their thought life and their actions.
Another way of looking at the opposite of a house divided is that there is perfect alignment, the man {husband} leads and the woman follows exactly in the same path, shares the same views and works collaboratively in an entirely harmonious way. In fact, in our society today, to even suggest the above is likely to bring accusations of unjust and oppressive thinking which denies the reality that it is possible for two or more people to AGREE together and act on that agreement in perfect harmony as a simple act of free will.
In the context of a life time covenant relationship between a man and woman or women today this is difficult to do.
At this point, let me add that while it IS Father’s will for more than one woman to covenant with one man, it is practically impossible to make this work in our society, certainly in Western society although it DOES still work in some Moslem societies. For the purposes of this article I will refer to monogamous unions from here forward.
In considering this it is important to stress that I am focused ONLY on a man and woman in sexual life covenant with a strong one-flesh bond. The one-flesh bond is the spiritual union that comes into existence when a man and woman have sexual congress and the man ejaculates in the vagina of the woman (with or without a condom – this is a spiritual bond). If the man ejaculates in the mouth, vulva or anus of the woman a weaker bond is formed and ejaculation against the skin gives rise to an even weaker bond that is NOT material in the context of this article although, where such ties exist outside of the union they must be cut off. When the woman orgasm’s in contact with the man a bond is also formed but it is NOT the fundamental bond of the one-flesh house. Simultaneous orgasm coupled with vaginal penetration produces the strongest bond. The bond grows with every sexual episode and, in so doing, the spiritual house becomes stronger and stronger.
Irrespective of the strength of the bond, immediately a one-flesh bond is formed the house comes into existence.
If either the man or the woman has other one-flesh bonds with parties who are NOT part of the union these must be cut off, see
For the balance of this article I will assume that we are dealing with a man and woman where ALL other one-flesh bonds have been properly dealt with as set out on the webpage cited above.
I will also assume that we are dealing with a pair of committed believers who are seeking to serve Yah wholeheartedly. If one is NOT a believer or NOT a strong believer or they are serving Satan a different set of rules apply. In the latter case the Satanic realm will almost certainly see that they are blessed in order to keep them in error and sin. However, even in a Satanic household a strong one-flesh bond and strong alignment WILL bring prosperity.
In this article I am dealing with a monogamous by choice family unit with a single man and woman who are deeply committed to serving Father, have cut off ALL other one-flesh bonds and related ties and who are making a serious effort to clean up their lives.
Such a family unit is a MASSIVE threat to the forces of darkness and they will pull out ALL the stops to neutralize and, if possible, destroy that man and woman or, at least keep them in division and lack. In such cases the Satanic Messenger {angel} monitoring the family will look for EVERY possible sign of division. This can be through words and acts which are capable of observation or it may be in the form of thoughts which CANNOT be discerned by the enemy messenger. However, in the spirit realm the alignment or lack of alignment of the two spirits can be accurately observed. So even though it does not know the cause, the Satanic observer can see the lack of alignment.
This lack of alignment grants the forces of darkness the legal right to introduce hindering spirits into the finances and business endeavours of the couple in every possible way, right around the world. If the couple are making enough of an impact hindering spirits will be deployed in their thousand or even hundreds of thousands to exploit the legal right to keep the family in lack. If the breakdown in harmony is sufficiently extreme and clearly visible then the forces of darkness gain the legal right to introduce more overt attacks on the finances of the couple and this can take the form of active demonic action on clients, customers, suppliers, business partners, friends, etc to get those people to actively oppose, strive with, argue, dispute, withhold payment, delay payment, etc – everything possible to attack their finances.
The ONLY solution is for the couple to resolve their differences and come into PERFECT symphonic harmony OR to get divorced and cut the one flesh bond, which is what I have just had to do.
This sounds harsh and it IS harsh, that is the nature of the battle and the intensity of the opposition that will be arraigned against true believers IF their house is divided.
Note that sumphoneo creates a spiritual resonance in the Spirit realm that dramatically amplifies the emunah {faith} spiritual force that is drawing in blessings, this is in addition to prayers being hindered and Father’s attempts to provide for and bless the couple being obstructed.
If you are battling in this area send me a message at one of the contact avenues below and we can connect on Skype to discuss and pray as required.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
21 November 2015

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