2015.12.05 The “Fivefold Ministry” is false Created by James on 12/27/2017 12:56:43 PM In the formal Christian religious establishment there is great emphasis on “the fivefold ministry” being “spokesmen and spokeswomen {prophets}, evangelists, shepherds {Pastors, Rabbi’s, Imam’s, Priests, etc}, “helps” and “administration”. This is false, there are ONLY three roles in the body of believers – spokesmen and spokeswomen, evangelists and shepherds. ALL mature believers fall into one of these three categories.
The “Fivefold Ministry” is false
Dr James A Robertson
In the formal Christian religious establishment there is great emphasis on “the fivefold ministry” being “spokesmen and spokeswomen {prophets}, evangelists, shepherds {Pastors, Rabbi’s, Imam’s, Priests, etc}, “helps” and “administration”. This is false, there are ONLY three roles in the body of believers – spokesmen and spokeswomen, evangelists and shepherds. ALL mature believers fall into one of these three categories.
In this context the following should be noted:
- Within their role any believer can serve as a helper or administrator.
- Within the three core functions and for people with equal maturity of service (as determined by Yah), the hierarchy of authority is FIRST spokesmen and spokeswomen {prophets}, second evangelists and third shepherds. The current situation in which the shepherds lord it over the other functions is an abomination in the sight of Yah.
- Over and above this, emissaries {apostles} in any of the above three functions are senior to other believers.
- Overall there is a hierarchy that is fully known to Yah alone and NO believer should impute a rank for themselves unless this has been expressly communicated to them by Yah.
- There is NO such thing as “laity” and the only true “sheep” are those who have recently come to belief. Shepherds should educate and strengthen new believers to a point where they are able to fend for themselves and they should then grow further led directly by Father Yah. This can include going to ministries that can teach them, for a single meeting or for a season but Yah desires a DEEP personal relationship with EVERY believer and NOT a relationship by proxy via a shepherd who has set themselves up as a king or queen.
- Currently the ENTIRE governance of the body of believers in every religion is FAR from that which Yah requires.
- It is an abomination for a man or woman to take “tithes” or “offerings” from anyone unless the person receiving the finance is walking the high road with Yah as per previous posts AND Father instructs the people doing the giving to give. In this age Yah requires true believers to be self-sufficient and engage in their own secular activities in order to finance their ministries, sheep farming with Yah’s children is unacceptable.
Please pray deeply about your current situation and ask yourself why you are in a position of submission if, in terms of the above, YOU should be serving Yah autonomously and growing the body of believers.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
10 December 2015

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