2015.12.02 Some critical questions for believers at this time Created by James on 12/27/2017 12:36:33 PM For those that are truly seeking a close relationship with Father Yah, Father has given me some prayers and a program of fasting for a particular believer that I believe are relevant to all believers
Some critical questions for believers at this time
Dr James Robertson
In preparing for a meeting with a very committed believer I was applying my mind to determine the Critical Questions that I should ask them. Having produced the list and discussed it in some detail I have concluded that these questions are of general relevance to any true believer.
- Can we be as close to Father as previous generations? Are you seeking this?
Does Father want us to be as close to Him today as at any time in history?
Or should we expect less?
Should we expect there to be men and women of the calibre of Noah, Moshe {Moses}, David, Yahooshua, Mohammed?
Father deeply desires men and women to be as close or closer to Him as all who have gone before.
How close are you to that level on a scale of 0 to 10?There are hardly any believers today who would score better than 1 on this scale.
So, what are YOU doing to live a life comparable to the abovementioned men?
- The set-apart {holy} Spirit was given to lead us into ALL truth – are YOU seeking ALL truth?
The set-apart {holy} Spirit of Yah was given to lead us into ALL truth and also be our teacher, counsellor, comforter, friend, etc – are YOU truly walking in seeking ALL truth?
Are you regularly praying “Father please show me the level of my present deception and HOW to correct it?”
On a scale of 0 to 10 where are you in terms of ALL truth?There are hardly any believers on earth today who will score even 1 out of ten on that scale.
- Yahooshua told us that we could do greater works than he did – are you seeking to do greater works?
Yahooshua told us that we would do GREATER works than he did because he was going to be with the Father.Are you reading the Bible, Quran or Torah believing that you can do greater works than Yahooshua, Mohammed or Moshe {Moses}?
On a scale of 0 to 10 relative to doing the same works as those three men, where are you?There are hardly any believers who would score even 1 on that scale today.
What ARE YOU doing about that?What are YOU praying relative to this?
If you are NOT seeking to do greater works than Yahooshua, Mohammed, Moshe, Noah, etc WHY NOT?
- We were created to be friends of Yah – are YOU seeking to become a friend?
Why were we created? -- to be friends of Yah, be in constant conversation with Him, have Him partner with us in every area of our lives.
What are you praying and doing to be found to be a friend – NOT in your opinion but in His opinion!
There are virtually NO believers who are doing better than 1 out of 10 on this point – what are YOU doing?
- What is the highest award possible in heaven for this life? – are you seeking it?
It is possible to qualify to sit on a high throne with Yah and Yahooshua for eternity but that requires that you overcome sin in this life and overcome adversity.
What are YOU doing to overcome and become a friend of the Almighty?
There are virtually NO believers who would rate more than 1 out of 10 on this point – what are YOU doing?
If little or nothing, what has to happen for you to decide to aim for the high prize?
- IF you love Father, WHAT will you do? – are you doing it?
It is written that “IF you love the Almighty you will keep His commandments” – are YOU keeping ALL ten of the commandments, in particular do you ACTUALLY know the commandments and what they really mean and are YOU seeking actively to comply.
The four commandments that relate to loving Yah {Allah, The LORD, God} are:
- Yah the eternally self-existing (the Almighty Creator) is ONE mighty one you shall have NO mighty one’s beside him
So, IF you are worshipping Jesus or Yahooshua or inappropriately esteeming Moshe or Mohammed you are in breach.
- No idols
If you are worshipping the Bible or the Quran or the Torah or giving them inappropriate esteem you are breaking this.If you venerate the cross you are breaking this.If your religious grouping is more important to you than your relationship with Father Yah you are breaking this.If you worry about what PEOPLE will say rather than what Yah will say you are breaking this!
- Do NOT take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing, your Mighty One in vain
If you call Him God or The LORD you are breaking this, Allah is borderline, G_d is foolishness.If you call Yahooshua “Jesus” you are breaking this.If you have a Yahoo.com email address you are breaking this, etc.If you say “Ja” or similar for “yes” you are breaking this.Remember that Father has said “how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy?”
- Remember the seventh day and keep it set-apart – the seventh day is Saturday
Yah’s Sabbath is from sunrise Saturday to sunrise Sunday.We are also commanded to observe the days of Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and first and last days of Tabernacles.Moslems have a different dispensation.
If you are breaking any or all of the above, most Christians in particular are breaking ALL FOUR of the above, then you can hardly claim that you LOVE the Almighty Creator – saying that you “love God” is a contradiction in terms – you cannot TRULY love Him AND call Him God – you are deceived.Virtually all believers today score zero on the above.
What are YOU doing to TRULY comply with the Commandments?
If you are NOT energetically seeking to clean up your act and seek the truth, WHY NOT?
- How would you rate the assembly where you worship?
How would you rate the worship and teaching at your local assembly (Church, Mosque, Synagogue) relative to what has been achieved anywhere on earth in the current generation and in terms of what is POSSIBLE in this generation?
Most assemblies will score under 1 out of 10 relative to what has been achieved somewhere on Earth in the last fifty years and perhaps 0.1 out of 10 relative to what is POSSIBLE.
What are you doing to upgrade the level of worship and teaching in YOUR assembly?
I sincerely hope that these questions will stir you out of your comfort zone and provoke you to start praying differently, worshipping differently and living your life differently!
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
08 December 2015

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