2015.12.04 True believers are accountable ONLY to Yah Created by James on 12/27/2017 12:49:47 PM In a conversation with a deeply committed believer last night the subject of believers being accountable to other believers cropped up, specifically in the context of spokesmen and women (prophets) and others who were not associated with a specific governance structure.
True believers are accountable ONLY to Yah
Dr James A Robertson
In a conversation with a deeply committed believer last night the subject of believers being accountable to other believers cropped up, specifically in the context of spokesmen and women (prophets) and others who were not associated with a specific governance structure.
After discussing the matter with Father I offer the following observations:
- There is widespread teaching that believers must be accountable to each other, the church, the Pastor, the Rabbi, the Imam, etc – fundamentally however, they are accountable ONLY to Yah UNLESS they have covenanted differently.
- In the case of an independent servant, such as myself, or the leader of an assembly {Church, Mosque, Synagogue, etc) they are accountable ONLY to Yah.
- An individual believer may enter into some form of covenant agreement with another believer or group in terms of which they are required to submit to some earthly authority on the part of that person or group, however, that submission is ultimately subject to Yah as well.
- All believers should be regularly praying the prayers that I offered a few days ago, see the article Seeking Truth in the appendix to this article. Together with these prayers believers should undertake all the processes, fasts and other steps set out in the article “Seven components of drawing close to the Creator” at
http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html This applies equally to those leading and those who have covenanted to be led.
- In the event that a leader breaks covenant all those who are in submission are free to leave (divorce) subject to consent from Yah. This would apply if the leader gets into ongoing serious sin and after due notice and repeated refusal to repent is rejected from the position of leadership by Yah. In such a case the decision to exit the covenant relationship is between the individual believer in submission and Yah ALONE.
- These same comments apply to a woman in covenant with a believing man – she must submit in everything unless it comes about that Yah instructs her to divorce.
- Note that a husband or a leader with others in submission must covenant to stand in the gap for ALL sin committed by the woman / women or people under them so that those in submission go free and ALL judgment comes on the man or leader. A leader who refuses to explicitly and in writing declare that he or she takes FULL responsibility for ALL sin committed in obedience to them WILL be rejected by Yah and those in submission should ask Yah for permission to exit as a priority.
In ALL things the final accountability of every believer is to Yah.
Seeking truth
For those that are truly seeking a close relationship with Father Yah, Father has given me some prayers and a program of fasting for a particular believer that I believe are relevant to all believers.
Father desires to take the relationship of every believer with Him to a deep new level.
In particular, He earnestly desires them to be aware that they can draw much closer to Him and that He desires them to seek to become His friends.
Following are some prayers that will help:
- Father, I earnestly desire to become your friend, please show me all that is standing in the way of deep friendship with you and how to deal with it and how to draw close to you at a deep personal level.
- Father I ask you to lead me into ALL truth by your Spirit and show me all the changes I need to make to get rid of anything in my life that is NOT truth.
- Father I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it.
- Father I ask You to help me to hear only that which You want me to hear, see only that which You want me to see, think only that which You want me to think, speak only that which You want me to speak, write and covenant only that which You want me to write and covenant and walk only where You want me to walk.
- Father I ask you to bless me indeed, enlarge my territory in relationship with You, in knowledge of You and Your ways and Your will and Your kingdom, in the anointing of your Spirit, in humility, in emunah (trust and belief {faith}), harmony, health and in finances.
- Lead me by the hand by Your Spirit every moment of every day and teach me your ways.
- Let your perfect will be done in my life.
- Bring the people you want into my life and take the people that you do NOT want in my life out.
- Open the doors in my life that you want opened and close the doors that you want closed.
- Help me to wear Your full armour, the belt of truth, the sure footed shoes of the good news of peace, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of emunah (trust and belief {faith}), the mantle of humility and help me to wield the sword of Your Spirit which is Your Commandments – help me to stand on your commandments, to anchor myself on your commandments, to honour your commandments with strict discipline and help me to pray in the Spirit at all times without ceasing.
- Judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly.
Father would like to you to go on seven three day fasts at weekly intervals taking the bread and wine morning and evening and praying the above prayers starting as soon as possible.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
10 December 2015
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