2015.11.21 Our World Today -- Chapter 1 -- The beginning – Father was lonely Created by James on 12/27/2017 11:46:16 AM Creation began with the Almighty Creator, Yah, being lonely and setting out to create human beings who could be His friends.
Our World Today -- Chapter 1 -- The beginning – Father was lonely
Bible worship and the misinterpretation of Hebrew and Greek text in English and other translations has led to extremely distorted pictures of how humankind and this planet came to exist – this has led to vast numbers of intelligent and educated people being turned off the matters of the Creator because of the wrong thinking of many believers. This chapter seeks to set out the Creative process and answer questions with regard to the enduring debate of “Creation versus Evolution”.
In considering what follows it is important that you understand that I present this information as a person with qualifications in Engineering, Science and Biology and that I hold that everything that follows complies with the levels of rigour that my training requires.
- Father was lonely
As His name “Yah the eternally self-existing” indicates the Creator has always existed.I understand that this represents a challenge for many people in terms of making an intellectual decision to believe.However, because of my deep personal experience of the reality of His existence coupled to deep application of Engineering disciplines and principles in my journey with Him and learning about Him, I conclude with absolute certainty that He exists and that every facet of the world we live in evidences this.
I therefore suggest for your consideration, IF you today are one who does NOT believe in the existence of the Creator or one who sort of believes but is NOT confident enough to defend your position, that each element of what is presented here will, at some level, point towards the conclusion that He is REAL.BUT I recognize that for many, perhaps most, this will NOT be sufficient and, accordingly, I suggest that you pray to Him for guidance and proof of His existence.I will give more guidance on this towards the end of the book but you might also like to read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html
Early on in my walk with Father I came to understand that the reason we exist is because He wanted companions, people He could talk to, have relationship with, learn with.
Did I say “learn”? yes! I did.It is a lie that Father knows ALL things.He is constantly learning, we are an experiment, He is constantly learning with us and about us.In fact, the messed up state of the world today is a consequence of errors in manufacturing and errors of judgment made by our Father during the Creative process.
Many many millions of years ago Father decided that he wanted companions, friends, people He could talk to, share things with, learn things with and so He set Himself the task of creating highly intelligent beings, beings as much like Himself as possible.People who had willpower, the ability to make decisions, to discuss, to debate, to create, people with emotions and so began a long iterative and incremental journey over millions of years to create an environment suitable for these beings and then, finally, to create the beings themselves.
At an early stage Father realized that He would make mistakes and, accordingly, He created an incinerator where failed experiments could be cast into intense fire to be utterly destroyed.This place is today known as “The Lake of Fire and Brimstone” and is at the very centre of the place colloquially known as “Hell”.
- Periodic table of the elements
In order to get started Father needed material to work with and so He set about creating matter or “stuff” or whatever you would like to call it.The elemental building blocks that constitute the matter from which this Universe, this planet and ourselves are constituted.
To create the elements he first had to create the sub-atomic particles that make up the elements and then create the elements themselves.
When one considers the question of our existence as a random “evolutionary” act with NO design guidance versus a process of “evolutionary creation” under the direction of a super-intelligent Creative being it is useful to consider the question of how something as orderly and systematic as the Periodic structure of elements, as graphically depicted above, could come into being through a random, unmanaged, stochastic process.
Note that once the sub-atomic elements were created the above progression was inevitable, so the real intelligence evidenced by the periodic table lies in the specification and creation of the sub-atomic elements.Either way, I submit for your consideration that it is impossible for the above order to come into existence without some super-intelligent design engineer to design and build this complexity.
- The Universe
Once the full range of elemental building components had been created it was time to create a large body of material containing these elements and to cause that large body to explode and expand into the nothingness of space, basic laws of physics, mechanics, chemistry and, and, and having been first established.
And so we find that there was a “big bang” that set about the initial creation of the Universe in order to create a gravitational environment for more refined development.As the matter of the Universe expanded outwards from the origin numerous planets and suns were formed and Father intervened with these as He saw fit to craft environments suitable for further development.Thus it is entirely valid that there are numerous solar systems, suns and planets that are similar to our own, and others very different, that during the progression of experimentation have been used to progressively establish the optimum conditions for the optimum form of life to create the highly intelligent beings that Father wanted to be His friends.
However, where an experiment has failed to meet required design standards it has been terminated such that life has NOT continued.It is my clear understanding that right now Earth is the ONLY inhabited planet out there.No harm in looking but NOT going to find other life although other life is entirely plausible were it NOT for the controlled nature of the experiment.
- Solar System
Within the Universe there are innumerable Solar Systems of which ours is but one of many and these have been developed experimentally to create varying conditions with a view to creating an environment suitable to establish a planet suitable for the highly intelligent creative beings that Father has been working towards for all these years.
- Planet Earth
So that brings us to Planet Earth, a very specific, precision engineered micro-climate suitable for sustaining human beings as an intelligent life form.Again, many other planets with variable conditions created in the progressive evolutionary journey of arriving at THIS planet and THESE beings.
At each step of the way the Creative process has followed a mixture of pseudo-random creative events like the Big Bang coupled to surgically minute tuning of specific components of specific situations to create very specific conditions, in this case, conditions that would sustain human life as we know it.
In considering the geometry of this creation it is vital to understand that the conditions on earth that support life require extremely precise conditions in terms of levels of light, heat, gravitational force, etc and that these conditions will only remain in effect for relatively limited time spans at the end of which the experiment will terminate, either successfully with the required friends having come to Heaven or Heaven being unfilled.
As it happens, the experiment that we are part of HAS been successful insofar as Father has succeeded in creating a suitable Solar System with a suitable Planet with suitable beings, albeit that the beings are corrupt and highly defective in terms of Father’s design objectives.Thus there ARE, today, human beings who have successfully lived life on earth, established some level of relationship with the Creator and therefore qualified to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.A few of these are true friends, more are servants and a huge number are in the outer darkness mentioned above.However, over 100 billion humans have, at this stage, FAILED to qualify to enter Heaven and today they are roaming the Earth as Ancestor Spirit’s or demons tormenting and leading astray the living human beings pending the outcome of the Contest between Yah and Satan which will reach conclusion some time in 3003 according to the present calendar.
Given that NOT all of Heaven will be filled by the conclusion of the experiment on planet Earth, will Father create another planet and other beings?At this stage I understand Him to say that information is NOT for public distribution but that this current experiment has been so painful that He will think more than once before embarking on further creative experiments.
- Plants of increasing complexity
Having created a planet with the exact environmental conditions that were required to support life, Father set about creating plants to beautify the planet, provide food, cleanse the air, etc.He started with single cell organisms and eventually worked up to the extremely delicate and complex plant forms that exist today.I include those forms of plant that grow under water in the form of seaweed, etc.
In considering plant life it is vital to understand that most of the more complex plant forms reproduce through sexual reproduction.In other words there are male and female reproductive organs and reproductive cells.Sometimes these both occur on the same plant and in other cases there is a distinct male plant and female plant.
Either way it is vital to understand that sexual reproduction is a complex mechanism that requires that all elements of the male and female plant organs be fully formed and function effectively so that the male and female reproductive cells (gametes) are able to merge to produce one whole new unit.
It is also vital to appreciate that in most cases there is the need for an external agency, be it wind, birds, insects, etc that is capable of transferring the male reproductive cell to the location of the female reproductive cell, frequently on another plant, sometimes a significant distance away.Again, this capability cannot come about as part of a progressive incremental uncontrolled “evolutionary” process it must ALL be in place at the beginning.
Note also that in many cases there is an intermediate life form between the reproductively mature adult and the outcome of the mating process – consider the chrysalis and caterpillar in the case of the butterfly and moth.Again, NOT possible for this to happen as a random stochastic event.
This again indicates the existence of a highly intelligent and creative agency with engineering skills to conceptualize the entire plant together with its reproductive organs and associated reproductive agency in order to ensure the ongoing existence of the species.Note also that from an “evolutionary” perspective there is NO reason to have sexual reproduction in plants.They could just as well reproduce vegetatively – again, evidence of a Creator.
- Animals of increasing complexity
Concurrent with the plants, lagging somewhat since the animals needed something to eat, Father progressively and in an evolutionary, experimental way, created animals of increasing sophistication and complexity.As with the plants the diversity, interest, beauty and character of animals created is far greater than is required for any utilitarian model and speaks volumes of a highly intelligent Creative agency who progressively crafted more and more complex animals for no other reason than the joy of creating.
Again we find sexual reproduction, again the sexual reproduction cannot function except in its fully developed form.There is NO way that two animals can chose of their own volition to be of different sexes, develop reproductive organs and cells and reproduce in an evolutionary manner.Either there IS a male and a female and they can mate and reproduce in which case the species survives or the sexual organs do NOT work and the animal dies out immediately – in fact, it cannot exist at all.
Note that with animals there is greater complexity than with plants in that the sexual organs are more complex, many of the more advanced animals have organs that interlock as in penis and vagina and there are emotional and erotic responses at play.All of these have to work exactly before the species can reproduce, thus it is clear that they had to come into existence with fully developed sexual organs and reproductive tendencies such that males and females DESIRE to mate and carry out sometimes obscure and complex mating rituals BEFORE reproduction can occur.
Again, evidence of a genius Creator and proof that random stochastic evolution with NO Creative oversight did NOT occur.
Add to this the fact that in many mammals there exist completely superfluous organs such as the clitoris which exist purely for the purpose of sexual pleasure and one must conclude that this did NOT come into existence in some uncontrolled manner.
- Spirit beings of increasing complexity
Concurrent with the above Father created spirit beings of increasing complexity.In fact, long before creating plants and animals Father created the beings that we today refer to as “messengers” {angels} as emotionless servants to help him with some of the heavy lifting and precision manipulation that was required during the creative process.
Up to this point, where designs did not turn out the way that was required it was easy to terminate them and either abandon them or cast them into the incinerator (lake of fire).
However, as discussed in the next chapter, things went horribly wrong.Lucifer (now Satan) one of the three leaders of the messengers {archangels} fell into pride and rebellion and challenged Father to a Contest to see if he (Satan) could lead human beings astray to such an extent that they would all forsake Father.Father accepted the challenge, which he now deeply regrets, and the result is the messed up state of the world today.
Father also put spirits into higher order animals and thus we have animals with character and personality.These spirits however simply cease to exist when the animal dies whereas human spirits live on forever unless destroyed in the incinerator.
- Human kind
The culmination of all of this was human kind as we know ourselves today.The existence of these massively complex spirit beings with free will, intellect, creative ability, emotion, etc and complex and beautiful bodies is the culmination of Yah’s creative endeavours over millions of years and, at this stage, a source of huge disappointment and grief to Him.
He created us to have a deep personal relationship with Him and, today, hardly anyone truly believes He exists let alone has any sort of relationship with Him.Even those who are at some level convinced of his existence are almost all in deep error and sin and have only the most superficial relationship with Him.
It is a tragic situation, put yourself in His shoes, millions of years of painstaking creative effort to arrive at what exists today and they are almost all in rebellion and deny that He exists.What a tragedy!
I hope that after you have read this chapter you will have a better appreciation for the challenges of the Creator and the tragedy of the situation that exists today and, I hope, you will be challenged to seek a closer relationship with Him as top priority in your life going forward.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
28 November 2015
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